Is it ok not to vote...

I do complain more if the other guy won.

And if a candidate I voted for prevails and then makes some horrible decisions, I may be partially to blame … BUT yeah. I can bellyache about those bad choices. 👍
There is the 'glass house' syndrome.
And who do you (as a democrat) think we should want over Trump?

As a democrat? What are you stupid? I support small, limited government that lives within it's means. How TF does that make me a democrat?

Who's better than Trump? DeSantis for one. But he's gone. Thanks to the Trump Tribe. He wasn't as conservative as I'd like. But his executive record was leaps and bounds right of Trumps.

There are no more viable candidates now. Y'all tossed a great plan B under the bus. So I'll either find a conservative 3rd party to support. Or I'll simply skip voting this time.
But I'm damn sure not going to support a RINO or a democrat.
Delegating something to someone else doesn't forfeit your right to complain.

Yeah. It kinda does. But only in a limited sense. Your endless repetition of your contention doesn’t prove it.
Nope. If I don't vote for Trump, I'm in NO WAY responsible for his election.
If you vote for his opponent. That may be true. But if you don’t vote at all, then you are choosing to just let the other folks make the choice. This makes you partially responsible.
Likewise with Biden. That's just a con the major parties use to browbeat people into voting for their bad candidates.
Nope. You’re wrong. It’s an unavoidable truth. I don’t take blame for the many Potato fuckups and I do complain about him because I voted for Trump.
Would you say third party voters are also responsible for whoever wins, assuming it's not their candidate?
Not really. Maybe a bit less blame. The consequences of wasting their votes on a symbolic gesture is similar to not voting at all. In that sense, yeah.
Nope. If I don't vote for Trump, I'm in NO WAY responsible for his election. Likewise with Biden. That's just a con the major parties use to browbeat people into voting for their bad candidates.

Would you say third party voters are also responsible for whoever wins, assuming it's not their candidate?
It's pragmatism vs idealism.

Or as a simple man would say, you can't let the perfect be the enemy of the good.
Choosing “not to vote” simply means that you allow others to make the decision without any input from you.

It should come with a single penalty:
you are agreeing not to voice any subsequent complaints about whoever wins the election.

Choosing to vote, means your asking for that person to rule over you.

This is a little dramatic. But the point, especially about voting, is spot on.
Yeah. It kinda does. But only in a limited sense. Your endless repetition of your contention doesn’t prove it.

If you vote for his opponent.
Which one?
Nope. You’re wrong. It’s an unavoidable truth. I don’t take blame for the many Potato fuckups and I do complain about him because I voted for Trump.
And if you'd voted for someone else?
Not really. Maybe a bit less blame. The consequences of wasting their votes on a symbolic gesture is similar to not voting at all. In that sense, yeah.
It's not symbolic, and it's not a waste. This is just the gun-to-the-head scam that partisans use to bully people into falling in line. "Vote for our guy or you're to blame for whatever happens!" - NO.
As a democrat? What are you stupid? I support small, limited government that lives within it's means. How TF does that make me a democrat?

Who's better than Trump? DeSantis for one. But he's gone. Thanks to the Trump Tribe. He wasn't as conservative as I'd like. But his executive record was leaps and bounds right of Trumps.

There are no more viable candidates now. Y'all tossed a great plan B under the bus. So I'll either find a conservative 3rd party to support. Or I'll simply skip voting this time.
But I'm damn sure not going to support a RINO or a democrat.
Yeah, you should stay out of this one. You are too confused to make a decision like that.
It's pragmatism vs idealism.

Or as a simple man would say, you can't let the perfect be the enemy of the good.

You're cliché's are meaningless.

If you knew the dealer was cheating, would you still play ante into the game?
If you knew parachutes has only a 10% chance of opening, would you still go sky diving?
If you knew that voting for the lesser of two evils was going to get you evil, would you still vote?
Choosing to vote, means your asking for that person to rule over you.

This is a little dramatic. But the point, especially about voting, is spot on.

Choosing to vote means you want a person making official decisions that impact you to be of a similar political belief system.

We are governed. We are not ruled. We are citizens. Not subjects.
No, it's not. It's very simple and obvious. Don't vote for a bad candidate on purpose. You're fucking your country if you do.

Doing so means they don't give a crap about this country or it's future. It's extremely unAmerican and unpatriotic.
But they got this crazy idea that it's their duty. (to help destroy the country)
If Trump had made good on his important promises, he would've gained seats in the House and Senate.

You know, like DeSantis did.
You believe it! Hahaha haha, yeah interference and threats against trump! Raise the Russia Russia card! Hahaha I see the cheat, it’s fking obvious
No, it's not. It's very simple and obvious. Don't vote for a bad candidate on purpose. You're fucking your country if you do.
Right now it's a binary choice.

Open border Biden or secure border Trump.

Gun grabber Biden or pro-gun Trump.

Pro-war Biden or pro-peace Trump.

New world order Biden or America First Trump.

Climate Change Biden or reality Trump.

Yes...Trump spent money. Yes, Trump banned bump stocks.

But Biden spends more, and Biden wants to ban guns.

One of these men are going to be president and set the agenda for the next four years.
Right now it's a binary choice.
Not yet. We're still allowed to vote for someone else.
Open border Biden or secure border Trump.

Gun grabber Biden or pro-gun Trump.

Pro-war Biden or pro-peace Trump.

New world order Biden or America First Trump.

Climate Change Biden or reality Trump.

Yes...Trump spent money. Yes, Trump banned bump stocks.

But Biden spends more, and Biden wants to ban guns.

One of these men are going to be president and set the agenda for the next four years.
Again, both candidates are below my minimum threshold for the Presidency. What is your minimum?
Choosing to vote means you want a person making official decisions that impact you to be of a similar political belief system.

We are governed. We are not ruled. We are citizens. Not subjects.

BS. Voting for those who aren't going to allow you freedom and liberty, is voting for someone to rule over you. To tax you. To stop you from exercising your rights. From living your personal and business life without government intrusion and regulation.

Because none of the democrats or RINO's is going to restore the freedoms and liberties we've lost, even just since 9/11.
FFS, Trump assaulted our 2A. And supports red flag laws.
He reauthorized the government to spy on Americans without a warrant.
He supports eminent domain.
He supports the provisions in the Patriot act that allows the federal government to come onto our property and search without a warrant or probably cause.

And just as bad as those things, he help destroy our economic liberties with all the money he spent, that created a huge inflation spike in 2021. He debased the USD, causing financial harm to small business's all across this country.
Did you not see all those new robotic jobs going into fast food places? They even have convenient stores without clerks now. FFS, $15hr will soon become the minimum wage. All of that is happening because of politicians like Trump and Biden, destroying the USD value.
You're cliché's are meaningless.

If you knew the dealer was cheating, would you still play ante into the game?
If you knew parachutes has only a 10% chance of opening, would you still go sky diving?

You're already playing!

You've already been pushed from the plane!

You can't stop the world because you want to get off.

You have a choice of the parachute that will open 60% of the time or the one that will open 20%.

You don't have to choose...but then someone else is going to choose for you.

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