Is the Republican leadership purposely trying to destroy the lives of their own base?


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
The massively poor area known as Appalachia covers 13 States. Most Ruby Red.

Living in the Appalachia are tens of millions of poor whites. Many don't even have electricity or running water and many get their heat from burning trees surrounding where they live.

And they vote Republican.

So what are the GOP's plans to destroy the lives of these people?

Well, we know ending Obamacare is one. Many of these people got healthcare for the first time in their lives under Obama. But Obama is black and they hate black. And they believed Trump when he said better and cheaper. Most no longer believe that.

The GOP's plan to cut a trillion or two from Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. Especially Medicaid. In many of these areas, their hospital is the biggest employer. Not unusual for people with a rising infant mortality rate and falling life expectancy. Without those Medicaid funds, bye bye Hospitals.

Slashing funding for education and job training. Hey, tax cuts for billionaires cost money. A lot a money. That money has to come from somewhere.

Now the GOP is coming up with a goofy plan to tell the poor what they are going to eat by sending them boxed food the way dog biscuits are boxed and massively cut their food stamps.

Remember, when people go to the store with food stamps, they put that money into the local economy. How long do you think those country stores will last without that infusion of cash?

So let's see. The GOP will take away their hospitals, which they won't need without healthcare. Take away their stores and their food stamps. Give them the sh!ttiest food on earth, like government cheese and powered milk. Make sure they don't have quality education or job training. How many will be left homeless with no chance for a life. What if their box of food doesn't show up even one time?

Yea, vote Republican. See what it gets you.

You know Republicans are heartless bastards when barely enough food to keep you alive is a "free stuff". The GOP leadership won't be happy until their base is hungry and homeless. But as long as they would vote for a pedophile over a Democrat, they will suffer and I hope, enjoy their suffering. Good luck with that.
Kinda like you democrats lying to the blacks and keeping them begging for hand outs for votes.
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Kinda like you democrats lying to the blacks and keeping them begging for hand outs for votes.
That's a problem with being in a party that's 90% white. You imagine that blacks are somehow being "used" by Democrats.

Let me try to explain it to you even though your kind seldom benefits from "facts".

The Democratic Party is a Coalition Party. Blacks are a part of the party and part of the leadership. The way Hispanics and gays and women and others are. The last president was black. The last Attorney General was black. There are black senators like Cory Booker and Kamala Harris and more. Many black congresspeople.

Blacks in the GOP have no voice. At conventions, they move the few they have to the front row to give the laughable illusion of diversity. Which, of course, makes no sense since everyone already knows the truth.

See? I knew you wouldn't get it.
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At some point, the GOP base has got to wake up.

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