Iran vows to attack U.S. forces stationed in the Middle East


Gold Member
Apr 8, 2009
Gulf of Mexico Coast, Texas
While dismissing the sanctions threat, Iran has also warned against any military steps against its nuclear program.

After several warnings that it would hit back at Israel if attacked from there, Iran's military chief said Thursday he would target U.S. forces stationed in the Middle East if Washington attacked.

"If America presents Iran with a serious threat and undertakes any measure against Iran, none of the American soldiers who are currently in the region would go back to America alive," Major General Hassan Firouzabadi, was quoted as saying by the semi-official Fars news agency.

U.S. troops are engaged in Iraq and Afghanistan, both of which border Iran.

Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of a military ceremony, Firouzabadi said a strike on Iran would also put oil supplies at risk.

Iran will not beg to avoid sanctions: Ahmadinejad | Reuters
Brings up an interesting question. What exactly constitutes an act of war?
Time for Obama to bend over, as Ahmadinejad clearly isn't getting enough.
Barry has a czar to prevent that from B happnin N shit.


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Hmmm........ Seems only a short time ago, we had a dimbulb in the White House making noises about attacking Iran on the basis of a percieved threat. We did that in Iraq, and that worked out so well, didn't it?

Iran will not attack us unless we first attack them. More rhetoric to try to hold together a nation that is on the edge of revolt. What we should be doing is facilitating communications within Iran, so there people can work with each other. And, otherwise, stay out of this mess.

If the Mad Hatter keeps clamping down, there will be blood in the streets, no reason for any of it to be American.
Hmmm........ Seems only a short time ago, we had a dimbulb in the White House making noises about attacking Iran on the basis of a percieved threat. We did that in Iraq, and that worked out so well, didn't it?

Iran will not attack us unless we first attack them. More rhetoric to try to hold together a nation that is on the edge of revolt. What we should be doing is facilitating communications within Iran, so there people can work with each other. And, otherwise, stay out of this mess.

If the Mad Hatter keeps clamping down, there will be blood in the streets, no reason for any of it to be American.

I hate that I'm in agreement with you.
So basically if we attack them, they'll attack us back. Am I supposed to be surprised? Shocked?

LOL, spoken like a a true naive leftist. If we attack them, they say they will attack us back!

LOL, in what capacity?
(1) Through the air: They have a tiny and outdated airforce mostly made of pre-'79 US jets.
(2) There grand offensive missiles? LOL, this is a paper dragon. There offensive missiles are not sophisticated. Also in any US military strike, we would also take out their missile capabilities, which again aren't much.
(3) Ground forces? LOL, are they really going to invade Iraq and Afghanistan? They would be no match for even Poland, what makes ANYONE feel they would be a match for the US and NATO!

There only option is guerrilla terrorist attacks!
Hmmm........ Seems only a short time ago, we had a dimbulb in the White House making noises about attacking Iran on the basis of a percieved threat. We did that in Iraq, and that worked out so well, didn't it?

Iran will not attack us unless we first attack them. More rhetoric to try to hold together a nation that is on the edge of revolt. What we should be doing is facilitating communications within Iran, so there people can work with each other. And, otherwise, stay out of this mess.

If the Mad Hatter keeps clamping down, there will be blood in the streets, no reason for any of it to be American.

Bush never threatened to attack Iran, that was a lie you retarded leftoids trotted out year after year to no effect. I see you are still at it. Last I checked when Bush threatened he would do something he DID IT.
Hmmm........ Seems only a short time ago, we had a dimbulb in the White House making noises about attacking Iran on the basis of a percieved threat. We did that in Iraq, and that worked out so well, didn't it?

Iran will not attack us unless we first attack them. More rhetoric to try to hold together a nation that is on the edge of revolt. What we should be doing is facilitating communications within Iran, so there people can work with each other. And, otherwise, stay out of this mess.

If the Mad Hatter keeps clamping down, there will be blood in the streets, no reason for any of it to be American.

Iraq was an invasion! An attack on Iran would be air or missile strike and a naval blockade!
Hmmm........ Seems only a short time ago, we had a dimbulb in the White House making noises about attacking Iran on the basis of a percieved threat. We did that in Iraq, and that worked out so well, didn't it?

