So it begins: Right or Left, if you oppose this regime, you're a terrorist.


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
Whether you're left or right (Occupy Wall Street or Tea Party), if you oppose the multinational banks and transnational corporations, and other purchasers of US congressmen, judges and officials --- you're a terrorist!

Let us examine what the current regime has been saying:

Soldiers attending a pre-deployment briefing at Fort Hood say they were told that evangelical Christians and members of the Tea Party were a threat to the nation and that any soldier donating to those groups would be subjected to punishment under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

Todd Starnes' American Dispatch: Does Army Consider Christians, Tea Party, a Terror Threat? - Fox Nation

Despite the FBI’s own admission that Occupy was essentially peaceful, local branches of the intelligence agency routinely treated the group as a potential terrorist organization

FBI monitored Occupy Wall Street like a potential terrorist threat | The Verge

The GOP, and in particular its radical Tea Party faction led by "House Speaker" Sen. Ted Cruz and his second-banana Rep. John Boehner, has stopped the wheels of Democracy from turning by taking the government hostage over its obsessive, all-consuming hatred of President Obama and his signature health care reform, the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which they've derisively named Obamacare. Never mind that ACA is standing law which passed both houses of Congress, has been signed by the president, challenged and upheld in the Supreme Court and reaffirmed in 2012 by voters who reelected the man responsible for it while summarily rejecting his challenger who opposed it.

Make no mistake: holding a gun to Obama's head while shutting the government unless he caves in to their demand of de-funding or delaying ACA is not just "treason," as former Labor Secretary Robert Reich called it, but a despicable act of terrorism.

The Oath Keepers, a newly formed far-right “patriot” organization whose membership is restricted to soldiers, police officers, firefighters, and military veterans (see March 2010), is formed at a pro-militia rally in Lexington, Massachusetts, the site of the first battle of the Revolutionary War.

The Oath Keepers are made up of current and former members of the US Armed Forces, and they claim to defend the Constitution from threats both outside and inside the United States. The group is frequently involved with local militias and the TEA Party. They’re also disciples of Ron Paul and violent delusional psychopath Alex Jones.

Oathkeepers should be tried for treason

On Sunday, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) called Tea Partiers and our allies “legislative arsonists.” Not be left out, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) soon called us “anarchists.” Before mid-week had passed, Congressman Peter King (R-NY) had joined in the fun, using the word “terrorists” to describe Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) and his allies.

White House Calls Tea Partiers Terrorists | Tea Party PatriotsTea Party Patriots

people who embrace “individual liberties” and honor “states’ rights,” among other characteristics, as potential “extremists” who are likely to be members of “hate groups.”

A Defense Department training manual for a course taken by thousands of U.S. service members refers to the Founding Fathers as extremists and, critics say, implies that many political conservatives are also extreme.

Defense Department training manual used by thousands of troops characterizes Founding Fathers as 'extremists' | Mail Online

3-56. The PSYOP team also supports the military police custodial mission in the I/R facility. The team—

Develops and executes indoctrination programs to reduce or remove antagonistic attitudes.

Identifies political activists.

Plans and executes a PSYOP program that produces an understanding and appreciation of U.S. policies and actions.

Leaks of official secrets like the ones whistleblower Edward Snowden passed on to the press are a “gift” to terrorists,

Soldiers attending a pre-deployment briefing at Fort Hood say they were told that evangelical Christians and members of the Tea Party were a threat to the nation and that any soldier donating to those groups would be subjected to punishment under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

Amy Rosemond, an ecology professor at the University of Georgia, called House Republicans “terrorists” who were holding the government hostage.

George Washington would not be welcome in the modern U.S. military. Neither would Thomas Jefferson or Benjamin Franklin, according to Department of Defense training documents that depict the Founding Fathers as extremists and conservative organizations as “hate groups.”

Here's the NUMBER 1 rated comment at Huffington Post (very liberal audience):
The U.S. government has never negotiated with terrorists before this and now is not the time to start doing so. If anything, this is the time for President Obama and the Democratic Party to stand strong before the Republicans, loudly proclaiming what has always been our policy, "We do not negotiate with terrorists, foreign or domestic and that includes the Republican wing of the U.S. government." Time to stop the temper tantrums and sit at the table and negotiate like adults AFTER they vote for a clean resolution to re-open the government and to lift the debt ceiling without limitations just as they did during Bush's Presidency.

