Is Obama a Racist?

Kind of hard to consider him a racist for believing the politically correct, secular progressive junk that's been pushed the past 40 years.

The statement that the church is unashamedly black and unashamedly Christian isn't racist at all, IMO. I say the same thing (except I'm white). I'll apologize to no man for either. I certainly don't expect any more nor less from blacks.

But he IS a bleeding-heart liberal.:eusa_eh:

He once called Judaism a “gutter religion” and praised Adolph Hitler as a “great” man. He was barred from entering Britain in 1986 because the government said he espoused racist views.

White people are potential humans…they haven’t evolved yet." — Philadelphia Inquirer, 3/18/00

According to a journalist’s account, "Farrakhan called ‘the white man’ the ‘anti-Christ’ to rousing applause." — Jackson, MS, 9/19/97, Clarion-Ledger, 9/21/97

Barack's pastor bestows the highest social honor upon this guy? (Dr.Wright)

What does this tell us about Obama?
As opposed to a no heart conservative?

Have you ever thought that conservatives actually do have hearts? I'm sure that a ton of conservatives give to private charities, but they don't believe in government mandated socialism.
Wow, I must say that considering this:

Barack Obama's Racist Church
If Sen. Obama rejects the Rev. Wright’s warped view of this country, why does he continue to attend his church?

... As for Wright’s repeated comments blaming America for the 9/11 attacks, Obama has said it sounds as if the minister was trying to be “provocative.”

Just before Obama’s nationally televised campaign kickoff rally last Feb. 10, the candidate disinvited Wright from giving the public invocation. Wright explained: “When [Obama’s] enemies find out that in 1984 I went to Tripoli” to visit Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi with Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, “a lot of his Jewish support will dry up quicker than a snowball in hell.”

According to Wright, Obama then told him, “'You can get kind of rough in the sermons, so what we’ve decided is that it’s best for you not to be out there in public.'” But privately, Obama and his family prayed with Wright just before the presidential announcement. ....

I must wonder about how it's connected to this doublespeak, follow the links at site:

February 29, 2008

OBAMA'S NAFTA DOUBLE-TALK confirmed. "After reporting on Barack Obama’s dance with the Canadians on NAFTA yesterday, Canadian broadcaster CTV got accused of perpetrating a smear against the Democratic front-runner. They insisted that Obama meant every word he said about overturning the free-trade treaty, and that no one had contacted the Canadian diplomatic corps to reassure them that it was mere demagoguery. CTV responded today by naming names — and suddenly the Obama campaign has grown quiet." More here from ABC News.

At least we're learning which bunch of rubes is being fooled. Coming next -- an Obama adviser tells the Iraqi government not to pay attention to his troop-withdrawal talk?

UPDATE: At U.S. News, James Pethokoukis on Obama vs. Obama on trade.
posted at 12:37 PM by Glenn Reynolds

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