Is Iran Ready To Take Over Europe?

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
[ame=]YouTube - Is Iran Ready To Take Over Europe?[/ame]
The guy is lying just like you! Israel plans flew over no country including Iran. So STFU and get a job! You fucking obsessed loser!

So, why do you think Iran would attack Israel?

You retard fuck, I have never said that nor do I believe that. The guy stated Israel had flown planes over Iran, that is beyond disingenious and lie! So go back to your trailer and go fuck yourself!
The guy is lying just like you! Israel plans flew over no country including Iran. So STFU and get a job! You fucking obsessed loser!

So, why do you think Iran would attack Israel?

You retard fuck, I have never said that nor do I believe that. The guy stated Israel had flown planes over Iran, that is beyond disingenious and lie! So go back to your trailer and go fuck yourself!

Of course that did not answer the question.
Yeah - Iran has such a Loooong history of invading other nations and aggressively attacking it's neighbors. Going all the way back to... hmmmm.

Going back to...

That one time in the 1500's when the Safavids captured Tabriz.

You people who've succumbed to the media/government propaganda simply amaze me with your naive responses to the manipulation strategies of globalist finance.
Yeah - Iran has such a Loooong history of invading other nations and aggressively attacking it's neighbors. Going all the way back to... hmmmm.

Going back to...

That one time in the 1500's when the Safavids captured Tabriz.

You people who've succumbed to the media/government propaganda simply amaze me with your naive responses to the manipulation strategies of globalist finance.

Its hilarious that you've some how managed to link a nonsensical youtube video about Iran with "globalist finance."
Yeah - Iran has such a Loooong history of invading other nations and aggressively attacking it's neighbors. Going all the way back to... hmmmm.

Going back to...

That one time in the 1500's when the Safavids captured Tabriz.

You people who've succumbed to the media/government propaganda simply amaze me with your naive responses to the manipulation strategies of globalist finance.

Its hilarious that you've some how managed to link a nonsensical youtube video about Iran with "globalist finance."

I responded to the thread title, not the youtube video. I didn't watch it.
Yeah - Iran has such a Loooong history of invading other nations and aggressively attacking it's neighbors. Going all the way back to... hmmmm.

Going back to...

That one time in the 1500's when the Safavids captured Tabriz.

You people who've succumbed to the media/government propaganda simply amaze me with your naive responses to the manipulation strategies of globalist finance.

Muslims have no history of imperialism, right?
Muslim conquests - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yeah - Iran has such a Loooong history of invading other nations and aggressively attacking it's neighbors. Going all the way back to... hmmmm.

Going back to...

That one time in the 1500's when the Safavids captured Tabriz.

You people who've succumbed to the media/government propaganda simply amaze me with your naive responses to the manipulation strategies of globalist finance.

Muslims have no history of imperialism, right?
Muslim conquests - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Fail. The subject is Iran, not Muslims.

And btw, whose cross did Hitler stand behind?
Yeah - Iran has such a Loooong history of invading other nations and aggressively attacking it's neighbors. Going all the way back to... hmmmm.

Going back to...

That one time in the 1500's when the Safavids captured Tabriz.

You people who've succumbed to the media/government propaganda simply amaze me with your naive responses to the manipulation strategies of globalist finance.

Muslims have no history of imperialism, right?
Muslim conquests - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Fail. The subject is Iran, not Muslims.

And btw, whose cross did Hitler stand behind?

Iranians are Muslim, genius.

The same imperialist Muslims who shook hands with the imperialist Hitler...
[ame=]YouTube - 1941 The Grand Mufti meets Hitler[/ame]

Now, run along, kid. It's breast-feeding time.
Muslims have no history of imperialism, right?
Muslim conquests - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Fail. The subject is Iran, not Muslims.

And btw, whose cross did Hitler stand behind?

Iranians are Muslim, genius.

The same imperialist Muslims who shook hands with the imperialist Hitler...
[ame=]YouTube - 1941 The Grand Mufti meets Hitler[/ame]

Now, run along, kid. It's breast-feeding time.

Wasn't he the Grand Mufti who was appointed by the British?
Muslims have no history of imperialism, right?
Muslim conquests - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Fail. The subject is Iran, not Muslims.

And btw, whose cross did Hitler stand behind?

Iranians are Muslim, genius.

The same imperialist Muslims who shook hands with the imperialist Hitler...
[ame=]YouTube - 1941 The Grand Mufti meets Hitler[/ame]

Now, run along, kid. It's breast-feeding time.

Based upon your argument, since Hitler was Christian, the entire world is currently under threat of facing attack from Christian nations.

Fail. The subject is Iran, not Muslims.

And btw, whose cross did Hitler stand behind?

Iranians are Muslim, genius.

The same imperialist Muslims who shook hands with the imperialist Hitler...
[ame=]YouTube - 1941 The Grand Mufti meets Hitler[/ame]

Now, run along, kid. It's breast-feeding time.

