Is Gay Marriage Void? New York v Ferber (1982) Etc.

So, NY v Ferber is "inane excrement". I'll bet the Justices would be surprised to hear you regard their Decisions that way. Given NY v Ferber, I could just as easily declare Obergefell "inane excrement".

I think you're running away because there are serious points here even you can't spin away..
Oh Christ all mighty NO! I didn't say that Ferber was horseshit and you know it. Your claim that is has anything to o with Obergefell is horseshit! . Besides that fact that it has nothing to do with marriage and gay parenting, state courts do not set precedents for the SCOTUS and even if there was some ruling that could have been used in that regard, it can't be invoked retroactively as you suggest. There is more. Gay people can and do have children married or not, just like everyone else. So you premise is idiotic and many levels. Get out of my face now.
So, NY v Ferber is "inane excrement". I'll bet the Justices would be surprised to hear you regard their Decisions that way. Given NY v Ferber, I could just as easily declare Obergefell "inane excrement".

I think you're running away because there are serious points here even you can't spin away..
Oh Christ all mighty NO! I didn't say that Ferber was horseshit and you know it. Your claim that is has anything to o with Obergefell is horseshit! . Besides that fact that it has nothing to do with marriage and gay parenting, state courts do not set precedents for the SCOTUS and even if there was some ruling that could have been used in that regard, it can't be invoked retroactively as you suggest. There is more. Gay people can and do have children married or not, just like everyone else. So you premise is idiotic and many levels. Get out of my face now.

So then you agree if it can be shown that an adult civil right causes physical or psychological harm to a child, that adult may not do that thing? That is in fact what the Constitutional question was resolved to Hold in New York vs Ferber. And that was with a rock-solid adult civil right, unlike "just some deviant sex behaviors, but not others" which you recently "won" in Obergefell. Oddly, Ferber was also about deviant sex behaviors vs the rights of children.

Small world..
So, NY v Ferber is "inane excrement". I'll bet the Justices would be surprised to hear you regard their Decisions that way. Given NY v Ferber, I could just as easily declare Obergefell "inane excrement".

I think you're running away because there are serious points here even you can't spin away..
Oh Christ all mighty NO! I didn't say that Ferber was horseshit and you know it. Your claim that is has anything to o with Obergefell is horseshit! . Besides that fact that it has nothing to do with marriage and gay parenting, state courts do not set precedents for the SCOTUS and even if there was some ruling that could have been used in that regard, it can't be invoked retroactively as you suggest. There is more. Gay people can and do have children married or not, just like everyone else. So you premise is idiotic and many levels. Get out of my face now.

So then you agree if it can be shown that an adult civil right causes physical or psychological harm to a child, that adult may not do that thing? That is in fact what the Constitutional question was resolved to Hold in New York vs Ferber. And that was with a rock-solid adult civil right, unlike "just some deviant sex behaviors, but not others" which you recently "won" in Obergefell. Oddly, Ferber was also about deviant sex behaviors vs the rights of children.

Small world..

:banghead::banghead::banghead: Let us know when you can find some evidence that gay marriage, gay parenting, or anything that gays are doing is harming children. You sure have "deviant sexual behavior" on your mind a lot. I have to wonder. Now STFU! :banana2:
Your wife married the pervert. Someone with a perverted thought process.
Nope. Not a progressive so not a pervert or rapist

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Here is a crazy SOB who you might know. Even crazier than you but probably smarter too....... maybe.

Louie Gohmert: 'It's Time To Start Impeaching Judges' For Marriage Equality Ruling Submitted by Miranda Blue on Monday, 1/25/2016 4:51 pm

Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, said last week that “it’s time to start impeaching” Supreme Court justices in response to the Obergefell marriage equality ruling, which he called an “illegal decision” that amounted to the court declaring itself to be God. In an interview with Florida talk radio host Joyce Kaufman on Friday, Gohmert falsely claimed that church-state separation decisions in the 1950s and 1960s mandated that “you can’t talk about God in schools and public places.” But, he said, the Supreme Court did something even worse with Obergefell. “The Supreme Court said, ‘You know, we told you you couldn’t use ‘God,’ now here’s the new line: We’re God,’” he said. “‘We are your God. Forget what God, Moses, Jesus ever said, we are your God now, the five of us in the majority, you do as we tell you.’” Gohmert went on to repeat his call for Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Elena Kagan to be impeached for participating in the decision after having performed legal same-sex marriages. - See more at: Louie Gohmert: 'It's Time To Start Impeaching Judges' For Marriage Equality Ruling
So? Some people don't want perversion legitimized. ..... I know it is that free speech thing you hate so much.

