Is Joe About To Surrender Taiwan To Beijing?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Is Joe About To Surrender Taiwan To Beijing?

Is Joe About To Surrender Taiwan To Beijing? - (
24 Jan 2021 ~~ By Charles "Sam" Faddis

In December 2013, the Chinese launched an all-out island building campaign in the South China Sea – literally creating dry land where none had existed. These islands became military bases. The Chinese deployed forces including aircraft and missiles. One of the world’s most strategic waterways was incorporated into the Chinese Communist state.
In the midst of this offensive, Joe Biden, then Vice-President of the United States landed in Beijing for meetings with Chinese leaders. Biden was the administration’s lead man in the so-called “Pivot to Asia.” His most critical job in that role was combatting Chinese expansionism.
With Joe on Air Force Two when he landed in Beijing was his son Hunter, already well known to the Chinese from a wide range of previous contacts. Joe and Hunter walked down the stairs from the plane together and received an official state welcome.
Then Joe went off to meetings with Chinese officials and Hunter went off to a meeting where he was given $1 billion from the State Bank of China. That amount, — investment capital in a joint enterprise Hunter entered into with the Chinese Communists — would shortly thereafter be upped to $1.5 billion.
During Joe’s meetings, the entire South China Sea situation was largely ignored. At the conclusion of his visit to China, amidst ongoing Chinese aggression, Joe had this to say.
“Wholesome competition and strong competition is fundamentally different than conflict. In fact, we see considerable common interest on the security side. A secure and peaceful Asia Pacific enables economic growth for the entire region.” -- JOE BIDEN​
The Chinese were seizing control of a large chunk of the Pacific Ocean and positioning themselves to be able to cut off the supply of Middle East oil to Taiwan, South Korea and Japan anytime they wanted. Joe was talking about “peace in our time.”
The Chinese continued their island-building operations in the South China Sea until October 2015. No action was ever taken by the United States to push back on Chinese militarization of the South China Sea. According to at least one source, when President Obama considered sending the U.S. Navy into the area Joe talked him out of it.
Taiwan cannot hope to stand on its own against an attack by the mainland Chinese. Its only hope lies in having the support of its allies, principally the United States. That means not only the supply of equipment and logistical support but the willingness of Washington to stand with Taiwan in the event of an assault from the mainland. Without that support, even tacit, the reality is Taiwan would have been overrun a very long time ago.
President Trump recognized the threat posed to Taiwan a long time ago and began to rush new weapons to the island and offer U.S. assistance in a long overdue buildup of Taiwanese forces. He also began to put serious focus on assembling a true coalition of nations in the Pacific to oppose Chinese expansionism. He projected resolve and a willingness to stand up to Beijing.
But, Donald Trump is no longer President. In his place is Biden, who caved once before, either because he lacks the moral courage to do otherwise or perhaps far worse because he was paid to do so. If he folds this time, the results will be catastrophic and mean a world in which Communist China has become clearly the preeminent power in East Asia. Taiwan, if it remains independent at all, will be on the fast track toward becoming the next Hong Kong, where independence and democracy are illusions at best.
There is no sign that the Communist Chinese are backing off on the pressure they are exerting on Taiwan. On the contrary, all indications are this pressure will simply increase, and we will reach a point in the near future when either the United States will make clear its intention to stand up to Beijing or we will begin to fold. Arms shipments will be cancelled. Pressure will be exerted on the Taiwanese behind the scenes.
The message will be clear. We are not with you. You are on your own and should make the best terms you can.
No one can predict precisely what is about to happen. Based on Joe Biden’s track record, though, and the amount of Chinese money his family enterprise has taken in over the years, I am going to opt for the pessimistic outlook. Joe gave the Chinese the South China Sea, and he is about to surrender Taiwan to them as well.

China paid Joey Xi, his son and brother handsomely for it, they have the receipts and Biden will be obliged on his side of the deal. The next question is, Will Australia, Indonesian and the Phillipines be next dominos to fall after Taiwan?
Undoubtedly Joey Xi will praise the PRC leaders for their achievement.
China Joe is nothing more than an inanimate brainless turd, just sitting there stinking up the room. He has absolutely zero moral compass and is ill-prepared to assume the role of a leader. He is paid-off putty in China’s hands and we all know it. Why the quisling media is still exerting energy to try and pass this off as anything else is ludicrous.
I’m also curious to see how the China Joe administration will deal with North Korea. It’ll probably be appeasement coupled with an agreement that NK will be able to proceed with their nuclear weapons capabilities. Meanwhile we'll ship another $1.5 billion in cash overnight.
Is Joe About To Surrender Taiwan To Beijing?

