Iran: Mini Civil War of Ayatollahs?


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
:dunno: This is from yesterday.:
Saturday, October 07, 2006

Breaking news - Saturday (PST) - After Midnight Sunday - Tehran time (TT)

LATEST UPDATE - all phones in the area of the Ayatollah's house have been disconnected and his numbers, which worked till just now have a recording saying "they never existed".

Monitored from live communication with Iran and the Ayatollah Boroujerdi himself by Voice of Iran Radio (KRSI) and local citizens calling in from Tehran to KRSI.

Shots were being fired around the Ayatollah's home at Sard (cold) Park, Avesta Avenue, Sard Street #9 close to Freedom Square. Fires are springing up in the region at major intersections. Ambulance sirens scream futiley as Tehran citizens pour toward that address blocking streets to prevent Security forces from getting close but also blocking the paramedics and ambulances.

Distress calls from wounded men and women fill the air waves as what they describe as total war is erupting. KRSI, which covers all of Iran, constantly broadcasts calls for the populace to rise up, urging them to make the most of this opportunity.

Said Ghayem-Maghami, the announcer of KRSI repeatedly urges all provinces, cities, professions to revolt against the current regime. He also broadcasts live all suggestions provided by Tehran citizens to wake everyone up and let them know something is up.

Ayatollah Boroujerdi,

blockaded on the roof of his home, has used the phone contact broadcast with KRSI to declare that anyone in the Security forces who respects him as their spiritual source should lay down their arms and not harm anyone.

Other Ayatollahs like Mehdi Haeri have come on live to urge the people not to set gas stations on fire or do other damage as these sugestions phoned into KRSI come from the Security forces agents.

Ayatollah Haeri

added that fasting during this crisis in the month of Ramadan is not required, giving the example of the urgency of a house catching on fire compared to a lower urgency of fasting. He insisted that religion and politics has to be separate and that the populace should support the brve efforts of Ayatollah Boroujerdi.

Meanwhile Mohssein Ejai, Minister of Information and Security (MOIS), has promised Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei that he will bring him Ayatollah Boroujerdi's severed head before dawn.

In the first serious clash with the old guard Mullahs, the Hojatieh fringe sect of the Ahmadi-Nejad administration sent security forces around 10 a.m. (Tehran time) Saturday, to arrest Ayatollah Seyed Hossein Kazeymeni Boroujerdi, son of the Ayatollah of the same name, killed by the Khomeini Islamic regime.

His father was so respected by the late Shah of Iran that when questions about religion arose for which the Shah wanted advice, the monarch would drive down to the holy city of Qom to speak to the Ayatollah instead of ordering him to Tehran.

The younger Ayatollah Boroujerdi recently declared that the national Administrative Government of Iran should be separated from the Clerics and become purely secular. Religion and Politics must be separated he said, live on KRSI.

The current Islamic regime's reaction was to issue death warrant for him falsely claiming apostasy by him because he was said by them to have claimed to be the 12th Imam, who disappeared down a well 1300 years ago and will return to redeem the world.

His followers resisted the efforts of the Security Agents sent during the afternoon to capture the Ayatollah and the on-going confrontation has resulted with multiple arrests, estimated by the Ayatollah himself in a live phone interview as being several thousand people. His people, who rushed to protect him also took several security agents hostage, finding bottles of acid in their pockets, intended to disfigure demonstrators.

The mostly foreign, generally Arab national, Bassiji paramilitary forces, whose total role is to suppress any street demonstration and have been recently equipped with over $500 million of equipment and weaponry and appear in both civilian clothes and uniforms, attacked on motorcycles but were repulsed and several of their motorcycles set on fire.

They brought in eight tanker trucks that propel boiling water onto demonstrators but streets were soon blocked and their efforts curtailed. Currently, regime forces have surrounded the area and blocked major access. Clashes at crossroads initially drove security forces back but reinforcements managed to set up a cordon and hold it.

One panicked caller to KRSI at around 2:15 a.m. (TT) screamed that he had been spotted by the regime mercenaries and had been given refuge inside a nearby house but that the agents were kicking in the door. He pleaded with KRSI to give out his name and remind people that he was about to be arrested and might never be seen again.