Based upon your argument, since Hitler was Christian, the entire world is currently under threat of facing attack from Christian nations.


Kid, Hitler violated every precept of Christianity, while the Mufti followed every anti-Semitic precept in Islam.
Iranians are Muslim, genius.

The same imperialist Muslims who shook hands with the imperialist Hitler...
YouTube - 1941 The Grand Mufti meets Hitler

Now, run along, kid. It's breast-feeding time.

Based upon your argument, since Hitler was Christian, the entire world is currently under threat of facing attack from Christian nations.


Kid, Hitler violated every precept of Christianity, while the Mufti followed every anti-Semitic precept in Islam.

The Persians are semites, genius. Nice try at distracting from Iran by trying to focus on your bigotry towards muslims.

So lets get back to the conversation, shall we? The OP makes a claim about Iran taking over Europe, when in all of history, there is only one incident from half a millenia ago when the Persian people have been a military aggressor.

Would you like me to list the number of western nations who are threatening iran, and tally up the number of times they have attacked a foreign nation so that we can set up some ratio's and determine whether Iran or some western country is more likely to be a military agressor?

You can argue your prejudiced convictions all you want, but your hatred of people will not stand up to scrutiny when we bring facts into the equation.

The funny thing is that it's often people such as yourself who claim to be helping the people of israel, when it is your own spewing of hatred towards humanity that places innocent people in Isreal at risk.

Pull the scales from your eyes and stop hating.
Based upon your argument, since Hitler was Christian, the entire world is currently under threat of facing attack from Christian nations.


Kid, Hitler violated every precept of Christianity, while the Mufti followed every anti-Semitic precept in Islam.

The Persians are semites, genius. Nice try at distracting from Iran by trying to focus on your bigotry towards muslims.

So lets get back to the conversation, shall we? The OP makes a claim about Iran taking over Europe, when in all of history, there is only one incident from half a millenia ago when the Persian people have been a military aggressor.

Would you like me to list the number of western nations who are threatening iran, and tally up the number of times they have attacked a foreign nation so that we can set up some ratio's and determine whether Iran or some western country is more likely to be a military agressor?

You can argue your prejudiced convictions all you want, but your hatred of people will not stand up to scrutiny when we bring facts into the equation.

The funny thing is that it's often people such as yourself who claim to be helping the people of israel, when it is your own spewing of hatred towards humanity that places innocent people in Isreal at risk.

Pull the scales from your eyes and stop hating.

Kid, Iranians don't call themselves Persians. You are clueless.

This is the imperialistic history of Muslim conquest, kid...
Muslim conquests - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And, even Muslims view Iran as the #1 threat...

The Financial Times
Iran woos Arab states as sanctions loom
December 14 2009

At the official level, relations between Iran and the leaders of neighbouring Arab states tend to be polite without being warm. But beneath the surface, it seems, suspicion of Iran on the western side of the Gulf has deepened markedly.

A survey by YouGov, commissioned by Qatar’s Doha Debates and published last week, found that on the Arab side 80 per cent of those surveyed do not believe Iran’s assurances that it is not trying to develop nuclear weapons.

The poll, which surveyed more than 1,000 people in 18 Arab countries last month, found that most see Iran as a bigger threat to security than Israel, with a third believing Iran is just as likely as Israel to target Arab countries.

So Manouchehr Mottaki, the Iranian foreign minister, faced an uphill task when he arrived in Bahrain at the weekend to attend a security summit organised by the International Institute for Strategic Studies.

Iranian officials tried to use the event, a rare occasion on which senior politicians from both sides of the Gulf meet openly, to enlist the support of Arab states as the west considers tougher sanctions.

Iran was ready to settle any “misunderstandings” about a 1971 statement in which the pre-revolutionary government in Tehran recognised Bahraini independence on certain conditions, Mr Mottaki said. He also opened the door to renewed talks with the United Arab Emirates over ownership of the islands of Abu Moussa and the Greater and Lesser Tunbs, which both sides claim. “There is no issue on which two countries cannot talk and settle through negotiations,” he said.

Relations between Iran and its immediate Arab neighbours have ebbed and flowed. The Arab Gulf states were strong backers of the Baathist regime in Iraq during its 1980-88 war with Iran. Since then some, notably Dubai and Oman, have forged stronger links on the back of trade and investment while Qatar has built strong diplomatic links with the Islamic regime. This is in spite of other states’ concerns about Shia Iran’s meddling in Arab affairs.

Khalid bin Ahmed al-Khalifa, Bahrain’s foreign minister, said western nations had only cursorily consulted Arab states in the nuclear dialogue with Iran. Many felt the US and European nations were “talking behind our back”, Sheikh Khalid said. In addition, Arab Gulf states opposed any sanctions that hurt the Iranian people, he said.

