Iraq: Today's Non-Story


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
"Another day and yet more death and destruction in the Middle East country.

"The latest violence has killed at least 54 people and injured over 100 others.

"In July, over 1,000 people were killed and over 2,300 wounded.

"You probably think I’m talking about Syria. But I’m not. I’m talking about Iraq.

"The country that George W. Bush and Tony Blair 'liberated’ in 2003. The western military intervention was, we were told, going to usher in a wonderful era of democracy, freedom and human rights.

"Instead, it has ushered in an appalling decade-long blood-fest, with ordinary Iraqis having to endure a living nightmare of life in what has become one of the most dangerous countries on earth."

Iraq, Libya, Syria, Lebanon, and Iran are all Middle Eastern countries destined for regime change and probably balkanization. The latest UN speedbump in Syria to redrawing the borders of the New Middle East notwithstanding, the same war-whores in congress and the media who destroyed Iraq won't be stopped from imposing a corporate caliphate from the eastern Mediterranean to the Caspian Sea.

"It’s interesting that when it comes to casualty tolls, pro-war politicians can tell us exactly how many people have died in Syria since the violence started there in 2011, (and of course for them, all the deaths are the personal responsibility of President Assad), whereas when it comes to Iraq and the number of people who have been killed there since March 2003, there’s a great deal more vagueness. 'We don’t do body counts on other people' Donald Rumsfeld famously declared in November 2003.

"The Iraqis killed since March 2003 (and casualty figures vary from around 174,000 to well over one million) are, for our political elite, ‘non-people.’ In 2013, it’s only dead Syrians (and Syrians whose deaths can be blamed on Syrian government forces) that matter - not dead Iraqis."
Here's a nice non-death/destruction story...

Ancient Kingdom Discovered Beneath Mound in Iraq
"In the Kurdistan region of northern Iraq archaeologists have discovered an ancient city called Idu, hidden beneath a mound."

It's pretty hard to watch the birth pangs of a "Free Kurdistan" carved from the remains of Iraq and Syria without seeing death and destruction of a mass scale. Idu is likely to have a lot of company in the next century.
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"Rather like Sherlock Holmes’ The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, the silence of pro-war commentators and politicians when it comes to the ongoing bloodshed in Iraq is most revealing.

"The same elite figures in the West who couldn't stop writing or talking about Iraq in 2002 and early 2003, telling us what a terrible threat Saddam Hussein’s ‘weapons of mass destruction’ were to us all, and how we needed to go to war with Iraq not only to disarm its evil dictator but to 'liberate' its people, are now silent in the light of the continuing bloodshed and havoc that the illegal invasion caused.

"In the run up to the invasion of March 2003, you couldn’t switch on a television news program in Britain or America without seeing a neo-con or ‘liberal interventionist’ obsessing about Iraq.

"In the lead-up to war, these great ‘humanitarians’ feigned concern for the plight of Iraqis living under Saddam’s dictatorship - but today show little or no concern for the plight of Iraqis being blown to pieces by bombs on a regular, almost daily basis."

Iraq: The greatest ?non-story? of the modern era ? RT Op-Edge

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