Is Joe About To Surrender Taiwan To Beijing? - (
24 Jan 2021 ~~ By Charles "Sam" Faddis

In December 2013, the Chinese launched an all-out island building campaign in the South China Sea – literally creating dry land where none had existed. These islands became military bases. The Chinese deployed forces including aircraft and missiles. One of the world’s most strategic waterways was incorporated into the Chinese Communist state.
In the midst of this offensive, Joe Biden, then Vice-President of the United States landed in Beijing for meetings with Chinese leaders. Biden was the administration’s lead man in the so-called “Pivot to Asia.” His most critical job in that role was combatting Chinese expansionism.
With Joe on Air Force Two when he landed in Beijing was his son Hunter, already well known to the Chinese from a wide range of previous contacts. Joe and Hunter walked down the stairs from the plane together and received an official state welcome.
Then Joe went off to meetings with Chinese officials and Hunter went off to a meeting where he was given $1 billion from the State Bank of China. That amount, — investment capital in a joint enterprise Hunter entered into with the Chinese Communists — would shortly thereafter be upped to $1.5 billion.
During Joe’s meetings, the entire South China Sea situation was largely ignored. At the conclusion of his visit to China, amidst ongoing Chinese aggression, Joe had this to say.
“Wholesome competition and strong competition is fundamentally different than conflict. In fact, we see considerable common interest on the security side. A secure and peaceful Asia Pacific enables economic growth for the entire region.” -- JOE BIDEN​
The Chinese were seizing control of a large chunk of the Pacific Ocean and positioning themselves to be able to cut off the supply of Middle East oil to Taiwan, South Korea and Japan anytime they wanted. Joe was talking about “peace in our time.”
The Chinese continued their island-building operations in the South China Sea until October 2015. No action was ever taken by the United States to push back on Chinese militarization of the South China Sea. According to at least one source, when President Obama considered sending the U.S. Navy into the area Joe talked him out of it.
Taiwan cannot hope to stand on its own against an attack by the mainland Chinese. Its only hope lies in having the support of its allies, principally the United States. That means not only the supply of equipment and logistical support but the willingness of Washington to stand with Taiwan in the event of an assault from the mainland. Without that support, even tacit, the reality is Taiwan would have been overrun a very long time ago.
President Trump recognized the threat posed to Taiwan a long time ago and began to rush new weapons to the island and offer U.S. assistance in a long overdue buildup of Taiwanese forces. He also began to put serious focus on assembling a true coalition of nations in the Pacific to oppose Chinese expansionism. He projected resolve and a willingness to stand up to Beijing.
But, Donald Trump is no longer President. In his place is Biden, who caved once before, either because he lacks the moral courage to do otherwise or perhaps far worse because he was paid to do so. If he folds this time, the results will be catastrophic and mean a world in which Communist China has become clearly the preeminent power in East Asia. Taiwan, if it remains independent at all, will be on the fast track toward becoming the next Hong Kong, where independence and democracy are illusions at best.
There is no sign that the Communist Chinese are backing off on the pressure they are exerting on Taiwan. On the contrary, all indications are this pressure will simply increase, and we will reach a point in the near future when either the United States will make clear its intention to stand up to Beijing or we will begin to fold. Arms shipments will be cancelled. Pressure will be exerted on the Taiwanese behind the scenes.
The message will be clear. We are not with you. You are on your own and should make the best terms you can.
No one can predict precisely what is about to happen. Based on Joe Biden’s track record, though, and the amount of Chinese money his family enterprise has taken in over the years, I am going to opt for the pessimistic outlook. Joe gave the Chinese the South China Sea, and he is about to surrender Taiwan to them as well.