Several of those wounded and finding refuge in Ayatollah Boroujerdi's house were women. One an Armenian woman, not a Moslem, called on minorities and specially Armenians, to rush to the Ayatollah's support and to come into the streets. Another woman, a baby in her arms, a club in her hand was seen standing guard at Ayatollah Boroujerdi's ready to face anything the regime would throw at her. Including confiscating the bread and food that those at the residence required to break their Ramadan fast.

Calls by Tehranis demanded Ahmad Hossein Khomeini, the Islamic regime founder's grandson and Ayatollah Montazeri, should join in the resistance and defend Ayatollah Boroujerdi. Other calls wanted the late Shah's son Reza Pahlavi to join the fray and call on the West to provide tangible support to his countrymen in their time of need at this moment of opportunity.

Another caller mentioned that every single one of about 300,000 Bahais in Iran had been recently identified and listed, including their addresses, and wondered if this was an indicator that a slaughter of these thorns in the side of the Hojatieh as about to happen. Bahais claim to follow their spiritual leader is the 12th Imam, who has already returned.

Meanwhile, in a dramatic gesture of defiance, Ayatollah Boroujerdi carrying his burial shroud and a sword paces the roof of his home.

Observers and analysts hope that if the resistance can survive through the night, in the morning, people who sleep unaware of what is going on will join the uprising. Some of those woken up at random by phone calls showed very little interest, responding that replacing one Mullah with another gets them nowhere, so why risk their lives.

posted by Alan Peters at 4:34 PM
It's not easy to follow who's who, and what they stand for, in the Iranian Ayatollah game. Frankly, I trust no one with the description "Ayatollah" in front of their last name. Since the UNSC seems paralyzed regarding the Iranians, and America appears to have no stomach for another Middle East military conflict, internal insurrection in Iran may be our only hope for regime change. But don’t hold your breath waiting for the Ayatollahs to be toppled by forces from within.

Iran arrests controversial cleric
By Sadeq Saba
BBC News

An Iranian cleric, Mohammed Kazemeini Boroujerdi, has been arrested amid clashes between his supporters and police outside his house in Teheran.

Police used tear gas to disperse hundreds of his followers, who had formed a cordon around his residence.

In his sermons Mr Boroujerdi advocated a traditional interpretation of Islam which separates religion from politics. He is accused of misinterpreting Islam.

However, his supporters see him as a religious leader with spiritual powers.

Hidden Imam

Mr Boroujerdi has hundreds of supporters who regard him as a prominent cleric or ayatollah with divine powers to solve their spiritual and material problems.

He has been preaching his brand of Islam for years in a mosque in a poor neighbourhood in the south of Tehran.

However, Iranian officials have accused him of claiming to be a representative of a Shia saint, known as the hidden Imam, who is believed to have disappeared in the 10th Century.

But in an interview with a foreign radio station, Mr Boroujerdi denied the accusation and said he only defended what he termed the true Islam.

It appears that his increasing appeal among some sections of people in recent years has alarmed the authorities.

Liberal and dissident clerics in Iran have told the BBC that Mr Boroujerdi is not known outside a small circle of dedicated followers.
A thought occured: There will always be Terrorist. So the 'War on Terror' is aimed to end terrorism. But the main terrorist of the world are muslims. Dose this mean we must wipe an entire religion for world freedom? I personally think we do. If not then obviously the same thing will continue. We'll have suicide bombers all over the place. 10, 11, 12, 13 year old children wanting to blow themselves up in the name of Allah. Is this what you want? If our generation learned one thing, it's that history repeats itself because we choose not to listen. Earthquakes kill hundreds, so now we have shock absorbers to prevent it. People kill one another and want the hihgest of everything, so to prevent innocent deaths and fruad we have police. Now the time has come to realize that Islam is also ready to take the world. First Muhammad, Saladin, and now Mahmoud Ahmadinejad calls for Israel to be wiped off the map. As christains and/or Americans why should we allow such events to happen. Something MUST be done... something WILL be done.

