Iraq invasion led by Bagdhadi:Why did you release him from Camp Bocca?


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
He's taken over Mosul. He's now scored Tikrit. He was released in 2009. Why?

All hells breaking loose in Iraq and this former American prisoner is taking over. Intelligence must know he's on the move considering it is his forces that have been battling Assad.

You know. Assad. The leader that Obama would prefer to have gone but thankfully Assad has kept this monster at bay.

But check out Iraq.

Now Tikrit falls to Islamist terrorists: Hundreds of thousands flee as second Iraqi city is seized by the extremist warlord who is more 'virulent and violent than Bin Laden' - and building an empire

Islamist militants effectively took control of oil-rich Mosul yesterday after four days of heavy fighting

Today they seized power in Saddam Hussein’s home city of Tikrit - they also freed hundreds of prisoners

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, 43, known as Adu Dua, has emerged as one of the world's most lethal terrorist leaders

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant now controls territory in eastern Syria and western and central Iraq

More than half a million Iraqis have been displaced sparking a major refugee crisis

Iraqi prime minister Nouri al-Maliki asked parliament to declare a state of emergency to give him more power

Tonight Turkey warned it will retaliate if any of its 48 citizen taken hostage at its embassy in Mosul are harmed

Tikrit falls to Islamist terrorists | Mail Online
Iraq invasion of 2003 was idiotic. Saddam kept law and order there...cruelly, but stable none the less. "W" comes out with this neo-con fantasy that if we supplant democracy in Iraq (regions most diverse and complex nation) that it will spread like wild fire to other nations. Dumb dee dumb, dumb, DUMB. Now the US has empowered Iran as the regions biggest player and the US borrowed $$$ from China to fight the goddamn war. Chinese Finance Minister has already come out and said, "We now control the U.S. Dollar." Smart move "W."
Iraq invasion of 2003 was idiotic. Saddam kept law and order there...cruelly, but stable none the less. "W" comes out with this neo-con fantasy that if we supplant democracy in Iraq (regions most diverse and complex nation) that it will spread like wild fire to other nations. Dumb dee dumb, dumb, DUMB. Now the US has empowered Iran as the regions biggest player and the US borrowed $$$ from China to fight the goddamn war. Chinese Finance Minister has already come out and said, "We now control the U.S. Dollar." Smart move "W."

However you feel about Bush and the Iraq war, we are still in the here and now.

And this administration that is currently in power released this monster and kept telling us Al Qaeda was on the run and dwindling in power.

Blood-soaked fanatics who make Al Qaeda look amateur: Formidable army of 12,000 black-clad fanatics who rule by beheading, amputation and crucifixion

Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) rules nation-sized swathe of land

Grew out of Al Qaeda in Iraq, but has eclipsed them in power and brutality

Boasts 12,000 fighters, many of whom have flooded in from abroad

Grew stronger thanks to unrest in Syria - and is well-armed and well-funded

Rules its territory with a ruthless take on Islamic law, involving brutal punishment

Blood-soaked fanatics who make Al Qaeda look amateur | Mail Online
Iraq issue not ours

Obama didn't have any issue getting involved in Egypt did he now? Or Libya. Or Syria. Or the Ukraine.

Intelligence must have known that their former prisoner Bagdhadi that they released in 2009 was gaining strength, power, and a massive following trying to topple Assad in Syria.

You really should check out who the administration let go in 2009. And my oh my now 5 top Taliban leaders have been let go too.

How ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi became the world’s most powerful jihadist leader

How ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi became the world?s most powerful jihadist leader - The Washington Post
obama wanted this.

You are an absolute MORON lol.

Many thanks to the GOP for 9/11, the stupidest wars ever that produced hundreds of thousands of jihadis, AND a world depression that gives them millions of unemployed to work with. Not to mention 5 years of obstruction to keep it going...greedy mindless a-holes and their stupid hater dupes. Hopefully the idiot TP will wreck the GOP so Dems can fix this mess. Looks like no more "debt crises" might do it, actually.
obama wanted this.

Well there's two ways to look at this mess.

Obama wanted to cause mayhem and havoc in the Middle East and succeeded.

He's a evil mother trucking asshole.


Obama doesn't have a clue what's happening in the Middle East and has allowed mayhem and havoc to rule the day.

And that makes him a stupid mother trucking asshole.

Either way his foreign policy legacy is FUBAR'D.
So what would the great brains of the GOP do? LOL. 90 % of Islam is is sick to death of fundie terrorism and it's about time they got their shytte together...
obama wanted this.

You are an absolute MORON lol.

Many thanks to the GOP for 9/11, the stupidest wars ever that produced hundreds of thousands of jihadis, AND a world depression that gives them millions of unemployed to work with. Not to mention 5 years of obstruction to keep it going...greedy mindless a-holes and their stupid hater dupes. Hopefully the idiot TP will wreck the GOP so Dems can fix this mess. Looks like no more "debt crises" might do it, actually.

Oh piss off. Obama's administration unleashed this monster in 2009. And in Obama's lust to witness the demise of Assad he has allowed Baghdadi and his army to flourish and become so powerful that he has now invaded Iraq.
I do think Obama should have given more aid to moderate Syrians earlier, and that the GOP would have bitched to high heaven about that too. Maybe Saudi etc will stop supporting Islamists now. Fuque em all lol.
Nobody had heard of him in 2009. You piss off lol...

What are you talking about? The US had him in custody. Very well known terrorist even at that time. You released him in 2009. No one knows why as of yet.

Tell me you know the terror group ISIS at least? Levant? They've morphed from different names.

Anyways, Bagdhdadi is a rock star among terrorists. Makes Bin Laden look like a choir boy. He came up on my radar big time when I was checking out the bullshit rebels in Syria and started sorting out who was AQ affiliated and who were paid mercenaries operating for Qatar and Saudi Arabia.

All the while the terrorists were operating under the guise of a "Syrian Spring" which was complete and unadulterated garbage from the get go.

So your intelligence surely has been aware of the gains Baghdadi had made in Syria and that he was knocking off other terror organizations.

Hell's bells AQ refused to be associated with this madman and his army. Publicly. ETA: think it was February when AQ denounce him and his crew.

This dude is a monster.
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