It advocates for martial law and declaring all *true* conservatives an enemy of the state.
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Whether you're left or right (Occupy Wall Street or Tea Party), if you oppose the multinational banks and transnational corporations, and other purchasers of US congressmen, judges and officials --- you're a terrorist!

Let us examine what the current regime has been saying:

Soldiers attending a pre-deployment briefing at Fort Hood say they were told that evangelical Christians and members of the Tea Party were a threat to the nation and that any soldier donating to those groups would be subjected to punishment under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

Todd Starnes' American Dispatch: Does Army Consider Christians, Tea Party, a Terror Threat? - Fox Nation

Despite the FBI’s own admission that Occupy was essentially peaceful, local branches of the intelligence agency routinely treated the group as a potential terrorist organization

FBI monitored Occupy Wall Street like a potential terrorist threat | The Verge

White House Calls Tea Partiers Terrorists | Tea Party PatriotsTea Party Patriots

Defense Department training manual used by thousands of troops characterizes Founding Fathers as 'extremists' | Mail Online

3-56. The PSYOP team also supports the military police custodial mission in the I/R facility. The team—

Develops and executes indoctrination programs to reduce or remove antagonistic attitudes.

Identifies political activists.

Plans and executes a PSYOP program that produces an understanding and appreciation of U.S. policies and actions.

Leaks of official secrets like the ones whistleblower Edward Snowden passed on to the press are a “gift” to terrorists,

Britain's MI5 head says Edward Snowden leaks are 'gift' to terrorists - NY Daily News
I hate to say it, but what you posted, is 100% true.

the following actions may get an American citizen living on U.S. soil labeled as a “suspected terrorist” today:
■Complaining about the taste of your tap water
■Being young (if you live near a battle zone, you are fair game)
■Using social media
■Reporting or doing journalism
■Having “strange odors” or “bright colored stains on clothes” (what if you eat mustard or ketchup?)
■Speaking out against government policies
■Protesting anything (such as participating in the “Occupy” or “Tea Party” movements)
■Questioning war (even though war reduces our national security)
■Criticizing the government’s targeting of innocent civilians with drones (although killing innocent civilians with drones is one of the main things which increases terrorism.)
■Asking questions about pollution (even at a public Congressional hearing?)
■Paying cash at an Internet cafe
■Asking questions about Wall Street shenanigans
■Holding gold
■Creating alternative currencies
■Stocking up on more than 7 days of food (even though all Mormons are taught to stockpile food, and most Hawaiians store up on extra food)
■Having bumper stickers saying things like “Know Your Rights Or Lose Them”
■Investigating factory farming
■Infringing a copyright
■Taking pictures or videos
■Talking to police officers
■Wearing a hoodie
■Driving a van
■Writing on a piece of paper
■(Not having a Facebook account may soon be added)

And holding the following beliefs may also be considered grounds for suspected terrorism:
■Being frustrated with “mainstream ideologies”
■Valuing online privacy
■Being a libertarian
■Liking the Founding Fathers
■Being a Christian
■Being anti-tax, anti-regulation or for the gold standard
■Being “reverent of individual liberty”
■Being “anti-nuclear”
■“Believe in conspiracy theories”
■“A belief that one’s personal and/or national “way of life” is under attack”
■“Impose strict religious tenets or laws on society (fundamentalists)”
■“Insert religion into the political sphere”
■“Those who seek to politicize religion”
■“Supported political movements for autonomy”
■Being “anti-abortion”
■Being “anti-Catholic”
■Being “anti-global”
■“Suspicious of centralized federal authority”
■“Fiercely nationalistic (as opposed to universal and international in orientation)”
■“A belief in the need to be prepared for an attack either by participating in … survivalism”
■Opposing genetically engineered food
■Opposing surveillance
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Well, I guess that is the fundamental change to this nation that the libtards were hoping Obama would implement and it appears that is one promise he is keeping.
Well, I guess that is the fundamental change to this nation that the libtards were hoping Obama would implement and it appears that is one promise he is keeping.

