Is homosexuality a choice, a mental illness or something simply inherent?

I POST GOD'S WORD ON SICK ABOMINATION OF SEXUAL PERVERSION NOT MY WORD!!! Just face the truth and stop compounding your sin of sexual perversion by denying the truth of GOD'S WORD which is an even worse sin!!

again the issue here with you is not about God's word in the Bible, which speaks for itself as truth without needing either you nor I to make it true, it already is what it always has been.

The issue here is the SPIRIT and FOCUS of
1. how
2. why and
3. who you are addressing.

Jesus was able to communicate about the Kingdom of God to plain fishermen and farmers
using mere parables from real life. If these people were not literate and not readers of the Bible, he did not preach to them using that.

Why can't you talk with people here like Jesus did with the fishermen and farmers using explanations from real life?

So far you have
1. one person calling you a False Prophet
2. another person thinking you must be some troll without other redeeming things of value
in life to direct your time toward

How does this further any understanding of truth
by seeing you a troll or a false witness?
how, why and who you are addressing here:

a. you seem to assume "others are denying God so you are trying to call them to
pay serious attention"
but that is not happening, you are coming across wrong and creating the opposite effect

how can this be changed or improved to express and share the truth as you intend?

b. your tone is about judgment of others, but what about correction that is mutual?

which person and which particular act are you trying to correct?
Can you focus on what/who is SPECIFICALLY your goal,
so the most effective way to achieve that can follow from there.

just preaching randomly to any passersby who respond, tells me you are shopping
for help because you don't know a better way to share that is more effective.

c. if you can figure out which people you CONNECT with in Christ
any number of corrections can be received through that CONNECTION

Can you be more specific so the focus can be directed there,
and where THOSE PEOPLE
agree on what changes need to take place, there is support to receive that.

Which people, which issues, what particular things do you want to correct
to resolve conflicts in understanding and reach agreement in truth? Thanks GISMYS!
Does Gismys really come across as someone who could be swayed by logic to you?

LOL!!! HEY GUY YOU POST IN YOUR STYLE AND I POST IN MY STYLE AND know your opinion of my style means less than zero to me!!! GOD IS WHO I SEEK MTO PLEASE NOT SILLY little pharisee type selfrighteous man!!!
Does Gismys really come across as someone who could be swayed by logic to you?

As long as he is a believer in Christ, there is some way to speak to him by conscience.

When he practically ordered me to depart, claiming I was speaking deception from Satan,
I explained since we are both believers in Christ, we are supposed to reconcile in full.

Only if he is a nonbeliever, and he asks me to depart, then I respect his wishes.
So I asked if he would admit he is not a believer after all, if he really wants me gone.
He did not agree to that. He is a believer, and just doesn't believe he has as much work to do on his side as he thinks he must preach to others. There is some disconnect there causing him to project externally. There is always a way to find and resolve it.

If nobody here can help him come to terms with whatever internal conflicts
he is projecting outwardly onto others, he will go elsewhere and post and post
until he finds someone who can help normalize the situation
where he works equally in a balanced relationships, not just one-way preaching.

I'm sure there's people you address and make points to,
which other people would say are beyond reasoning with.
It's just hit or miss, trial and error until we find those points that both people relate to.
YES!! WE HAVE CHOICE BUT GOD DOES NOT WANT US TO CHOSE SIN!!! THINK!! GOD wants no one to chose to murder,steal or live in sick abomination of sexual perversion!! GOD DID NOT WANT TO SEE 40,000,000+ DIE FROM AIDS.
===HEAR GOD'S WORD ON THE SICK ABOMINATION OF SEXUAL PERVERSION=-God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27 and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in [t]their own persons the due penalty of their error.

28 And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper, 29 being filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice; they are gossips, 30 slanderers, haters of God, insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, 31 without understanding, untrustworthy, unloving, unmerciful; 32 and although they know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same, but also give hearty approval to those who practice them.
Romans 1:26-32
LOL!!! HEY GUY YOU POST IN YOUR STYLE AND I POST IN MY STYLE AND know your opinion of my style means less than zero to me!!! GOD IS WHO I SEEK MTO PLEASE NOT SILLY little pharisee type selfrighteous man!!!

so how are you posts here "seeking God"
Can you explain how this helps you "seek God"

If we can understand your process,
maybe more people can help and support you in that
instead of thinking you are just trolling or preaching and not trying to achieve anything real.

