Is Hamas a terrorist organization?

Not in the retracted final version though. Hamas and Muslims in general have no qualms about using mosques, hospitals, schools, their own kids...basically anything goes. We don't need a "Gallstone" report to tell us that. It is a proven fact and US troops got to experience the depth of their depravity. Hamas are no different. Same shit different location. This is how they fight.
Justice Goldstone's comments were done in an op-ed published by the Washington Post, there was no "retracted final version". The "Report" still stands in its entirety. In addition, Goldstone was only commenting on one incident the IDF investigated about deliberately targetting civilians as a matter of policy.
In a personal op-ed, Justice Goldstone contrasted the investigations conducted by the Israeli military into alleged violations by Israeli forces with the Hamas de facto administration’s failure to investigate alleged violations by Palestinian armed groups in Gaza. He also commented that the Israeli military investigations indicate that civilians in Gaza “were not intentionally targeted as a matter of policy” by Israeli forces.
That was just one incident in an op-ed, that's not a retraction of the UN report. It should also be noted, that the other two members that co-authored the report, have not retracted anything.

While Justice Goldstone’s comments question one of the Fact-Finding Mission’s conclusions – that certain Israeli attacks during Operation “Cast Lead” intentionally targeted civilians – the op-ed in no way constitutes a retraction of the entire Fact-Finding Mission report. The other three members of the UN Fact-Finding Mission have not issued similar public comments questioning any of the report’s conclusions.
So the original report stands and you're as guilty as sin.

BTW, Goldstone did say the report would've been more accurate, if the Israeli's would've cooperated with the Mission and allowed access to IDF personel who took part in the operation. But they wouldn't allow access. Which means, they have something to hide.

If it will make you feel any better, Hamas was just as bad on the cooperation scale.
Nope, the retraction found that Hamas lied, and a terrorist organization is a terrorist organization, and therefore cannot be trusted.

Reconsidering The Goldstone Report
By Richard Goldstone

Some have suggested that it was absurd to expect Hamas, an organization that has a policy to destroy the state of Israel, to investigate what we said were serious war crimes. It was my hope, even if unrealistic, that Hamas would do so, especially if Israel conducted its own investigations. At minimum I hoped that in the face of a clear finding that its members were committing serious war crimes, Hamas would curtail its attacks. Sadly, that has not been the case. Hundreds more rockets and mortar rounds have been directed at civilian targets in southern Israel. That comparatively few Israelis have been killed by the unlawful rocket and mortar attacks from Gaza in no way minimizes the criminality. The U.N. Human Rights Council should condemn these heinous acts in the strongest terms. In the end, asking Hamas to investigate may have been a mistaken enterprise. So, too, the Human Rights Council should condemn the inexcusable and cold-blooded recent slaughter of a young Israeli couple and three of their small children in their beds.

The Palestinian Authority established an independent inquiry into our allegations of human rights abuses — assassinations, torture and illegal detentions — perpetrated by Fatah in the West Bank, especially against members of Hamas. Most of those allegations were confirmed by this inquiry. Regrettably, there has been no effort by Hamas in Gaza to investigate the allegations of its war crimes and possible crimes against humanity. Simply put, the laws of armed conflict apply no less to non-state actors such as Hamas than they do to national armies. Ensuring that non-state actors respect these principles, and are investigated when they fail to do so, is one of the most significant challenges facing the law of armed conflict. Only if all parties to armed conflicts are held to these standards will we be able to protect civilians who, through no choice of their own, are caught up in war.
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The problem with the neither side argument is that the Palestinians were at home, minding their own business, when the Zionists invaded and took over the country.

It is totally a one sided war.
Bold faced lie.

You wouldn't know. You don't know anything about the conflict.
What would you know, embecile? You only promote Jew hatred, anti Americanism, and Islamist lies and false propoganda fed to you by a terrorist organization named Hamas. You don't even count.
Oh here we go again with the lies and halftruths galore

So, did the Palestinians go to Europe and attack the Zionists?

Whew! It doesn't seem to matter how often the truth stands in stark contrast to your silliness. The Palestinians didn't have to go anywhere to attack the Zionists ... they simply turned on their neighbors.

Simple question.

Why the song and dance?

By their neighbors, do you mean all the settlers that the Zionists were importing by the boatload to take over their country?
Not in the retracted final version though. Hamas and Muslims in general have no qualms about using mosques, hospitals, schools, their own kids...basically anything goes. We don't need a "Gallstone" report to tell us that. It is a proven fact and US troops got to experience the depth of their depravity. Hamas are no different. Same shit different location. This is how they fight.
Justice Goldstone's comments were done in an op-ed published by the Washington Post, there was no "retracted final version". The "Report" still stands in its entirety. In addition, Goldstone was only commenting on one incident the IDF investigated about deliberately targetting civilians as a matter of policy.
That was just one incident in an op-ed, that's not a retraction of the UN report. It should also be noted, that the other two members that co-authored the report, have not retracted anything.

