Is it an Employer's Right to Discriminate?

Bottom line: Anti-discrimination laws are anti-freedom. Period.

You may be able to offer a laundry list of reasons why you think they're still necessary. But anyone that denies that they are anti-freedom is either retarded or intellectually dishonest.
Depends on whose freedom you are talking about.
Like I said.. feel free to take your case to the supreme court. don't mind me betting against your chances..

The way things are and the way things should be never coexist.

your opinion is noted and is being delegated to file 13. Thanks for your interest and we wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.
LOL! Did you just discriminate against him and deny him a job because he's a nutcase?
Is it an employer's right to discriminate?

It is unless you live in a country dominated by the politically correct morons of the Democratic Party of the United States of America. That doesn't mean that I believe it is in the best interest of the employer.

To the ignorant O/P

No. It's illegal.

Any other questions?

I asked if its an employer's right to discriminate not if it is illegal because I know an employer does not have that right under the law but I asked if they had the right to do so.

Whether or not it's illegal is irrelevant. Everyone discriminates in some form or another. Example: You can be more than qualified for the position I'm looking to fill. But if you come in looking like a slug, toting a 32oz soda, chewing gum, I've already decided I'm not going to hire you, before you even say hi.
To the ignorant O/P

No. It's illegal.

Any other questions?

I asked if its an employer's right to discriminate not if it is illegal because I know an employer does not have that right under the law but I asked if they had the right to do so.

Whether or not it's illegal is irrelevant. Everyone discriminates in some form or another. Example: You can be more than qualified for the position I'm looking to fill. But if you come in looking like a slug, toting a 32oz soda, chewing gum, I've already decided I'm not going to hire you, before you even say hi.
I didn't want the job anyway.
The employer is benefiting from the system so they have given up some rights in exchange. The system promises to spend an infinite amount of money prosecuting me if I steel from the business. The employer promises not to discriminate.

Sucks there just aren't more ungoverned islands folks can go open businesses in or more folks who want to be Americans running for office if they really believe in rights to discriminate.
The employer is benefiting from the system so they have given up some rights in exchange. The system promises to spend an infinite amount of money prosecuting me if I steel from the business. The employer promises not to discriminate.

Sucks there just aren't more ungoverned islands folks can go open businesses in or more folks who want to be Americans running for office if they really believe in rights to discriminate.

Actually the "system" (how totalitarian) actually spends a ton of money to prosecute anyone who steels from anyone. This includes non-business entities such as joe blow who was sitting in his home and got home invasioned by some gang. Does joe-blow have to associate with certain amount of minorities and women in order to get the benefits of the "system". Does he give up certain rights to associate with who ever he wants in order to get some protection?
To the ignorant O/P

No. It's illegal.

Any other questions?

I asked if its an employer's right to discriminate not if it is illegal because I know an employer does not have that right under the law but I asked if they had the right to do so.

Whether or not it's illegal is irrelevant. Everyone discriminates in some form or another. Example: You can be more than qualified for the position I'm looking to fill. But if you come in looking like a slug, toting a 32oz soda, chewing gum, I've already decided I'm not going to hire you, before you even say hi.

I'm going to forbid you the right to discriminate based on those qualifications. We are going to call it the equal protections of slobs act.
Does joe-blow have to associate with certain amount of minorities and women in order to get the benefits of the "system". Does he give up certain rights to associate with who ever he wants in order to get some protection?

Joe blow has to obey all these laws and regulations about speeding, standing in the same line at the license bureau, jay walking, pollution, and letting them sit in the front of the bus if the seat is empty.

You make a valid point about giving up freedoms. I suppose we could go back and forth concerning if I need to invite 80% black men over to watch NFL games with me since most of the league is black.

Practically though allowing folks not to hire ppl because of race is a line we can't cross.

Many many humans of all shapes and colors are racist pigs. Something we'll have to culture out of folks before we get even better at killing each other.
Does joe-blow have to associate with certain amount of minorities and women in order to get the benefits of the "system". Does he give up certain rights to associate with who ever he wants in order to get some protection?

Joe blow has to obey all these laws and regulations about speeding, standing in the same line at the license bureau, jay walking, pollution, and letting them sit in the front of the bus if the seat is empty.

You make a valid point about giving up freedoms. I suppose we could go back and forth concerning if I need to invite 80% black men over to watch NFL games with me since most of the league is black.

Practically though allowing folks not to hire ppl because of race is a line we can't cross.

Many many humans of all shapes and colors are racist pigs. Something we'll have to culture out of folks before we get even better at killing each other.

What do you care if someone else is a racist as long as you believe you're not?

So what if a white guy only wants to hire white guys?
So what if a black guy only wants to hire black guys?
So what if a woman only hires women.

It is absolutely no one's business who a business owner hires or does not hire.
I asked if its an employer's right to discriminate not if it is illegal because I know an employer does not have that right under the law but I asked if they had the right to do so.

Whether or not it's illegal is irrelevant. Everyone discriminates in some form or another. Example: You can be more than qualified for the position I'm looking to fill. But if you come in looking like a slug, toting a 32oz soda, chewing gum, I've already decided I'm not going to hire you, before you even say hi.

I'm going to forbid you the right to discriminate based on those qualifications. We are going to call it the equal protections of slobs act.

Call it what you want - I still won't hire your ass, and as for reasons? "I've found someone more suited to the position."

Go ahead, and fight it, AND prove otherwise.
What do you care if someone else is a racist as long as you believe you're not?
I contend it is my problem if I'm around a large number of racists.

Most importantly to myself, what if I end up on the wrong side of the line? I mean I'm partially Polish. What if the Western European Americans somehow determine us Eastern European Americans are part of "the problem". Or lord forbid if the Baptists suddenly multiply and decide to persecute Sub Human Christians or something. And hey, what if I suddenly convince folks women shouldn't be allowed to go to school? Before you know it 20th century humans will be attacking young gals trying to get an education.

Its happened in history, really! These evil seeds need nipped early.

Oh, and you'll get caught when you have 50 or more employees and they're ALL white, men, women, black, white, or whatever. (affirmative action is always another fun debate)
What do you care if someone else is a racist as long as you believe you're not?
I contend it is my problem if I'm around a large number of racists.

Then don't hang out with people you think are racists
These evil seeds need nipped early.

So it's the thought police? It's my job to know what you're thinking and report it?

Oh, and you'll get caught when you have 50 or more employees and they're ALL white, men, women, black, white, or whatever. (affirmative action is always another fun debate)

Affirmative action is another law that should be repealed.

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