Is Liz Warren the biggest hypocrite in the Senate?

Pogo, it's obvious you're delusional when it comes to your GF Lizzy Cheekbones.

She can tell you ANYTHING and you'd believe it.

It's obvious only one of us cares about the factual.
Guess which one of us doesn't declare absolutes that he can't prove.

Can you give us the name of Lizzy Cheekbones Cherokee ancestor? Just one name

I can give you the names of all my ancestors going back to about 1450 and more if I had the inclination to go Florence and do some basic research

It's not my family, is it? That's why I have enough sense to not declare an absolute pulled out of my ass.

1450, that's pretty fuckin' extensive. If that research is anything like your Warren work I wouldn't trust that lineage more than about 1950.

Clearly, you don't know dick about anything so we're going to take your skeptical comments with a grain of salt the size of a small planet.

When you make a claim you assume the burden of proof. Period.
I don't make the laws of Logic. I just enforce 'em. Tell it to the judge.

Unlike Lizzy Cheekbones, my history in the USA is a piece of cake. And again, I never invented a fictional narrative for myself in order to get myself into an Affirmative action slot.

Nor did Warren. The one time we know of that she had the opportunity to do so, at Rutgers, she declined to do so.
But here again, if you're stating a positive that this DID happen, then you assume the responsibility of documenting it.

Must be great having no responsibilities. Just make it up, plunk it on the internets, and it's a true story. :eusa_liar:

I saw the manifest at Ellis Island for my grandfather Francis (not a Cherokee)

I have the list from Francis back to the first one of us down in a little town in the ankle of Italy in 1501. Prior to that we were in Florence. And again, none of them were Cherokee

Good work, detective. But nobody declared you have Cherokee ancestry, did they? Your job is to do a similar trace for Elizabeth Warren, so that your absolute has something behind it besides "I said so".

So the colleges that hired her decided to list her as Native American entirely of their own volition????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Pogo, it's obvious you're delusional when it comes to your GF Lizzy Cheekbones.

She can tell you ANYTHING and you'd believe it.

It's obvious only one of us cares about the factual.
Guess which one of us doesn't declare absolutes that he can't prove.

Can you give us the name of Lizzy Cheekbones Cherokee ancestor? Just one name

I can give you the names of all my ancestors going back to about 1450 and more if I had the inclination to go Florence and do some basic research

It's not my family, is it? That's why I have enough sense to not declare an absolute pulled out of my ass.

1450, that's pretty fuckin' extensive. If that research is anything like your Warren work I wouldn't trust that lineage more than about 1950.

Clearly, you don't know dick about anything so we're going to take your skeptical comments with a grain of salt the size of a small planet.

When you make a claim you assume the burden of proof. Period.
I don't make the laws of Logic. I just enforce 'em. Tell it to the judge.

Unlike Lizzy Cheekbones, my history in the USA is a piece of cake. And again, I never invented a fictional narrative for myself in order to get myself into an Affirmative action slot.

Nor did Warren. The one time we know of that she had the opportunity to do so, at Rutgers, she declined to do so.
But here again, if you're stating a positive that this DID happen, then you assume the responsibility of documenting it.

Must be great having no responsibilities. Just make it up, plunk it on the internets, and it's a true story. :eusa_liar:

I saw the manifest at Ellis Island for my grandfather Francis (not a Cherokee)

I have the list from Francis back to the first one of us down in a little town in the ankle of Italy in 1501. Prior to that we were in Florence. And again, none of them were Cherokee

Good work, detective. But nobody declared you have Cherokee ancestry, did they? Your job is to do a similar trace for Elizabeth Warren, so that your absolute has something behind it besides "I said so".

Twila Barnes, Cherokee Genealogist did the work for Lizzy and she didn't find any Cherokee

Thoughts from Polly s Granddaughter Elizabeth Warren Information
How revealing is it that a topic which started out with some substance that actually matters to the functioning of our government was quickly devolved by the bumper sticker intellects plaguing this forum.

"Elizabeth Warren is opposing a propose appointee to a Treasury job...oh, wait. Did I say 'Elizabeth Warren'? I meant LIZZY CHEEKBONES nyuk nyuk nyuk. Woo-woo-woo-woo!"


Since the OP didn't provide a link: The Elizabeth Warren Veto - WSJ

Warren is opposing Weiss because he was an adviser to Burger King when they acquired a Canadian doughnut company in a tax inversion scheme.

