Is the dissolution of the USA upon us?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World

At this point I hope so, because it would be more peaceful. The longer we dig in the more hostile we will be. I no longer want to share oxygen with leftwing pieces of shit that feel entitled to being kept sheltered, clothed, secured and fed by the exertions of men and women whom they refuse to pay out of their own pocket, completely disrespect and seek to marginalize.


This map shows the extent of "right wing" dominance and amplified further would show just how isolated the left is across the country. These parasites exist almost exclusively in urban areas, their lives depend on the rest of us showing up to provide services every morning, with a night shift to keep them from shitting their pants over a minor issue.

There is no doubt that this election was a complete and total fraud. Saddam Hussein's election had more validity and credibility than Biden's. We may as well have Mikhail Gorbachev come over like Carter and monitor our elections as this point if fucking commies get to stuff ballot boxes with phony mail in ballots in the middle of the night. Let's just be real about that.

To make matters worse, the political party now in the position of the most power, which was acquired through fraud, is fracturing between actual devoted bed wetting communist turds, and sociopath plutocrats that are bought and paid for by globalist billionaires who will never be taxed for the bills their collectivist agenda racks up. In fact these assholes are gorging on hundreds of billions of dollars in interest on the debt the political whores they own refuse to reduce.

There can be no doubt that our republic, as magnificent as it once was before we stopped killing commies, is on the verge of failure.

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At this point I hope so, because it would be more peaceful. The longer we dig in the more hostile we will be. I no longer want to share oxygen with leftwing pieces of shit that feel entitled to being kept sheltered, clothed, secured and fed by the exertions of men and women whom they refuse to pay out of their own pocket, completely disrespect and seek to marginalize.

View attachment 442679

This map shows the extent of "right wing" dominance and amplified further would show just how isolated the left is across the country. These parasites exist almost exclusively in urban areas, their lives depend on the rest of us showing up to provide services every morning, with a night shift to keep them from shitting their pants over a minor issue.

There is no doubt that this election was a complete and total fraud. Saddam Hussein's election had more validity and credibility than Biden's. We may as well have Mikhail Gorbachev come over like Carter and monitor our elections as this point if fucking commies get to stuff ballot boxes with phony mail in ballots in the middle of the night. Let's just be real about that.

To make matters worse, the political party now in the position of the most power, which was acquired through fraud, is fracturing between actual devoted bed wetting communist turds, and sociopath plutocrats that are bought and paid for by globalist billionaires who will never be taxed for the bills their collectivist agenda racks up. In fact these assholes are gorging on hundreds of billions of dollars in interest on the debt the political whores they own refuse to reduce.

There can be no doubt that our republic, as magnificent as it once was before we stopped killing commies, is on the verge of failure.
Hmm, quoting a Russian! Should we really be surprised?

At this point I hope so, because it would be more peaceful. The longer we dig in the more hostile we will be. I no longer want to share oxygen with leftwing pieces of shit that feel entitled to being kept sheltered, clothed, secured and fed by the exertions of men and women whom they refuse to pay out of their own pocket, completely disrespect and seek to marginalize.

View attachment 442679

This map shows the extent of "right wing" dominance and amplified further would show just how isolated the left is across the country. These parasites exist almost exclusively in urban areas, their lives depend on the rest of us showing up to provide services every morning, with a night shift to keep them from shitting their pants over a minor issue.

There is no doubt that this election was a complete and total fraud. Saddam Hussein's election had more validity and credibility than Biden's. We may as well have Mikhail Gorbachev come over like Carter and monitor our elections as this point if fucking commies get to stuff ballot boxes with phony mail in ballots in the middle of the night. Let's just be real about that.

To make matters worse, the political party now in the position of the most power, which was acquired through fraud, is fracturing between actual devoted bed wetting communist turds, and sociopath plutocrats that are bought and paid for by globalist billionaires who will never be taxed for the bills their collectivist agenda racks up. In fact these assholes are gorging on hundreds of billions of dollars in interest on the debt the political whores they own refuse to reduce.

There can be no doubt that our republic, as magnificent as it once was before we stopped killing commies, is on the verge of failure.


Wow.. What a load of guano.
Why we have to hear this shit every time a Republican loses the election?
Are you people really this petty?
From the link

Where are the youth and younger adults? They are in both camps depending on their education. Many of the whites who went to university have been brainwashed against themselves, and regard white Americans as “systemic racists” or “white supremacists” and feel guilt. Those who did not go to university for the most part have experienced to their disadvantage the favoritism given to people of color and have resentment.
Why we have to hear this shit every time a Republican loses the election?
Are you people really this petty?

Its a manifesto for losers... and its not all Republicans.. Its just the bottom 30%. Trump's cult.
From the link

Where are the youth and younger adults? They are in both camps depending on their education. Many of the whites who went to university have been brainwashed against themselves, and regard white Americans as “systemic racists” or “white supremacists” and feel guilt. Those who did not go to university for the most part have experienced to their disadvantage the favoritism given to people of color and have resentment.
I went to college and was a blue collar worker and what you are saying is misinformation in this part of the USA.

At this point I hope so, because it would be more peaceful. The longer we dig in the more hostile we will be. I no longer want to share oxygen with leftwing pieces of shit that feel entitled to being kept sheltered, clothed, secured and fed by the exertions of men and women whom they refuse to pay out of their own pocket, completely disrespect and seek to marginalize.