Mustafa Alani, a security analyst at the Gulf Research Centre in Dubai, says the six Arab countries of the Gulf Co-operation Council do not have a unified strategy towards Iran.

“Countries such as Oman have better relations than those such as Saudi Arabia and the Iranians play on these differences,” Mr Alani said. “The Iranian objective is to negotiate a package deal with the US – its relations with the GCC and even Europe are secondary . . . They want recognition as a regional power, and they think this deal can be secured from the Obama administration.”

Iran has said it will pursue its nuclear programme with or without foreign help, opening the door to tougher sanctions.

The US, Russia and France had proposed a deal by which Tehran would export most of its stock of low-enriched uranium, which would be further enriched in Europe and returned to Iran under a closely monitored programme. Tehran declined to endorse the plan, but protests that a counter-proposal has been ignored.

“What do they mean Iran has not responded?” said Mr Mottaki. “Iran has proposed a middle way, a compromise solution.”

Western officials at the IISS summit said the Iranian counter-proposal – Mr Mottaki reiterated that his country needs 10 to 15 nuclear plants to generate electricity – would get short shrift in Washington, where plans for tougher sanctions are being drawn up.

William Cohen, former US defence secretary, described Mr Mottaki’s comments as “a thumb in the eye” of the international community. “It is very clear what needs to be done,” he said. “If they were so determined to pursue a peaceful nuclear programme, why reject the Russian proposal?”

Mr Cohen said the appeal for greater Arab involvement in nuclear talks fell on sympathetic ears, but was unlikely to alter western policy. “The issue right now is timing, the IAEA [International Atomic Energy Agency] and the UN have been involved in negotiations for an excessive period of time, and people think time is running out for a diplomatic solution.
Kid, Hitler violated every precept of Christianity, while the Mufti followed every anti-Semitic precept in Islam.

The Persians are semites, genius. Nice try at distracting from Iran by trying to focus on your bigotry towards muslims.

So lets get back to the conversation, shall we? The OP makes a claim about Iran taking over Europe, when in all of history, there is only one incident from half a millenia ago when the Persian people have been a military aggressor.

Would you like me to list the number of western nations who are threatening iran, and tally up the number of times they have attacked a foreign nation so that we can set up some ratio's and determine whether Iran or some western country is more likely to be a military agressor?

You can argue your prejudiced convictions all you want, but your hatred of people will not stand up to scrutiny when we bring facts into the equation.

The funny thing is that it's often people such as yourself who claim to be helping the people of israel, when it is your own spewing of hatred towards humanity that places innocent people in Isreal at risk.

Pull the scales from your eyes and stop hating.

Kid, Iranians don't call themselves Persians. You are clueless.

This is the imperialistic history of Muslim conquest, kid...
Muslim conquests - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And, even Muslims view Iran as the #1 threat...

The Financial Times
Iran woos Arab states as sanctions loom
December 14 2009

At the official level, relations between Iran and the leaders of neighbouring Arab states tend to be polite without being warm. But beneath the surface, it seems, suspicion of Iran on the western side of the Gulf has deepened markedly.

A survey by YouGov, commissioned by Qatar’s Doha Debates and published last week, found that on the Arab side 80 per cent of those surveyed do not believe Iran’s assurances that it is not trying to develop nuclear weapons.

The poll, which surveyed more than 1,000 people in 18 Arab countries last month, found that most see Iran as a bigger threat to security than Israel, with a third believing Iran is just as likely as Israel to target Arab countries.

So Manouchehr Mottaki, the Iranian foreign minister, faced an uphill task when he arrived in Bahrain at the weekend to attend a security summit organised by the International Institute for Strategic Studies.

Iranian officials tried to use the event, a rare occasion on which senior politicians from both sides of the Gulf meet openly, to enlist the support of Arab states as the west considers tougher sanctions.

Iran was ready to settle any “misunderstandings” about a 1971 statement in which the pre-revolutionary government in Tehran recognised Bahraini independence on certain conditions, Mr Mottaki said. He also opened the door to renewed talks with the United Arab Emirates over ownership of the islands of Abu Moussa and the Greater and Lesser Tunbs, which both sides claim. “There is no issue on which two countries cannot talk and settle through negotiations,” he said.

Relations between Iran and its immediate Arab neighbours have ebbed and flowed. The Arab Gulf states were strong backers of the Baathist regime in Iraq during its 1980-88 war with Iran. Since then some, notably Dubai and Oman, have forged stronger links on the back of trade and investment while Qatar has built strong diplomatic links with the Islamic regime. This is in spite of other states’ concerns about Shia Iran’s meddling in Arab affairs.

Khalid bin Ahmed al-Khalifa, Bahrain’s foreign minister, said western nations had only cursorily consulted Arab states in the nuclear dialogue with Iran. Many felt the US and European nations were “talking behind our back”, Sheikh Khalid said. In addition, Arab Gulf states opposed any sanctions that hurt the Iranian people, he said.