Weiss's background is in international mergers and acquisitions and Warren feels this does not inform him on the domestic protection issues undertaken by the Under Secretary of the Treasury for Domestic Finance.
No, Warren opposes him because he "represents Wall St" which means he actually has experience in the business he is supposed to be regulating. To Dems this is a no-no.
You really shouldn't make shit up, especially when Warren's own words are out there. Do you never learn?

Just because someone "worked on Wall Street" does not automatically qualify them for a specific job. There are a universe of specialties on Wall Street, and Weiss's specialty is not a fit for the Domestic Finance protection job.

That raises the first issue. Weiss has spent most of his career working on international transactions -- from 2001 to 2009 he lived and worked in Paris -- and now he's being asked to run domestic finance at Treasury. Neither his background nor his professional experience makes him qualified to oversee consumer protection and domestic regulatory functions at the Treasury.

The second issue is corporate inversions. Basically, a bunch of companies have decided that all the regular tax loopholes they get to exploit aren't enough, so they have begun taking advantage of an even bigger loophole that allows them to maintain their operations in America but claim foreign citizenship and cut their U.S. taxes even more. No one is fooled by the bland words "corporate inversion." These companies renounce their American citizenship and turn their backs on this country simply to boost their profits.

One of the biggest and most public corporate inversions last summer was the deal cut by Burger King to slash its tax bill by purchasing the Canadian company Tim Hortons and then "inverting" the American company to Canadian ownership. And Weiss was right there, working on Burger King's tax deal. Weiss' work wasn't unusual for Lazard.

Exactly. As. I. Said.
Remind me what Jack Lew did on Wall St that made him qualified for Secretary.

I am happy to remind you of his qualifications. He was the director of the OMB under two Administrations.

As for Wall Street, he was the COO of Citigroup.
To me Warren's hypocrisy is best illustrated by her support for the repeal of the medical devises tax in the ACA. She rails against Wall Street and claims to support the little guy - the middle class. She wants more revenue for government so it can do more for the Middle Class, or so she says

But there is a tax she is willing to repeal? It must be a form of tax relief for the average Joe, right? But no, it isnt its a 2.4% tax (1.4% in actual effect because the tax can be taken as a deduction) that hits some of the biggest of big business the big pharmacuetical companies - which just so happens to be heavily represented in her state.

Fight Wall Street? Sure, thats easy but when big Pharma snaps its fingers their little bitch in the Senate flops on her back and spreads her legs.

Sure Wall Street is an easy target for her because it isnt in her state. If the financial industry moved up to Commonwealth Ave its pretty clear she would be singing a different tune.
Since the OP didn't provide a link: The Elizabeth Warren Veto - WSJ

Warren is opposing Weiss because he was an adviser to Burger King when they acquired a Canadian doughnut company in a tax inversion scheme.

Weiss's background is in international mergers and acquisitions and Warren feels this does not inform him on the domestic protection issues undertaken by the Under Secretary of the Treasury for Domestic Finance.
No, Warren opposes him because he "represents Wall St" which means he actually has experience in the business he is supposed to be regulating. To Dems this is a no-no.
You really shouldn't make shit up, especially when Warren's own words are out there. Do you never learn?

Just because someone "worked on Wall Street" does not automatically qualify them for a specific job. There are a universe of specialties on Wall Street, and Weiss's specialty is not a fit for the Domestic Finance protection job.

That raises the first issue. Weiss has spent most of his career working on international transactions -- from 2001 to 2009 he lived and worked in Paris -- and now he's being asked to run domestic finance at Treasury. Neither his background nor his professional experience makes him qualified to oversee consumer protection and domestic regulatory functions at the Treasury.

The second issue is corporate inversions. Basically, a bunch of companies have decided that all the regular tax loopholes they get to exploit aren't enough, so they have begun taking advantage of an even bigger loophole that allows them to maintain their operations in America but claim foreign citizenship and cut their U.S. taxes even more. No one is fooled by the bland words "corporate inversion." These companies renounce their American citizenship and turn their backs on this country simply to boost their profits.

One of the biggest and most public corporate inversions last summer was the deal cut by Burger King to slash its tax bill by purchasing the Canadian company Tim Hortons and then "inverting" the American company to Canadian ownership. And Weiss was right there, working on Burger King's tax deal. Weiss' work wasn't unusual for Lazard.

Exactly. As. I. Said.
Remind me what Jack Lew did on Wall St that made him qualified for Secretary.

I am happy to remind you of his qualifications. He was the director of the OMB under two Administrations.