View attachment 442679

This map shows the extent of "right wing" dominance and amplified further would show just how isolated the left is across the country. These parasites exist almost exclusively in urban areas, their lives depend on the rest of us showing up to provide services every morning, with a night shift to keep them from shitting their pants over a minor issue.

There is no doubt that this election was a complete and total fraud. Saddam Hussein's election had more validity and credibility than Biden's. We may as well have Mikhail Gorbachev come over like Carter and monitor our elections as this point if fucking commies get to stuff ballot boxes with phony mail in ballots in the middle of the night. Let's just be real about that.

To make matters worse, the political party now in the position of the most power, which was acquired through fraud, is fracturing between actual devoted bed wetting communist turds, and sociopath plutocrats that are bought and paid for by globalist billionaires who will never be taxed for the bills their collectivist agenda racks up. In fact these assholes are gorging on hundreds of billions of dollars in interest on the debt the political whores they own refuse to reduce.

There can be no doubt that our republic, as magnificent as it once was before we stopped killing commies, is on the verge of failure.

The tears.......
I went to college and was a blue collar worker and what you are saying is misinformation in this part of the USA.
LOL- wow- is that supposed to impress me? Or anyone other than yourself?
Why don't you guys just try to purchase an island somewhere and declare it a white ethno-state and install your cult leader there as your autocratic dictator -- or as you people may call it, utopia....
I went to college and was a blue collar worker and what you are saying is misinformation in this part of the USA.
LOL- wow- is that supposed to impress me? Or anyone other than yourself?
Why don't you guys just try to purchase an island somewhere and declare it a white ethno-state and install your cult leader there as your autocratic dictator -- or as you people may call it, utopia....
The left would just flee there and fuck it up

At this point I hope so, because it would be more peaceful. The longer we dig in the more hostile we will be. I no longer want to share oxygen with leftwing pieces of shit that feel entitled to being kept sheltered, clothed, secured and fed by the exertions of men and women whom they refuse to pay out of their own pocket, completely disrespect and seek to marginalize.

View attachment 442679

This map shows the extent of "right wing" dominance and amplified further would show just how isolated the left is across the country. These parasites exist almost exclusively in urban areas, their lives depend on the rest of us showing up to provide services every morning, with a night shift to keep them from shitting their pants over a minor issue.

There is no doubt that this election was a complete and total fraud. Saddam Hussein's election had more validity and credibility than Biden's. We may as well have Mikhail Gorbachev come over like Carter and monitor our elections as this point if fucking commies get to stuff ballot boxes with phony mail in ballots in the middle of the night. Let's just be real about that.

To make matters worse, the political party now in the position of the most power, which was acquired through fraud, is fracturing between actual devoted bed wetting communist turds, and sociopath plutocrats that are bought and paid for by globalist billionaires who will never be taxed for the bills their collectivist agenda racks up. In fact these assholes are gorging on hundreds of billions of dollars in interest on the debt the political whores they own refuse to reduce.

There can be no doubt that our republic, as magnificent as it once was before we stopped killing commies, is on the verge of failure.


There is going to be a global shift in influence. The elites who have been wrong about so many things are worried. It is a lost influence of their own doing but they want you to believe that Trump was the problem. The reality is, they were operating on borrowed time, China wasn't going to get smaller with Hillary in power, Trump simply brought it out into the open so all could see. It brought patriotism back, this isn't what some want.

Their own stupidity and hubris was in arming China. The Communists have always had a long term plan as a few Western idiots got out wealthy at the expense of their own grandkids ability to live free. These same idiots won't be safe from an expanding, militarily mighty China. They aren't just building missiles, they are working aggressively on A.I and not even being shy about it.

The dangerous game won't dissolve the U.S, as long as Good Men call out China as they did Russia. As long as the Useful Idiots who divide people by race (but call you the racist) and who silence peopel as being threats because they don't hug China. Many of these people are traitors, if not, compromised.

The chances of the West winning this one now though, is slim in my estimation. So, the U.S will experience a loss of influence not seen in any time since maybe the first couple of decades of your inception when the Brits were making life difficult for you. How will you rally around to focus on the enemy, when the enemy has been dividing you (with great help from politicians, MSM and schools)?
Some people respectfully feel that no one is to be blamed for the current unpleasantness.

Some people favor capitalism; some prefer socialism.

Some people believe that all groups are compatible; some feel that some groups are incompatible.

Therefore, a peaceful divorce seems to be the most reasonable solution.

Quite possibly it may occur within the next 80 years.
I went to college and was a blue collar worker and what you are saying is misinformation in this part of the USA.
LOL- wow- is that supposed to impress me? Or anyone other than yourself?
Why don't you guys just try to purchase an island somewhere and declare it a white ethno-state and install your cult leader there as your autocratic dictator -- or as you people may call it, utopia....
The left would just flee there and fuck it up

The left is weak and you are so strong and powerful...

Why would they flee there??

Don't you get tired of making goofy ass bipolar arguments??

It just makes you like a bigger bitch than you already were
I went to college and was a blue collar worker and what you are saying is misinformation in this part of the USA.
LOL- wow- is that supposed to impress me? Or anyone other than yourself?
Why don't you guys just try to purchase an island somewhere and declare it a white ethno-state and install your cult leader there as your autocratic dictator -- or as you people may call it, utopia....
The left would just flee there and fuck it up

The left is weak and you are strong and powerful...

Why would they feel there??

Don't you get tired of making goofy ass bipolar arguments??

It just makes you like a bigger bitch than you already were
So the left doesn't fuck up there own States and then leave...

It happens all the time you goober

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