IS 'caliphate' shatters dreams of Iraqi students


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Such hypocrites!!! They don't want students to get an all-around education to help them compete in the modern world, but they themselves don't mind using modern technology thought up by those who did get an education.

IS 'caliphate' shatters dreams of Iraqi students

October 16, 2014
Last Updated at 13:34 IST
Mosul (Iraq), Oct 16 (IANS/EFE) The "caliphate" proclaimed by the Islamic State (IS) Sunni radical group in Iraq has shattered the dreams of thousands of students, who were unable to travel to Kirkuk, to pass their exams.

Students aged between six and 18 were from Mosul city. They were warned that any person leaving the "caliphate" would be found guilty of apostasy, which is punishable with death sentence.

The IS has "reformed" education programmes in Mosul to adapt them to the Islamic law.

Ibrahim Mohamed al Bayati, head of security in Nineveh province, of which Mosul is the capital, told Efe news agency the Islamists had set up strict check points to identify the students, forcing many to turn back.

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IS caliphate shatters dreams of Iraqi students Business Standard News
Those Mudslimes weren't out for any education, they were learning about their false prophet Moonhammad all along. Don't let them deceive you. There are NO Mudslimes that wish to integrate themselves with Western civilization. If they say they are, they're performing taqiyya and lying to you.

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