China paid Joey Xi, his son and brother handsomely for it, they have the receipts and Biden will be obliged on his side of the deal. The next question is, Will Australia, Indonesian and the Phillipines be next dominos to fall after Taiwan?
Undoubtedly Joey Xi will praise the PRC leaders for their achievement.
China Joe is nothing more than an inanimate brainless turd, just sitting there stinking up the room. He has absolutely zero moral compass and is ill-prepared to assume the role of a leader. He is paid-off putty in China’s hands and we all know it. Why the quisling media is still exerting energy to try and pass this off as anything else is ludicrous.
I’m also curious to see how the China Joe administration will deal with North Korea. It’ll probably be appeasement coupled with an agreement that NK will be able to proceed with their nuclear weapons capabilities. Meanwhile we'll ship another $1.5 billion in cash overnight.

The dear old man probably does not even know where Taiwan is.

The decision to defend or surrender Taiwan to the Reds will be made by his "advisers."

It was the Democrats who abandoned Chiang Kai-shek after World War II, letting the Reds take over.

The picture does not look good.

Taiwan is one of the few genuine democracies in Asia. The Reds are terribly embarrassed by that fact.

They have just crushed Hong Kong, despite a piece of paper that guaranteed autonomy for 50 years.

So the Reds will do anything. They have no decency.
Is Joe About To Surrender Taiwan To Beijing?

Is Joe About To Surrender Taiwan To Beijing? - (
24 Jan 2021 ~~ By Charles "Sam" Faddis

In December 2013, the Chinese launched an all-out island building campaign in the South China Sea – literally creating dry land where none had existed. These islands became military bases. The Chinese deployed forces including aircraft and missiles. One of the world’s most strategic waterways was incorporated into the Chinese Communist state.
In the midst of this offensive, Joe Biden, then Vice-President of the United States landed in Beijing for meetings with Chinese leaders. Biden was the administration’s lead man in the so-called “Pivot to Asia.” His most critical job in that role was combatting Chinese expansionism.
With Joe on Air Force Two when he landed in Beijing was his son Hunter, already well known to the Chinese from a wide range of previous contacts. Joe and Hunter walked down the stairs from the plane together and received an official state welcome.
Then Joe went off to meetings with Chinese officials and Hunter went off to a meeting where he was given $1 billion from the State Bank of China. That amount, — investment capital in a joint enterprise Hunter entered into with the Chinese Communists — would shortly thereafter be upped to $1.5 billion.
During Joe’s meetings, the entire South China Sea situation was largely ignored. At the conclusion of his visit to China, amidst ongoing Chinese aggression, Joe had this to say.
“Wholesome competition and strong competition is fundamentally different than conflict. In fact, we see considerable common interest on the security side. A secure and peaceful Asia Pacific enables economic growth for the entire region.” -- JOE BIDEN​
The Chinese were seizing control of a large chunk of the Pacific Ocean and positioning themselves to be able to cut off the supply of Middle East oil to Taiwan, South Korea and Japan anytime they wanted. Joe was talking about “peace in our time.”
The Chinese continued their island-building operations in the South China Sea until October 2015. No action was ever taken by the United States to push back on Chinese militarization of the South China Sea. According to at least one source, when President Obama considered sending the U.S. Navy into the area Joe talked him out of it.
Taiwan cannot hope to stand on its own against an attack by the mainland Chinese. Its only hope lies in having the support of its allies, principally the United States. That means not only the supply of equipment and logistical support but the willingness of Washington to stand with Taiwan in the event of an assault from the mainland. Without that support, even tacit, the reality is Taiwan would have been overrun a very long time ago.
President Trump recognized the threat posed to Taiwan a long time ago and began to rush new weapons to the island and offer U.S. assistance in a long overdue buildup of Taiwanese forces. He also began to put serious focus on assembling a true coalition of nations in the Pacific to oppose Chinese expansionism. He projected resolve and a willingness to stand up to Beijing.
But, Donald Trump is no longer President. In his place is Biden, who caved once before, either because he lacks the moral courage to do otherwise or perhaps far worse because he was paid to do so. If he folds this time, the results will be catastrophic and mean a world in which Communist China has become clearly the preeminent power in East Asia. Taiwan, if it remains independent at all, will be on the fast track toward becoming the next Hong Kong, where independence and democracy are illusions at best.
There is no sign that the Communist Chinese are backing off on the pressure they are exerting on Taiwan. On the contrary, all indications are this pressure will simply increase, and we will reach a point in the near future when either the United States will make clear its intention to stand up to Beijing or we will begin to fold. Arms shipments will be cancelled. Pressure will be exerted on the Taiwanese behind the scenes.
The message will be clear. We are not with you. You are on your own and should make the best terms you can.
No one can predict precisely what is about to happen. Based on Joe Biden’s track record, though, and the amount of Chinese money his family enterprise has taken in over the years, I am going to opt for the pessimistic outlook. Joe gave the Chinese the South China Sea, and he is about to surrender Taiwan to them as well.