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You're at liberty to express your ignorance, fear, and hate – and liberals will vigorously defend your right to do so.

But what you perceive to be 'perversion' is subjective and legally irrelevant, in no way 'justification' for denying gay Americans their right to due process and equal protection of the law by prohibiting them access to marriage contracts they're eligible to participate in; the 14th Amendment prohibits class legislation, such as seeking to disadvantage citizens through force of law for no other reason than who they are.
Lol you defend my right to say so now stfu? You regressives are all the same. You love free speech and government only as long as they do as you want. That is called authoritarian.

You Right Wing Nut Jobs are all the same- you profess your love for freedom- your freedom to dictate to others how they must live their lives.

Now that is authoritarian.
So, NY v Ferber is "inane excrement". I'll bet the Justices would be surprised to hear you regard their Decisions that way. Given NY v Ferber, I could just as easily declare Obergefell "inane excrement".

I think you're running away because there are serious points here even you can't spin away..
Oh Christ all mighty NO! I didn't say that Ferber was horseshit and you know it. Your claim that is has anything to o with Obergefell is horseshit! . Besides that fact that it has nothing to do with marriage and gay parenting, state courts do not set precedents for the SCOTUS and even if there was some ruling that could have been used in that regard, it can't be invoked retroactively as you suggest. There is more. Gay people can and do have children married or not, just like everyone else. So you premise is idiotic and many levels. Get out of my face now.

So then you agree if it can be shown that an adult civil right causes physical or psychological harm to a child, that adult may not do that thing?

Why would we agree with that?

Frankly it is not hard to show that many divorces indeed do psychological harms to a child- hell a family moving from one city to another may well cause a child psychological harm.

There are many, many things that might possibly cause harm to a child- of those many, many things, allowing children whose parents are gay to have married parents is not one of them.

The courts have recognized that denying those children married parents does cause them harm.

So why do you keep advocating harming those children?
So, NY v Ferber is "inane excrement". I'll bet the Justices would be surprised to hear you regard their Decisions that way. Given NY v Ferber, I could just as easily declare Obergefell "inane excrement"...

That is what you call Obergefell in every post.

I find it amusing that you think the Supreme Court has to follow the Supreme Court ruling in Ferber- but its own ruling in Obergefell is invalid- because of its ruling in Ferber........


Yet we allow no fault divorce- and allow fathers to stop fathering their boys- and mothers to stop mothering their girls.

If this was actually about the health of children- you would be focusing on the millions of children without a mother or a father because their own mother or father has abandoned them- but instead you just want to harm children by denying them married parents.

Yet we allow no fault divorce- and allow fathers to stop fathering their boys- and mothers to stop mothering their girls.

If this was actually about the health of children- you would be focusing on the millions of children without a mother or a father because their own mother or father has abandoned them- but instead you just want to harm children by denying them married parents.
Well, at this point I for one am willing to let them have the last word. Any reasonable person with half of a brain seeing this would now that certain people here are either complete idiots of clinically insane and probably both. You are right about Silhouette. That he/she whatever sexually obsessed whack job does not give a half a shit about the kids.
1. Let us know when you can find some evidence that gay marriage, gay parenting, or anything that gays are doing is harming children. 2. You sure have "deviant sexual behavior" on your mind a lot. I have to wonder. 3. Now STFU!

Here we see the "oh my God, the opposition has a very compelling point, shut it down ASAP!!" routine..

1. Shall we discuss the thousands of studies that show boys lacking a father often wind up addicted to drugs, depressed, suicidal or in prison?
2. The last-ditch "shut them up!!" LGBT trick = "if you are opposed to the LGBT deviant sex cult, you are secretly wanting to belong to it!" Most people don't want to be associated in any way, shape or form with the cult so they shut up and go away. ie: the points of New York vs Ferber "go away"..
3. Well, there it is. You're not even bashful about your intent to shut down the conversation on New York vs Ferber. There it is in the open for all to see..
1. Let us know when you can find some evidence that gay marriage, gay parenting, or anything that gays are doing is harming children. 2. You sure have "deviant sexual behavior" on your mind a lot. I have to wonder. 3. Now STFU!

Here we see the "oh my God, the opposition has a very compelling point, shut it down ASAP!!" routine..

