Is it fair to blame Donald Trump for the damage done by Covid?


Diamond Member
Dec 1, 2020
The United States has more air traffic than any country on Earth by an enormous margin. We have most of the biggest airports on the planet too, and many of those are next to dense groups of people. It seems to me that that's a pretty hard situation to control during a pandemic.

Is it realistic to think that under different leadership the United States would have avoided or heavily mitigated this situation?

Should Donald Trump be blamed in the manner that he often is by the left, or could some of the criticism possibly be called unfair?
America has 2,273 COVID deaths per million pop

Korea has 54

Korea didn't have to shutdown. Korea didn't have to pay out 2, trillion dollar stimulus programs.

No reason trump couldn't have copied Korea. They would've shared their strategy for fighting COVID.

trump killed 600,000 Americans, more Americans than the Nazis did.

America has 2,273 COVID deaths per million pop

Korea has 54

Korea didn't have to shutdown. Korea didn't have to pay out 2, trillion dollar stimulus programs.

No reason trump couldn't have copied Korea. They would've shared their strategy for fighting COVID.

trump killed 600,000 Americans, more Americans than the Nazis did.

Your opinion makes me suspect that you're deranged.

Korea is not the United States.

How many deaths would Obama be responsible for if he had still been the president? You'd have a flipped position with the other partisans you argue with this about. Republicans would be blaming the deaths on Obama and Democrats would be defending him. Maybe it's ridiculous to completely blame one president for this situation.
America has 2,273 COVID deaths per million pop

Korea has 54

Korea didn't have to shutdown. Korea didn't have to pay out 2, trillion dollar stimulus programs.

No reason trump couldn't have copied Korea. They would've shared their strategy for fighting COVID.

trump killed 600,000 Americans, more Americans than the Nazis did.

You know NOTHING about Korea or Koreans. Nothing at all. I suppose you're another white Democrat racist
America has 2,273 COVID deaths per million pop

Korea has 54

Korea didn't have to shutdown. Korea didn't have to pay out 2, trillion dollar stimulus programs.

No reason trump couldn't have copied Korea. They would've shared their strategy for fighting COVID.

trump killed 600,000 Americans, more Americans than the Nazis did.

Wow dimwit, who is your president now, and who is also responsible for worse leftyvirus metrics this year than at anytime under Trump?
The United States has more air traffic than any country on Earth by an enormous margin. We have most of the biggest airports on the planet too, and many of those are next to dense groups of people. It seems to me that that's a pretty hard situation to control during a pandemic.

Is it realistic to think that under different leadership the United States would have avoided or heavily mitigated this situation?

Should Donald Trump be blamed in the manner that he often is by the left, or could some of the criticism possibly be called unfair?
Trump made the decision in Feb20 to politicize the virus. Aware of the dangers he chose to hide them and make believe there was no danger. Then, in April he made the decision to politicize masks and other safety protocols.

Blame trump for the pandemic? No.
Blame Trump for 500k deaths because of his refusal to lead? Certainly.
Your opinion makes me suspect that you're deranged.

Korea is not the United States.

How many deaths would Obama be responsible for if he had still been the president? You'd have a flipped position with the other partisans you argue with this about. Republicans would be blaming the deaths on Obama and Democrats would be defending him. Maybe it's ridiculous to completely blame one president for this situation.

It could have been Hillary instead. Given how badly the current crop of Democrats are screwing up and knowing how Democrats are Democrats, it's probably a good thing she lost.
Trump made the decision in Feb20 to politicize the virus. Aware of the dangers he chose to hide them and make believe there was no danger. Then, in April he made the decision to politicize masks and other safety protocols.

Blame trump for the pandemic? No.
Blame Trump for 500k deaths because of his refusal to lead? Certainly.
So you legitimately hold Trump responsible for over 500,000 deaths? You're not just exaggerating because you're arguing on a political forum? You truly and honestly believe that shit?

A lot of people didn't want to overreact, including myself. Shutting down travel and the economy is an extremely big decision that isn't easy to make, and he certainly didn't make these decisions alone. Maybe he deserves some slack on this one.
The United States has more air traffic than any country on Earth by an enormous margin. We have most of the biggest airports on the planet too, and many of those are next to dense groups of people. It seems to me that that's a pretty hard situation to control during a pandemic.

Is it realistic to think that under different leadership the United States would have avoided or heavily mitigated this situation?

Should Donald Trump be blamed in the manner that he often is by the left, or could some of the criticism possibly be called unfair?
Is it fair to blame Biden for the damage done by Covid, yes, it seems as though it is ok, so, that means that is is ok to blame Trump for his time during Covid.
Is it fair to blame Biden for the damage done by Covid, yes, it seems as though it is ok, so, that means that is is ok to blame Trump for his time during Covid.
No, that's not how it works Moonglow. I'm not blaming Biden either.
America has 2,273 COVID deaths per million pop

Korea has 54

Korea didn't have to shutdown. Korea didn't have to pay out 2, trillion dollar stimulus programs.

No reason trump couldn't have copied Korea. They would've shared their strategy for fighting COVID.

trump killed 600,000 Americans, more Americans than the Nazis did.

Sleepy has more deaths in his shortened year than Trump. Leftyvirus still has only infected 13% of US population and death rate is .002%.
Really, you have abjectly claimed that the cause of inflation is not Biden's policies or actions as president?
All I've said about Biden is that he's old and useless. I don't think he's in control of anything right now, so I certainly wouldn't think to blame him for the state of the country.
America has 2,273 COVID deaths per million pop

Korea has 54

Korea didn't have to shutdown. Korea didn't have to pay out 2, trillion dollar stimulus programs.

No reason trump couldn't have copied Korea. They would've shared their strategy for fighting COVID.

trump killed 600,000 Americans, more Americans than the Nazis did.

...and who promised to cram the vaccine into everyone's arm but cannot deliver?
Is it fair to blame Biden for the damage done by Covid, yes, it seems as though it is ok, so, that means that is is ok to blame Trump for his time during Covid.
But will you give Trump credit for the vaccines that he fast tracked or developed at warp speed? I doubt it as that would ruin your argument.

Trump made the decision in Feb20 to politicize the virus. Aware of the dangers he chose to hide them and make believe there was no danger. Then, in April he made the decision to politicize masks and other safety protocols.

Blame trump for the pandemic? No.
Blame Trump for 500k deaths because of his refusal to lead? Certainly.
The Progs and the media were on pure anti Trump mode and did not help at all. With the corrupted sadists like Fauci, with the backing of a swamp organization like the CDC this turned into a blurred pandemic where no real truths were given. It would have gone better if Schumer and Pelosi worked with Trump. But the election as you know. I know the real murderers. The lifetime political hacks are to blame.
But Trump did plenty to make it worse than it needed to be, just by being what he is.
Trump isn't a normal politician. He certainly had to rely heavily on some of his advisors. Do you think he made any of these decisions alone?

I think the situation would be pretty much the same if Obama had been president.

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