Is It Too Soon For The Truth About Bush41?


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2018
Yeah, I voted for him in 1988...the spectre of tiny little Dukakis sitting in a tank with his helmet strap buckled had me laughing for days. So with that out of the way....George HW Bush is my choice for the worst president in our history....barely squeaking by Jimmy Peanut for the crown. Obama is in a league of his own and will hopefully end up in Leavenworth for what he did in the WH....but back to 41.

1. He suckered Saddam into invading Kuwait.....and then bragged we "only lost 383 soldiers" liberating the tiny kingdom. Imagine what the parents of the Fallen thought about that. The Nintendo War lasted 100 hours and ended with a dangerously humiliated Hussein. The Glaspie Memo makes it very clear what Saddam believed was our position on him invading Kuwait....we didn't have one.

Gulf War Documents: Meeting between Saddam Hussein and US Ambassador to Iraq April Glaspie - Global Research

2. Several Pentagon types believed and still do to this day, that Bush43 invaded Iraq to get Saddam for sending a team to assassinate 41 in Kuwait City after the war. So the genesis of another 5,000 American KIA and $5T can also be laid on 41's doorstep.

3. A crew member in a bomber near Bush's aircraft said there was no fire aboard his plane after it had been hit with AA fire. The aircraft was still maneuverable enough for him to finish his bombing run. He then headed out to sea to supposedly ditch the plane. Other US aircraft fired on Jap boats headed out to get him....the other pilots downed in his squadron were captured, beaten, and beheaded. Three of them had body parts (liver and thigh muscle) served and EATEN by Jap officers. There were two other crewmen in Bush's plane....the witness in the bomber nearest him said there was no smoke in Bush's cockpit, and that he blew his canopy and bailed leaving them to die. He told his story 44 years after it happened and only when a friend demanded the American people know what he saw from the man running for President.

4. "Read my lips".....that was his solemn promise not to raise taxes....It took Speaker Tip O'Neill less than a year to get that promise broken and it rightfully cost 41 reelection.

5. Thanks to 41 we got the serial-rapist Willy Jeff and his hideous wife as First Lady.

6. He told the press he voted for Hillary in 2016...that by itself tells you all you need to know about Bush41.
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Yeah, I voted for him in 1988...the spectre of tiny little Dukakis sitting in a tank with his helmet strap buckled had me laughing for days. So with that out of the way....George HW Bush is my choice for the worst president in our history....barely squeaking by Jimmy Peanut for the crown. Obama is in a league of his own and will hopefully end up in Leavenworth for what he did in the WH....but back to 41.

1. He suckered Saddam into invading Kuwait.....and then bragged we "only lost 383 soldiers" liberating the tiny kingdom. Imagine what the parents of the Fallen thought about that. The Nintendo War lasted 100 hours and ended with a dangerously humiliated Hussein. The Glaspie Memo makes it very clear what Saddam believed was our position on him invading Kuwait.

2. Several Pentagon types believed and still do to this day, that Bush43 invaded Iraq to get Saddam for sending a team to assassinate 41 in Kuwait City after the war. So the genesis of another 5,000 American KIA and $5T can also be laid on 41's doorstep.

3. A crew member in a bomber near Bush's aircraft said there was no fire about his plane after it had been hit with AA fire. The aircraft was still maneuverable enough for him to finish his bombing run. He then headed out to see to supposedly ditch the plane. Other US aircraft fired on Jap boats headed out to get him....the other pilots downed in his squadron were captured, beaten, and beheaded. Three of them had body parts (liver and thigh muscle) served and EATEN by Jap officers. There were two other crewmen in Bush's plane....the witness in the bomber nearest him said there was no smoke in Bush's cockpit, and that he blew his canopy and bailed leaving them to die. He told his story 44 years after it happened and only when a friend demanded the American people know what he saw from the man running for President.

4. "Read my lips".....that was his solemn promise not to raise taxes....It took Speaker Tip O'Neill less than a year to get that promise broken and it rightfully cost 41 reelection.