Who agrees with me? :thup:
A thought occured: There will always be Terrorist. So the 'War on Terror' is aimed to end terrorism. But the main terrorist of the world are muslims. Dose this mean we must wipe an entire religion for world freedom? I personally think we do. If not then obviously the same thing will continue. We'll have suicide bombers all over the place. 10, 11, 12, 13 year old children wanting to blow themselves up in the name of Allah. Is this what you want? If our generation learned one thing, it's that history repeats itself because we choose not to listen. Earthquakes kill hundreds, so now we have shock absorbers to prevent it. People kill one another and want the hihgest of everything, so to prevent innocent deaths and fruad we have police. Now the time has come to realize that Islam is also ready to take the world. First Muhammad, Saladin, and now Mahmoud Ahmadinejad calls for Israel to be wiped off the map. As christains and/or Americans why should we allow such events to happen. Something MUST be done... something WILL be done.

Who agrees with me? :thup:

So what generation are you? For what you posted, may or might not be correct or even relevant to WOT.
The point I'm trying to make is that there is alot of violence in the world and the majority of the is muslims.

P.s. I don't exactly know the name of my specific generation.
The point I'm trying to make is that there is alot of violence in the world and the majority of the is muslims.

P.s. I don't exactly know the name of my specific generation.

Ok. You don't know of what generation you are. So what do you base that a lot of violence is being perpetrated by Muslims?
I know what generation I am I just didn't want people to know that I was born in the year 1988 because I was afraid most of you wouldn't take me serious if I was young. And besides my point remains valid. In time many other people will support the fact the muslims are destroying our society.
I know what generation I am I just didn't want people to know that I was born in the year 1988 because I was afraid most of you wouldn't take me serious if I was young. And besides my point remains valid. In time many other people will support the fact the muslims are destroying our society.

Again, what are you basing your statement that muslims are destroying our society?
I know what generation I am I just didn't want people to know that I was born in the year 1988 because I was afraid most of you wouldn't take me serious if I was young. And besides my point remains valid. In time many other people will support the fact the muslims are destroying our society.


Seriously, just answer the question. Your birthday is irrelevant until or unless YOU make it otherwise.
Here is a link to a recent event involing Islam.
General: Afghans may soon back Taliban

My Basic Statement is simple.
When Islam gose to war they call for their brothers to help them out. In other words well have hundreds of millions of muslim millitants ready to take down the very thing we Americans we stand for. Freedom! This country was founded because back in Eruope during the 1500's people wern't allowed a voice of freedom. So they made America. A place where people could be happy for once. But low and behold someone wants to take that away from us. Islam believes that everyone should obey god. And many Islamic extremist terrorism says those who don't submit to the will of Allah should be killed. They go on to continue to say: Those who mock islam, should be be-headed. (Now for just a moment stop reading. And think... do you justify this statement of radical islamist? If so give yourselves a great big slap across the face... thank you.) Now as I was saying. Bush has the troops in Iraq for a reason. And yes it is said what is happening with the Iraqi civil war but they are confused under their own religion. Shi'ite and Sunni muslims. While watching a documentary about 'Media Jihad' They talked about al-Queda using the internet to reach out to the youth so that they could join the muslim jihad. A little boy said, "I want to grow up and fight aginst the americans. I hate them and want to help Bin Laden." And my friend if there is one, there must be two, thus: There are millions of children who wants to fight aginst americans. And if Islam do reach the point of a strong millitary and possestions of WMD then how long until they attack and wipe us off the map. People who say Bush is doing wrong in Iraq, don't see the whole picture. If we don't stop them now then who can? America must stop Islam for two reasons. They want to LITTERALLY take over the world and KILL every christain and jew. They believe the world is ment for muslims. So How long until we have to lay down and take that ass-whooping? Do you really want to see your family blown up in an atomic bomb?
So believe me when I say Bush knows what he is doing... sometimes. You already seen what has been going on with Lebanon and Israel. They want to take them out. When all of our allies are gone all we'll have is our faith and words of wisdom to defend us. We must stand for something! :usa: Or fall for everything. :bow3:

P.s. I hope this answers your question. If not let me know. I can probably explain it better
Iranians killing Irananians. Bummer.:)

Iran has been fucked up since the fifties. No surprise, the country's decline coincided with the U.S. installing the shah.

honestly how can you generalize about 1.5 billion people (muslims)?

