Is a Red Tsunami Coming?

Congrats Democrats, Progressives and Marxists !!!
It appears you own America.
Show no mercy.

The GOP could still take the House, so it is a little too premature to say the Democrats, Progressives and Marxists 'OWN' America.

'Show no mercy'?!

There's that divisive the 'Great Uniter', Biden, has been pushing.

1. WHY do Democrays / snowflakes hate the idea of making America great so much?
-- By what they have done to America in Joe's 1st 2 years it seems like they hate America.
Maybe different people have different views of what makes America great? I think providing decent health care to every citizen would make America greater.

2. Who gives a crap about 'Maga Republicans'?

I'm talking about people with a little common sense.

Democrats / snowflakes just voted into ofgice a man with cognitive impairment, a 'Joe Biden 2.0', someone who admittedly can't process information.
Did they vote for Fetterman or against Oz?

Also, after complaining about how unsafe it is in Dem-run cities / states they just voted back into office people like Hochul, who refuses to acknowledge the crime & violence in her state and has people ensuring it stays unsafe and / or gets worse.
Ever wonder why most large urban areas, even in Red states are Blue? Maybe the GOP has no real solutions to offer since they are anti-gov't and people in cities have to have a working gov't to get the services they require.

I am just amazed at how stupid snowflakes / Dems are and how they tend to vote against what is in their best interest.
I am amazed that blue-collar, working class people support the GOP. Unions made this country great in last century, bringing many into the middle class. They are mostly gone now and there are few options for working class people to get the pensions and health insurance they used to provide.
The GOP could still take the House, so it is a little too premature to say the Democrats, Progressives and Marxists 'OWN' America.

'Show no mercy'?!

There's that divisive the 'Great Uniter', Biden, has been pushing.


And there's that NAIVE little whiny Conservative.
You folks either have no idea what you are up against or are too pitiful to do what is required to stop you start blaming those who correctly point out the obvious.

I DARE YOU to go back and read my past posts concerning the elections and direction of America and show me where I have been consistently wrong.

It is too late to vote your way out of this now.
That door closed 25 years ago or more.
YOU are the blame. YOU (meaning the weak Right Wing) are why Marxists are winning. Don't blame them.

And when I say 'Show no mercy".....
I mean they are free to do pretty much whatever they want.
Guns WILL be confiscated. Free speech WILL be cancelled. Free travel and movement restricted. Huge inflation. Gas prices over $7.00 /gal.
Their plan all along was the total destruction of America and the Right failed completely to stop it.

Perhaps 500 years from now the Right will grow a spine again after sufficient REAL suffering. But that's what it will take obviously.
The ONLY path.
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I am amazed that blue-collar, working class people support the GOP. Unions made this country great in last century, bringing many into the middle class. They are mostly gone now and there are few options for working class people to get the pensions and health insurance they used to provide.

More amazing is how snowflakes like you have allowed old, rich, white, millionaire, self-serving Democrats con you into thinking they give a damn about you.

What policies ir actions taken exactly have the Democrats done to even slightly convince you they care about uour success?

Violating the Constitution and Rule of Law, violating the Patriot Act, illegally spying on Americans and putting innocent people in jail, targeting Americans based on partisanship / agendas to intimidate and silence them?

Multiple govt agencies workibg together to brand patents 'domestic terrorists' for their opposition to turning schools into CRT / Transgender indoctrination camps?

Shutdowns, lockdowns, school closures, and mask msndates based on control/agendas rather than on science? Using Americans as lab rats on which to test experimental drugs?

What part of Pelosi' declaration that she is above the law while engaging in Insider Trading ro enrich herself further had anything to do with doing anything for her constituents or het country?

What part of waging war on energy production, targeting tge one resource our economy runs on, seeking to deny the country use of a resource in which we are rich without having an alternative has been done with this country's best interest in mind instead of a party's agenda?

Higher gas prices, higher foid prices, higher prices period, food shortages, supy chain crisis, unneccessary pain inflicted on Americans who are now struggling just to get by - what part of that inflicted on the middle / lower classes by leftist millionaires who aren't feeling any of that pain shpw you thry give a damn about blue collar Americans?

Unions had a purpose once, but they have been twisted, become greedy, and extremely political. The teachers unions, for exame, worked with the WH, DOJ, & FBI to brand any parent opposed to the leftist agenda bullshit with which tbey began replacing actual education as a 'domestic terrorists'.

Teachers were telling our kids to lie to and hide things from their parents - I don't know about you, but tbat is EVER acceptable. Democrats wete trying to create their own versions of brainwashed / indoctrinated 'nazi youth'.

