Is It Too Soon For The Truth About Bush41?

Can we at least wait til the guy is cold and in the ground. He was an American who believed in his country and even fought in a war. Show some class and some manners. It’s called civility. Even trump has been gracious and respectful at this time. Grow up.

I'm full grown and am being as respectful as I care to be over a president who did a lot of damage to my nation. You don't like it, piss up a rope, boy.
And, once again, we have a trumpanzee denigrating (by making up stories) about a military veteran.

Direct quotes from a crew member of a plane on the same mission....nothing "made up" about it. I see you commies are all pretending to be reverent about a man you despised while he was alive while calling his son a monkey and "Hitler" and his wife his "mother"....real classy.
Yellow punk? I was a naval officer just like President George H. W. Bush.

Do you know the seating inside that aircraft?


A second crewman did bail out of the aircraft, but his parachute did not open. That was likely the cockpit gunner who rode in the same canopy as Bush. When Bush gave the order to bail out, it was obviously heard by at least one crewman.The third crewman was in the belly of the plane and likely killed by antiaircraft fire. "Woulda, shoulda, coulda" accounts by a non-pilot that were never corroborated by anyone else are typically moron fodder. I glad you got your fill!

This story was fully discredited almost 40 years ago and even that was nearly 40 years after it happened.

That's right, a yellow punk who's following me around calling me names.....that's chickenshit and you're about as much an "admiral" as Tiny Tim. The account was never "discredited" and the reaction by the Bush campaign lends credence to it by their weak denials. If you'd like to discuss something further PM me, ya yellow punk.
Willpower...neither of Bush's crewmembers survived. WTF are you talking about?

Is this more Jerome Corsi Swiftboating?
And, once again, we have a trumpanzee denigrating (by making up stories) about a military veteran.
That's right...Lick them boots until you can see your reflection in 'em!

He lost the election when he looked at his watch during a debate with Slick he had more important things to do than convince us he deserved a second term.
NOBODY in his right mind ditches an airplane into the open ocean unless they have to.
That's just stupid
Willpower...neither of Bush's crewmembers survived. WTF are you talking about?

Is this more Jerome Corsi Swiftboating?

Try reading the account I posted by a crew member in a plane next to his...not my fault you didn't bother, dummy. As to Kerry being "swiftboated", the fraud got what he had coming,
Yeah, I voted for him in 1988...the spectre of tiny little Dukakis sitting in a tank with his helmet strap buckled had me laughing for days. So with that out of the way....George HW Bush is my choice for the worst president in our history....barely squeaking by Jimmy Peanut for the crown. Obama is in a league of his own and will hopefully end up in Leavenworth for what he did in the WH....but back to 41.

1. He suckered Saddam into invading Kuwait.....and then bragged we "only lost 383 soldiers" liberating the tiny kingdom. Imagine what the parents of the Fallen thought about that. The Nintendo War lasted 100 hours and ended with a dangerously humiliated Hussein. The Glaspie Memo makes it very clear what Saddam believed was our position on him invading Kuwait....we didn't have one.

Gulf War Documents: Meeting between Saddam Hussein and US Ambassador to Iraq April Glaspie - Global Research

2. Several Pentagon types believed and still do to this day, that Bush43 invaded Iraq to get Saddam for sending a team to assassinate 41 in Kuwait City after the war. So the genesis of another 5,000 American KIA and $5T can also be laid on 41's doorstep.

3. A crew member in a bomber near Bush's aircraft said there was no fire aboard his plane after it had been hit with AA fire. The aircraft was still maneuverable enough for him to finish his bombing run. He then headed out to sea to supposedly ditch the plane. Other US aircraft fired on Jap boats headed out to get him....the other pilots downed in his squadron were captured, beaten, and beheaded. Three of them had body parts (liver and thigh muscle) served and EATEN by Jap officers. There were two other crewmen in Bush's plane....the witness in the bomber nearest him said there was no smoke in Bush's cockpit, and that he blew his canopy and bailed leaving them to die. He told his story 44 years after it happened and only when a friend demanded the American people know what he saw from the man running for President.

