Is Status Quo Joe's Trust In The Military's Support Warranted?


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

Is Status Quo Joe's Trust In The Military's Support Warranted?

Status Quo Joe is confident he will win this November, and confident the U.S. military would intervene to remove the impeached president trump from the Whitest House by January 20, 2021, if necessary.

“Constitutional experts and top Republican lawmakers dismiss the fears as nonsense, noting there are too many forces working against a sitting president simply clinging to power — including history, law and political pressure.” — Natasha Bertrand and Darren Samuelsohn

While Bertrand’s and Samuelsohn’s statement has been true throughout our country’s history, the United States’ system of checks and balances has taken some nasty hits since January 20, 2017. The engine of Democracy is no longer hitting on all cylinders, and no one in authority will permit its repair. (This includes Pelosi, other, less important members of the Democratic establishment, and especially Status Quo Joe.)

The congressional Republicans have turned a blind eye towards the impeached president trump’s record breaking corruption and lawlessness, and most congressional Democrats prefer to remain safe as the minority party in both chambers so they can claim helplessness.

Moscow Mitch and Chief Justice John Roberts proved their absence of integrity with their faux trial of the impeached president trump. They've been joined by Attorney General William Barr, who has never had any integrity, and has turned the DOJ into an agency designated as protector of the impeached president trump’s criminal enterprises, and that of his cronies.

Add to all this the necessary conservative majority in the USSC to rubber-stamp the impeached president trump’s every whim, and there is no one left to prevent his proclaiming himself dictator.

On June 1, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley stood slightly behind and to the left of his boss for their photo-op at St. John's Episcopal Church in D.C. This was to show Americans the impeached president trump is fully prepared to send the U.S. military into cities, nationwide, to kill dissenters (and innocent bystanders).

And while Milley has apologized for his participation in the incident, saying, "I should not have been there," other officials agreed governors should be pressured to send their states’ National Guard into cities where demonstrations are taking place, before U.S. troops are deployed.

As poll after poll shows the GOP’s and the impeached president trump’s popularity in free-fall, the Republicans’ hold on the senate majority is rapidly weakening as the elections draw near. Also, losing the senate majority he needs, makes the impeached president trump’s chances of reelection quite dim. So, to stay in power, he will need loyal U.S. troops AND National Guardsmen in strategic points around the country.

The impeached president trump is fortunate Gen. Milley proved his reluctance to follow presidential orders early on. This gives the impeached president trump plenty of time to find a truly loyal military officer to install as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. A commander not afraid to follow any and all presidential orders.

With the nation in the grip of two firmly established crises, which are expected to run well beyond November, the impeached president trump really needs an extremely cooperative chairman of the Joint Chiefs to have all his ducks in a row. With the important steps listed above accomplished, he will have solidified the muscle he needs to implement martial law, suspend all constitutional protections, and postpone the 2020 elections, indefinitely.

Joe will lose. Democrats will declare the election illegal. Democrats will declare Joe the winner. Then they will allege a reason to remove Trump.

The solution is simple. All democrats must be removed from office.

Is Status Quo Joe's Trust In The Military's Support Warranted?

Status Quo Joe is confident he will win this November, and confident the U.S. military would intervene to remove the impeached president trump from the Whitest House by January 20, 2021, if necessary.

“Constitutional experts and top Republican lawmakers dismiss the fears as nonsense, noting there are too many forces working against a sitting president simply clinging to power — including history, law and political pressure.” — Natasha Bertrand and Darren Samuelsohn

While Bertrand’s and Samuelsohn’s statement has been true throughout our country’s history, the United States’ system of checks and balances has taken some nasty hits since January 20, 2017. The engine of Democracy is no longer hitting on all cylinders, and no one in authority will permit its repair. (This includes Pelosi, other, less important members of the Democratic establishment, and especially Status Quo Joe.)

The congressional Republicans have turned a blind eye towards the impeached president trump’s record breaking corruption and lawlessness, and most congressional Democrats prefer to remain safe as the minority party in both chambers so they can claim helplessness.

Moscow Mitch and Chief Justice John Roberts proved their absence of integrity with their faux trial of the impeached president trump. They've been joined by Attorney General William Barr, who has never had any integrity, and has turned the DOJ into an agency designated as protector of the impeached president trump’s criminal enterprises, and that of his cronies.

Add to all this the necessary conservative majority in the USSC to rubber-stamp the impeached president trump’s every whim, and there is no one left to prevent his proclaiming himself dictator.

On June 1, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley stood slightly behind and to the left of his boss for their photo-op at St. John's Episcopal Church in D.C. This was to show Americans the impeached president trump is fully prepared to send the U.S. military into cities, nationwide, to kill dissenters (and innocent bystanders).

And while Milley has apologized for his participation in the incident, saying, "I should not have been there," other officials agreed governors should be pressured to send their states’ National Guard into cities where demonstrations are taking place, before U.S. troops are deployed.