China paid Joey Xi, his son and brother handsomely for it, they have the receipts and Biden will be obliged on his side of the deal. The next question is, Will Australia, Indonesian and the Phillipines be next dominos to fall after Taiwan?
Undoubtedly Joey Xi will praise the PRC leaders for their achievement.
China Joe is nothing more than an inanimate brainless turd, just sitting there stinking up the room. He has absolutely zero moral compass and is ill-prepared to assume the role of a leader. He is paid-off putty in China’s hands and we all know it. Why the quisling media is still exerting energy to try and pass this off as anything else is ludicrous.
I’m also curious to see how the China Joe administration will deal with North Korea. It’ll probably be appeasement coupled with an agreement that NK will be able to proceed with their nuclear weapons capabilities. Meanwhile we'll ship another $1.5 billion in cash overnight.
The thread premise is a lie.
Is Joe About To Surrender Taiwan To Beijing?

Of course. Why do you think Xi backed Biden? He needed Trump off his back. I bet it eventually comes out that China had a hand in rigging the election for Joe. Joe even has a chinese agent following him around everywhere he goes giving him direction to ensure his loyalty to the party.

Is Joe About To Surrender Taiwan To Beijing?

Is Joe About To Surrender Taiwan To Beijing? - (
24 Jan 2021 ~~ By Charles "Sam" Faddis

In December 2013, the Chinese launched an all-out island building campaign in the South China Sea – literally creating dry land where none had existed. These islands became military bases. The Chinese deployed forces including aircraft and missiles. One of the world’s most strategic waterways was incorporated into the Chinese Communist state.
In the midst of this offensive, Joe Biden, then Vice-President of the United States landed in Beijing for meetings with Chinese leaders. Biden was the administration’s lead man in the so-called “Pivot to Asia.” His most critical job in that role was combatting Chinese expansionism.
With Joe on Air Force Two when he landed in Beijing was his son Hunter, already well known to the Chinese from a wide range of previous contacts. Joe and Hunter walked down the stairs from the plane together and received an official state welcome.
Then Joe went off to meetings with Chinese officials and Hunter went off to a meeting where he was given $1 billion from the State Bank of China. That amount, — investment capital in a joint enterprise Hunter entered into with the Chinese Communists — would shortly thereafter be upped to $1.5 billion.
During Joe’s meetings, the entire South China Sea situation was largely ignored. At the conclusion of his visit to China, amidst ongoing Chinese aggression, Joe had this to say.
“Wholesome competition and strong competition is fundamentally different than conflict. In fact, we see considerable common interest on the security side. A secure and peaceful Asia Pacific enables economic growth for the entire region.” -- JOE BIDEN​
The Chinese were seizing control of a large chunk of the Pacific Ocean and positioning themselves to be able to cut off the supply of Middle East oil to Taiwan, South Korea and Japan anytime they wanted. Joe was talking about “peace in our time.”
The Chinese continued their island-building operations in the South China Sea until October 2015. No action was ever taken by the United States to push back on Chinese militarization of the South China Sea. According to at least one source, when President Obama considered sending the U.S. Navy into the area Joe talked him out of it.
Taiwan cannot hope to stand on its own against an attack by the mainland Chinese. Its only hope lies in having the support of its allies, principally the United States. That means not only the supply of equipment and logistical support but the willingness of Washington to stand with Taiwan in the event of an assault from the mainland. Without that support, even tacit, the reality is Taiwan would have been overrun a very long time ago.
President Trump recognized the threat posed to Taiwan a long time ago and began to rush new weapons to the island and offer U.S. assistance in a long overdue buildup of Taiwanese forces. He also began to put serious focus on assembling a true coalition of nations in the Pacific to oppose Chinese expansionism. He projected resolve and a willingness to stand up to Beijing.
But, Donald Trump is no longer President. In his place is Biden, who caved once before, either because he lacks the moral courage to do otherwise or perhaps far worse because he was paid to do so. If he folds this time, the results will be catastrophic and mean a world in which Communist China has become clearly the preeminent power in East Asia. Taiwan, if it remains independent at all, will be on the fast track toward becoming the next Hong Kong, where independence and democracy are illusions at best.
There is no sign that the Communist Chinese are backing off on the pressure they are exerting on Taiwan. On the contrary, all indications are this pressure will simply increase, and we will reach a point in the near future when either the United States will make clear its intention to stand up to Beijing or we will begin to fold. Arms shipments will be cancelled. Pressure will be exerted on the Taiwanese behind the scenes.
The message will be clear. We are not with you. You are on your own and should make the best terms you can.
No one can predict precisely what is about to happen. Based on Joe Biden’s track record, though, and the amount of Chinese money his family enterprise has taken in over the years, I am going to opt for the pessimistic outlook. Joe gave the Chinese the South China Sea, and he is about to surrender Taiwan to them as well.