Don't fool yourself to think that this problem is isolated to the Obama Administration. You have a very strong establishment of Neocons and Socialists (John Mccain, Peter King, Pelosi and Obama) uniting to create a war-mongering police state; they didn't' take their political defeat of invading Syria too well.

Also, the Obama Administration is a puppet government for the Federal Reserve and the IMF.
Well, I guess that is the fundamental change to this nation that the libtards were hoping Obama would implement and it appears that is one promise he is keeping.

Don't fool yourself to think that this problem is isolated to the Obama Administration. You have a very strong establishment of Neocons and Socialists (John Mccain, Peter King, Pelosi and Obama) uniting to create a war-mongering police state; they didn't' take their political defeat of invading Syria too well.

Also, the Obama Administration is a puppet government for the Federal Reserve and the IMF.

Oh, I am under no illusions. Bush the Younger set up a police state prior to Obama, but Obama has perfected the legal requirements with EO 13603 that is the first in our nations history to give draconian war power and emergency powers over ALL resources (including human labor) while in non-emergency PEACETIME. That is, he can act prior to a governor asking for fed help or the designation of a disaster area and just send in troops when and wherever he wants.

And he gave this authority to himself, without a single GOP whimper, so yes, the RINO neocons are part of the system too.

I think conservatives should look at forming an alliance of convenience with leftwing populists and centrist populists like me and generally oppose ALL expansion of the federal governments power, abolish the Federal Reserve and dismantle the spying on our citizens now going on.

We all need to unite to take down the police state, no matter why we think it needs doing.
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Whether you're left or right (Occupy Wall Street or Tea Party), if you oppose the multinational banks and transnational corporations, and other purchasers of US congressmen, judges and officials --- you're a terrorist!

Let us examine what the current regime has been saying:

Are you telling us that you are JUST NOW BEGINNING TO GET THIS?

You see?

This is what comes from partisanship.

Its takes partisans so damned long to shed their partisan blinders that by the time they realize their neighbors are NOT the problem, its too late.
Whether you're left or right (Occupy Wall Street or Tea Party), if you oppose the multinational banks and transnational corporations, and other purchasers of US congressmen, judges and officials --- you're a terrorist!

Let us examine what the current regime has been saying:

Are you telling us that you are JUST NOW BEGINNING TO GET THIS?

You see?

This is what comes from partisanship.

Its takes partisans so damned long to shed their partisan blinders that by the time they realize their neighbors are NOT the problem, its too late.


The division pimps have done their job well.

Ahhh, progressive statism: If you can't convince people that your ideas are superior, shame them and threaten them with government force until they comply.

A CNN reporter said this:
“President Obama’s people can be quite nasty. They don’t like you to say anything bad about their boss, and they’re not afraid to use whatever means they have at hand to stop you from doing that, including threatening your job.”

CNN?s Carol Costello: Obama?s People Can Be ?Nasty,? Willing to ?Threaten Your Job? | Mediaite
So it begins: Right or Left, if you oppose this regime, you're a terrorist.

Whether you're left or right (Occupy Wall Street or Tea Party), if you oppose the multinational banks and transnational corporations, and other purchasers of US congressmen, judges and officials --- you're a terrorist!

Let us examine what the current regime has been saying:

Are you telling us that you are JUST NOW BEGINNING TO GET THIS?

You see?

This is what comes from partisanship.

Its takes partisans so damned long to shed their partisan blinders that by the time they realize their neighbors are NOT the problem, its too late.

‘Government’ isn’t the ‘problem,’ either.

Nor are ‘multinational banks and transnational corporations.’

The OP has succeeded in only jumping out of the partisan frying pan into the paranoid fire.
Whether you're left or right (Occupy Wall Street or Tea Party), if you oppose the multinational banks and transnational corporations, and other purchasers of US congressmen, judges and officials --- you're a terrorist!

Let us examine what the current regime has been saying:

Are you telling us that you are JUST NOW BEGINNING TO GET THIS?

You see?

This is what comes from partisanship.