As for Wall Street, he was the COO of Citigroup.
That should disqualify him right there. Dems dont want a cozy Wall St partnership with government. That's virtually all of Liz's problem with Weiss.
How revealing is it that a topic which started out with some substance that actually matters to the functioning of our government was quickly devolved by the bumper sticker intellects plaguing this forum.

"Elizabeth Warren is opposing a propose appointee to a Treasury job...oh, wait. Did I say 'Elizabeth Warren'? I meant LIZZY CHEEKBONES nyuk nyuk nyuk. Woo-woo-woo-woo!"



Ignoring Lizzy Cheekbones initial mortal sin of lying about her Cherokee heritage to further her poor, little, Lonely Hearts Club self is like saying except for that whole Holocaust thing, Hitler wasn't a such a bad guy

She's a nut and a pathological liar and that's a thing to remember
How revealing is it that a topic which started out with some substance that actually matters to the functioning of our government was quickly devolved by the bumper sticker intellects plaguing this forum.

"Elizabeth Warren is opposing a propose appointee to a Treasury job...oh, wait. Did I say 'Elizabeth Warren'? I meant LIZZY CHEEKBONES nyuk nyuk nyuk. Woo-woo-woo-woo!"



Thoughts from Polly s Granddaughter Elizabeth Warren Information

Take a peek at the work done by a Cherokee genealogist regarding the lies proffered by the Dem party leading Marxist and likely candidate in 2016
It's obvious only one of us cares about the factual.
Guess which one of us doesn't declare absolutes that he can't prove.

Can you give us the name of Lizzy Cheekbones Cherokee ancestor? Just one name

I can give you the names of all my ancestors going back to about 1450 and more if I had the inclination to go Florence and do some basic research

It's not my family, is it? That's why I have enough sense to not declare an absolute pulled out of my ass.

1450, that's pretty fuckin' extensive. If that research is anything like your Warren work I wouldn't trust that lineage more than about 1950.

Clearly, you don't know dick about anything so we're going to take your skeptical comments with a grain of salt the size of a small planet.

When you make a claim you assume the burden of proof. Period.
I don't make the laws of Logic. I just enforce 'em. Tell it to the judge.

Unlike Lizzy Cheekbones, my history in the USA is a piece of cake. And again, I never invented a fictional narrative for myself in order to get myself into an Affirmative action slot.

Nor did Warren. The one time we know of that she had the opportunity to do so, at Rutgers, she declined to do so.
But here again, if you're stating a positive that this DID happen, then you assume the responsibility of documenting it.

Must be great having no responsibilities. Just make it up, plunk it on the internets, and it's a true story. :eusa_liar:

I saw the manifest at Ellis Island for my grandfather Francis (not a Cherokee)

I have the list from Francis back to the first one of us down in a little town in the ankle of Italy in 1501. Prior to that we were in Florence. And again, none of them were Cherokee

Good work, detective. But nobody declared you have Cherokee ancestry, did they? Your job is to do a similar trace for Elizabeth Warren, so that your absolute has something behind it besides "I said so".

Lizzie made the claim that she's part Cherokee.

Where's her proof?

She didn't claim it here. Where's it required?
How revealing is it that a topic which started out with some substance that actually matters to the functioning of our government was quickly devolved by the bumper sticker intellects plaguing this forum.

"Elizabeth Warren is opposing a propose appointee to a Treasury job...oh, wait. Did I say 'Elizabeth Warren'? I meant LIZZY CHEEKBONES nyuk nyuk nyuk. Woo-woo-woo-woo!"



Ignoring Lizzy Cheekbones initial mortal sin of lying about her Cherokee heritage to further her poor, little, Lonely Hearts Club self is like saying except for that whole Holocaust thing, Hitler wasn't a such a bad guy

She's a nut and a pathological liar and that's a thing to remember

Burden of proof is on the claimant, and that's the thing to remember.
"Nut" is subjective. You get a pass on that. But you claimed "liar", which is quantifiable. Yet you can't quantify it.
Guess what that makes you...
How revealing is it that a topic which started out with some substance that actually matters to the functioning of our government was quickly devolved by the bumper sticker intellects plaguing this forum.

"Elizabeth Warren is opposing a propose appointee to a Treasury job...oh, wait. Did I say 'Elizabeth Warren'? I meant LIZZY CHEEKBONES nyuk nyuk nyuk. Woo-woo-woo-woo!"



