Iowa deli co-owner caters for Obama visit, but his T-shirt tells another story


Oh look.

More lies from one of the biggest liars (and tiniest brains) on this board.

Hint: everyplace where words are replaced with

That's right - That's another LIE.

What is just so very sad is that this poor man fell for it.

We expect that from idiots like sniping twit but, more important is that we all see how the ugly lies from the right have been very effective.
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Or disrespectful.
I don't care what party the President belongs to, if you are asked to cater an event for the President which is a once in a lifetime gig, you have a little more respect.
Make your political pot shots a different day.

So exercising free speech to criticize our politicians, one of main reasons we have free speech, is something that is disrespectful and shouldnt be done?

Sure, it can be disrespectful and a mature person would know better. But it's not illegal, was pointed out was a Bush rally. Then you got arrested.

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