China paid Joey Xi, his son and brother handsomely for it, they have the receipts and Biden will be obliged on his side of the deal. The next question is, Will Australia, Indonesian and the Phillipines be next dominos to fall after Taiwan?
Undoubtedly Joey Xi will praise the PRC leaders for their achievement.
China Joe is nothing more than an inanimate brainless turd, just sitting there stinking up the room. He has absolutely zero moral compass and is ill-prepared to assume the role of a leader. He is paid-off putty in China’s hands and we all know it. Why the quisling media is still exerting energy to try and pass this off as anything else is ludicrous.
I’m also curious to see how the China Joe administration will deal with North Korea. It’ll probably be appeasement coupled with an agreement that NK will be able to proceed with their nuclear weapons capabilities. Meanwhile we'll ship another $1.5 billion in cash overnight.
Maybe they thought it would be easy after they won their trade war with Your guy.

Of course. Why do you think Xi backed Biden? He needed Trump off his back. I bet it eventually comes out that China had a hand in rigging the election for Joe. Joe even has a chinese agent following him around everywhere he goes giving him direction to ensure his loyalty to the party.
Im beginning to believe Trump had a long term strategy in place the entire time.
This should work out quite well for the midterm and general.
He did say he's a stable genius :cool:
The answer is yes.
The real question is, how much will Hunter and family make off the deal?...
What’s particularly reprehensible is that you and others on the know you’re lying – and you just don’t care.

lol. Yeah, I was way out of line. The Biden's would never accept foreign money for political favor, or bribe an official.

No, "Fake News". No, "Fact Check". That's really him, and those are his words, coming out of his mouth, bragging about getting away with extortion...
Last edited:
The answer is yes.
The real question is, how much will Hunter and family make off the deal?...
What’s particularly reprehensible is that you and others on the know you’re lying – and you just don’t care.

lol. Yeah, I was way out of line. The Biden's would never accept foreign money for political favor, or bribe an official.

No, "Fake News". No, "Fact Check". That's really him, and those are his words, coming out of his mouth, bragging about getting away with extortion...

Only right wingers are comprehension challenged but still think they are Right. Simply being on the right wing doesn't mean you are Right. There is a difference between US foreign public policy and private policy for personal benefit. Only right wingers don't seem to understand the difference.
Is Joe About To Surrender Taiwan To Beijing?

Is Joe About To Surrender Taiwan To Beijing? - (
24 Jan 2021 ~~ By Charles "Sam" Faddis

