Is Breitbart fake news?

No, quite the opposite actually. The legacy/mainstream media is the biggest manufacturer and distributor of fake news. As Denzel Washington said, "If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you do read it, you're misinformed."

Edit: Breitbart isn't my number 1 source for news, but they're generally more accurate than the likes of CNN/MSNBC, etc. I mostly get my news from Associated Press, Reuters, Info Wars, The Intercept (yes, I know they lean liberal on some stuff), Wikileaks, Mark Dice, Joe Rogan, and many other YouTubers. We don't need huge corporate media anymore in this age of YouTube, podcasts, and social media.
There is something missing when you do not have the resources to do actual investigative reporting and those on youtube and bloggers simply do not have the resources to do so.

The major news networks are failing. Unfortunately, without them there really is no real news. The question is how does real news with real investigative reporting survive in a modern structure. I am not sure it can and the loss is devastating to public knowledge.

I'm all for investigative journalism, but it's just become painfully obvious that most of the legacy media has an ax to grind and oftentimes has a pre-determined conclusion that takes precedence over any investigation.
Hence why they are dying out.

Journalism is already all but dead in this country.
The hard reality is that /all/ news is "fake news" in that they twist partial facts to fit whatever agenda.

We no longer have a "real" news outlet that just gives us the facts without spin. One America News is the only on TV station that even comes close, and they run decidedly right biased opinion shows and "commercials" (Their actual 24/7 reporting of the news though is pretty much unbiased.) There are some YouTube folks, right and left, who are also pretty square about reporting (but of course the major flaw is that they are just reporting on the news they dig up from biased sources - basically trying to filter out what actually happened. They do however very clearly say when they are voicing an opinion - which I appreciate very much.)
No, quite the opposite actually. The legacy/mainstream media is the biggest manufacturer and distributor of fake news. As Denzel Washington said, "If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you do read it, you're misinformed."

Edit: Breitbart isn't my number 1 source for news, but they're generally more accurate than the likes of CNN/MSNBC, etc. I mostly get my news from Associated Press, Reuters, Info Wars, The Intercept (yes, I know they lean liberal on some stuff), Wikileaks, Mark Dice, Joe Rogan, and many other YouTubers. We don't need huge corporate media anymore in this age of YouTube, podcasts, and social media.
Oh yes you do, dupe. Infowars is crap. Breaking: It was the video almost undoubtedly, nothing Hillary did rose to the level of actual law breaking or real problem, any problems ACA were just the way our crap health system was going anyway or just GOP sabotage and obstruction of solutions DUHHH, refugee families are great, Transgender kids have NEVER done a gd thing, , DEM protesters have caused NO PROBLEMs-that's anarchists and black thugs, Reaganism rolls on- the rich don't pay enough and investment in infrastructure and training/ed. has been way too low for 35 years, 99% of fake news that's never apologized for is RW crap- Rush/Jones/social media is PURE crap.
No, quite the opposite actually. The legacy/mainstream media is the biggest manufacturer and distributor of fake news. As Denzel Washington said, "If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you do read it, you're misinformed."

Edit: Breitbart isn't my number 1 source for news, but they're generally more accurate than the likes of CNN/MSNBC, etc. I mostly get my news from Associated Press, Reuters, Info Wars, The Intercept (yes, I know they lean liberal on some stuff), Wikileaks, Mark Dice, Joe Rogan, and many other YouTubers. We don't need huge corporate media anymore in this age of YouTube, podcasts, and social media.
There is something missing when you do not have the resources to do actual investigative reporting and those on youtube and bloggers simply do not have the resources to do so.

The major news networks are failing. Unfortunately, without them there really is no real news. The question is how does real news with real investigative reporting survive in a modern structure. I am not sure it can and the loss is devastating to public knowledge.

I'm all for investigative journalism, but it's just become painfully obvious that most of the legacy media has an ax to grind and oftentimes has a pre-determined conclusion that takes precedence over any investigation.
Hence why they are dying out.

Journalism is already all but dead in this country.
And Dems and Indies and journalists, dupe, are going to fix that. The GOP certainly won't- it's their duped base. BUT having a President and administration parroting the fake news is a great chance to show even dupes how off they are. Perhaps Trump can show some integrity, grow, and learn. Or feq him.
No, quite the opposite actually. The legacy/mainstream media is the biggest manufacturer and distributor of fake news. As Denzel Washington said, "If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you do read it, you're misinformed."

Edit: Breitbart isn't my number 1 source for news, but they're generally more accurate than the likes of CNN/MSNBC, etc. I mostly get my news from Associated Press, Reuters, Info Wars, The Intercept (yes, I know they lean liberal on some stuff), Wikileaks, Mark Dice, Joe Rogan, and many other YouTubers. We don't need huge corporate media anymore in this age of YouTube, podcasts, and social media.
There is something missing when you do not have the resources to do actual investigative reporting and those on youtube and bloggers simply do not have the resources to do so.

