Is The 2016 Election Rigged?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
I came across this while reading an article trying to explain why Trump is staying out of the 1/28 FoxNews debate.

The establishment big boys want Bush in there so they can control him. They can’t control Trump as he would shake the status quo up and they could all lose their jobs so he has to go. Bush is only at 3%. He can’t win against Hillary, but the establishment doesn’t care if Hillary gets in because at least they will still have their jobs. Otherwise why would they want to get rid of their front runner so bad?

My wife and I watch the TV show Blacklist and it deals with an underlying theme that there is this cabal that controls the way elections go. I think this is what is happening here. As one comment I saw said,” I think the next president has already been chosen and this is just a dog and pony show to make us think we have a voice.” Yes I think the election of 2016 is rigged. It wouldn’t surprise me.

Think about it for a minute. We already know the RNC is very upset that Trump is leading in so many polls. Why would the above not be the case?

Read the full story @ The Real Reason Trump Dropped Out of the Debate(It’s Not What You Think)

Will Carson bow out and endorse Trump? @ Carson’s Manager Makes Stunning Statement on Facebook… IT’S HAPPENING - Patriot Update

80%+ of Fox viewers may not show up too @ BREAKING: Fox Gets Devastating News After Dumping Trump
Why would Fox News want Hillary to be president?

Oh, right. Their business model is fear = Money.


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Trump was right to skip this "debate." It is clear that Megyn Kelly was prepared to air an anti-Trump commercial under the pretext of asking him a legitimate debate question.

FNC has been very deceitful in covering this issue, refusing to show its anti-Trump memo that it circulated the weekend before the debate. (Hannity was the only one to even read it on his radio program). I understand why all of the FNC commentators defended their employer in this controversy, but it has seriously undermined their credibility.
Yes it is rigged as one of those running will win. "Feel the heat".
Aren't they all rigged ? I mean what has been the track record, and what is the reputation of the chosen after their term or terms are over ?

I mean are people just making this stuff up or are they right about a politician and their motives and actions taken ?
EVERYTHING is propagandized these days. I just read a newspaper article IN THE SPORTS SECTION about Cam Newton that, while extolling his virtues, just had to reference discrimination by "conservative folks." No wonder people can't believe anything put out by the media cabal.
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Tucker Carlson: Forget Russia, NBC News the ‘Real Meddler in 2016 Election’
Nailed it!


Trey Sanchez



He cuts to a video segment of clips of Al Sharpton, Rachel Maddow, and Chris Matthews — all MSNBC staples — breathlessly connecting imaginary dots and disguising it as actual investigative journalism. But Carlson reminds who the real meddlers were in the election:

Consider the infamous Access Hollywood tape. Now, if you are living in America last fall, you certainly remember it. The shocking and vulgar remarks. The immediate and disastrous effect that tape had on the candidate Trump's poll numbers. It was a political bomb detonated in the final days of the most intense political race of our lifetimes.

The fallout was so overwhelming that few paused to consider where that tape came from.

So, let's consider that now. That tape belonged to NBC, it was shot by NBC cameramen for an NBC show on NBC property.

Carlson goes on to explain that the tape was leaked to The Washington Post “with the full knowledge of NBC brass” after it had sat on an archive shelf for 11 years. Even more, the executives were made aware of the tape during the summer of 2016 and sat on it until it would do the most political damage and then lied about it.


Tucker Carlson: Forget Russia, NBC News the ‘Real Meddler in 2016 Election’
Hillary and CNN did their best to rig the election. Hillary was successful in eliminating Sanders.....but not Trump.

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