Is N.Y.'s 'Doctor Death' 1st Mass Murderer To Flaunt His Crimes By Putting Out A Self-Grandizing Poster?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Governor Cuomo translated the nightmare of the pandemic into a graphic poster of an island mountain, festooned with icons of death, decline and accomplishment.

"Governor Cuomo translated the nightmare of the pandemic into a graphic poster of
an island mountain, festooned with icons of death, decline and accomplishment."

Cuomo murdered close to an estimated 10,000 elderly New Yorkers, and the douche
bag is putting out self-praising posters, as if he has been a complete success......

"Mao Zedong wrote poetry. Bill Clinton played saxophone. Winston Churchill and George W. Bush both turned to painting. For some politicians, only art can calm the passions after a long day — and Gov. Andrew Cuomo, now steering New York to a cautious reopening after the deaths of 32,000 citizens, has lately taken solace in the discipline of graphic design.

“What if somebody said, ‘OK, no words? Paint me a picture that tells the story of what you’re trying to say,’ ” Mr. Cuomo asked himself Monday. Depicting his response to the coronavirus outbreak in images was “like a relief valve,” he went on; “I could go and just use a different side of my brain.”

His 'brain'? Cuomo is a combination of jack-the-Ripper and the Scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz.....

"Cuomo is a combination of jack-the-Ripper and the Scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz....."

The truth is stranger than fiction. Cuomo must think the American people are stupid to his chicanery.
Governor Cuomo translated the nightmare of the pandemic into a graphic poster of an island mountain, festooned with icons of death, decline and accomplishment.

"Governor Cuomo translated the nightmare of the pandemic into a graphic poster of
an island mountain, festooned with icons of death, decline and accomplishment."

Cuomo murdered close to an estimated 10,000 elderly New Yorkers, and the douche
bag is putting out self-praising posters, as if he has been a complete success......

"Mao Zedong wrote poetry. Bill Clinton played saxophone. Winston Churchill and George W. Bush both turned to painting. For some politicians, only art can calm the passions after a long day — and Gov. Andrew Cuomo, now steering New York to a cautious reopening after the deaths of 32,000 citizens, has lately taken solace in the discipline of graphic design.

“What if somebody said, ‘OK, no words? Paint me a picture that tells the story of what you’re trying to say,’ ” Mr. Cuomo asked himself Monday. Depicting his response to the coronavirus outbreak in images was “like a relief valve,” he went on; “I could go and just use a different side of my brain.”

His 'brain'? Cuomo is a combination of jack-the-Ripper and the Scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz.....

Saw that on one of the "news" networks last night. What a dufus! Must not be an election year for him. You don't kill that many parents and grand parents with only a few months before an election. His electorate is a forgetful lot, but nobody forgets that kind of deadly, mass death stupidity, that quick.
New York took tough, decisive measures while facing the worst of the COVID virus.
Those efforts paid off and all New Yorkers should be proud.

Meanwhile, the Governor of Georgia puts out an edict banning cities and local communities from requiring masks
New York took tough, decisive measures while facing the worst of the COVID virus.
Those efforts paid off and all New Yorkers should be proud.

Meanwhile, the Governor of Georgia puts out an edict banning cities and local communities from requiring masks
Watch him end up like the Governor of Oklahoma, after attending trumps corona rally. That would be one for the books if Kemp caught it bad and said right before going on ventilator, "Oops, this is some serious $hit after all". Hope he doesn't get it, though.
New York took tough, decisive measures while facing the worst of the COVID virus.
Those efforts paid off and all New Yorkers should be proud.

Meanwhile, the Governor of Georgia puts out an edict banning cities and local communities from requiring masks
Watch him end up like the Governor of Oklahoma, after attending trumps corona rally. That would be one for the books if Kemp caught it bad and said right before going on ventilator, "Oops, this is some serious $hit after all". Hope he doesn't get it, though.
Gov Cuomo made the tough, unpopular decisions to protect his state.

Governors like Kemp, Abbott and DeSantis who tried to pretend the virus would miss them are seeing the worst infection rates while NY has flattened the curve
New York took tough, decisive measures while facing the worst of the COVID virus.
Those efforts paid off and all New Yorkers should be proud.

Meanwhile, the Governor of Georgia puts out an edict banning cities and local communities from requiring masks
Watch him end up like the Governor of Oklahoma, after attending trumps corona rally. That would be one for the books if Kemp caught it bad and said right before going on ventilator, "Oops, this is some serious $hit after all". Hope he doesn't get it, though.
Gov Cuomo made the tough, unpopular decisions to protect his state.

Governors like Kemp, Abbott and DeSantis who tried to pretend the virus would miss them are seeing the worst infection rates while NY has flattened the curve
I do actually applaud the Governor for battling back successfully against the virus, after he totally screwed up and brought the scourge to full deadly flower there, not seen in any other city or a lot of countries. Fact is, at his level of play, I do not believe in many 2nd chances for personal recognition after such a deadly blunder and most high school sophomores passing health and biology would have known better than to take his path of deadly destructive executive order. An "attaboy" does not wipe out 32,495 "Awshits", may they rest in peace.

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