The major news networks are failing. Unfortunately, without them there really is no real news. The question is how does real news with real investigative reporting survive in a modern structure. I am not sure it can and the loss is devastating to public knowledge.
Actually Infowars does do investigative reporting. The alternative media will continue to expand its services as the legacy media dies off. It can't happen fast enough.
Not really. It is extremely biased and slanted news - sometimes this type of 'news' is even worse than outright fabricated news.
You mean CNN isn't biased and slanted? I must be watching the wrong channel.
Fox is half crap and fake news, lots of laughing about how silly the video, the foundation, the Russians, Comey, socialism (communism lie) are. You end up with fools believing pure bs about same, with no actual facts...Big Lies.
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No, quite the opposite actually. The legacy/mainstream media is the biggest manufacturer and distributor of fake news. As Denzel Washington said, "If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you do read it, you're misinformed."

Edit: Breitbart isn't my number 1 source for news, but they're generally more accurate than the likes of CNN/MSNBC, etc. I mostly get my news from Associated Press, Reuters, Info Wars, The Intercept (yes, I know they lean liberal on some stuff), Wikileaks, Mark Dice, Joe Rogan, and many other YouTubers. We don't need huge corporate media anymore in this age of YouTube, podcasts, and social media.
There is something missing when you do not have the resources to do actual investigative reporting and those on youtube and bloggers simply do not have the resources to do so.

The major news networks are failing. Unfortunately, without them there really is no real news. The question is how does real news with real investigative reporting survive in a modern structure. I am not sure it can and the loss is devastating to public knowledge.
Actually Infowars does do investigative reporting. The alternative media will continue to expand its services as the legacy media dies off. It can't happen fast enough.
Actually, fake news and dupes like you just reached their apogee, all downhill from here, or you can find me outside Chiang Mai. lol
Not really. It is extremely biased and slanted news - sometimes this type of 'news' is even worse than outright fabricated news.
You mean CNN isn't biased and slanted? I must be watching the wrong channel.
Care to point out anywhere in this entire message board where I have said something that asinine.

Have you ever actually commented on something someone says rather than bullshit that was never mentioned?
No, quite the opposite actually. The legacy/mainstream media is the biggest manufacturer and distributor of fake news. As Denzel Washington said, "If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you do read it, you're misinformed."

Edit: Breitbart isn't my number 1 source for news, but they're generally more accurate than the likes of CNN/MSNBC, etc. I mostly get my news from Associated Press, Reuters, Info Wars, The Intercept (yes, I know they lean liberal on some stuff), Wikileaks, Mark Dice, Joe Rogan, and many other YouTubers. We don't need huge corporate media anymore in this age of YouTube, podcasts, and social media.
There is something missing when you do not have the resources to do actual investigative reporting and those on youtube and bloggers simply do not have the resources to do so.

The major news networks are failing. Unfortunately, without them there really is no real news. The question is how does real news with real investigative reporting survive in a modern structure. I am not sure it can and the loss is devastating to public knowledge.

I'm all for investigative journalism, but it's just become painfully obvious that most of the legacy media has an ax to grind and oftentimes has a pre-determined conclusion that takes precedence over any investigation.
Hence why they are dying out.

Journalism is already all but dead in this country.
And Dems and Indies and journalists, dupe, are going to fix that. The GOP certainly won't- it's their duped base. BUT having a President and administration parroting the fake news is a great chance to show even dupes how off they are. Perhaps Trump can show some integrity, grow, and learn. Or feq him.
Considering that the dems are doing nothing at all to fix anything and most of the news sources that the bobble heads on the left listen to cannot fabricate news fast enough to satify them, it seems that you are grossly mistaken.

For every Breitbart there is a Daily Kos. For every FOX there is a CNN. If you cant see the grossly slanted media of the left then you are part of the problem.
Breitbart is more of a clickbait, right wing hate propaganda site. Their entire purpose seems to create angry, hysterical conservative nutjobs that form violent militias.
Have lefties lost sight of reality? Breitbart isn't news, it's news analysis. ABC and CBS and PBS and MSNBC and CNN and NBC pretend to be news but more often than not they engage in fake news.
Fair point.

The term news is used in a pretty lax manner these days. This might have something to do with so many people getting all their information from sources that are not anything close to news at all such as from daytime comedy shows.
No, quite the opposite actually. The legacy/mainstream media is the biggest manufacturer and distributor of fake news. As Denzel Washington said, "If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you do read it, you're misinformed."