Ignoring Lizzy Cheekbones initial mortal sin of lying about her Cherokee heritage to further her poor, little, Lonely Hearts Club self is like saying except for that whole Holocaust thing, Hitler wasn't a such a bad guy

She's a nut and a pathological liar and that's a thing to remember

Burden of proof is on the claimant, and that's the thing to remember.
"Nut" is subjective. You get a pass on that. But you claimed "liar", which is quantifiable. Yet you can't quantify it.
Guess what that makes you...

One of us is claiming their "high cheekbones" as evidence of their imaginary "Cherokee ancestry" and it's not me

SHE made the claim, she MUST prove it
It wasn’t long ago that Wall Street experience was considered an advantage for Democrats at Treasury—evidence that the party of labor had some connection to the wealth producers of America. JFK tapped Douglas Dillon (Dillon, Read & Co.), while Bill Clinton chose Robert Rubin ( Goldman Sachs ) and the relatively moderate Texas Senator Lloyd Bentsen. But the Warren Democrats seem increasingly to want to separate themselves from the private economy.

more at WSJ
Maybe this is because it has become more obvious that Wall Street and the private Banking industry which includes the FED have been the causes of our economic turmoils. Capitalism is not turning out to be the holy grail that Ayn Rand envisioned. Without regulation, capitalism has turned out to be a disaster, and with regulation not very dependable for the general population.
Capitalism made this country what it is. Regulation is destroying it.
So the consequences of 1929 and 2008 were great! I see.
Non sequitur noted.
Only you could be stupid enough to not see the connection.
Can you give us the name of Lizzy Cheekbones Cherokee ancestor? Just one name

I can give you the names of all my ancestors going back to about 1450 and more if I had the inclination to go Florence and do some basic research

It's not my family, is it? That's why I have enough sense to not declare an absolute pulled out of my ass.

1450, that's pretty fuckin' extensive. If that research is anything like your Warren work I wouldn't trust that lineage more than about 1950.

Clearly, you don't know dick about anything so we're going to take your skeptical comments with a grain of salt the size of a small planet.

When you make a claim you assume the burden of proof. Period.
I don't make the laws of Logic. I just enforce 'em. Tell it to the judge.

Unlike Lizzy Cheekbones, my history in the USA is a piece of cake. And again, I never invented a fictional narrative for myself in order to get myself into an Affirmative action slot.

Nor did Warren. The one time we know of that she had the opportunity to do so, at Rutgers, she declined to do so.
But here again, if you're stating a positive that this DID happen, then you assume the responsibility of documenting it.

Must be great having no responsibilities. Just make it up, plunk it on the internets, and it's a true story. :eusa_liar:

I saw the manifest at Ellis Island for my grandfather Francis (not a Cherokee)

I have the list from Francis back to the first one of us down in a little town in the ankle of Italy in 1501. Prior to that we were in Florence. And again, none of them were Cherokee

Good work, detective. But nobody declared you have Cherokee ancestry, did they? Your job is to do a similar trace for Elizabeth Warren, so that your absolute has something behind it besides "I said so".

Lizzie made the claim that she's part Cherokee.

Where's her proof?

She didn't claim it here. Where's it required?

Are you off your meds?

She claimed she was Native American

Are you denying that as well?
It wasn’t long ago that Wall Street experience was considered an advantage for Democrats at Treasury—evidence that the party of labor had some connection to the wealth producers of America. JFK tapped Douglas Dillon (Dillon, Read & Co.), while Bill Clinton chose Robert Rubin ( Goldman Sachs ) and the relatively moderate Texas Senator Lloyd Bentsen. But the Warren Democrats seem increasingly to want to separate themselves from the private economy.