Despite science showing healthy kids weren't at risk for COVID, that needed natural immunity being denied them by school closures, teachers unions fought to keep schools closed which we mow know hurt our children.

What part of any of that was done in rbe besy interests of Americans, parents, or e en the kids leftists targeted and went after?

The failed, pro-crime policies of the left, the open lying / denial there is a problem when Chocao is having the equivalent of a mass shooting EVERY week while Lightfoot sings kareoke and dances, when people are getting pushed in front of subway cars and morhers are being killed in front of their kids just before the elction while Hochul says, 'I don't see what the big concern over crime is' and claiming the Republicans pointing out the crimes that are happening is just exaggerations and lies - this stuff is insane and proves Democrats don't give a damn how dangerous your cities and neighborhoods have become.

Whime the DOJ is protecting domestic terrorists who have destroyed more than 140 churches the last few months local and state Democrats have put revolving doors on pice precincts, carong more about releasing criminals than protecting their victims. There has been almost a dozen cases in the lar few months of violent criminals - murderers, rapists, and pedophimes - released only to almost immediately rape / murder others within 48 hours of release.

AGAIN, what part of that has convinced you these old, white, rich, corrupt, criminal, treasonous Democrats give a damn about you and are working for you.

The exames of hypocrisy, lying, scheming, self-enriching, oppression, control, etc... by the left / Democrats proving the American people, what is best for them and this country, is endless.

Conservatives have a few - Liz Cheney ignored her constituents and pursued her own agenda. The difference between Democrats and Republicans, it seems, is Conservatives boot theirs ike Cheney) out of office while snowflakes lie, deny, and defend the criminals / losers lying to them, using them, and hurting them along with everyone else.
Wow! Quite the rant, I appreciate it...
More amazing is how snowflakes like you have allowed old, rich, white, millionaire, self-serving Democrats con you into thinking they give a damn about you.
Ironic since neither Obama nor Biden come from money while Trump and the Bushes did. Trump admitted one reason he ran was for the fame. Tell me again who is being conned?

What policies ir actions taken exactly have the Democrats done to even slightly convince you they care about uour success?
Obamacare is a good example. Capping drug costs is another.

Violating the Constitution and Rule of Law, violating the Patriot Act, illegally spying on Americans and putting innocent people in jail, targeting Americans based on partisanship / agendas to intimidate and silence them?
Are you saying the Dems abuse power more than the GOP? Sorry, not buying it.

Multiple govt agencies workibg together to brand patents 'domestic terrorists' for their opposition to turning schools into CRT / Transgender indoctrination camps?
As I recall there were some extreme actions taken by the anti-CRT crowd, disrupting school board meetings when they didn't get their way is an example from here in VA. People on the board were scared.

Shutdowns, lockdowns, school closures, and mask msndates based on control/agendas rather than on science? Using Americans as lab rats on which to test experimental drugs?
That was based on science, not wishful thinking.

What part of Pelosi' declaration that she is above the law while engaging in Insider Trading ro enrich herself further had anything to do with doing anything for her constituents or het country?
I don't know what she said but she is not above the law.

Higher gas prices, higher foid prices, higher prices period, food shortages, supy chain crisis, unneccessary pain inflicted on Americans who are now struggling just to get by - what part of that inflicted on the middle / lower classes by leftist millionaires who aren't feeling any of that pain shpw you thry give a damn about blue collar Americans?
Complex problem with many causes, including Putin and China.

Unions had a purpose once, but they have been twisted, become greedy, and extremely political. The teachers unions, for exame, worked with the WH, DOJ, & FBI to brand any parent opposed to the leftist agenda bullshit with which tbey began replacing actual education as a 'domestic terrorists'.

Teachers were telling our kids to lie to and hide things from their parents - I don't know about you, but tbat is EVER acceptable. Democrats wete trying to create their own versions of brainwashed / indoctrinated 'nazi youth'.
Unions are like lawyers, they advocate for their members. They are subject to abuse and corruption but you don't throw the baby out with the bath water.

Despite science showing healthy kids weren't at risk for COVID, that needed natural immunity being denied them by school closures, teachers unions fought to keep schools closed which we mow know hurt our children.

What part of any of that was done in rbe besy interests of Americans, parents, or e en the kids leftists targeted and went after?
More of that pesky science stuff.

The failed, pro-crime policies of the left, the open lying / denial there is a problem when Chocao is having the equivalent of a mass shooting EVERY week while Lightfoot sings kareoke and dances, when people are getting pushed in front of subway cars and morhers are being killed in front of their kids just before the elction while Hochul says, 'I don't see what the big concern over crime is' and claiming the Republicans pointing out the crimes that are happening is just exaggerations and lies - this stuff is insane and proves Democrats don't give a damn how dangerous your cities and neighborhoods have become.
Another complex problem going back decades but you're delusional if don't think the Dems care, THEY live there not the GOP. The GOP just offers lip service.