Mustafa Alani, a security analyst at the Gulf Research Centre in Dubai, says the six Arab countries of the Gulf Co-operation Council do not have a unified strategy towards Iran.

“Countries such as Oman have better relations than those such as Saudi Arabia and the Iranians play on these differences,” Mr Alani said. “The Iranian objective is to negotiate a package deal with the US – its relations with the GCC and even Europe are secondary . . . They want recognition as a regional power, and they think this deal can be secured from the Obama administration.”

Iran has said it will pursue its nuclear programme with or without foreign help, opening the door to tougher sanctions.

The US, Russia and France had proposed a deal by which Tehran would export most of its stock of low-enriched uranium, which would be further enriched in Europe and returned to Iran under a closely monitored programme. Tehran declined to endorse the plan, but protests that a counter-proposal has been ignored.

“What do they mean Iran has not responded?” said Mr Mottaki. “Iran has proposed a middle way, a compromise solution.”

Western officials at the IISS summit said the Iranian counter-proposal – Mr Mottaki reiterated that his country needs 10 to 15 nuclear plants to generate electricity – would get short shrift in Washington, where plans for tougher sanctions are being drawn up.

William Cohen, former US defence secretary, described Mr Mottaki’s comments as “a thumb in the eye” of the international community. “It is very clear what needs to be done,” he said. “If they were so determined to pursue a peaceful nuclear programme, why reject the Russian proposal?”

Mr Cohen said the appeal for greater Arab involvement in nuclear talks fell on sympathetic ears, but was unlikely to alter western policy. “The issue right now is timing, the IAEA [International Atomic Energy Agency] and the UN have been involved in negotiations for an excessive period of time, and people think time is running out for a diplomatic solution.


GCC backs efforts to solve Iran N-issue - Arab News
JEDDAH: The six-member Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) on Sunday supported the efforts of Turkey and Brazil to find a peaceful solution to Iran's nuclear standoff with the West. It also emphasized the right of countries in the region to use nuclear power for peaceful purposes within the framework of international agreements.

In a final communiqué issued by GCC foreign ministers following their meeting in Jeddah, the group emphasized the need to keep the Middle East - including Israel - free of nuclear and mass destructive weapons.

"The ministers praised the efforts of Turkey and Brazil to help reach a peaceful solution to the Iranian nuclear program within the framework of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and related UN Security Council resolutions," the communiqué said.

Iran signed an agreement on May 17 to send uranium abroad for enrichment after mediation talks in Tehran with Turkish and Brazilian leaders. Under the deal Iran would ship 1,200 kg of low-enriched uranium to Turkey, in return for fuel for a research reactor.
The Persians are semites, genius. Nice try at distracting from Iran by trying to focus on your bigotry towards muslims.

So lets get back to the conversation, shall we? The OP makes a claim about Iran taking over Europe, when in all of history, there is only one incident from half a millenia ago when the Persian people have been a military aggressor.

Would you like me to list the number of western nations who are threatening iran, and tally up the number of times they have attacked a foreign nation so that we can set up some ratio's and determine whether Iran or some western country is more likely to be a military agressor?

You can argue your prejudiced convictions all you want, but your hatred of people will not stand up to scrutiny when we bring facts into the equation.

The funny thing is that it's often people such as yourself who claim to be helping the people of israel, when it is your own spewing of hatred towards humanity that places innocent people in Isreal at risk.

Pull the scales from your eyes and stop hating.

Kid, Iranians don't call themselves Persians. You are clueless.

This is the imperialistic history of Muslim conquest, kid...
Muslim conquests - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And, even Muslims view Iran as the #1 threat...

The Financial Times
Iran woos Arab states as sanctions loom
December 14 2009


GCC backs efforts to solve Iran N-issue - Arab News
JEDDAH: The six-member Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) on Sunday supported the efforts of Turkey and Brazil to find a peaceful solution to Iran's nuclear standoff with the West. It also emphasized the right of countries in the region to use nuclear power for peaceful purposes within the framework of international agreements.

In a final communiqué issued by GCC foreign ministers following their meeting in Jeddah, the group emphasized the need to keep the Middle East - including Israel - free of nuclear and mass destructive weapons.

"The ministers praised the efforts of Turkey and Brazil to help reach a peaceful solution to the Iranian nuclear program within the framework of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and related UN Security Council resolutions," the communiqué said.

Iran signed an agreement on May 17 to send uranium abroad for enrichment after mediation talks in Tehran with Turkish and Brazilian leaders. Under the deal Iran would ship 1,200 kg of low-enriched uranium to Turkey, in return for fuel for a research reactor.

That would be the Turkey being run by the same Muslim fanatics who run Iran.

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