more at WSJ
Maybe this is because it has become more obvious that Wall Street and the private Banking industry which includes the FED have been the causes of our economic turmoils. Capitalism is not turning out to be the holy grail that Ayn Rand envisioned. Without regulation, capitalism has turned out to be a disaster, and with regulation not very dependable for the general population.
Capitalism made this country what it is. Regulation is destroying it.
So the consequences of 1929 and 2008 were great! I see.
Non sequitur noted.
Only you could be stupid enough to not see the connection.
It was a non sequitur. What about that do not get? It's like saying the moon landing program was a failure because of Apollo 1.
Maybe this is because it has become more obvious that Wall Street and the private Banking industry which includes the FED have been the causes of our economic turmoils. Capitalism is not turning out to be the holy grail that Ayn Rand envisioned. Without regulation, capitalism has turned out to be a disaster, and with regulation not very dependable for the general population.
Capitalism made this country what it is. Regulation is destroying it.
So the consequences of 1929 and 2008 were great! I see.
Non sequitur noted.
Only you could be stupid enough to not see the connection.
It was a non sequitur. What about that do not get? It's like saying the moon landing program was a failure because of Apollo 1.
You made a very general statement: 'Capitalism made this country what it is. Regulation is destroying it.' 1929 and 2008 were perfect examples of what happens when regulation is lax. It's as sequitur as it gets.
Capitalism made this country what it is. Regulation is destroying it.
So the consequences of 1929 and 2008 were great! I see.
Non sequitur noted.
Only you could be stupid enough to not see the connection.
It was a non sequitur. What about that do not get? It's like saying the moon landing program was a failure because of Apollo 1.
You made a very general statement: 'Capitalism made this country what it is. Regulation is destroying it.' 1929 and 2008 were perfect examples of what happens when regulation is lax. It's as sequitur as it gets.
Look, this isnt that hard. Really. Follow me here.
Capitalism made this country what it is. We've had an enormous, but not unbroken, run of increasing GDP, unprecedented in human history btw.
Pointing out that there were gaps does not discredit my statement.
1929 and 2008 were not examples of what happens when regulation is lax. Regulation was beginning to ramp up and of course we had 10 years of Depression.In 2008 regulation of course was wildly excessive. We had considerably more after that and of course 7 years of Recession.
But the key factor in both cases were the actions of the Federal reserve and the federal government. Smoot Hawley in 1929 coupled with poor monetary policy, and poor monetory policy in 2008.
Capitalism made this country what it is. Regulation is destroying it.
So the consequences of 1929 and 2008 were great! I see.
Non sequitur noted.
Only you could be stupid enough to not see the connection.
It was a non sequitur. What about that do not get? It's like saying the moon landing program was a failure because of Apollo 1.
You made a very general statement: 'Capitalism made this country what it is. Regulation is destroying it.' 1929 and 2008 were perfect examples of what happens when regulation is lax. It's as sequitur as it gets.

What "regulations" were relaxed in 28 and 08?

Never mind, you're going to get it totally wrong
So the consequences of 1929 and 2008 were great! I see.
Non sequitur noted.
Only you could be stupid enough to not see the connection.
It was a non sequitur. What about that do not get? It's like saying the moon landing program was a failure because of Apollo 1.
You made a very general statement: 'Capitalism made this country what it is. Regulation is destroying it.' 1929 and 2008 were perfect examples of what happens when regulation is lax. It's as sequitur as it gets.

What "regulations" were relaxed in 28 and 08?

Never mind, you're going to get it totally wrong
Glass-Steagal was the biggie. It didn't exist in 1929 and it had been done away with not long before 2008.
Non sequitur noted.
Only you could be stupid enough to not see the connection.
It was a non sequitur. What about that do not get? It's like saying the moon landing program was a failure because of Apollo 1.
You made a very general statement: 'Capitalism made this country what it is. Regulation is destroying it.' 1929 and 2008 were perfect examples of what happens when regulation is lax. It's as sequitur as it gets.

What "regulations" were relaxed in 28 and 08?

Never mind, you're going to get it totally wrong
Glass-Steagal was the biggie. It didn't exist in 1929 and it had been done away with not long before 2008.
If it didnt exist in 1929 then it wasnt relaxed then.
It didnt exist in 1925 either, when the economy was boomng. Nor did it exist in 2005 when the economy was booming.
What was the point of that comment again?
How revealing is it that a topic which started out with some substance that actually matters to the functioning of our government was quickly devolved by the bumper sticker intellects plaguing this forum.

"Elizabeth Warren is opposing a propose appointee to a Treasury job...oh, wait. Did I say 'Elizabeth Warren'? I meant LIZZY CHEEKBONES nyuk nyuk nyuk. Woo-woo-woo-woo!"



Ignoring Lizzy Cheekbones initial mortal sin of lying about her Cherokee heritage to further her poor, little, Lonely Hearts Club self is like saying except for that whole Holocaust thing, Hitler wasn't a such a bad guy

She's a nut and a pathological liar and that's a thing to remember

Burden of proof is on the claimant, and that's the thing to remember.
"Nut" is subjective. You get a pass on that. But you claimed "liar", which is quantifiable. Yet you can't quantify it.
Guess what that makes you...

This fucking lunatic is going to be the Dem nominee

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