Iran will not attack us unless we first attack them. More rhetoric to try to hold together a nation that is on the edge of revolt. What we should be doing is facilitating communications within Iran, so there people can work with each other. And, otherwise, stay out of this mess.

If the Mad Hatter keeps clamping down, there will be blood in the streets, no reason for any of it to be American.

Bush never threatened to attack Iran, that was a lie you retarded leftoids trotted out year after year to no effect. I see you are still at it. Last I checked when Bush threatened he would do something he DID IT.

Bush threatens Iran with military action - World Politics, World - The Independent

George Bush has warned Iran that military action is still "on the table" if it fails to respond to tightening diplomatic pressure to abandon its nuclear weapons programme.

The EU is planning to announce the freezing of all overseas assets of the main bank in Iran. Sanctions are also to be tightened on gas and oil exports by Iran.

But the US President's remarks on the last leg of his "farewell tour" of Europe raised fears at Westminster that Mr Bush is determined to take action against Iran before he leaves office in January if the sanctions fail to force Tehran to abandon its nuclear weapons ambitions.
Hmmm........ Seems only a short time ago, we had a dimbulb in the White House making noises about attacking Iran on the basis of a percieved threat. We did that in Iraq, and that worked out so well, didn't it?

Iran will not attack us unless we first attack them. More rhetoric to try to hold together a nation that is on the edge of revolt. What we should be doing is facilitating communications within Iran, so there people can work with each other. And, otherwise, stay out of this mess.

If the Mad Hatter keeps clamping down, there will be blood in the streets, no reason for any of it to be American.

Bush never threatened to attack Iran, that was a lie you retarded leftoids trotted out year after year to no effect. I see you are still at it. Last I checked when Bush threatened he would do something he DID IT.

Bush threatens Iran with military action - World Politics, World - The Independent

George Bush has warned Iran that military action is still "on the table" if it fails to respond to tightening diplomatic pressure to abandon its nuclear weapons programme.

The EU is planning to announce the freezing of all overseas assets of the main bank in Iran. Sanctions are also to be tightened on gas and oil exports by Iran.

But the US President's remarks on the last leg of his "farewell tour" of Europe raised fears at Westminster that Mr Bush is determined to take action against Iran before he leaves office in January if the sanctions fail to force Tehran to abandon its nuclear weapons ambitions.

That was not a threat of Invasion, simply a reminder that if Iran produces Nukes Iran can and will be attacked by the US. Once again Bush never made a threat he did not carry through on.

So I guess in your mind Obama has threatened to attack Iran also as he has not taken the military option off the table either?
Hmmm........ Seems only a short time ago, we had a dimbulb in the White House making noises about attacking Iran on the basis of a percieved threat. We did that in Iraq, and that worked out so well, didn't it?

Iran will not attack us unless we first attack them. More rhetoric to try to hold together a nation that is on the edge of revolt. What we should be doing is facilitating communications within Iran, so there people can work with each other. And, otherwise, stay out of this mess.

If the Mad Hatter keeps clamping down, there will be blood in the streets, no reason for any of it to be American.

I hate that I'm in agreement with you.


Its all rhetoric. I think a person would have to be the dumbest of the dumb to launch a nuke at anyone. Even the dingbat in Iran or that little troll in NK can't be that dumb. If they were that stupid. Well there would be some prime parking lots in Iran and NK.
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Iran won't do shit, as Iran will probably have got the "hidden" message that the US have a couple of nukes with their countries name on waiting for them.

the United States is explicitly committing not to use nuclear weapons against nonnuclear states that are in compliance with the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, even if they attacked the United States with biological or chemical weapons or launched a crippling cyberattack.

But the president said in an interview that he was carving out an exception for “outliers like Iran and North Korea” that have violated or renounced the main treaty to halt nuclear proliferation.
Obama Limits When U.S. Would Use Nuclear Arms -

The only thing Iran wants to do is what it is unable to do: wage war, as they (the ruling Iranian elite clergy) need it to unite their country and war helps as an excuse to get rid of the opposition: because murdering the iranian citizens for treason will then be as easy as shooting ducks on a pond. Or create a climate where the people think the country is going to get involved in a war, because that is what gives the Iranian government a legitimate reason to act mercilessly against any form of opposition (the opposition it has been attacking for months now: since the last "failed" elections).
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