Iraqi Commander Claims US Secretly Evacuated ISIS Leaders To Safety...

Obama flew into Iraq in a black helicopter and spirited out ISISBOOMBAH leaders. They are safely stashed in a Jade Helm lair beneath a WalMart Superstore in Arizona. When Obama rounds up all non-Muslim Americans and puts them in FEMA camps, these ISIBOOMBAH leaders will be the camp commandants.

You want to bleev this, so it must be true!
You still think turkey buying IS oil is "Russian propaganda". :lol:
just hang it up already bro..
The KGB thug accused the President's family of being personally involved in buying oil from ISISBOOMBAH. This has never been proven.

As for black marketeers buying oil from ISIS and smuggling it into Turkey, all I have to say to that is, "And?"

That in no way means the government of Turkey sanctions such things. That's why they are called "the black market". You know...ILLEGAL.

So you were saying, useful idiot?

yea, turkey didn't know where their oil came from. lol
IS trucks just run oil to the border for the hell of it lol
What about Sayyafs hard drives and documents? That Russian propaganda too? lol
You make me laugh a lot..
Recent reports in Russian and Iraqi media claim US Special OP's killed seven ISIS leaders and captured others in the same operation. The Pentagon will not confirm and is calling the reports "rumor". Everyone is free to speculate as to the accuracy or truth of these reports, and if believed, where those captives might be held and for what purpose. My own view is that if the reports are true, those guys will be talking to interrogators if they have not already.
Kind of curious how the Special Op's knew which guys to kill and which ones to keep.
They probably kept the ones Obozo wants to turn loose to kill more Americans...

Just like he did with the terrorists at Gitmo...

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