Is Romney planning a run against President Trump in 2020?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
BREAKING: Senator Mitt Romey has been calling conservative donors asking about a potential 2020 primary run against President Trump — Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) October 4, 2019

A whole piece on it @ MItt Romney: Is He Considering a 2020 Primary Run Against Donald Trump?

NPR’s Mara Liasson on Impeachment: Romney Is ‘Voice of Conscience in the Senate’ @ NPR on Impeachment: Romney Is ‘Voice of Conscience in the Senate'

Sucking up to him already?
Uh oh. This is getting good.
Romney is a power addict on par with Hillary. People like that are obsessed with the power, money and corruption of high office. They're a good reason for term limits. They're sick.
BREAKING: Senator Mitt Romey has been calling conservative donors asking about a potential 2020 primary run against President Trump — Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) October 4, 2019

A whole piece on it @ MItt Romney: Is He Considering a 2020 Primary Run Against Donald Trump?

NPR’s Mara Liasson on Impeachment: Romney Is ‘Voice of Conscience in the Senate’ @ NPR on Impeachment: Romney Is ‘Voice of Conscience in the Senate'

Sucking up to him already?
Well if he does, he will end up politically embarrassed and politically dead.
BREAKING: Senator Mitt Romey has been calling conservative donors asking about a potential 2020 primary run against President Trump — Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) October 4, 2019

A whole piece on it @ MItt Romney: Is He Considering a 2020 Primary Run Against Donald Trump?

NPR’s Mara Liasson on Impeachment: Romney Is ‘Voice of Conscience in the Senate’ @ NPR on Impeachment: Romney Is ‘Voice of Conscience in the Senate'

Sucking up to him already?
Well if he does, he will end up politically embarrassed and politically dead.

Romney is a Senator from Utah. There is nothing he can do that will ever take away his senate seat except if he wins the top seat. But what he can do is to draw off enough Republican Support from Rump to guarentee that Rump can't win. No Incumbent President has ever won reelection with an opposition from within his own party.
I guess Romney wants to waste money and time. He is a traitor and no Republicans would vote for him

Yes they would. Like the DNC, the GOP voters vote for whatever establishment goon the RNC puts on the debate stage and tells them they can vote for. And they'll do so gladly. I'm sure there'll be a poll, too. lolol.

Until another statesman comes along, Americans are at the constant mercy of the same tyrants and party bosses on both theoretical sides of the party of one. But we only get a true statesman every hundred years or so. Ron was the last one. They laughed at him, though. Just like trained monkees.

The way I see things these days, voting is a waste of time now. Sure, you can write-in a candidate who may have got knocked off the ballot, even after he or she might have already won the right to be on it, but they're giving those votes to the establishment candidates now anyway. The whole nomination process is corrupted and the mainstream media/RNC/DNC generally have established the mercantilist candidates before the first primary states even happen.

That said, I'm generally prepared for whatever life brings. Basically. The political brass in America doesn't care about you, though. They don't care about you at all. All they care about is enriching themselves at your expense and at the expense of your offspring for generations to come. And they'll send them off to a foreign desert some place to be killed if it suits their lobbyists bottom line, constitution and declarations of war be damned. I'll say it again. They don't give a fuck about you. Your life. Or your prosperity. Or the lives and prosperity of any of your offspring. If they did, they wouldn't be putting them on the hook for trillions of dollars in debt. And if they cared about constitutional limitations on their power to bend us over nice and good, they wouldn't be doing just that very thing either. But they don't care about those limitations. They do what they want. It's clear. We've got over 900 bases all over the world and not one single constitutional declaration of war has been declared. They don't care about the constitution or the lives of our youth. They're putting future generations into more and more debt daily. Both sides of the party of one are equally trustees in a failed monetary policy that cannot even exist without piling on more debt. Get on with trying to live a humble, productive life and quit empowering these mercantilist pricks by participating in their charade. You'll be happier. The entire election process is rigged. And democracy itself has been weaponized for at least a generation already. You're voting for two sides of the same coin every time. It's by design.
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Romney would be treated just like Trump is now.

Nope, after Rump, Romney may smell like a city landfill but he's a breath of fresh air over the Rump's foul odor. Romney is a center leaning conservative. One of the reasons the Fruitcake GOP in power right now don't want him.
Nonsense. In the insanely unlikely event Romney wins the White House, the Democratic Party will treat him just as irrationally as they've treated Trump.

The crazy genie's out of the bottle. There is no way the Dem Party will ever be sane again.
Romney would be treated just like Trump is now.

Nope, after Rump, Romney may smell like a city landfill but he's a breath of fresh air over the Rump's foul odor. Romney is a center leaning conservative. One of the reasons the Fruitcake GOP in power right now don't want him.
Nonsense. In the insanely unlikely event Romney wins the White House, the Democratic Party will treat him just as irrationally as they've treated Trump.

The crazy genie's out of the bottle. There is no way the Dem Party will ever be sane again.

The crazy genie that supports Rump calls someone else crazy? Newsflash: You don't get any more insane that without being forcefully checked into a mental hospital and confined to a rubber room with no corners.
BREAKING: Senator Mitt Romey has been calling conservative donors asking about a potential 2020 primary run against President Trump — Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) October 4, 2019

A whole piece on it @ MItt Romney: Is He Considering a 2020 Primary Run Against Donald Trump?

NPR’s Mara Liasson on Impeachment: Romney Is ‘Voice of Conscience in the Senate’ @ NPR on Impeachment: Romney Is ‘Voice of Conscience in the Senate'

Sucking up to him already?
Uh oh. This is getting good.

It’s nothing compared to the shit show being put on by the Dems. I mean they are apparently going to give the nod to phonycahontas.
My guess is that Romney is preparing for a run for the WH in 2024. He's gotta know he has no chance against Trump. Or maybe he's just testing the waters looking for encouragement.

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