5. Thanks to 41 we got the serial-rapist Willy Jeff and his hideous wife as First Lady.

6. He told the press he voted for Hillary in 2016...that by itself tells you all you need to know about Bush41.

That's just the very tip of the evil that is 41.
Yeah, I voted for him in 1988...the spectre of tiny little Dukakis sitting in a tank with his helmet strap buckled had me laughing for days. So with that out of the way....George HW Bush is my choice for the worst president in our history....barely squeaking by Jimmy Peanut for the crown. Obama is in a league of his own and will hopefully end up in Leavenworth for what he did in the WH....but back to 41.

1. He suckered Saddam into invading Kuwait.....and then bragged we "only lost 383 soldiers" liberating the tiny kingdom. Imagine what the parents of the Fallen thought about that. The Nintendo War lasted 100 hours and ended with a dangerously humiliated Hussein. The Glaspie Memo makes it very clear what Saddam believed was our position on him invading Kuwait....we didn't have one.

Gulf War Documents: Meeting between Saddam Hussein and US Ambassador to Iraq April Glaspie - Global Research

2. Several Pentagon types believed and still do to this day, that Bush43 invaded Iraq to get Saddam for sending a team to assassinate 41 in Kuwait City after the war. So the genesis of another 5,000 American KIA and $5T can also be laid on 41's doorstep.

3. A crew member in a bomber near Bush's aircraft said there was no fire aboard his plane after it had been hit with AA fire. The aircraft was still maneuverable enough for him to finish his bombing run. He then headed out to sea to supposedly ditch the plane. Other US aircraft fired on Jap boats headed out to get him....the other pilots downed in his squadron were captured, beaten, and beheaded. Three of them had body parts (liver and thigh muscle) served and EATEN by Jap officers. There were two other crewmen in Bush's plane....the witness in the bomber nearest him said there was no smoke in Bush's cockpit, and that he blew his canopy and bailed leaving them to die. He told his story 44 years after it happened and only when a friend demanded the American people know what he saw from the man running for President.

4. "Read my lips".....that was his solemn promise not to raise taxes....It took Speaker Tip O'Neill less than a year to get that promise broken and it rightfully cost 41 reelection.

5. Thanks to 41 we got the serial-rapist Willy Jeff and his hideous wife as First Lady.

6. He told the press he voted for Hillary in 2016...that by itself tells you all you need to know about Bush41.
You mean he wasn’t an insane trumpkin

Which is why, unlike your orange sociopath, he was respected.

No one cares what trumpkins think.

And yes. Decency requires you shut your insane mouth for a while
Yeah, I voted for him in 1988...the spectre of tiny little Dukakis sitting in a tank with his helmet strap buckled had me laughing for days. So with that out of the way....George HW Bush is my choice for the worst president in our history....barely squeaking by Jimmy Peanut for the crown. Obama is in a league of his own and will hopefully end up in Leavenworth for what he did in the WH....but back to 41.

1. He suckered Saddam into invading Kuwait.....and then bragged we "only lost 383 soldiers" liberating the tiny kingdom. Imagine what the parents of the Fallen thought about that. The Nintendo War lasted 100 hours and ended with a dangerously humiliated Hussein. The Glaspie Memo makes it very clear what Saddam believed was our position on him invading Kuwait....we didn't have one.

2. Several Pentagon types believed and still do to this day, that Bush43 invaded Iraq to get Saddam for sending a team to assassinate 41 in Kuwait City after the war. So the genesis of another 5,000 American KIA and $5T can also be laid on 41's doorstep.

3. A crew member in a bomber near Bush's aircraft said there was no fire aboard his plane after it had been hit with AA fire. The aircraft was still maneuverable enough for him to finish his bombing run. He then headed out to sea to supposedly ditch the plane. Other US aircraft fired on Jap boats headed out to get him....the other pilots downed in his squadron were captured, beaten, and beheaded. Three of them had body parts (liver and thigh muscle) served and EATEN by Jap officers. There were two other crewmen in Bush's plane....the witness in the bomber nearest him said there was no smoke in Bush's cockpit, and that he blew his canopy and bailed leaving them to die. He told his story 44 years after it happened and only when a friend demanded the American people know what he saw from the man running for President.

4. "Read my lips".....that was his solemn promise not to raise taxes....It took Speaker Tip O'Neill less than a year to get that promise broken and it rightfully cost 41 reelection.

