Iran Nuclear Deal Reached At Geneva Talks

As I understand it this is a temporary six month deal and Iran still reserves the right to go back to enriching uranium something the west very much wants them to give up maybe they can work that part out in the next six months but I would not hold my breath.
The Iranians are playing the Democrats as they always play them.

Oh, we'll stop doing that, but won't you stop hurting us first?

Six months comes to light that they never stopped, and never intended to stop.

They are paying for a little more time because they need just a little more time.....

Ben Netanyahu has it right. The American government is too stupid to see it.
Iran , if it gets a nuke, won't just pop off and use it against Israel. Only lunatics say this.

Iran hasn't started a war in thousands of years.

Israel and the US , however, start them all the time.

Iran clearly feels the need to better protect itself in case a warmonger GOPer gets in the White House again.

Our aggression towards them is the problem, and its the root cause of their nuclear ambitions.
A truly blind imbecile.

You're being played and your not even bright enough to know it.
Iran , if it gets a nuke, won't just pop off and use it against Israel. Only lunatics say this.

Iran hasn't started a war in thousands of years.

Israel and the US , however, start them all the time.

Iran clearly feels the need to better protect itself in case a warmonger GOPer gets in the White House again.

Our aggression towards them is the problem, and its the root cause of their nuclear ambitions.
A truly blind imbecile.

You're being played and your not even bright enough to know it.

America's conservatives were wrong about the Iraq War, and so their preferred policies towards Iran will be dismissed. The American people got played by the GOP in Iraq, and will not get played again.

Easing the economic pressure on Iran during the negotiations would also be unwise because it gives Tehran an incentive to string out the talks or reach an interim deal that preserves its nuclear options while impeding further U.S. and Western sanctions.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had this in mind when he denounced the emerging details of a possible interim agreement with Iran today as a “very bad deal” that Israel “utterly rejects.”

Saudi Arabia has also expressed alarm over the Obama Administration’s soft policy toward Iran. It is reportedly hedging its bets by making arrangements to acquire a nuclear weapon from Pakistan, whose nuclear program is heavily financed.

The mounting signs that the Obama Administration will settle for a bad nuclear deal with Iran not only increases the likelihood that Saudi Arabia and other countries will react with a cascade of nuclear proliferation; it also increases the chances of a war between Israel and Iran.

This is basically a relaxing of sanctions on our part and a promise by Iran to come to the table at a later date to negotiate. This is no real deal. Especially since the Iranians know Obama is desperate for one.

Saudi Arabia is now arming themselves with nukes because they don't trust Iran and they don't trust the Obama Administration.

Great Job Barry.

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Iran , if it gets a nuke, won't just pop off and use it against Israel. Only lunatics say this.

Iran hasn't started a war in thousands of years.

Israel and the US , however, start them all the time.

Iran clearly feels the need to better protect itself in case a warmonger GOPer gets in the White House again.

Our aggression towards them is the problem, and its the root cause of their nuclear ambitions.

Actually the entire Iranian government has said they will wipe Israel off the map, many times over many years.
Only idiots like you don't believe them.
As I understand it this is a temporary six month deal and Iran still reserves the right to go back to enriching uranium something the west very much wants them to give up maybe they can work that part out in the next six months but I would not hold my breath.
The Iranians are playing the Democrats as they always play them.

Oh, we'll stop doing that, but won't you stop hurting us first?

Six months comes to light that they never stopped, and never intended to stop.

They are paying for a little more time because they need just a little more time.....

Ben Netanyahu has it right. The American government is too stupid to see it.

Face it, not enough Americans voted for a more aggressive policy towards Iran. Most Americans just don't care if Iran has a nuclear weapon or not. Had the Iraq War not been fought, then maybe the voters would be willing to fight a war, but the Iraq War was a clusterf___, and now Americans just aren't ready to make the mistake of attacking a country over WMD.

And if Israel attacks Iran, then all they will have done is to give Iran a valid excuse to nuke Israel once they get a nuke.

You lose. Go be ButtHurt over something else.
Iran , if it gets a nuke, won't just pop off and use it against Israel. Only lunatics say this.

Iran hasn't started a war in thousands of years.

Israel and the US , however, start them all the time.

Iran clearly feels the need to better protect itself in case a warmonger GOPer gets in the White House again.

Our aggression towards them is the problem, and its the root cause of their nuclear ambitions.

Actually the entire Iranian government has said they will wipe Israel off the map, many times over many years.
Only idiots like you don't believe them.

