Is it just me or has Fox News taken a new right path?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World

It just seems to me like now that Trump is out, Fox is promoting stories that they would not have just 6 months ago. You've got a democrook actually coming out and admitting the leftist agitprop from the DNC/MSM regarding Ga. Voting law is bullshit.

Another recent story properly ridicules John Bohner and exposes him for the petty RINO piece of elitist shit he is.

The Fox/GOP propaganda has taken a new aggressive direction in my opinion, not that I trust they have decent intentions. At the end of the day it's still manipulative bullshit, but at least it isn't promoting marxism or treason.


It just seems to me like now that Trump is out, Fox is promoting stories that they would not have just 6 months ago. You've got a democrook actually coming out and admitting the leftist agitprop from the DNC/MSM regarding Ga. Voting law is bullshit.

Another recent story properly ridicules John Bohner and exposes him for the petty RINO piece of elitist shit he is.

The Fox/GOP propaganda has taken a new aggressive direction in my opinion, not that I trust they have decent intentions. At the end of the day it's still manipulative bullshit, but at least it isn't promoting marxism or treason.

Fox is attempting to save face......but they still have the same lying liberal assholes on the air during the morning and afternoons. As long as they haven't fired Chris Wallace....Fox is still full of crap.

It just seems to me like now that Trump is out, Fox is promoting stories that they would not have just 6 months ago. You've got a democrook actually coming out and admitting the leftist agitprop from the DNC/MSM regarding Ga. Voting law is bullshit.

Another recent story properly ridicules John Bohner and exposes him for the petty RINO piece of elitist shit he is.

The Fox/GOP propaganda has taken a new aggressive direction in my opinion, not that I trust they have decent intentions. At the end of the day it's still manipulative bullshit, but at least it isn't promoting marxism or treason.

Fox is attempting to save face......but they still have the same lying liberal assholes on the air during the morning and afternoons. As long as they haven't fired Chris Wallace....Fox is still full of crap.
The idiots decided to spit in the faces of a loyal audience by their actions on election night. The really amazing aspect of it was the execs seemed to believe they could do this and not lose audience. They went from a steady number one ranking, FAR above their competitors to coming in behind MSLSD. I remember a few of their anchors really getting into insulting and sneering at their audience as though they'd wanted to do it for a long time. I canceled Sirius because the only reason I had it was for FOX NEWS. I never so much as click a FOX link for a story unless I have to. Independent media is the way to go. James and Lachlan Murdoch can go F**K themselves...
Fox is a corporate member of the CFR. They are neo-cons, and are in on the Great Reset and the technocratic agenda.

That Maria chick is even a member of the WEF and the great reset crowd. Lenin once said that the best way to control the opposition, is to control it themselves.

So . . . to sum up, Fox is NOT anti-globalist, they are controlled opposition.
The best way to protect yourself from that agenda, is to go to the indie media as often as possible.


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Fox is a corporate member of the CFR. They are neo-cons, and are in on the Great Reset and the technocratic agenda.

That Maria chick is even a member of the WEF and the great reset crowd. Lenin once said that the best way to control the opposition, is to control it themselves.

So . . . to sum up, Fox is NOT anti-globalist, they are controlled opposition.
The best way to protect yourself from that agenda, is to go to the indie media as often as possible.


View attachment 479184
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No kidding, Alfred Newman is considered a young global leader?

It just seems to me like now that Trump is out, Fox is promoting stories that they would not have just 6 months ago. You've got a democrook actually coming out and admitting the leftist agitprop from the DNC/MSM regarding Ga. Voting law is bullshit.

Another recent story properly ridicules John Bohner and exposes him for the petty RINO piece of elitist shit he is.

The Fox/GOP propaganda has taken a new aggressive direction in my opinion, not that I trust they have decent intentions. At the end of the day it's still manipulative bullshit, but at least it isn't promoting marxism or treason.

Fakes Nooz has always been the Necon Nooz Network....It's only out in the open now.
With some exception Fox News is just part of the establishment, while all MSM only represents the establishment with 24/7 propaganda aimed left.

Leftists who criticize Fox are doing more than projection, they're not on the same level at all.

If you want real news look at the start-ups, such as News-Max.

It just seems to me like now that Trump is out, Fox is promoting stories that they would not have just 6 months ago. You've got a democrook actually coming out and admitting the leftist agitprop from the DNC/MSM regarding Ga. Voting law is bullshit.

