Is it just me, or do animal haters turn you off?

Met someone today. Said they HATE animals. ALL animals. They are dirty, flea ridden, full of disease and just flat out nasty.

This made me back off a bit and immediately NOT like this person. Is that just me feeling/thinking this way, or does anyone else get the same emotion with animal haters?

I figure, if someone hates ALL animals, how can I be sure they like all humans? Are the odds they would be sympathetic to the vulnerable, be it a child or a person struggling, higher or lower based on their dislike of animals?

The answer is not readily available to me though I assume some research has been conducted on the subject matter. I will thus apply my own logic and life experience to the aforementioned scenario and mentally categorize such a person accordingly.
Are they vegans?!
No. This person will eat an animal (cow, pig, chicken, etc) but would not feel any remorse or pity or love for any animal. They hate the dogs that people here have. And the cats. And the birds in the trees. The hummers that are fed. HATES ALL ANIMALS. We did not go into detail of the whys and wherefores but that is the gist she put out there to me.
Met someone today. Said they HATE animals. ALL animals. They are dirty, flea ridden, full of disease and just flat out nasty.

This made me back off a bit and immediately NOT like this person. Is that just me feeling/thinking this way, or does anyone else get the same emotion with animal haters?
Not just you
I really dont know anyone that hates animals.
I do however hate certain animals like feral hogs,and I'm not to fond of feral cats either.
For me it's about the numbers and the damage they cause to property and native wildlife.
One or two feral cats or hogs,fine. Unfortunately thats not the case with these two animals.
Who hates bunny rabbits? The Australians do since they breed like ,well,rabbits and they destroy the natural habitat of native wildlife.
In other words I have to have a good reason to hate an animal.
No. This person will eat an animal (cow, pig, chicken, etc) but would not feel any remorse or pity or love for any animal. They hate the dogs that people here have. And the cats. And the birds in the trees. The hummers that are fed. HATES ALL ANIMALS. We did not go into detail of the whys and wherefores but that is the gist she put out there to me.
This person has no soul.

In MANY ways, animals are our superiors. I prefer their company to most humans. Certainly THIS human
Met someone today. Said they HATE animals. ALL animals. They are dirty, flea ridden, full of disease and just flat out nasty.

This made me back off a bit and immediately NOT like this person. Is that just me feeling/thinking this way, or does anyone else get the same emotion with animal haters?

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