I don't believe that they mean they'll attack Israel with a nuclear weapon once they get one. I think such a belief is without evidence.

But if Israel attacks Iran, then Iran will have justification for using a nuke on Israel if they do ever make a nuke. So the Israelis better stand down, and stop the blustering and saber rattling. They're only making things worse.
Iran , if it gets a nuke, won't just pop off and use it against Israel. Only lunatics say this.

Iran hasn't started a war in thousands of years.

Israel and the US , however, start them all the time.

Iran clearly feels the need to better protect itself in case a warmonger GOPer gets in the White House again.

Our aggression towards them is the problem, and its the root cause of their nuclear ambitions.
A truly blind imbecile.

You're being played and your not even bright enough to know it.

America's conservatives were wrong about the Iraq War, and so their preferred policies towards Iran will be dismissed. The American people got played by the GOP in Iraq, and will not get played again.
NO, we were not. You've just had to lie to change the narrative. One in which the Democrats AND the Republicans had to go to war. They both voted for it.

However, none of that matters because Iran was finally starting to feel the pressure and could have been stopped without a single bullet being fired.

Because of the Democrat idiocy, we may now have to stop a nuclear Iran.

As I understand it this is a temporary six month deal and Iran still reserves the right to go back to enriching uranium something the west very much wants them to give up maybe they can work that part out in the next six months but I would not hold my breath.
The Iranians are playing the Democrats as they always play them.

Oh, we'll stop doing that, but won't you stop hurting us first?

Six months comes to light that they never stopped, and never intended to stop.

They are paying for a little more time because they need just a little more time.....

Ben Netanyahu has it right. The American government is too stupid to see it.

Face it, not enough Americans voted for a more aggressive policy towards Iran. Most Americans just don't care if Iran has a nuclear weapon or not. Had the Iraq War not been fought, then maybe the voters would be willing to fight a war, but the Iraq War was a clusterf___, and now Americans just aren't ready to make the mistake of attacking a country over WMD.

And if Israel attacks Iran, then all they will have done is to give Iran a valid excuse to nuke Israel once they get a nuke.

You lose. Go be ButtHurt over something else.
If most Americans were told the truth, your statement wouldn't be any more true than it is now.

These are your beliefs. Not America's.
In the meantime, I predict liberals here will try to somehow use this as a cover for the failure of Obamacare.

I see you wasted no time in poo-pooing it and trying to turn it into yet another Obamacare criticism. Useless troll that you are.
Have people never seen a map of US bases surrounding Iran? And then they wonder why Iran wants nukes.
Conservatives are such patriots! If a Republican admin had reached a deal with Iran, they would be jerking each other off in celebration for all the world to see.
Try as you might, conservative has-beens, you can't change the fact that this is a HISTORIC achievement. Health care reform, ending the war in Iraq, killing Bin Laden, and now a deal with Iran - all of which Bush and his fellow Republicans couldn't - or wouldn't - do :thup:
Try as you might, conservative has-beens, you can't change the fact that this is a HISTORIC achievement. Health care reform, ending the war in Iraq, killing Bin Laden, and now a deal with Iran - all of which Bush and his fellow Republicans couldn't - or wouldn't - do :thup:

You'll settle for lump of shit as long as it came out of Obama's ass.....
You call anything Obama does a 'lump of shit' no matter how much of an achievement it is.
The Iranians are playing the Democrats as they always play them.

Oh, we'll stop doing that, but won't you stop hurting us first?

Six months comes to light that they never stopped, and never intended to stop.

They are paying for a little more time because they need just a little more time.....

Ben Netanyahu has it right. The American government is too stupid to see it.

Face it, not enough Americans voted for a more aggressive policy towards Iran. Most Americans just don't care if Iran has a nuclear weapon or not. Had the Iraq War not been fought, then maybe the voters would be willing to fight a war, but the Iraq War was a clusterf___, and now Americans just aren't ready to make the mistake of attacking a country over WMD.

And if Israel attacks Iran, then all they will have done is to give Iran a valid excuse to nuke Israel once they get a nuke.

You lose. Go be ButtHurt over something else.
If most Americans were told the truth, your statement wouldn't be any more true than it is now.

These are your beliefs. Not America's.

They were not told the truth about the lack of WMD in Iraq. The American people were lied to by the GOP White House.

And now the American people just don't believe that Iran is a threat either.

Too bad for you. No war for you. Go be butthurt over something else now.

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