As poll after poll shows the GOP’s and the impeached president trump’s popularity in free-fall, the Republicans’ hold on the senate majority is rapidly weakening as the elections draw near. Also, losing the senate majority he needs, makes the impeached president trump’s chances of reelection quite dim. So, to stay in power, he will need loyal U.S. troops AND National Guardsmen in strategic points around the country.

The impeached president trump is fortunate Gen. Milley proved his reluctance to follow presidential orders early on. This gives the impeached president trump plenty of time to find a truly loyal military officer to install as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. A commander not afraid to follow any and all presidential orders.

With the nation in the grip of two firmly established crises, which are expected to run well beyond November, the impeached president trump really needs an extremely cooperative chairman of the Joint Chiefs to have all his ducks in a row. With the important steps listed above accomplished, he will have solidified the muscle he needs to implement martial law, suspend all constitutional protections, and postpone the 2020 elections, indefinitely.

Never happen. Extremely cooperative would be what he wants, but not what he needs. Milley was right to apologize for being there. None of the Generals I have met would be afraid to follow all legal orders, but would balk at illegal order, as that is how their oath is written.
Oath of Commissioned Officers
I ___, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God. (Title 5 U.S. Code 3331,
as opposed to the enlisted oath
Oath of Enlistment
I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." (Title 10, US Code; Act of 5 May 1960 replacing the wording first adopted in 1789, with amendment effective 5 October 1962).

I still think the thrust of the thread is ridiculous. When trump looses the election he will turn over the government on inauguration day. I also do not believe he will attempt to cancel or postpone the election.
Crazy Joe has said on a number of occasions he could kick Trump’s ass, so why would he need the military?

Is Status Quo Joe's Trust In The Military's Support Warranted?

Status Quo Joe is confident he will win this November, and confident the U.S. military would intervene to remove the impeached president trump from the Whitest House by January 20, 2021, if necessary.

“Constitutional experts and top Republican lawmakers dismiss the fears as nonsense, noting there are too many forces working against a sitting president simply clinging to power — including history, law and political pressure.” — Natasha Bertrand and Darren Samuelsohn

While Bertrand’s and Samuelsohn’s statement has been true throughout our country’s history, the United States’ system of checks and balances has taken some nasty hits since January 20, 2017. The engine of Democracy is no longer hitting on all cylinders, and no one in authority will permit its repair. (This includes Pelosi, other, less important members of the Democratic establishment, and especially Status Quo Joe.)

The congressional Republicans have turned a blind eye towards the impeached president trump’s record breaking corruption and lawlessness, and most congressional Democrats prefer to remain safe as the minority party in both chambers so they can claim helplessness.

Moscow Mitch and Chief Justice John Roberts proved their absence of integrity with their faux trial of the impeached president trump. They've been joined by Attorney General William Barr, who has never had any integrity, and has turned the DOJ into an agency designated as protector of the impeached president trump’s criminal enterprises, and that of his cronies.

Add to all this the necessary conservative majority in the USSC to rubber-stamp the impeached president trump’s every whim, and there is no one left to prevent his proclaiming himself dictator.

On June 1, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley stood slightly behind and to the left of his boss for their photo-op at St. John's Episcopal Church in D.C. This was to show Americans the impeached president trump is fully prepared to send the U.S. military into cities, nationwide, to kill dissenters (and innocent bystanders).

And while Milley has apologized for his participation in the incident, saying, "I should not have been there," other officials agreed governors should be pressured to send their states’ National Guard into cities where demonstrations are taking place, before U.S. troops are deployed.

As poll after poll shows the GOP’s and the impeached president trump’s popularity in free-fall, the Republicans’ hold on the senate majority is rapidly weakening as the elections draw near. Also, losing the senate majority he needs, makes the impeached president trump’s chances of reelection quite dim. So, to stay in power, he will need loyal U.S. troops AND National Guardsmen in strategic points around the country.

The impeached president trump is fortunate Gen. Milley proved his reluctance to follow presidential orders early on. This gives the impeached president trump plenty of time to find a truly loyal military officer to install as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. A commander not afraid to follow any and all presidential orders.

With the nation in the grip of two firmly established crises, which are expected to run well beyond November, the impeached president trump really needs an extremely cooperative chairman of the Joint Chiefs to have all his ducks in a row. With the important steps listed above accomplished, he will have solidified the muscle he needs to implement martial law, suspend all constitutional protections, and postpone the 2020 elections, indefinitely.

I stopped reading when I saw this was nothing but a hit piece on Trump and delusional ramblings of a rabid Trump hater. The reason for the hate is from the ones you elect that have never improved your life or anyone else but here you are spouting their lies. Where were you when obama used his state of the union speech to put down the supreme court wanting to give himself their power? You are just a rabid democrat uninformed voter who fall for the same line every election and must like getting screwed without kisses.

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