1. What effect/results do you want to come from your posts
2. Are you addressing God or certain people, who are those people
3. Or do you just believe God is calling you to post this way, so you do it on faith?
OK so if you look up the programs that have HELPED people overcome unhealthy sexual relations they didn't want, and went through a spiritual process to change or recover
from abuse (such as People Can Change - An alternative, healing response to unwanted homosexual desires.)

1. where is there any posting or "PREACHING OF GOD NOT WANTING" people to choose or dies from sickness or perversion

ANYWHERE on that site or in their testimonies of what helped them and others?

2. Look what their site does say:
"You are valuable and good just as you are -- today, unchanged and even if you never change." -- from the Journey into Manhood weekend program

[MENTION=42952]GISMYS[/MENTION] if this group is SUCCESSFUL in helping people to overcome and free themselves of their pasts with lesbian, gay or other such unwanted sexual lifestyles,


1. the language and approach their support group USES and SUCCEEDS to help others

2. now look at your language and approach that
people are
a. rejecting as a "false prophet" spouting off religion without practicing what they preach
b. ignoring as a "troll" that is just trying to disrupt or disturb others

If their way WORKS to help CHANGE and SAVE Lives
and your way is NOT WORKING to change anyone's mind or heart to understand,

What is your real purpose then?

YES!! WE HAVE CHOICE BUT GOD DOES NOT WANT US TO CHOSE SIN!!! THINK!! GOD wants no one to chose to murder,steal or live in sick abomination of sexual perversion!! GOD DID NOT WANT TO SEE 40,000,000+ DIE FROM AIDS.
===HEAR GOD'S WORD ON THE SICK ABOMINATION OF SEXUAL PERVERSION=-God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27 and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in [t]their own persons the due penalty of their error.

28 And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper, 29 being filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice; they are gossips, 30 slanderers, haters of God, insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, 31 without understanding, untrustworthy, unloving, unmerciful; 32 and although they know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same, but also give hearty approval to those who practice them.
Romans 1:26-32
LOL!!! HEY GUY YOU POST IN YOUR STYLE AND I POST IN MY STYLE AND know your opinion of my style means less than zero to me!!! GOD IS WHO I SEEK MTO PLEASE NOT SILLY little pharisee type selfrighteous man!!!

so how are you posts here "seeking God"
Can you explain how this helps you "seek God"

If we can understand your process,
maybe more people can help and support you in that
instead of thinking you are just trolling or preaching and not trying to achieve anything real.

1. What effect/results do you want to come from your posts
2. Are you addressing God or certain people, who are those people
3. Or do you just believe God is calling you to post this way, so you do it on faith?

HEAR GOD WORD TO THOSE THT CHOSE TO LIVE IN SEXUAL PERVERSION AND DENY THE TRUTH OF GOD'S WORD!!!====Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, 10 nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God. 1 1 Corinthians 6:9-10===YES!! WE HAVE CHOICE BUT GOD DOESNOT WANT US TO CHOSE SIN!!! THINK!! GOD wants no one to chose to murder,steal or live in sick abomination of sexual perversion!!
===HEAR GOD'S WORD ON THE SICK ABOMINATION OF SEXUAL PERVERSION=-God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27 and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error.

28 And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper, 29 being filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice; they are gossips, 30 slanderers, haters of God, insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, 31 without understanding, untrustworthy, unloving, unmerciful; 32 and although they know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same, but also give hearty approval to those who practice them.
Romans 1:26-32
Perhaps you should try no sex and no masturbation for a spell. Puberty was the period of your life, as a NEW adult, with no sex and no masturbation........

How did puberty go for you? (I'm assuming you are an adult and didn't have sex education to guide emotions and other things)

Hi [MENTION=47936]AntiParty[/MENTION]: maybe male hormones being more driven in some ways than female hormones, I have an advantage in being female and past the stages of strongest drives.