Whime the DOJ is protecting domestic terrorists who have destroyed more than 140 churches the last few months local and state Democrats have put revolving doors on pice precincts, carong more about releasing criminals than protecting their victims. There has been almost a dozen cases in the lar few months of violent criminals - murderers, rapists, and pedophimes - released only to almost immediately rape / murder others within 48 hours of release.
Sorry but this doesn't pass the smell test. What is you BEST example of a released criminal

AGAIN, what part of that has convinced you these old, white, rich, corrupt, criminal, treasonous Democrats give a damn about you and are working for you.
Compared to the GOP they are saints.

The exames of hypocrisy, lying, scheming, self-enriching, oppression, control, etc... by the left / Democrats proving the American people, what is best for them and this country, is endless.
Politicians lie? I'm shocked!!! Do Dems lie more that the GOP? Doubtful.

Conservatives have a few - Liz Cheney ignored her constituents and pursued her own agenda. The difference between Democrats and Republicans, it seems, is Conservatives boot theirs ike Cheney) out of office while snowflakes lie, deny, and defend the criminals / losers lying to them, using them, and hurting them along with everyone else.
I'm sure Al Franken and Anthony Weiner would disagree.
Wow! Quite the rant, I appreciate it...

Ironic since neither Obama nor Biden come from money while Trump and the Bushes did. Trump admitted one reason he ran was for the fame. Tell me again who is being conned?

Obamacare is a good example. Capping drug costs is another.

Are you saying the Dems abuse power more than the GOP? Sorry, not buying it.

As I recall there were some extreme actions taken by the anti-CRT crowd, disrupting school board meetings when they didn't get their way is an example from here in VA. People on the board were scared.

That was based on science, not wishful thinking.

I don't know what she said but she is not above the law.

Complex problem with many causes, including Putin and China.

Unions are like lawyers, they advocate for their members. They are subject to abuse and corruption but you don't throw the baby out with the bath water.

More of that pesky science stuff.

Another complex problem going back decades but you're delusional if don't think the Dems care, THEY live there not the GOP. The GOP just offers lip service.

Sorry but this doesn't pass the smell test. What is you BEST example of a released criminal

Compared to the GOP they are saints.

Politicians lie? I'm shocked!!! Do Dems lie more that the GOP? Doubtful.

I'm sure Al Franken and Anthony Weiner would disagree.
Most of your responses were typical lies, spin, propaganda, and bullshit.

Case in point, mask mandates were proven NOT to be based on science...but you obeyed and wore them constantly anyway....

...unless you are trying to tell me a cloth mask, especially one decorated and sold at Wal Mart, can stop a microscopic virus.

Wow, the military will want to know about this, as they have been wasting a lot of time wearing that MOPP geat abd masks with the cannisters.

Hell, Biden literally wore TWO (2) masks at one point...told Americans COVID was the sickness of the unvacvinated, said if you wete vaccinated you could not get COVID, mase caccines mandatory...had 3 or 4 AND STILL GOT COVID...TWICE.

BUT BACK TO MASKS: Newsflash, when you walk into a seafood restaurant wearing a mask and you can still smell the food, if the particles that allow you to smell the food can pass through tour mask so can a virus.

Also, let's say you come into contact with the virus, even if your cloth mask could keep the virus from entering your nose / mouth (ignoring your unprotected eyes), if the virus gets on the outside of your mask - you go home, touch the mask taking it off. Unless you wash / disinfect your hands immediately, if you touch you face (eyes, nose, mouth) you are getting COVID contact.

Also, after wearing your mask all day, how many people also wash / disinfect those masks before putting them on again. So you touch a dirty, COVID infected mask putting it back on, abd you think that mask is PROTECTING you?!

Try thinking things through yourself instead of being a compliant sheep

Your claim that mask mandates were based on science is a joke and proves you either make shit up or believe anything your Democrat masters tell you.

Hell, Birx even admitted publicly that she and Fauci just made all that shit up. I created a whole thread in this, comete with link to Birx's confession. Feel free to use the USMB search feature to look it up and educate yoursrlf l, snowflake
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Most of your responses werevtypical lies, spin, propaganda, and bullshit.
I was too polite to say the same about your responses.

Case in point, madk mandates were proven not to be based on science...

...unless you are trying to tell me a cloth mask, especially one decorated and sold at Wal Mart, can stop a microscopic virus.

Wow, the military will want to know about this, as they have been wasting a lot of time wearing that MOPP geat abd masks with the cannisters.