5. Thanks to 41 we got the serial-rapist Willy Jeff and his hideous wife as First Lady.

6. He told the press he voted for Hillary in 2016...that by itself tells you all you need to know about Bush41.
You mean he wasn’t an insane trumpkin

Which is why, unlike your orange sociopath, he was respected.

No one cares what trumpkins think.

And yes. Decency requires you shut your insane mouth for a while

Can you shut him up?
41 was a creep and a CIA monster.
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I'm not suggesting Bush41 was a "wimp" like Newsweek was calling him in the summer of '88. He flew 58 combat missions in the Pacific Theatre and returned to action after being shot down off Chichi Jima. He was the youngest Naval Aviator out there and surely didn't have to be as the son of a US Senator. What I am saying is they could have picked a different story to illustrate his courage in combat....the one they did choose, stinks to high heaven.
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You mean he wasn’t an insane trumpkin

Which is why, unlike your orange sociopath, he was respected.

No one cares what trumpkins think.

And yes. Decency requires you shut your insane mouth for a while

Who pissed in your Cheerios? :eusa_eh:
Hus record on gun control is about as shitty as any Democrat.

During the 1988 presidential campaign against anti-gun Michael Dukakis: "Read my lips, no new gun laws." Then, after one month in office, he used the power of the presidency to stop all imports of "assault weapons" and held the ban until Congress could catch up with a law two months later WHICH IS STILL IN FORCE TODAY. I remember SHOT Show 1989 very well and the dark cloud which hung over the firearms industry. But the NRA kept Bush as an esteemed member so your dues were put to great use (sarcasm dripping). Daddy Bush later supported the Brady Bill and the domestic "assault weapons" ban and "hi-cap" magazine ban of 1994. Later, he globtrotted with former president Bill Clinton supporting global issues and was said to have voted in the last presidential election for leftist Hillary Clinton as spite for Jeb not getting nominated.

In addition to all that the asshole had an ongoing war with the Right that led directly to Ruby Ridge and Waco and indirectly to Oklahoma City.

Just another RINO.
Compared to the carnival barker and con man in the OO now, 41 looks like a fucking saint.
43 does, too, and that's stretching it, but Trump really is a traitor to his country who is owned by Putin and MBS, obviously.

Hus record on gun control is about as shitty as any Democrat.

During the 1988 presidential campaign against anti-gun Michael Dukakis: "Read my lips, no new gun laws." Then, after one month in office, he used the power of the presidency to stop all imports of "assault weapons" and held the ban until Congress could catch up with a law two months later WHICH IS STILL IN FORCE TODAY. I remember SHOT Show 1989 very well and the dark cloud which hung over the firearms industry. But the NRA kept Bush as an esteemed member so your dues were put to great use (sarcasm dripping). Daddy Bush later supported the Brady Bill and the domestic "assault weapons" ban and "hi-cap" magazine ban of 1994. Later, he globtrotted with former president Bill Clinton supporting global issues and was said to have voted in the last presidential election for leftist Hillary Clinton as spite for Jeb not getting nominated.

In addition to all that the asshole had an ongoing war with the Right that led directly to Ruby Ridge and Waco and indirectly to Oklahoma City.

Just another RINO.

I forgot about Ruby Ridge. Did you know the same FBI sniper ("Lon" somebody) who shot the wife while she was standing in the doorway there had more kills at Mt. Carmel outside Waco? Clinton okayed Reno setting the compound on fire and shooting them when they ran out the back away from the cameras. I came to understand completely why McVeigh did what he did in OKC.....blood for blood.
Hus record on gun control is about as shitty as any Democrat.

During the 1988 presidential campaign against anti-gun Michael Dukakis: "Read my lips, no new gun laws." Then, after one month in office, he used the power of the presidency to stop all imports of "assault weapons" and held the ban until Congress could catch up with a law two months later WHICH IS STILL IN FORCE TODAY. I remember SHOT Show 1989 very well and the dark cloud which hung over the firearms industry. But the NRA kept Bush as an esteemed member so your dues were put to great use (sarcasm dripping). Daddy Bush later supported the Brady Bill and the domestic "assault weapons" ban and "hi-cap" magazine ban of 1994. Later, he globtrotted with former president Bill Clinton supporting global issues and was said to have voted in the last presidential election for leftist Hillary Clinton as spite for Jeb not getting nominated.