Edit: Breitbart isn't my number 1 source for news, but they're generally more accurate than the likes of CNN/MSNBC, etc. I mostly get my news from Associated Press, Reuters, Info Wars, The Intercept (yes, I know they lean liberal on some stuff), Wikileaks, Mark Dice, Joe Rogan, and many other YouTubers. We don't need huge corporate media anymore in this age of YouTube, podcasts, and social media.
There is something missing when you do not have the resources to do actual investigative reporting and those on youtube and bloggers simply do not have the resources to do so.

The major news networks are failing. Unfortunately, without them there really is no real news. The question is how does real news with real investigative reporting survive in a modern structure. I am not sure it can and the loss is devastating to public knowledge.

I'm all for investigative journalism, but it's just become painfully obvious that most of the legacy media has an ax to grind and oftentimes has a pre-determined conclusion that takes precedence over any investigation.
Hence why they are dying out.

Journalism is already all but dead in this country.
And Dems and Indies and journalists, dupe, are going to fix that. The GOP certainly won't- it's their duped base. BUT having a President and administration parroting the fake news is a great chance to show even dupes how off they are. Perhaps Trump can show some integrity, grow, and learn. Or feq him.
Considering that the dems are doing nothing at all to fix anything and most of the news sources that the bobble heads on the left listen to cannot fabricate news fast enough to satify them, it seems that you are grossly mistaken.

For every Breitbart there is a Daily Kos. For every FOX there is a CNN. If you cant see the grossly slanted media of the left then you are part of the problem.
Google "500 Dem bills that the GOP blocked under Obama", brainwashed functional moron. You THINK Kos and CNN are fake because you're an IDIOT lol and get very little real news, dupe.
There is something missing when you do not have the resources to do actual investigative reporting and those on youtube and bloggers simply do not have the resources to do so.

The major news networks are failing. Unfortunately, without them there really is no real news. The question is how does real news with real investigative reporting survive in a modern structure. I am not sure it can and the loss is devastating to public knowledge.

I'm all for investigative journalism, but it's just become painfully obvious that most of the legacy media has an ax to grind and oftentimes has a pre-determined conclusion that takes precedence over any investigation.
Hence why they are dying out.

Journalism is already all but dead in this country.
And Dems and Indies and journalists, dupe, are going to fix that. The GOP certainly won't- it's their duped base. BUT having a President and administration parroting the fake news is a great chance to show even dupes how off they are. Perhaps Trump can show some integrity, grow, and learn. Or feq him.
Considering that the dems are doing nothing at all to fix anything and most of the news sources that the bobble heads on the left listen to cannot fabricate news fast enough to satify them, it seems that you are grossly mistaken.

For every Breitbart there is a Daily Kos. For every FOX there is a CNN. If you cant see the grossly slanted media of the left then you are part of the problem.
Google "500 Dem bills that the GOP blocked under Obama", brainwashed functional moron. You THINK Kos and CNN are fake because you're an IDIOT lol and get very little real news, dupe.
Case in point.

Clearly you are part of the problem. As I have said before, it is what the consumers want. They do not want real news – they want confirmation that they are correct.
Have lefties lost sight of reality? Breitbart isn't news, it's news analysis. ABC and CBS and PBS and MSNBC and CNN and NBC pretend to be news but more often than not they engage in fake news.
Fair point.

The term news is used in a pretty lax manner these days. This might have something to do with so many people getting all their information from sources that are not anything close to news at all such as from daytime comedy shows.
The only difference is you and RW media are FOS. Rush and Jones and Sean etc are a bought off HS grad joke.The rest of the world think you're nuts and a catastrophe. STILL hoping Trump gets a clue...his generals in the cabinet and Dillerson seem to have a clue...
I'm all for investigative journalism, but it's just become painfully obvious that most of the legacy media has an ax to grind and oftentimes has a pre-determined conclusion that takes precedence over any investigation.
Hence why they are dying out.

Journalism is already all but dead in this country.
And Dems and Indies and journalists, dupe, are going to fix that. The GOP certainly won't- it's their duped base. BUT having a President and administration parroting the fake news is a great chance to show even dupes how off they are. Perhaps Trump can show some integrity, grow, and learn. Or feq him.
Considering that the dems are doing nothing at all to fix anything and most of the news sources that the bobble heads on the left listen to cannot fabricate news fast enough to satify them, it seems that you are grossly mistaken.

For every Breitbart there is a Daily Kos. For every FOX there is a CNN. If you cant see the grossly slanted media of the left then you are part of the problem.
Google "500 Dem bills that the GOP blocked under Obama", brainwashed functional moron. You THINK Kos and CNN are fake because you're an IDIOT lol and get very little real news, dupe.
Case in point.

Clearly you are part of the problem. As I have said before, it is what the consumers want. They do not want real news – they want confirmation that they are correct.
Speak for yourself and the "no compromise, un-American TP GOP"-TIME, Foxbot or whatever. It's ALL the same crap.

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