As a matter of fact I have been celibate for quite a long time, and have been focusing on trying to resolve these political and religious conflicts that affected saving the historic neighborhood where I live in a 100 year battle with city govt (where I spent the last 20 trying to address control issues that everyone seems to project).

I don't think we would have HALF the political conflicts we do now,
if everyone took the time to resolve differences directly, one on one,
get all the control and division issues out of the way, and quit projecting
that angst and need for compensation onto bigger and bigger situations
to create more and more messes to clean up.

Conflicts are going to happen, but if we resolve them instead of letting them build up and pass down from one generation to the next, we do not overload ourselves with so much that we need to resort to manipulation to deal with the excess.

Instead of seeing it as substituting masturbation to prevent that projection of stress,
I am saying why not resolve the internalized source of the unresolved stress building up to begin with.

If we address the inner conflicts first, then the physical and sexual drives take care of themselves. They stay at normal levels that can be managed in healthy relationships.

But if the inner conflicts go unresolved, and you add the sexual and survival drives to compete with other people or groups on top of that, this causes more problems.
So why do that.

I am into resolving issues at the root. There is no substitute for doing the work at the foundation. Any other issues will follow naturally and don't need manipulation when things are brought back in balance at manageable levels.

Maybe I have an advantage in not having as many distracting desires, but just wanting to focus on the root cause of why there is imbalance and suppression blocking resolution of problems between people -- get to those points where the process can be normalized, so all the other issues can be resolved after that. No masturbation needed, either verbally or sexually, if people are too busy relating directly together in productive fruitful ways.

"If we address the inner conflicts first, then the physical and sexual drives take care of themselves." <-----------LOL. Explain "address"
LOL!!! HEY GUY YOU POST IN YOUR STYLE AND I POST IN MY STYLE AND know your opinion of my style means less than zero to me!!! GOD IS WHO I SEEK MTO PLEASE NOT SILLY little pharisee type selfrighteous man!!!

so how are you posts here "seeking God"
Can you explain how this helps you "seek God"

If we can understand your process,
maybe more people can help and support you in that
instead of thinking you are just trolling or preaching and not trying to achieve anything real.

1. What effect/results do you want to come from your posts
2. Are you addressing God or certain people, who are those people
3. Or do you just believe God is calling you to post this way, so you do it on faith?

You found God? Where was he?
Here QW, I'll help you out. My response was focused solely on what you said to tuatara, when you said "Wow, you actually ignored the examples in my post and pretended that made you smarter than I am. I am not impressed."

Now read that in context with my response.

Amazing to me how many times you've made a fool of yourself Windbag. You are not nearly as smart as you think you are.

The point being we can all be foolish from time to time, and bragging .. yeah that's foolish.

The guy was wrong, period. I just took some pleasure in pointing it out. If you define that as foolish, feel free.
Yeah well, even blind squirrels get lucky every so often.
Moderators:Can we please get a separate board for the homosexual stuff? It's the same people talking about it over, and over and over again just to keep the issue HOT on the board. Give them their own page to talk to each other.
Moderators:Can we please get a separate board for the homosexual stuff? It's the same people talking about it over, and over and over again just to keep the issue HOT on the board. Give them their own page to talk to each other.
You don't have to read the threads.
Moderators:Can we please get a separate board for the homosexual stuff? It's the same people talking about it over, and over and over again just to keep the issue HOT on the board. Give them their own page to talk to each other.

The title is clearly marked, why did you click on it?
Moderators:Can we please get a separate board for the homosexual stuff? It's the same people talking about it over, and over and over again just to keep the issue HOT on the board. Give them their own page to talk to each other.

The title is clearly marked, why did you click on it?

I think he's complaining about the gay title's showing on his list of threads. Sort of like playboy titles showing up on your channel list, even if you don't subscribe it shows up.
Moderators:Can we please get a separate board for the homosexual stuff? It's the same people talking about it over, and over and over again just to keep the issue HOT on the board. Give them their own page to talk to each other.