4. "Read my lips".....that was his solemn promise not to raise taxes....It took Speaker Tip O'Neill less than a year to get that promise broken and it rightfully cost 41 reelection.

5. Thanks to 41 we got the serial-rapist Willy Jeff and his hideous wife as First Lady.

6. He told the press he voted for Hillary in 2016...that by itself tells you all you need to know about Bush41.

He was also one of the leaders of the plot to assassinate Reagan. I think he was surprised that, yeah Reagan actually wanted to dismantle the USSR and scrap the LOST
And, once again, we have a trumpanzee denigrating (by making up stories) about a military veteran.
That's right...Lick them boots until you can see your reflection in 'em!

He lost the election when he looked at his watch during a debate with Slick he had more important things to do than convince us he deserved a second term.
there are now 5 living presidents
carter 94
clinton 72
gw bush72
obama 57
putin 66
NOBODY in his right mind ditches an airplane into the open ocean unless they have to.
That's just stupid

What's stupid is you've already forgotten he was hit by AA fire.....every tried landing an aircraft on a carrier when you don't know what kind of damage you've taken, dumbass?
That's exactly what it is. All these Republicans who they liked when before Trump, are suddenly low-life losers because they see through Trump and can see how awful he is.
I developed my contempt for republicans because of Bush....At that point, I already detested lolberals....Best put away your broad brush, Corky.
What's stupid is you've already forgotten he was hit by AA fire.....every tried landing an aircraft on a carrier when you don't know what kind of damage you've taken, dumbass? you understand that he had taken fire and was flying a damaged aircraft.

And then what...decided to ditch just for the hell of it?

He didn't set down gently next to an aircraft carrier. He was picked up bu a sub later...AFTER Japanese patrol boats racing to capture him were driven off.

He bailed out. Bailing out over the ocean gets you DEAD really easily. Getting captured by Japanese is NOT something you wanted

What the fuck is wrong with you?
I have no doubt that each and every President we've had has had some pretty shady shit in their past. It's as if it's a requirement, and I have no doubt that they're forced to do some shady shit while in office. Such is the nature of the world right now. That's reality.

But I've developed a newfound expectation for Presidents over the last couple of years, that they be intelligent, dignified, empathetic and decent. I guess I kind of assumed those qualities in the past, but they're in such short supply currently, I value them much more now.

So, based on those seemingly fundamental qualities alone, I respect George HW Bush. It's all relative.
And, once again, we have a trumpanzee denigrating (by making up stories) about a military veteran.

Direct quotes from a crew member of a plane on the same mission....nothing "made up" about it. I see you commies are all pretending to be reverent about a man you despised while he was alive while calling his son a monkey and "Hitler" and his wife his "mother"....real classy.
Swift boating by those who were not there
What's stupid is you've already forgotten he was hit by AA fire.....every tried landing an aircraft on a carrier when you don't know what kind of damage you've taken, dumbass? you understand that he had taken fire and was flying a damaged aircraft.

And then what...decided to ditch just for the hell of it?

He didn't set down gently next to an aircraft carrier. He was picked up bu a sub later...AFTER Japanese patrol boats racing to capture him were driven off.

He bailed out. Bailing out over the ocean gets you DEAD really easily. Getting captured by Japanese is NOT something you wanted

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Are you fucking drunk? I posted the OP and a further account of what happened after his bombing run....hello?
Swift boating by those who were not there

Weak.....plenty of them knew what a pussy Kerry was and how he got his ribbons (that he claimed he later tossed over the WH fence) but that was a lie too.
I have no doubt that each and every President we've had has had some pretty shady shit in their past. It's as if it's a requirement, and I have no doubt that they're forced to do some shady shit while in office. Such is the nature of the world right now. That's reality.

But I've developed a newfound expectation for Presidents over the last couple of years, that they be intelligent, dignified, empathetic and decent. I guess I kind of assumed those qualities in the past, but they're in such short supply currently, I value them much more now.

So, based on those seemingly fundamental qualities alone, I respect George HW Bush. It's all relative.
Bush was a real lowlife amongst lowlifes.....Reagan detested the man and had good reason....Despite his protestations of being "out of the loop", he WAS the string puller behind Iran-Contra guns-for-cocaine scam.


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