Another recent story properly ridicules John Bohner and exposes him for the petty RINO piece of elitist shit he is.

The Fox/GOP propaganda has taken a new aggressive direction in my opinion, not that I trust they have decent intentions. At the end of the day it's still manipulative bullshit, but at least it isn't promoting marxism or treason.

Oh look, first it was Abrams, now Warnock.

Or... other black people not caring what happens to other black people.

It just seems to me like now that Trump is out, Fox is promoting stories that they would not have just 6 months ago. You've got a democrook actually coming out and admitting the leftist agitprop from the DNC/MSM regarding Ga. Voting law is bullshit.

Another recent story properly ridicules John Bohner and exposes him for the petty RINO piece of elitist shit he is.

The Fox/GOP propaganda has taken a new aggressive direction in my opinion, not that I trust they have decent intentions. At the end of the day it's still manipulative bullshit, but at least it isn't promoting marxism or treason.
FOX can't decide whether it needs to kiss Trump's butt, hence the mixed messaging. IMO, it's just another episode in the telenovela that is Trump's life.
With some exception Fox News is just part of the establishment, while all MSM only represents the establishment with 24/7 propaganda aimed left.

Leftists who criticize Fox are doing more than projection, they're not on the same level at all.

If you want real news look at the start-ups, such as News-Max.
While NewsMax IS NOT part of the CFR, however, they are more entangled with corporate power than a lot of other sites, this has to do with how the interlocking directorate operates.

. . . and of course, since the Citizens United decision? Corporate Power corrupts the Government. . . so, the closer a news organization is to that, the less reliable the information. We see that with the Silicon Valley black lists now.

On the plus side, they will have a regularly funded TEE VEE network, higher production standards, higher paid and more talented presentations. . . BUT. . . they will be supported by stake holders in the interlocking directorate. This reduces their independence from the loci of power, and thus, gives spin and lessens their willingness to give you a complete picture of actual events.


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I recall that a good many years ago, a couple of reporters for Fox, were instructed to delve into a national story (I must apologize, because it was so long ago, that I don't recall the topic). Anyway, the reporters did their due diligence, completed the story and turned it over to the Fox executives. The executives rejected their report and told them to rewrite it less critical of the topic. They rewrote it, turned it back in and the story didn't fit the narrative that Fox was looking for, so were told to write the story in an even more favorable light. They refused and were terminated (or quit). The reporters took Fox to court with the complaint that Fox wanted them to lie to fit the Fox narrative. In the end, the court determined that media agencies are not required to tell the truth, as it violates their right to their own opinion and would otherwise violate their "freedom" of speech.
That court ruling opened a Pandora's Box. After that decision, it became a free-for-all of innuendo and outright B.S., by all the media (Fox, CNN, MSNBC, et cetera).
Sadly, in the courts, the media should have been held to a different standard, as it is supposed to represent itself as providing facts, not lies to influence people one way or another.
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Fox is a corporate member of the CFR. They are neo-cons, and are in on the Great Reset and the technocratic agenda.

That Maria chick is even a member of the WEF and the great reset crowd. Lenin once said that the best way to control the opposition, is to control it themselves.

So . . . to sum up, Fox is NOT anti-globalist, they are controlled opposition.
The best way to protect yourself from that agenda, is to go to the indie media as often as possible.


View attachment 479184
View attachment 479185

No kidding, Alfred Newman is considered a young global leader?
If he's a politician that sucks cock....he's a candidate for global leader.

It just seems to me like now that Trump is out, Fox is promoting stories that they would not have just 6 months ago. You've got a democrook actually coming out and admitting the leftist agitprop from the DNC/MSM regarding Ga. Voting law is bullshit.

Another recent story properly ridicules John Bohner and exposes him for the petty RINO piece of elitist shit he is.

The Fox/GOP propaganda has taken a new aggressive direction in my opinion, not that I trust they have decent intentions. At the end of the day it's still manipulative bullshit, but at least it isn't promoting marxism or treason.

Fox is attempting to save face......but they still have the same lying liberal assholes on the air during the morning and afternoons. As long as they haven't fired Chris Wallace....Fox is still full of crap.
Chrissy's a fucking commie dipshit that basically auditions for nbc everytime it gets in front of a camera, but he did do some accidental journalism last week and shamed the fuck out Pete Buttplug. This was a severe beatdown, but like I said, I'm sure it was accidental.

Chris Wallace calls out Buttigieg for infrastructure plan job claims

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