In December 2013, the Chinese launched an all-out island building campaign in the South China Sea – literally creating dry land where none had existed. These islands became military bases. The Chinese deployed forces including aircraft and missiles. One of the world’s most strategic waterways was incorporated into the Chinese Communist state.
In the midst of this offensive, Joe Biden, then Vice-President of the United States landed in Beijing for meetings with Chinese leaders. Biden was the administration’s lead man in the so-called “Pivot to Asia.” His most critical job in that role was combatting Chinese expansionism.
With Joe on Air Force Two when he landed in Beijing was his son Hunter, already well known to the Chinese from a wide range of previous contacts. Joe and Hunter walked down the stairs from the plane together and received an official state welcome.
Then Joe went off to meetings with Chinese officials and Hunter went off to a meeting where he was given $1 billion from the State Bank of China. That amount, — investment capital in a joint enterprise Hunter entered into with the Chinese Communists — would shortly thereafter be upped to $1.5 billion.
During Joe’s meetings, the entire South China Sea situation was largely ignored. At the conclusion of his visit to China, amidst ongoing Chinese aggression, Joe had this to say.
“Wholesome competition and strong competition is fundamentally different than conflict. In fact, we see considerable common interest on the security side. A secure and peaceful Asia Pacific enables economic growth for the entire region.” -- JOE BIDEN​
The Chinese were seizing control of a large chunk of the Pacific Ocean and positioning themselves to be able to cut off the supply of Middle East oil to Taiwan, South Korea and Japan anytime they wanted. Joe was talking about “peace in our time.”
The Chinese continued their island-building operations in the South China Sea until October 2015. No action was ever taken by the United States to push back on Chinese militarization of the South China Sea. According to at least one source, when President Obama considered sending the U.S. Navy into the area Joe talked him out of it.
Taiwan cannot hope to stand on its own against an attack by the mainland Chinese. Its only hope lies in having the support of its allies, principally the United States. That means not only the supply of equipment and logistical support but the willingness of Washington to stand with Taiwan in the event of an assault from the mainland. Without that support, even tacit, the reality is Taiwan would have been overrun a very long time ago.
President Trump recognized the threat posed to Taiwan a long time ago and began to rush new weapons to the island and offer U.S. assistance in a long overdue buildup of Taiwanese forces. He also began to put serious focus on assembling a true coalition of nations in the Pacific to oppose Chinese expansionism. He projected resolve and a willingness to stand up to Beijing.
But, Donald Trump is no longer President. In his place is Biden, who caved once before, either because he lacks the moral courage to do otherwise or perhaps far worse because he was paid to do so. If he folds this time, the results will be catastrophic and mean a world in which Communist China has become clearly the preeminent power in East Asia. Taiwan, if it remains independent at all, will be on the fast track toward becoming the next Hong Kong, where independence and democracy are illusions at best.
There is no sign that the Communist Chinese are backing off on the pressure they are exerting on Taiwan. On the contrary, all indications are this pressure will simply increase, and we will reach a point in the near future when either the United States will make clear its intention to stand up to Beijing or we will begin to fold. Arms shipments will be cancelled. Pressure will be exerted on the Taiwanese behind the scenes.
The message will be clear. We are not with you. You are on your own and should make the best terms you can.
No one can predict precisely what is about to happen. Based on Joe Biden’s track record, though, and the amount of Chinese money his family enterprise has taken in over the years, I am going to opt for the pessimistic outlook. Joe gave the Chinese the South China Sea, and he is about to surrender Taiwan to them as well.

China paid Joey Xi, his son and brother handsomely for it, they have the receipts and Biden will be obliged on his side of the deal. The next question is, Will Australia, Indonesian and the Phillipines be next dominos to fall after Taiwan?
Undoubtedly Joey Xi will praise the PRC leaders for their achievement.
China Joe is nothing more than an inanimate brainless turd, just sitting there stinking up the room. He has absolutely zero moral compass and is ill-prepared to assume the role of a leader. He is paid-off putty in China’s hands and we all know it. Why the quisling media is still exerting energy to try and pass this off as anything else is ludicrous.
I’m also curious to see how the China Joe administration will deal with North Korea. It’ll probably be appeasement coupled with an agreement that NK will be able to proceed with their nuclear weapons capabilities. Meanwhile we'll ship another $1.5 billion in cash overnight.
The thread premise is a lie.
Is Joe About To Surrender Taiwan To Beijing?

Short of sending some high cost targets into the Taiwan straights and making war, there aint shit he can do about it.
Is Joe About To Surrender Taiwan To Beijing?

