Is It Just Me, Or Is The Left Beginning To Lose It Here?


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
Seems to me that leftards on this board are really getting their asses kicked up around their shoulders lately. Seems that all their liberal utopia bull shit is coming home to roost, and ain't none of it good, and they have NOTHING worth while to say to defend it.

Trump is capitalizing on it too. He knows the country has been pushed so far, so fast to the left that people are sick to tears of government, liberals and being RAIL ROADED AGAINST THEIR WILL. The man has touched home with America, and America is responding. The left is going DOWN, and they're PISSED, and I LOVE IT.
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Lol what? It's been a fantastic couple of weeks for the left. I've been loving every second.
You entirely ignored what I said, and responded with bull shit.

He knows the country has been pushed so far, so fast to the left that people are sick to tears of government, liberals and being RAIL ROADED AGAINST THEIR WILL.
Lol what? It's been a fantastic couple of weeks for the left. I've been loving every second.
You entirely missed what I said, and responded with bull shit.
I hope as many microphones as possible get put in front of Trump. You should vote for him in the primaries.
Yeah... so... I do too, and I plan to vote for him. Me and millions of others.

What he says resonates with America.
Good. Tell your friends to vote for him too.
Seems to me that leftards on this board are really getting their asses kicked up around their shoulders lately. Seems that all their liberal utopia bull shit is coming home to roost, and it ain't none of it good, and they have NOTHING worth while to say to defend it.

Trump is capitalizing on it too. He knows the country has been pushed so far, so fast to the left that people are sick to tears of government, liberals and being RAIL ROADED AGAINST THEIR WILL. The man has touched home with America, and America is responding. The left is going DOWN, and they're PISSED, and I LOVE IT.

I will use your post as a classic example to define the word "irony".

Trump lost $50 million worth of deals and the fallout is not over yet. I can't even imagine how many of the 54 million hispanics in America will not visit Trump properties. So the fallout will continue for years to come.

Keep your ironic posts coming, I love reading them.
Seems to me that leftards on this board are really getting their asses kicked up around their shoulders lately. Seems that all their liberal utopia bull shit is coming home to roost, and it ain't none of it good, and they have NOTHING worth while to say to defend it.

Trump is capitalizing on it too. He knows the country has been pushed so far, so fast to the left that people are sick to tears of government, liberals and being RAIL ROADED AGAINST THEIR WILL. The man has touched home with America, and America is responding. The left is going DOWN, and they're PISSED, and I LOVE IT.

I will use your post as a classic example to define the word "irony".

Trump lost $50 million worth of deals and the fallout is not over yet. I can't even imagine how many of the 54 million hispanics in America will not visit Trump properties. So the fallout will continue for years to come.

Keep your ironic posts coming, I love reading them.
Trump has lost money before and ALWAYS come back. I'm sure he is sleeping just fine.
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Seems to me that leftards on this board are really getting their asses kicked up around their shoulders lately. Seems that all their liberal utopia bull shit is coming home to roost, and it ain't none of it good, and they have NOTHING worth while to say to defend it.

Trump is capitalizing on it too. He knows the country has been pushed so far, so fast to the left that people are sick to tears of government, liberals and being RAIL ROADED AGAINST THEIR WILL. The man has touched home with America, and America is responding. The left is going DOWN, and they're PISSED, and I LOVE IT.

They are worried sick, but it is not about trump winning the republican nomination, because both sides know he won't.

What they are worried about is that he won't shut up, and people will rally to those who SUPPORT his view on illegals, and that he will bring the statistics forward in the debate.

What that will do is 2 things. Knock Jebster out of the box, along with Christie, and every other rino, leaving Trump, Cruz, and who else?

It will also knock every liberal out of the box with the independents, including Hilly. Illegal immigration is in the top 5 concerns for ALL Americans of BOTH parties when surveyed. They want it stopped!!!!!! And so, what both rinos and libs are trying to do is..............get both candidates to agree not to make this an issue. They need one of the rinos to win the repub nomination, and any lib will do, lol.

