Iraq's hangman perfects his art at busy gallows in Camp Five


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
It appears that the hangmen really have to be top notch at their jobs. It's almost like they have to go to medical school to perfect their art.

Iraq's hangman perfects his art at busy gallows in Camp Five
Iraq returns to Saddam-era number of executions as the country fights terrorism

By Colin Freeman, Baghdad

9:44PM GMT 05 Dec 2013

In the chaos and violence of post-Saddam Iraq, the hangman’s art has become a precision science. Behind the walls of Camp Five, the maximum security Baghdad jail that houses Death Row, one of the last walks that condemned inmates make is to a room with scales and a height measure.

The figures are then checked against wall charts that say what length the rope should be in the nearby gallows: too short a drop and the convict may dangle in unnecessary agony, too long and they may be decapitated, as happened in some early cases.

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Iraq's hangman perfects his art at busy gallows in Camp Five - Telegraph

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