Is Joe About To Surrender Taiwan To Beijing? - (
24 Jan 2021 ~~ By Charles "Sam" Faddis

In December 2013, the Chinese launched an all-out island building campaign in the South China Sea – literally creating dry land where none had existed. These islands became military bases. The Chinese deployed forces including aircraft and missiles. One of the world’s most strategic waterways was incorporated into the Chinese Communist state.
In the midst of this offensive, Joe Biden, then Vice-President of the United States landed in Beijing for meetings with Chinese leaders. Biden was the administration’s lead man in the so-called “Pivot to Asia.” His most critical job in that role was combatting Chinese expansionism.
With Joe on Air Force Two when he landed in Beijing was his son Hunter, already well known to the Chinese from a wide range of previous contacts. Joe and Hunter walked down the stairs from the plane together and received an official state welcome.
Then Joe went off to meetings with Chinese officials and Hunter went off to a meeting where he was given $1 billion from the State Bank of China. That amount, — investment capital in a joint enterprise Hunter entered into with the Chinese Communists — would shortly thereafter be upped to $1.5 billion.
During Joe’s meetings, the entire South China Sea situation was largely ignored. At the conclusion of his visit to China, amidst ongoing Chinese aggression, Joe had this to say.
“Wholesome competition and strong competition is fundamentally different than conflict. In fact, we see considerable common interest on the security side. A secure and peaceful Asia Pacific enables economic growth for the entire region.” -- JOE BIDEN​
The Chinese were seizing control of a large chunk of the Pacific Ocean and positioning themselves to be able to cut off the supply of Middle East oil to Taiwan, South Korea and Japan anytime they wanted. Joe was talking about “peace in our time.”
The Chinese continued their island-building operations in the South China Sea until October 2015. No action was ever taken by the United States to push back on Chinese militarization of the South China Sea. According to at least one source, when President Obama considered sending the U.S. Navy into the area Joe talked him out of it.
Taiwan cannot hope to stand on its own against an attack by the mainland Chinese. Its only hope lies in having the support of its allies, principally the United States. That means not only the supply of equipment and logistical support but the willingness of Washington to stand with Taiwan in the event of an assault from the mainland. Without that support, even tacit, the reality is Taiwan would have been overrun a very long time ago.
President Trump recognized the threat posed to Taiwan a long time ago and began to rush new weapons to the island and offer U.S. assistance in a long overdue buildup of Taiwanese forces. He also began to put serious focus on assembling a true coalition of nations in the Pacific to oppose Chinese expansionism. He projected resolve and a willingness to stand up to Beijing.
But, Donald Trump is no longer President. In his place is Biden, who caved once before, either because he lacks the moral courage to do otherwise or perhaps far worse because he was paid to do so. If he folds this time, the results will be catastrophic and mean a world in which Communist China has become clearly the preeminent power in East Asia. Taiwan, if it remains independent at all, will be on the fast track toward becoming the next Hong Kong, where independence and democracy are illusions at best.
There is no sign that the Communist Chinese are backing off on the pressure they are exerting on Taiwan. On the contrary, all indications are this pressure will simply increase, and we will reach a point in the near future when either the United States will make clear its intention to stand up to Beijing or we will begin to fold. Arms shipments will be cancelled. Pressure will be exerted on the Taiwanese behind the scenes.
The message will be clear. We are not with you. You are on your own and should make the best terms you can.
No one can predict precisely what is about to happen. Based on Joe Biden’s track record, though, and the amount of Chinese money his family enterprise has taken in over the years, I am going to opt for the pessimistic outlook. Joe gave the Chinese the South China Sea, and he is about to surrender Taiwan to them as well.

China paid Joey Xi, his son and brother handsomely for it, they have the receipts and Biden will be obliged on his side of the deal. The next question is, Will Australia, Indonesian and the Phillipines be next dominos to fall after Taiwan?
Undoubtedly Joey Xi will praise the PRC leaders for their achievement.
China Joe is nothing more than an inanimate brainless turd, just sitting there stinking up the room. He has absolutely zero moral compass and is ill-prepared to assume the role of a leader. He is paid-off putty in China’s hands and we all know it. Why the quisling media is still exerting energy to try and pass this off as anything else is ludicrous.
I’m also curious to see how the China Joe administration will deal with North Korea. It’ll probably be appeasement coupled with an agreement that NK will be able to proceed with their nuclear weapons capabilities. Meanwhile we'll ship another $1.5 billion in cash overnight.
Depends on how much Xi pays him.
Is Joe About To Surrender Taiwan To Beijing?