In addition to all that the asshole had an ongoing war with the Right that led directly to Ruby Ridge and Waco and indirectly to Oklahoma City.

Just another RINO.
Yep, just another corrupt career politician... certainly not a conservative
Hus record on gun control is about as shitty as any Democrat.

During the 1988 presidential campaign against anti-gun Michael Dukakis: "Read my lips, no new gun laws." Then, after one month in office, he used the power of the presidency to stop all imports of "assault weapons" and held the ban until Congress could catch up with a law two months later WHICH IS STILL IN FORCE TODAY. I remember SHOT Show 1989 very well and the dark cloud which hung over the firearms industry. But the NRA kept Bush as an esteemed member so your dues were put to great use (sarcasm dripping). Daddy Bush later supported the Brady Bill and the domestic "assault weapons" ban and "hi-cap" magazine ban of 1994. Later, he globtrotted with former president Bill Clinton supporting global issues and was said to have voted in the last presidential election for leftist Hillary Clinton as spite for Jeb not getting nominated.

In addition to all that the asshole had an ongoing war with the Right that led directly to Ruby Ridge and Waco and indirectly to Oklahoma City.

Just another RINO.

I forgot about Ruby Ridge. Did you know the same FBI sniper ("Lon" somebody) who shot the wife while she was standing in the doorway there had more kills at Mt. Carmel outside Waco? Clinton okayed Reno setting the compound on fire and shooting them when they ran out the back away from the cameras. I came to understand completely why McVeigh did what he did in OKC.....blood for blood.

He owned Zapata Oil. It was a CIA listening post in the Carribean. He was directly involved in the Bay of pigs bullshit.
Yeah, I voted for him in 1988...the spectre of tiny little Dukakis sitting in a tank with his helmet strap buckled had me laughing for days. So with that out of the way....George HW Bush is my choice for the worst president in our history....barely squeaking by Jimmy Peanut for the crown. Obama is in a league of his own and will hopefully end up in Leavenworth for what he did in the WH....but back to 41.

1. He suckered Saddam into invading Kuwait.....and then bragged we "only lost 383 soldiers" liberating the tiny kingdom. Imagine what the parents of the Fallen thought about that. The Nintendo War lasted 100 hours and ended with a dangerously humiliated Hussein. The Glaspie Memo makes it very clear what Saddam believed was our position on him invading Kuwait....we didn't have one.

Gulf War Documents: Meeting between Saddam Hussein and US Ambassador to Iraq April Glaspie - Global Research

2. Several Pentagon types believed and still do to this day, that Bush43 invaded Iraq to get Saddam for sending a team to assassinate 41 in Kuwait City after the war. So the genesis of another 5,000 American KIA and $5T can also be laid on 41's doorstep.

3. A crew member in a bomber near Bush's aircraft said there was no fire aboard his plane after it had been hit with AA fire. The aircraft was still maneuverable enough for him to finish his bombing run. He then headed out to sea to supposedly ditch the plane. Other US aircraft fired on Jap boats headed out to get him....the other pilots downed in his squadron were captured, beaten, and beheaded. Three of them had body parts (liver and thigh muscle) served and EATEN by Jap officers. There were two other crewmen in Bush's plane....the witness in the bomber nearest him said there was no smoke in Bush's cockpit, and that he blew his canopy and bailed leaving them to die. He told his story 44 years after it happened and only when a friend demanded the American people know what he saw from the man running for President.

4. "Read my lips".....that was his solemn promise not to raise taxes....It took Speaker Tip O'Neill less than a year to get that promise broken and it rightfully cost 41 reelection.

5. Thanks to 41 we got the serial-rapist Willy Jeff and his hideous wife as First Lady.

6. He told the press he voted for Hillary in 2016...that by itself tells you all you need to know about Bush41.

OK, how does one blow a canopy in a WW2 era aircraft? That already tells me you are a lying sack of shit with an "I hate GHWB" complex.
Hus record on gun control is about as shitty as any Democrat.