You can't...unless you are an ignorant xenophobe.

My Basic Statement is simple.
When Islam gose to war they call for their brothers to help them out. In other words well have hundreds of millions of muslim millitants ready to take down the very thing we Americans we stand for. Freedom! This country was founded because back in Eruope during the 1500's people wern't allowed a voice of freedom. So they made America. A place where people could be happy for once. But low and behold someone wants to take that away from us. Islam believes that everyone should obey god. And many Islamic extremist terrorism says those who don't submit to the will of Allah should be killed. They go on to continue to say: Those who mock islam, should be be-headed. (Now for just a moment stop reading. And think... do you justify this statement of radical islamist? If so give yourselves a great big slap across the face... thank you.) Now as I was saying. Bush has the troops in Iraq for a reason. And yes it is said what is happening with the Iraqi civil war but they are confused under their own religion. Shi'ite and Sunni muslims. While watching a documentary about 'Media Jihad' They talked about al-Queda using the internet to reach out to the youth so that they could join the muslim jihad. A little boy said, "I want to grow up and fight aginst the americans. I hate them and want to help Bin Laden." And my friend if there is one, there must be two, thus: There are millions of children who wants to fight aginst americans. And if Islam do reach the point of a strong millitary and possestions of WMD then how long until they attack and wipe us off the map. People who say Bush is doing wrong in Iraq, don't see the whole picture. If we don't stop them now then who can? America must stop Islam for two reasons. They want to LITTERALLY take over the world and KILL every christain and jew. They believe the world is ment for muslims. So How long until we have to lay down and take that ass-whooping? Do you really want to see your family blown up in an atomic bomb?
So believe me when I say Bush knows what he is doing... sometimes. You already seen what has been going on with Lebanon and Israel. They want to take them out. When all of our allies are gone all we'll have is our faith and words of wisdom to defend us. We must stand for something! Or fall for everything.

Liberals are deemed "too idealistic". I just read a very idealistic statement from a conservative (at least that is what you seem to be).

The conclusions you draw result from taking everything at face value. This is a battle of good vs. evil. Terrorists want to destroy freedom. Islam is violent and plans to take over the world. Yada, yada, yada.

Google or wikipedia a few terms:
-Blowback (intelligence)
-Iraq war profits
-Iraq weapons report
-PNAC and Iraq,12956,1036687,00.html
-Roots of Arab poverty
-General Relationship between Poverty and Violence

Do not be deceived into thinking violence is a result of Islam. It is caused by socioeconomic factors. Have you ever thought "If violence goes hand in hand with Islam, then why don't muslims in the U.S. turn to violence?" The reason: violence goes hand in hand with poverty. Poverty goes hand in hand with the arab world. Muslims in the U.S. do not live in this poverty, are not affected by extremist views, and therefore are not violent.
Here is a link to a recent event involing Islam.
General: Afghans may soon back Taliban