Newsflash, when you walk into a seafood restaurant wearing a mask and you can still smell the food, if the particles that allow you to smell the food can pass through tour mask so can a virus.
Next time you go in for surgery feel free to tell the surgeon and staff you don't think they need to be wearing masks.

Also, let's say you come into contact with the virus, even if your cloth mask could keep the virus from entering your nose / mouth (ignoring your unprotected eyes), if the virus gets on the outside of your mask - you go home, touch the mask taking it off. Unless you wash / disinfect your hands immediately, if you touch you face (eyes, nose, mouth) you are getting COVID contact.
Who told you masks were a 100% effective solution? They lied to you.

Also, after wearing your mask all day, how many people also wash / disinfect those masks before putting them on again. So you touch a dirty, COVID infected mask putting it back on, abd you think that mask is PROTECTING you?!

Try thinking things through yourself instead of being a compliant sheep

Your claim that mask mandates were based on science is a joke and proves you either make shit up or believe anything your Democrat masters tell you.

Hell, Birx even admitted publicly that she and Fauci just made all that shit up. I created a whole thread in this, comete with link to Birx's confession. Feel free to use the USMB search feature to look it up and educate yoursrlf l, snowflake
The real question is, are you safer with a mask or without it? I think the answer is obvious, at least to me.
I was too polite to say the same about your responses.

Next time you go in for surgery feel free to tell the surgeon and staff you don't think they need to be wearing masks.

Who told you masks were a 100% effective solution? They lied to you.

The real question is, are you safer with a mask or without it? I think the answer is obvious, at least to me.
You were just humiliated, your ignorant rambling exposed for what it was, primarily by Birx, who publicly declared the mandates and other bullshit she and Fauci came up with were MADE UP, not based on science as you ignorantly claimed.

Now you seek to save face by doubling down on 'stupid' with more opinionated rabling, attempting to ignore the actual science AND what Birx confessed to publicly in hopes it will all go away,that people on this board will forget the lies, propaganda, and bullshit you previously opined, pretending you are smarter than you just proved you are.


If Democrats were / are mot lying ... and you proving you bought every word of it, why did Biden and the other con artists claim 'COVID is the illness of the UN-Vaccinated, that the vaccine prevents spreading and from the vaccinated getting the virus - all of which Big Pharma has now said isn't true - HOW DID PRESIDRNT JOE '4 VACCINES' BIDEN GET COVID ... TWICE?

I thought all of this was based on SCIENCE, slick?

Turns out THAT one was a lie...but we are supposed to believe the same liars telling us the mask mandate was based on science, even though what they said about THE VACVINES tbat was supposed to be based on science and fact was NOT?!

What a good little sheep you are to comply...even after what they say has been disproven ... even after 1 of the 2 people who made up the mandates admitted they were NEVER based on science. Way to parrot the propaganda without thinking for yourself.

Democrats will lose every branch of government on Wednesday morning. They will lose bigly. They squandered 2 years demonizing their political opponents for their massive failures. Everyone is much worse off today than they were 2 years ago.

You were just humiliated, your ignorant rambling exposed for what it was, primarily by Birx, who publicly declared the mandates and other bullshit she and Fauci came up with were MADE UP, not based on science as you ignorantly claimed.
So you're saying the Trump administration mishandled the pandemic? Tell me something I don't know.

Now you seek to save face by doubling down on 'stupid' with more opinionated rabling, attempting to ignore the actual science AND what Birx confessed to publicly in hopes it will all go away,that people on this board will forget the lies, propaganda, and bullshit you previously opined, pretending you are smarter than you just proved you are.
You want stupid, here you go:

At Hearing, Dr. Deborah Birx Tells Select Subcommittee That “Dangerous Ideas” Undermined Trump Administration Coronavirus Response

If Democrats were / are mot lying ... and you proving you bought every word of it, why did Biden and the other con artists claim 'COVID is the illness of the UN-Vaccinated, that the vaccine prevents spreading and from the vaccinated getting the virus - all of which Big Pharma has now said isn't true - HOW DID PRESIDRNT JOE '4 VACCINES' BIDEN GET COVID ... TWICE?
I know a number of people who died of Covid before vaccines were available but no one I know has been vaccinated and later died of Covid.

I thought all of this was based on SCIENCE, slick?

Turns out THAT one was a lie...but we are supposed to believe the same liars telling us the mask mandate was based on science, even though what they said about THE VACVINES tbat was supposed to be based on science and fact was NOT?!

What a good little sheep you are to comply...even after what they say has been disproven ... even after 1 of the 2 people who made up the mandates admitted they were NEVER based on science. Way to parrot the propaganda without thinking for yourself.

Yes, science not straw men.

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