During the 1988 presidential campaign against anti-gun Michael Dukakis: "Read my lips, no new gun laws." Then, after one month in office, he used the power of the presidency to stop all imports of "assault weapons" and held the ban until Congress could catch up with a law two months later WHICH IS STILL IN FORCE TODAY. I remember SHOT Show 1989 very well and the dark cloud which hung over the firearms industry. But the NRA kept Bush as an esteemed member so your dues were put to great use (sarcasm dripping). Daddy Bush later supported the Brady Bill and the domestic "assault weapons" ban and "hi-cap" magazine ban of 1994. Later, he globtrotted with former president Bill Clinton supporting global issues and was said to have voted in the last presidential election for leftist Hillary Clinton as spite for Jeb not getting nominated.

In addition to all that the asshole had an ongoing war with the Right that led directly to Ruby Ridge and Waco and indirectly to Oklahoma City.

Just another RINO.

I forgot about Ruby Ridge. Did you know the same FBI sniper ("Lon" somebody) who shot the wife while she was standing in the doorway there had more kills at Mt. Carmel outside Waco? Clinton okayed Reno setting the compound on fire and shooting them when they ran out the back away from the cameras. I came to understand completely why McVeigh did what he did in OKC.....blood for blood.

Haven't you exceeded your lie quota for the day?

OK, how does one blow a canopy in a WW2 era aircraft? That already tells me you are a lying sack of shit with an "I hate GHWB" complex.

Read if for yourself ya yellow punk......

No Smoke'

However, Mierzejewski said in his account, which first appeared in Friday's New York Post, that "no smoke came out of his cockpit when he opened his canopy to bail out."

Mierzejewski contended that if Bush had attempted a water landing, the two men could have been saved, if they were still alive

Retired Navy Gunner Offers Different Account : Bush Story of War Incident Challenged
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Yeah, I voted for him in 1988...the spectre of tiny little Dukakis sitting in a tank with his helmet strap buckled had me laughing for days. So with that out of the way....George HW Bush is my choice for the worst president in our history....barely squeaking by Jimmy Peanut for the crown. Obama is in a league of his own and will hopefully end up in Leavenworth for what he did in the WH....but back to 41.

1. He suckered Saddam into invading Kuwait.....and then bragged we "only lost 383 soldiers" liberating the tiny kingdom. Imagine what the parents of the Fallen thought about that. The Nintendo War lasted 100 hours and ended with a dangerously humiliated Hussein. The Glaspie Memo makes it very clear what Saddam believed was our position on him invading Kuwait....we didn't have one.

Gulf War Documents: Meeting between Saddam Hussein and US Ambassador to Iraq April Glaspie - Global Research

2. Several Pentagon types believed and still do to this day, that Bush43 invaded Iraq to get Saddam for sending a team to assassinate 41 in Kuwait City after the war. So the genesis of another 5,000 American KIA and $5T can also be laid on 41's doorstep.

3. A crew member in a bomber near Bush's aircraft said there was no fire aboard his plane after it had been hit with AA fire. The aircraft was still maneuverable enough for him to finish his bombing run. He then headed out to sea to supposedly ditch the plane. Other US aircraft fired on Jap boats headed out to get him....the other pilots downed in his squadron were captured, beaten, and beheaded. Three of them had body parts (liver and thigh muscle) served and EATEN by Jap officers. There were two other crewmen in Bush's plane....the witness in the bomber nearest him said there was no smoke in Bush's cockpit, and that he blew his canopy and bailed leaving them to die. He told his story 44 years after it happened and only when a friend demanded the American people know what he saw from the man running for President.

4. "Read my lips".....that was his solemn promise not to raise taxes....It took Speaker Tip O'Neill less than a year to get that promise broken and it rightfully cost 41 reelection.

5. Thanks to 41 we got the serial-rapist Willy Jeff and his hideous wife as First Lady.

6. He told the press he voted for Hillary in 2016...that by itself tells you all you need to know about Bush41.
You mean he wasn’t an insane trumpkin

Which is why, unlike your orange sociopath, he was respected.

No one cares what trumpkins think.

And yes. Decency requires you shut your insane mouth for a while

That's exactly what it is. All these Republicans who they liked when before Trump, are suddenly low-life losers because they see through Trump and can see how awful he is.

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