Its takes partisans so damned long to shed their partisan blinders that by the time they realize their neighbors are NOT the problem, its too late.

‘Government’ isn’t the ‘problem,’ either.

Nor are ‘multinational banks and transnational corporations.’

The OP has succeeded in only jumping out of the partisan frying pan into the paranoid fire.

Well, Clayton not sure I totally agree. The banks were responsible for destroying the world economy through an artificial housing bubble they created by allowing (and encouraging) fraud to take place in their organizations. After the market fell out, they were able (through close ties with our Gov't) receive a huge bailout that they used to buy up the deflated market with pennies on the dollar. We were practically raped. Derivatives were at the root of the market collapse, and it's estimated they still hold $700+ trillion worth on the books today.

Now, you don't see that as a problem?

Also, is it crazy to be skeptical and even paranoid of your gov't when there are literally thousands of examples sprinkled all throughout history of gov'ts (who were at one point benevolent) becoming oppressive and tyrannical? No one ever thinks it could happen to them until it's too late; that's just a human trait it seems.
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Whether you're left or right (Occupy Wall Street or Tea Party), if you oppose the multinational banks and transnational corporations, and other purchasers of US congressmen, judges and officials --- you're a terrorist!

Let us examine what the current regime has been saying:

Are you telling us that you are JUST NOW BEGINNING TO GET THIS?

You see?

This is what comes from partisanship.

Its takes partisans so damned long to shed their partisan blinders that by the time they realize their neighbors are NOT the problem, its too late.

‘Government’ isn’t the ‘problem,’ either.

Nor are ‘multinational banks and transnational corporations.’

The OP has succeeded in only jumping out of the partisan frying pan into the paranoid fire.

Jones calling someone else Partisan.....geezus.....the guy dwells in that Partisan frying Pan...
‘Government’ isn’t the ‘problem,’ either.

Nor are ‘multinational banks and transnational corporations.’

The OP has succeeded in only jumping out of the partisan frying pan into the paranoid fire.

If the Government is not the Problem.

If the foreign banks and corporations are not the Problem.

Then that only leaves the People.

Let it be forever known that [MENTION=29614]C_Clayton_Jones[/MENTION] believes that the People themselves are the problem.

Just remember [MENTION=29614]C_Clayton_Jones[/MENTION] You're no better than any other person, and now you've made yourself less.

So now we have four Liberals on these boards that have shown their true colors.

1) [MENTION=41423]NoTeaPartyPleez[/MENTION] has admitted he hates women.
I will do everything I can to unhinge these Koch-sucking sluts.

2) [MENTION=20452]theDoctorisIn[/MENTION] has admitted to having violent fantasies of initiating force against those with different views
I think it would do Alex Jones some good to have the shit beaten out of him.

3) [MENTION=44947]Hoffstra[/MENTION] has admitted he supports Hitler's disarming of Jews, making him a Nazi.
So all those millions in the concentration camps were permitted to keep and bear arms?

I said close to 100,000 1/2 Jews and 1/4 Jews, who were German citizens. They include Luftwaffe General Erhard Milche, who was likely 100% Jewish. These people were 1st and 2nd Degree Mischlinge.

4) [MENTION=29614]C_Clayton_Jones[/MENTION] admits he hates the People.
‘Government’ isn’t the ‘problem,’ either. Nor are ‘multinational banks and transnational corporations.

And now we know why [MENTION=29614]C_Clayton_Jones[/MENTION] wants to disarm the American people and loves the NDAA (suspension of Jury trials for whoever the Government wishes to deny that right to); he wants to remove our Sovereignty, and destroy the Enlightenment Popular Sovereignty Revolution that came to fruition under the wisdom of John Locke; he wishes to return to the days of Divine Right, where the ivory tower intellectuals claim their superior intellect gives them the right to rule over us.
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So it begins: Right or Left, if you oppose this regime, you're a terrorist.


yeah, thanks for chiming in from the fools and idiots gallery, Jake the Fake.

JimCrowie, my boyo, my little fool.

The fact that you nutty fruit loops can publish such nonsense on the internet might indicate to you that you are not living in Nazi German or the Confederate pre-war south.

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