Is Snopes a Left-Wing Mouthpiece?

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its a shame credible individuals have to work so hard just to make RW'r idiots look so stupid. They should just admit it, and be responsible once in their miserable little lives.
its a shame credible individuals have to work so hard just to make RW'r idiots look so stupid. They should just admit it, and be responsible once in their miserable little lives.
No, no, no, no, no. Around here, the desire to believe trumps the truth.

Every time.
So you didn't read the link. Obviously.

Obviously you are just making shit up. No one claimed "Obama helped Ayers in his terroristic acts," that is just an absurd lie you told to smear the enemies of your filthy party.
Ah! So not only did you not read the link, you didn't even read my post!!! BWA-HA-HA-HA!

I did not say anyone claimed "Obama helped Ayers in his terroristic acts".


You really do have some serious perception filters clogging all of your logic circuits. Not kidding.
Ayers was a domestic terrorist. His name was not ever mentioned without pointing out this fact. All kinds of colorful ways were found to describe Ayers.

And then he was associated with Obama. Photos of them together, etc.

This was an attempt to make it appear that Obama was supportive of Ayers-the-terrorist and his past activities.

And that attempt was bogus.

Thus, "partly true".

I am truly sorry that some of the retards on this forum require this to be drawn for them dot by dot. I apologize to the rest of you for taking up your time with this.
The female half of the couple that runs Snopes is a Candadian.

The male half was a registered Republican in 2000.
Barbara Mikkelson is a Canadian citizen, so she can’t contribute to a political campaign or vote in U.S. elections. David Mikkelson provided his voter registration papers to that show he registered as a Republican in 2000, and had no party affiliation in 2008.

A check of the donor list at the Center for Responsive Politics, which tracks campaign contributions (1990-2012), shows no contributions by Mikkelson to any candidate from any party. You can check yourself at

If there is proof that refutes this, or shows that the Mikkelsons are “flaming liberals,” no one has come up with it.

Fact Check So who s checking the fact-finders We are
So finding out the truth is liberal? Just because people have actual proof that your narrative is false doesn't mean they are a "left wing mouthpiece," they are trying to find the truth.

That's the ultimate issue with the radical right. No matter what, the narrative is truth. Even if it's been clearly debunked (Benghazi), it's a massive CONSPIRACY.

Thats how far they've sealed themselves in their bubble.

They say its not true until you prove it to them
Then they say its not proof because its from a "left wing site"
Then they neglect to say how its not proof.
Even if its proven they go to their last 2 defenses

1. Say its a conspiracy or
2. Use their "intentions detector" to tell you what the words "really mean" by reading....between the lines

Exactly so no matter what, they are right. At least progressives see flaws in their arguments because they are educated and understand that the world is grey and there is no perfect solution.

However, Republicans always have the perfect solution and are never to be questioned.
Exactly so no matter what, they are right. At least progressives see flaws in their arguments because they are educated and understand that the world is grey and there is no perfect solution.

However, Republicans always have the perfect solution and are never to be questioned.
I have not seen a Republican solution to anything in quite a long time. All I've heard from the Right for the past six years is whining and fearmongering and pessimism.

No solutions. Not a one.

Oh. By the way. Progressives have not seen the error of their ways with ObamaCare. The only reason ObamaCare even exists is precisely because the GOP alternative was, "What problem? We see no problem!"
Ah! So not only did you not read the link, you didn't even read my post!!! BWA-HA-HA-HA!

I did not say anyone claimed "Obama helped Ayers in his terroristic acts".


You really do have some serious perception filters clogging all of your logic circuits. Not kidding.

You Communists are such fucking liars.

It is true Obama knew Ayers. But the asinine claims by rubes like you that he supported Ayers' terroristic activities is bogus. Thus, "partly true".

Is Snopes a Left-Wing Mouthpiece Page 12 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Ah! So not only did you not read the link, you didn't even read my post!!! BWA-HA-HA-HA!

I did not say anyone claimed "Obama helped Ayers in his terroristic acts".


You really do have some serious perception filters clogging all of your logic circuits. Not kidding.

You Communists are such fucking liars.

It is true Obama knew Ayers. But the asinine claims by rubes like you that he supported Ayers' terroristic activities is bogus. Thus, "partly true".

Is Snopes a Left-Wing Mouthpiece Page 12 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
This is how you know UnCensored has lost. He cannot directly quote anything to prove he is right. He throws up a link but does not quote from it.

Show us where I said people claimed, "Obama helped Ayers in his terroristic acts," UnCensored.

You imagined it.

The female half of the couple that runs Snopes is a Candadian.

The male half was a registered Republican in 2000.


Yeah, sure comrade.

{Barbara Mikkelson is a Canadian citizen and as such cannot vote in U.S. elections, register an affiliation with a U.S. political party, or donate to any U.S. political campaign or candidate. David Mikkelson is an American citizen whose participation in U.S. politics has never extended beyond periodically exercising his civic duty at the ballot box. As FactCheck confirmed in April 2009, David is a registered independent who has never donated to, or worked on behalf of, any political campaign or party. The Mikkelsons are wholly apolitical, vastly preferring their quiet scholarly lives in the company of their cats to any political considerations.

Read more at}

You're such a fucking liar.
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