1. Shall we discuss the thousands of studies that show boys lacking a father often wind up addicted to drugs, depressed, suicidal or in prison?
2. The last-ditch "shut them up!!" LGBT trick = "if you are opposed to the LGBT deviant sex cult, you are secretly wanting to belong to it!" Most people don't want to be associated in any way, shape or form with the cult so they shut up and go away. ie: the points of New York vs Ferber "go away"..
3. Well, there it is. You're not even bashful about your intent to shut down the conversation on New York vs Ferber. There it is in the open for all to see..
OK, show us those studies that compare children from broken homes where the father took off leaving a single parent, with children being raised from and early are by a loving same sex couple. I'm waiting.
OK, show us those studies that compare children from broken homes where the father took off leaving a single parent, with children being raised from and early are by a loving same sex couple. I'm waiting.

Who is the father in lesbian home? Who is the mother in a gay male home?

I'm waiting.. Meanwhile you should be brainstorming on how to overcome the most visceral notion of common sense present in even the dullest of minds about the importance of a father to a boy and a mother to a girl; outside the studies of boys missing fathers in their lives.. If you suggest these studies don't exist, I'm going to reel out enough rope for you to hang yourself with, then I'll post about 50 links to prestigious institution studies and deal you the hammer blow.

Go ahead..
OK, show us those studies that compare children from broken homes where the father took off leaving a single parent, with children being raised from and early are by a loving same sex couple. I'm waiting.

Who is the father in lesbian home? Who is the mother in a gay male home?

I'm waiting.. Meanwhile you should be brainstorming on how to overcome the most visceral notion of common sense present in even the dullest of minds about the importance of a father to a boy and a mother to a girl; outside the studies of boys missing fathers in their lives.. If you suggest these studies don't exist, I'm going to reel out enough rope for you to hang yourself with, then I'll post about 50 links to prestigious institution studies and deal you the hammer blow.

Go ahead..
Yea go ahead...lets see what you got
1. Let us know when you can find some evidence that gay marriage, gay parenting, or anything that gays are doing is harming children. 2. You sure have "deviant sexual behavior" on your mind a lot. I have to wonder. 3. Now STFU!

Here we see the "oh my God, the opposition has a very compelling point, shut it down ASAP!!" routine..

1. Shall we discuss the thousands of studies that show boys lacking a father often wind up addicted to drugs, depressed, suicidal or in prison?

I am interested in seeing one such study.

Or anything resembling a factual basis for your obsession.

Or why you think that is a reason to prevent gay marriage- instead of a reason to prevent divorce.
OK, show us those studies that compare children from broken homes where the father took off leaving a single parent, with children being raised from and early are by a loving same sex couple. I'm waiting.

Who is the father in lesbian home? Who is the mother in a gay male home?..

Who is the father in a home with a single mom?
Who is the mother in a home with a single dad?
1. Let us know when you can find some evidence that gay marriage, gay parenting, or anything that gays are doing is harming children. 2. You sure have "deviant sexual behavior" on your mind a lot. I have to wonder. 3. Now STFU!

Here we see the "oh my God, the opposition has a very compelling point, shut it down ASAP!!" routine..

1. Shall we discuss the thousands of studies that show boys lacking a father often wind up addicted to drugs, depressed, suicidal or in prison?

I am interested in seeing one such study.

Or anything resembling a factual basis for your obsession.

Or why you think that is a reason to prevent gay marriage- instead of a reason to prevent divorce.
Don't hold your breath bro.
OK, show us those studies that compare children from broken homes where the father took off leaving a single parent, with children being raised from and early are by a loving same sex couple. I'm waiting.
I'm going to reel out enough rope for you to hang yourself with, then I'll post about 50 links to prestigious institution studies and deal you the hammer blow..

LOL- get your predictions in now- I predict
  • They will not have anything to do with children raised in gay homes
  • They will not say what Silhouette says that they say.
  • And any that do- will be from Family Research Council and their ilk- not prestigious studies.
Like I said in the other thread, you're like a toddler that just learned a new word. Feber is going to be your new gas-lighting.
Too funny.

gay marriage is the law.

get over it.

it's safe to come out of the closet now. enjoy.


I don't believe this was meant for me. lol

nope. it wasn't. sorry. it was for the o/p and I clicked on the wrong link.

  • Thanks
Reactions: mdk
gay marriage is the law.

get over it.
The first amendment is the law too, yet New York vs Ferber found that it isn't the law if adults use it and that use harms children physically or psychologically. So, might want to get ready for "Generic Catholic Adoption Agency vs Obergefell"...

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