Is it immoral to vote for a politician who calls Islam a religion of peace?

Is it immoral to vote for a politician who calls Islam a religion of peace?

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No it doesn't...

I never get tired of evil 'interpreting' the Scriptures.

Its never the same twice and it has absolutely no connection with the Scriptures.

The scripture is evil. Not the 'interpretation". The Old Testament is written for a tribe of savage assholes who had not tolerance for beliefs other than their own, and it advocated genocide.

Sadly, it is the basis of Christianity and Islam. Christianity just outgrew the savagery first. And not by much.

Your point is face value one at best. I've read plenty of Quran passages. These so-called radicals are living what their book tells them to do. And this is why such a high percent of Muslims actually support all the suicide bombing and view Westerners as inherent enemies. The Quran is clear that the infidels (all non-muslims) are deserving of dieing at the hands of their so-called great allah. That is not a religion of peace, dude.

They consider westerners to be enemies because we keep attacking them.

You want to whine about 9/11, but the fact is, we've killed a hundred times more than that between our two wars in Iraq.

But it's not like you're marching down to a recruiting station to sign up.

LOL, no......they hate us because we are "infidels".
Yet you support the far left at every turn and support Obama's illegal wars..

Typical far left drone..

No, I really don't. I think we need to get the hell out of the Middle East and we need to stop propping up Israel.

But I'm enough of a realist to know that as long as the Oil Companies and Zionists have as much political influence as they have, that's not going to happen.
Yet you support the far left at every turn and support Obama's illegal wars..

Typical far left drone..

No, I really don't. I think we need to get the hell out of the Middle East and we need to stop propping up Israel.

But I'm enough of a realist to know that as long as the Oil Companies and Zionists have as much political influence as they have, that's not going to happen.

And the far left propaganda rolls out without question or hesitation.

And yes you really do support the far left every chance you get as well as Obama's illegal wars..
Much as you'd like to chalk this up to relgious bigotry, that's just a reach. A dude writes a murder manual, I'm not going to support it. SImple as that. I don't have go to church to have that moral stance.

Well, if you did go to church, you'd realize that the Bible is more of a Murder Manual than the Koran is.

"Happy is he who dashes thy little ones' heads against the Stones"- Psalm 137:9.

BTW, we are dealing with blood thirsty hoards. What do you think ISIS is?

ISIS is a group of thugs that managed to gain power because Bush destabilized a country that never attacked us over weapons that didn't exist.

Post the quote in context dipshit.

LOL, no......they hate us because we are "infidels".

Uh, no.

You don't see them attacking Japan, do you? Lots of "Infidels" in Japan.

They hate us because we keep bombing them and supporting Israel.

Poor Joe:(

They'll get to everyone else.
"Happy is he who dashes thy little ones' heads against the Stones"- Psalm 137:9.

Post the quote in context dipshit.

The context is that the writer is praying that the children of Edom and Bablyon have their brains smashed in because the writer is upset Jerusalem as razed to the ground. It really, really, doesn't sound any better "in context".

  1. Is it immoral to vote for a politician who calls Islam a religion of peace?


If I were to start a thread entitled "Is it immoral to vote for a politician who calls Judaism a religion of peace " it would immediately be moved to the USMB badlands. So unfair.

Even though they are

1- responsible for zionism
2- Zionists invaded Palestine in 1925 determined to create a Jewish State and disappear/murder the natives by any means necessary
3- they have engaged in genocide since then
4- the US has been subsidizing that policy since 1949
5- The US invaded Iraq in 1990 and remained there for 18 years - while there they slaughtered over 500,000 children

Neertheless, when they RETALIATE against US and Zionist interests they are referred to as "terrorists"

Go fig


  1. Is it immoral to vote for a politician who calls Islam a religion of peace?


If I were to start a thread entitled "Is it immoral to vote for a politician who calls Judaism a religion of peace " it would immediately be moved to the USMB badlands. So unfair.

Even though they are

1- responsible for zionism
2- Zionists invaded Palestine in 1925 determined to create a Jewish State and disappear/murder the natives by any means necessary
3- they have engaged in genocide since then
4- the US has been subsidizing that policy since 1949
5- The US invaded Iraq in 1990 and remained there for 18 years - while there they slaughtered over 500,000 children

Neertheless, when they RETALIATE against US and Zionist interests they are referred to as "terrorists"

Go fig



Horse shit. well as Obama's illegal wars..
And just what might those be?

We can start with Lybia and Syria
Hmmm, don't remember any boots on the ground in either location. And I assume you mean Libya?

Uhh...I'm betting you don't think getting head is Sex.

Let's not forget Pockeeeestan
Nope, that's sex. Still not seeing these illegal wars of yours however?

No it doesn't...

I never get tired of evil 'interpreting' the Scriptures.

Its never the same twice and it has absolutely no connection with the Scriptures.

The scripture is evil. Not the 'interpretation". The Old Testament is written for a tribe of savage assholes who had not tolerance for beliefs other than their own, and it advocated genocide.

So, let me follow your reasoning here... You are literally demonstrating zero tolerance for the belief of others, even as you condemn the intolerance for the belief of others?

ROFLMNAO! Leftists... they're truly imbeciles.




Folks you can NOT make this stuff up!
The thing to remember here folks, is that to understand the Scriptures, one must possess the means to reason objectively. It is due to this intellectual imitation that you will find the consistent rejection of God by the ideological left. And why where the Ideological left has secured power, that you'll find lower percentages of societal decay.

You see friends, the Ideological Left rests entirely upon Relativism.

Relativism is the addled doctrine which holds that knowledge, truth, and morality exist only in relation to one's cultural, societal, historical and personal context, and, as such can never be the result of soundly reasoned absolutes.

It is through this deviation in reason that relativism axiomatically rejects the objectivity which is essential to truth.

And with truth being essential to trust and, both of those being critical to the establishment of a soundly reasoned morality and, because a soundly reasoned morality is essential to Justice... it becomes clear to reasonable people, that Relativism can never serve justice... thus why Leftist cultures must decay and why Leftism, in all of it's innumerable facets fails... .
So, let me follow your reasoning here... You are literally demonstrating zero tolerance for the belief of others, even as you condemn the intolerance for the belief of others?

Well, I think you aren't following well and are incapable of reasoning.

Okay, let's try again.

1) I don't think our problems with the Islamic World is because of Religion. Like all conflicts, it is about resources. You dress it up in politics or religion, but the only reason why we are fighting there is because they have something we want.

2) I think it's silly to claim that Islam is a "evil" religion by cherry-picking a few quotes when you can go into the bible and find many more quotes advocating violence and cruelty.

3) religion is something we need to outgrow, just like every other irrational superstition.
The thing to remember here folks, is that to understand the Scriptures, one must possess the means to reason objectively.

Okay, Reason objectively about a book that contains stories about talking snakes.

And Giants.

And Unicorns.

And Sea Monsters.

It is due to this intellectual imitation that you will find the consistent rejection of God by the ideological left. And why where the Ideological left has secured power, that you'll find lower percentages of societal decay.

If the only thing that is keeping you from going off on a homicidal rampage of murder and rape is your belief in an imaginary sky pixie as described in a book of Bronze Age Fairy Tales, by all means I want you to keep doing that.

Some of us can actually be decent people without superstition, though. I know that's hard for you to get.

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