With Trump funding himself, this issue is NOT going away, and what will happen is more than likely, Cruz or Walker will win for the repubs. Neither party wants this, so they are trying to cut this off as fast as possible. I have a feeling, that is NOT going to happen!
Lol what? It's been a fantastic couple of weeks for the left. I've been loving every second.
Running victory laps over mundane things such as political correctness will tire you out.
Like it or not, there is a regime change afoot. With a GOP president, the window will close on the radical left which has had its way for ten years.
And should Clinton win the WH, if you people think she is going to continue the Obama legacy of radical liberalism, you will be disappointed. Hillary Clinton is a wealthy elitist who will have an administration that will kowtow to the mega wealthy left wing but not politically correct power brokers.
The kind of people with which Clinton will surround herself are the typical limousine liberals who sit at $10k per plate fund raising dinners, live in exclusive gated communities and satisfy their version of liberalism by donating to soup kitchens.....
The era of radical left wing PC politics is OVER.....
The country is SICK of government that picks winners and losers. The country is DONE with politics of identity.
Lol what? It's been a fantastic couple of weeks for the left. I've been loving every second.
You entirely missed what I said, and responded with bull shit.
I hope as many microphones as possible get put in front of Trump. You should vote for him in the primaries.
Yeah... so... I do too, and I plan to vote for him. Me and millions of others.

What he says resonates with America.
Good. Tell your friends to vote for him too.
They already are, along with millions of others.

Lol what? It's been a fantastic couple of weeks for the left. I've been loving every second.
You entirely missed what I said, and responded with bull shit.
I hope as many microphones as possible get put in front of Trump. You should vote for him in the primaries.
Yeah... so... I do too, and I plan to vote for him. Me and millions of others.

What he says resonates with America.
Good. Tell your friends to vote for him too.
I think you people are over confident.
Lol what? It's been a fantastic couple of weeks for the left. I've been loving every second.
You entirely missed what I said, and responded with bull shit.
I hope as many microphones as possible get put in front of Trump. You should vote for him in the primaries.
Yeah... so... I do too, and I plan to vote for him. Me and millions of others.

What he says resonates with America.
Good. Tell your friends to vote for him too.
They already are, along with millions of others.

Good. I hope there are enough votes to get him the nomination.
The hillbillies and gay haters have flipped the fuck out here, personally I grow weary of their insanity. It was one thing to argue with political ideologues but butt-hurt racists and panic stricken social cons is all that seem to be left.
Seems to me that leftards on this board are really getting their asses kicked up around their shoulders lately. Seems that all their liberal utopia bull shit is coming home to roost, and it ain't none of it good, and they have NOTHING worth while to say to defend it.

Trump is capitalizing on it too. He knows the country has been pushed so far, so fast to the left that people are sick to tears of government, liberals and being RAIL ROADED AGAINST THEIR WILL. The man has touched home with America, and America is responding. The left is going DOWN, and they're PISSED, and I LOVE IT.

I will use your post as a classic example to define the word "irony".

Trump lost $50 million worth of deals and the fallout is not over yet. I can't even imagine how many of the 54 million hispanics in America will not visit Trump properties. So the fallout will continue for years to come.

Keep your ironic posts coming, I love reading them.
All Hispanics are not Mexicans. And to be truthful, most Hispanics and Latinos that are here LEGALLY cannot stand illegal alien Mexicans
Lol what? It's been a fantastic couple of weeks for the left. I've been loving every second.
You entirely missed what I said, and responded with bull shit.
I hope as many microphones as possible get put in front of Trump. You should vote for him in the primaries.
Yeah... so... I do too, and I plan to vote for him. Me and millions of others.

What he says resonates with America.
Good. Tell your friends to vote for him too.
I think you people are over confident.
That's a tactic of the minority left. Problem is they've abused it, they've over played their hand, and they've woke up the silent majority.

Time for some push back, time for an ass kicking at the polls.

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