My Basic Statement is simple.
When Islam gose to war they call for their brothers to help them out. In other words well have hundreds of millions of muslim millitants ready to take down the very thing we Americans we stand for. Freedom! This country was founded because back in Eruope during the 1500's people wern't allowed a voice of freedom. So they made America. A place where people could be happy for once. But low and behold someone wants to take that away from us. Islam believes that everyone should obey god. And many Islamic extremist terrorism says those who don't submit to the will of Allah should be killed. They go on to continue to say: Those who mock islam, should be be-headed. (Now for just a moment stop reading. And think... do you justify this statement of radical islamist? If so give yourselves a great big slap across the face... thank you.) Now as I was saying. Bush has the troops in Iraq for a reason. And yes it is said what is happening with the Iraqi civil war but they are confused under their own religion. Shi'ite and Sunni muslims. While watching a documentary about 'Media Jihad' They talked about al-Queda using the internet to reach out to the youth so that they could join the muslim jihad. A little boy said, "I want to grow up and fight aginst the americans. I hate them and want to help Bin Laden." And my friend if there is one, there must be two, thus: There are millions of children who wants to fight aginst americans. And if Islam do reach the point of a strong millitary and possestions of WMD then how long until they attack and wipe us off the map. People who say Bush is doing wrong in Iraq, don't see the whole picture. If we don't stop them now then who can? America must stop Islam for two reasons. They want to LITTERALLY take over the world and KILL every christain and jew. They believe the world is ment for muslims. So How long until we have to lay down and take that ass-whooping? Do you really want to see your family blown up in an atomic bomb?
So believe me when I say Bush knows what he is doing... sometimes. You already seen what has been going on with Lebanon and Israel. They want to take them out. When all of our allies are gone all we'll have is our faith and words of wisdom to defend us. We must stand for something! :usa: Or fall for everything. :bow3:

P.s. I hope this answers your question. If not let me know. I can probably explain it better

I think that you are on the right track, however, there are simply too many of them to kill. The Jews couldn't do it in Old Testament times, even under God's commandment. And there were a lot less of them then.

I think the solution to the problem is to contain Islam within the mid-east, and outlaw Islam everywhere else. That's right, I said OUTLAW ISLAM. That means Europe, America, Africa- anywhere were we have influence.

Heck, I'd even agree to trade Israel- we'd simply move it- for a global treaty to contain Islam in that one region.
A thought occured: There will always be Terrorist. So the 'War on Terror' is aimed to end terrorism. But the main terrorist of the world are muslims. Dose this mean we must wipe an entire religion for world freedom? I personally think we do. If not then obviously the same thing will continue. We'll have suicide bombers all over the place. 10, 11, 12, 13 year old children wanting to blow themselves up in the name of Allah. Is this what you want? If our generation learned one thing, it's that history repeats itself because we choose not to listen. Earthquakes kill hundreds, so now we have shock absorbers to prevent it. People kill one another and want the hihgest of everything, so to prevent innocent deaths and fruad we have police. Now the time has come to realize that Islam is also ready to take the world. First Muhammad, Saladin, and now Mahmoud Ahmadinejad calls for Israel to be wiped off the map. As christains and/or Americans why should we allow such events to happen. Something MUST be done... something WILL be done.

Who agrees with me? :thup:

thats intersting you wanna killl 1 billion person for freedom
i agree with you at least we could go to heaven :boohoo: :boohoo:
honestly how can you generalize about 1.5 billion people (muslims)?

It's not generalizing. This argument really drives me nuts. The proof of what all Muslims believe is in the news every single day and has been for many, many years. Even if you don't take the time to learn anything about Islam, which considering the fact that you are posting on an internet message board and have access to Google so it would be pretty easy for you to do, just reading the news should be enough to at least make you wonder why Muslims do the things they do.

Islam is a religion, a political system, and a way of life that was founded on, and is based, the concept of war. Islam permeates every aspect of a Muslims life from the time they get up in the morning, until they go to sleep at night. It tells them what to eat, when to eat, how to pray and when, who they can have sex with. It covers business transactions, trade, taxes, and crime. It covers birth and death and everything in between.

And there is no rule in Islam that doesn't allow a Muslim man to do whatever the hell he wants to. None. Aside from the Pillar that makes a Muslim a Muslim in the first place, which is the ONLY requirement needed to become a Muslim, there is not a single rule that a Mulsim has to follow if they simply don't want to. And if they want to do something? Just keep reading and you'll find justification for it. Murder? Suicide? Theft? Kidnapping? Extortion? It's all allowed.

The fact that there are 1.5 billion Muslims in the world, and that not all of them are terrorists, does not prove anything about Islam. Most people are basically decent. But Islam is a horrible excuse for a religion and that fact that most Muslims are not violent is a testament to human nature.

Most Muslims are "peaceful" in spite of Islam. Not because of it.

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