Is the entire democrat party compromised by China? Of course it is....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The democrat party is not only racist, violent and is a wholly owned subsidiary of communist China...

Slave Labor Profits to Campaign Coffers

In March last year, the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) published a report credibly accusing 82 major brands of profiting, either directly or indirectly, from Chinese slave labor by minority Uyghur workers from the northern Xinjiang province. According to the report, investigators estimate more than 80,000 Uyghurs were taken from their native provinces to work in factories across China between 2017 and 2019, with thousands more sent straight to concentration camps.

Using open-source Chinese-language documents, satellite imagery, academic research, and on-the-ground reporting, ASPI linked 82 brands with forced labor operations among 27 factories across nine Chinese provinces. A Federalist analysis drawing on financial disclosure reports published in OpenSecrets found at least 44 of the 80 companies named made U.S. campaign contributions in last year’s election cycle.

A vast majority went to Democrats, who raked in three-quarters of all federal donations from companies credibly accused of harnessing Chinese slave labor, while less than 12 percent flowed to Republicans. Of the nearly $40 million that went to congressional candidates between the two major parties, Democrats took home more than 85 percent, as opposed to Republicans, who received less than 15.

Diane Feinstein's personal driver, and aide was a communist Chinese spy for at least twenty years, all of that time in the personal employ of Feinstein, who just last year passionately defended communist China from any responsibility in the bio-attack upon the United States, mind you this bitch has sat upon the most powerful committee in the senate for everyone of those twenty years, the senate intelligence committee! Feinstein was not a dupe, and her driver was not her aide, he was her communist Chinese handler, Feinstein is and always has been, a communist Chinese spy!

Eric Swalwell has had an ongoing sexual relationship with a communist Chinese spy, and he sits on the congressional intelligence committee, see the pattern here Mr & Mrs America???? Who paid for Obama to go to school, clearly Obama is a traitor to the United States, this is irrefutable, and he should pay for that with his worthless life, regardless we have no idea where this animal actually was born, or who nurtured it along its ruinous path, all of its records remain sealed to this very day, yet democrats currently pursue utterly unconstitutional criminal probe of the rightful president simply because he refused to publish them his taxes, which they have no right to see, let alone in the very best of Maoist, or Stalinist fashion, create a fictitious criminal probe thereof!

Democrats and their party are evil, death to all of them!
The day of reckoning is fast approaching

Tiny little Taiwan wants to be free and china is preparing to invade and crush the freedom movement there as it did to Hong Kong

Biden so far has talked big

But talk wont stop the CCP
The CCP have been buying up Democrats since at the days of Clinton and Charlie Trie … if not before.
The traitorous evidence damning the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats and their puppet presidents is quite clear as shown below:


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