is the lefts war on masculinity fueling mass shootings ?

That's not how I remember it... I remember schools bringing parents in and telling them their kids are out of control and there are drugs available...

"Parents have come forward with "horror stories" about intimidation by schools to get kids onto drugs"
That's not how I remember it... I remember schools bringing parents in and telling them their kids are out of control and there are drugs available...

"Parents have come forward with "horror stories" about intimidation by schools to get kids onto drugs"
Illegal. The school can conference with parents and talk about a student's performance and behavior, but they cannot suggest any kind of medical procedure.
That's not how I remember it... I remember schools bringing parents in and telling them their kids are out of control and there are drugs available...

"Parents have come forward with "horror stories" about intimidation by schools to get kids onto drugs"
My daughter had it "suggested" by the guidance counselor to see a doctor for my normal rambunctious grandson to go on medication.
She said hell no.

The kid is no different than I was at 9, high energy, bored with routine and immature compared to his sister. Boys need a healthy outlet for their natural aggression. As we pussify everything including sports, camp activities, masculinity and role models they turn that aggression into darker forms.
I agree. I was a teenager back in the 90s when Ritalin became all the rage for "treating ADHD" and I was bothered by that back then.
I was a teacher and basketball coach in the 90's and I'm glad some kids had Ritalin available when they were off the wall uncontrollable. The kids hated the way it made them feel but it was better than being kicked out of school. What has happened is that it became an out for many kids who did not need Ritalin. They were misdiagnosed. I probably would have been prescribed it when I was in grade school for sure. But, by Junior High, I was out of my goofy period of being class clown and all around athlete.
The emasculation of males could account for the unusually-high number of shootings in the Black community as well. Black males tend to be under alot of pressure to be "macho" and "manly". Effeminate males are mostly looked down upon in Black communities, and the media-driven stereotype of Black males as being "manly" could have something to do with the inordinate amount of Black on Black violence. If you listen to much hip-hop or rap music, you'll see what I mean: Much of it portrays the artist as having a chip on his shoulder, and having something to prove. This is most likely due to the lack of father figures in the households, and strong Black women raising their kids. Most men don't like women telling them what to do, so they commit violence against other Black males, to express their rage over the father who abused or left them.

My own youngest brother who committed suicide back in the 80's, exhibited that. He would go to bars and deliberately pick a fight with someone. While he was beating the crap out of that person, he would visualize himself beating the crap out of his father.
I hadn't thought of this as part of the black on black gun shootings. This is a good thread...
I was a teacher and basketball coach in the 90's and I'm glad some kids had Ritalin available when they were off the wall uncontrollable. The kids hated the way it made them feel but it was better than being kicked out of school. What has happened is that it became an out for many kids who did not need Ritalin. They were misdiagnosed. I probably would have been prescribed it when I was in grade school for sure. But, by Junior High, I was out of my goofy period of being class clown and all around athlete.
How round were you?
Don't forget obsession with social media, and an entertainment industry that makes billions selling ultra violent imagery, a gaming industry that sells hyper violent first person shooter games that literally show brain splatter hitting the lense.
While that may not affect the majority of boys it cannot be ignored that the lonely, social misfit powerless introvert that gets bullied is going to seek relief from their miserable life to get revenge through violent aggression they learned on a simulator hiding in their parents basement.
Christ, the Columbine shooters thought we were living in the Matrix. They were obsessed with that movie and even dressed the part.
You are wasting your time because I have already told you it is illegal.
Dude that link I gave you is web MD... are you saying you don't believe them?...
I know its illegal to require the drug but unassuming parents can be convinced its necessary.... and that's what's happening at alarming rates...
Don't forget obsession with social media, and an entertainment industry that makes billions selling ultra violent imagery, a gaming industry that sells hyper violent first person shooter games that literally show brain splatter hitting the lense.
While that may not affect the majority of boys it cannot be ignored that the lonely, social misfit powerless introvert that gets bullied is going to seek relief from their miserable life to get revenge through violent aggression they learned on a simulator hiding in their parents basement.
Christ, the Columbine shooters thought we were living in the Matrix. They were obsessed with that movie and even dressed the part.
An excellent reply. Crimo attempted suicide in April, and not one Homo sapiens seemed to get the alarm signal. Suicide is violence directed inward and Crimo attempted it in the classic month for suicides, April. The main goal may have simply been to succeed where he had failed: to succeed in projecting the violence that he was struggling with.
An excellent reply. Crimo attempted suicide in April, and not one Homo sapiens seemed to get the alarm signal. Suicide is violence directed inward and Crimo attempted it in the classic month for suicides, April. The main goal may have simply been to succeed where he had failed: to succeed in projecting the violence that he was struggling with.
While Democrats promise relief with red flag laws I cannot ignore the glaring red flags that all of these mass shooters raised for months, even years, that were ignored or outright dismissed on all levels.

Just another band aid solution that fails to address a deeper rooted problem with multiple variables.
The gun is just the instrument, but it is their only focal point.

Until society can admit it is failing male adolescents for the last several decades, no amount of legislation will stop the deranged from carrying out their demented fantasy.

This shit was unimaginable in my youth.
Dude that link I gave you is web MD... are you saying you don't believe them?...
I know its illegal to require the drug but unassuming parents can be convinced its necessary.... and that's what's happening at alarming rates...
Which contradicts your claim.

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