Is Joe About To Surrender Taiwan To Beijing? - (
24 Jan 2021 ~~ By Charles "Sam" Faddis

In December 2013, the Chinese launched an all-out island building campaign in the South China Sea – literally creating dry land where none had existed. These islands became military bases. The Chinese deployed forces including aircraft and missiles. One of the world’s most strategic waterways was incorporated into the Chinese Communist state.
In the midst of this offensive, Joe Biden, then Vice-President of the United States landed in Beijing for meetings with Chinese leaders. Biden was the administration’s lead man in the so-called “Pivot to Asia.” His most critical job in that role was combatting Chinese expansionism.
With Joe on Air Force Two when he landed in Beijing was his son Hunter, already well known to the Chinese from a wide range of previous contacts. Joe and Hunter walked down the stairs from the plane together and received an official state welcome.
Then Joe went off to meetings with Chinese officials and Hunter went off to a meeting where he was given $1 billion from the State Bank of China. That amount, — investment capital in a joint enterprise Hunter entered into with the Chinese Communists — would shortly thereafter be upped to $1.5 billion.
During Joe’s meetings, the entire South China Sea situation was largely ignored. At the conclusion of his visit to China, amidst ongoing Chinese aggression, Joe had this to say.
“Wholesome competition and strong competition is fundamentally different than conflict. In fact, we see considerable common interest on the security side. A secure and peaceful Asia Pacific enables economic growth for the entire region.” -- JOE BIDEN​
The Chinese were seizing control of a large chunk of the Pacific Ocean and positioning themselves to be able to cut off the supply of Middle East oil to Taiwan, South Korea and Japan anytime they wanted. Joe was talking about “peace in our time.”
The Chinese continued their island-building operations in the South China Sea until October 2015. No action was ever taken by the United States to push back on Chinese militarization of the South China Sea. According to at least one source, when President Obama considered sending the U.S. Navy into the area Joe talked him out of it.
Taiwan cannot hope to stand on its own against an attack by the mainland Chinese. Its only hope lies in having the support of its allies, principally the United States. That means not only the supply of equipment and logistical support but the willingness of Washington to stand with Taiwan in the event of an assault from the mainland. Without that support, even tacit, the reality is Taiwan would have been overrun a very long time ago.
President Trump recognized the threat posed to Taiwan a long time ago and began to rush new weapons to the island and offer U.S. assistance in a long overdue buildup of Taiwanese forces. He also began to put serious focus on assembling a true coalition of nations in the Pacific to oppose Chinese expansionism. He projected resolve and a willingness to stand up to Beijing.
But, Donald Trump is no longer President. In his place is Biden, who caved once before, either because he lacks the moral courage to do otherwise or perhaps far worse because he was paid to do so. If he folds this time, the results will be catastrophic and mean a world in which Communist China has become clearly the preeminent power in East Asia. Taiwan, if it remains independent at all, will be on the fast track toward becoming the next Hong Kong, where independence and democracy are illusions at best.
There is no sign that the Communist Chinese are backing off on the pressure they are exerting on Taiwan. On the contrary, all indications are this pressure will simply increase, and we will reach a point in the near future when either the United States will make clear its intention to stand up to Beijing or we will begin to fold. Arms shipments will be cancelled. Pressure will be exerted on the Taiwanese behind the scenes.
The message will be clear. We are not with you. You are on your own and should make the best terms you can.
No one can predict precisely what is about to happen. Based on Joe Biden’s track record, though, and the amount of Chinese money his family enterprise has taken in over the years, I am going to opt for the pessimistic outlook. Joe gave the Chinese the South China Sea, and he is about to surrender Taiwan to them as well.

China paid Joey Xi, his son and brother handsomely for it, they have the receipts and Biden will be obliged on his side of the deal. The next question is, Will Australia, Indonesian and the Phillipines be next dominos to fall after Taiwan?
Undoubtedly Joey Xi will praise the PRC leaders for their achievement.
China Joe is nothing more than an inanimate brainless turd, just sitting there stinking up the room. He has absolutely zero moral compass and is ill-prepared to assume the role of a leader. He is paid-off putty in China’s hands and we all know it. Why the quisling media is still exerting energy to try and pass this off as anything else is ludicrous.
I’m also curious to see how the China Joe administration will deal with North Korea. It’ll probably be appeasement coupled with an agreement that NK will be able to proceed with their nuclear weapons capabilities. Meanwhile we'll ship another $1.5 billion in cash overnight.
It is a continuation of the New World Order that HW Bush got started. Elder Bush threw Taiwan under the bus at the same time he turned his back on Tienanmen Square protesters. Globalist sellouts.

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