The title is clearly marked, why did you click on it?

I think he's complaining about the gay title's showing on his list of threads. Sort of like playboy titles showing up on your channel list, even if you don't subscribe it shows up.

Maybe I should have phrased it why does he click on "them" as opposed to "it." There are 24 threads on page 1 if I counted right, and 2 of them relate to gay. There were a lot more than 2 I wasn't interested in.

On the plus side, if gay threads were taken out of the political forum, that would annoy the snot out of the left, I could see doing that...
so how are you posts here "seeking God"
Can you explain how this helps you "seek God"

If we can understand your process,
maybe more people can help and support you in that
instead of thinking you are just trolling or preaching and not trying to achieve anything real.

1. What effect/results do you want to come from your posts
2. Are you addressing God or certain people, who are those people
3. Or do you just believe God is calling you to post this way, so you do it on faith?

You found God? Where was he?

DUH!!!! GOD IS EVERYWHERE BUT IF YOU WANT TO SEEK GOD OUT and know Him better then read His word, GOD is reviled to us through his word and by the HOLYSPIRIT!!
You found God? Where was he?

DUH!!!! GOD IS EVERYWHERE BUT IF YOU WANT TO SEEK GOD OUT and know Him better then read His word, GOD is reviled to us through his word and by the HOLYSPIRIT!!

Why would you have to seek God of he was everywhere? Whywould God be reviled though the holy spirit of he is everywhere? You don't read his word because he never wrote it. If he iseverywhere he simply speaks to you.

And your derisive statements are rather trite coming from somebody that had to find something that he admitsis everywhere.

When you wake up in the morning do you have to find air?

You can't have found God because he was never lost or hiding.
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BOTTOMLINE = YOU will believe GOD'S WORD or satan's lies. Little sin loving,GOD rejecting man has been trying to attack GOD and GOD'S INSPIRED (GOD BREATHED) ETERNAL LIVING WORD FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS,MOST are long dead and in hell today,will you join them there??? your choice!! == if you really seek to know God , you can find GOD revealed in his inspired (GOD BREATHED) ETERNAL LIVING WORD!! or you can chose to be a fool!!! your choice!
BOTTOMLINE = YOU will believe GOD'S WORD or satan's lies. Little sin loving,GOD rejecting man has been trying to attack GOD and GOD'S INSPIRED (GOD BREATHED) ETERNAL LIVING WORD FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS,MOST are long dead and in hell today,will you join them there??? your choice!! == if you really seek to know God , you can find GOD revealed in his inspired (GOD BREATHED) ETERNAL LIVING WORD!! or you can chose to be a fool!!! your choice!
So basically put you rant about an untreated topic mostly because you said something incredibly stupid and don't want to face up to it?

Once again, if God is everywhere why must you seek him?

In all likelihood you will stand by your ignorant comments and stone wall with some more ridiculously unrelated garbage as per usual. At least it's amusing to watch fundies scramble away from hard questions, it proves you aren't as faithful or knowledgeable as you make yourself out to be. Thus you are the hypocrites Jesus warned about.
Persecution started long before Nero got around to it, read my response to the other idiot that doesn't know history.

That said, feel free to point out where I claimed that persecution is restricted to Christians. My point was, and still is, that people chose to affiliate with regions that will cause them to be persecuted. You tried to claim that they were raised that way, and I pointed out that that was a ridiculous claim. The proof of how ridiculous it is is your attempt to deflect by attacking straw men.

Thanks for making my point for me.
Sorry but the second testament is not history. Also if the Stephen account were true he didn't enter into a situation where he knew he was going to be persecuted. Apple meet Orange. You didn't claim persecution was restricted to christians but you made them out to be the kings of persecution which they are not. Especially when they have done way more persecuting themselves. So your argument rests on undocumented passages from the second testament that the christians endured more persecution than homosexual persecution which was around long before Christianity was even heard of. The actual documented persecution of early christians in history was ample time for many generations. Thus people were born into it.

Also enough of the rhetoric and ad-hominems. Did I ever claim I was smarter than anyone here? Retract the BS.

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