While Justice Goldstone’s comments question one of the Fact-Finding Mission’s conclusions – that certain Israeli attacks during Operation “Cast Lead” intentionally targeted civilians – the op-ed in no way constitutes a retraction of the entire Fact-Finding Mission report. The other three members of the UN Fact-Finding Mission have not issued similar public comments questioning any of the report’s conclusions.
So the original report stands and you're as guilty as sin.

BTW, Goldstone did say the report would've been more accurate, if the Israeli's would've cooperated with the Mission and allowed access to IDF personel who took part in the operation. But they wouldn't allow access. Which means, they have something to hide.

If it will make you feel any better, Hamas was just as bad on the cooperation scale.
Nope, the retraction found that Hamas lied, and a terrorist organization is a terrorist organization, and therefore cannot be trusted.

Reconsidering the Goldstone Report on Israel and war crimes - The Washington Post

Reconsidering The Goldstone Report
By Richard Goldstone

Some have suggested that it was absurd to expect Hamas, an organization that has a policy to destroy the state of Israel, to investigate what we said were serious war crimes. It was my hope, even if unrealistic, that Hamas would do so, especially if Israel conducted its own investigations. At minimum I hoped that in the face of a clear finding that its members were committing serious war crimes, Hamas would curtail its attacks. Sadly, that has not been the case. Hundreds more rockets and mortar rounds have been directed at civilian targets in southern Israel. That comparatively few Israelis have been killed by the unlawful rocket and mortar attacks from Gaza in no way minimizes the criminality. The U.N. Human Rights Council should condemn these heinous acts in the strongest terms. In the end, asking Hamas to investigate may have been a mistaken enterprise. So, too, the Human Rights Council should condemn the inexcusable and cold-blooded recent slaughter of a young Israeli couple and three of their small children in their beds.

The Palestinian Authority established an independent inquiry into our allegations of human rights abuses — assassinations, torture and illegal detentions — perpetrated by Fatah in the West Bank, especially against members of Hamas. Most of those allegations were confirmed by this inquiry. Regrettably, there has been no effort by Hamas in Gaza to investigate the allegations of its war crimes and possible crimes against humanity. Simply put, the laws of armed conflict apply no less to non-state actors such as Hamas than they do to national armies. Ensuring that non-state actors respect these principles, and are investigated when they fail to do so, is one of the most significant challenges facing the law of armed conflict. Only if all parties to armed conflicts are held to these standards will we be able to protect civilians who, through no choice of their own, are caught up in war.

The Palestinian Authority established an independent inquiry into our allegations of human rights abuses — assassinations, torture and illegal detentions — perpetrated by Fatah in the West Bank, especially against members of Hamas. Most of those allegations were confirmed by this inquiry.

And those abuses continue today. Who even mentions that?
You wouldn't know. You don't know anything about the conflict.
What would you know, embecile? You only promote Jew hatred, anti Americanism, and Islamist lies and false propoganda fed to you by a terrorist organization named Hamas. You don't even count.

Of course you have nothing to back up all that babble.
No? You're basically the paid propagandist for HMas on this board. I think that's pretty well established.
Today, few people flying in to Ben Gurion airport (which serves Tel Aviv) realize that it was formerly Lydda airport. During the British mandate Lydda was a major town and designated Palestinian in the Partition. In July 1948 Israeli terrorist troops shot up the town and drove out the Arab population, Muslims and Christians alike. Donald Neff The Washington Report: Expulsion of the Palestinians- Lydda and Ramleh in 1948 tells how, in an orgy of ethnic cleansing, the Israelis massacred 426 men, women, and children. 176 of them were slaughtered in the town’s main mosque. For the lurid details see

Out of the 19,000 residents only 1,052 were allowed to stay. The remainder were forced to walk into exile in the scalding July heat leaving a trail of bodies – men, women and children – along the way.

The bloody assault on Lydda was witnessed by two American news correspondents. One recorded that “practically everything in their way died. Riddled corpses lay by the roadside.” The other wrote that he saw “the corpses of Arab men, women and even children strewn about in the wake of the ruthlessly brilliant charge”.

Then the looting: Israeli troops reportedly carried away 1,800 truck loads of Palestinian property. Jewish immigrants flooded in and Lydda was given a Hebrew name, Lod.

It can be argued that Israel has no legitimate right to Lydda/Lod/Ben Gurion airport – it was stolen in a murderous terror raid as were so many other Palestinian towns and villages. But keep it under your hat. Rabbi Noam Marans wouldn’t want American understanding of the situation, so carefully shaped and nourished by the pro-Israel lobby, to change.

As long as the Israel defies the codes of civilised conduct and denies millions their freedom its right to exist is bound to be challenged. If only the regime had behaved decently, honestly and truthfully from the start, things would have been so different.

And so would the prospects for world peace.
Today, few people flying in to Ben Gurion airport (which serves Tel Aviv) realize that it was formerly Lydda airport. During the British mandate Lydda was a major town and designated Palestinian in the Partition.
Lies outright. Arabs had been called arabs back then. And it seems arabs didn't want that "Lydda" much too.
This coin from the time does not say Arab, it says Palestine

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