Investigation against Rush ends

jillian said:
Arlen Spector, Rudy Guiliani (though he's a moderate, not a liberal), Phil Gramm, Michael Bloomberg (though he's admittedly practically a dem), Al D'Amato (for all his umm...personal issues, Sen. Pothole did a good job for his constituents), John McCain (except when he shills for the extremists so he can run for president), Colin Powell (who I would have voted for for president in a NY minute), Chris Shays, Christie Whitman, Thomas Keane,.

Alan Colmes is a milquetoast who signed a contract agreeing to never disagree directly with Sean Hannity, but only with their guests.

And I mostly lean toward moderate dems like Joe Biden and have little patience for the DNC Chair....

Ed Koch was a pretty conservative mayor, btw. And he's gotten waaaaay conservative since he's retired.

Bono is kind of universal because he mostly stays out of mainstream political issues so he can focus on the things that are important to him.

Oh...and Joe Lieberman may as well be a republican. :)

No conservatives?
ScreamingEagle said:
Sure thing, why not legalize ALL the "sin trades" (they're all pretty much intertwined anyway)....
Good for you. By doing this, you are minding your own business and allowing law enforcement to go after the real scum.
ScreamingEagle said:
society must accept garbage and live in garbage in order to "control" garbage? :scratch:
Who said anything about living with or in garbage? What you do in your home on your time is none of my business. If you fuck up and commit a crime, or if you hurt someone, then (and only then IMO) DOES IT BECOME MY BUSINESS. Example, if you kill someone looking for cash to buy crack, I say we cut your throat and leave you at the trash dump. If you simply do your crack indoors, bother no one, and die as an addict vegetable; Who am I to say you are wrong?
ScreamingEagle said:
Regarding Rush, if the libs spent one iota of the effort they spent on Rush against real drug problems, society would be on the path to recovery.
Totally agree.
jillian said:
Arlen Spector, Rudy Guiliani (though he's a moderate, not a liberal), Phil Gramm, Michael Bloomberg (though he's admittedly practically a dem), Al D'Amato (for all his umm...personal issues, Sen. Pothole did a good job for his constituents), John McCain (except when he shills for the extremists so he can run for president), Colin Powell (who I would have voted for for president in a NY minute), Chris Shays, Christie Whitman, Thomas Keane,.

Alan Colmes is a milquetoast who signed a contract agreeing to never disagree directly with Sean Hannity, but only with their guests.

And I mostly lean toward moderate dems like Joe Biden and have little patience for the DNC Chair....

Ed Koch was a pretty conservative mayor, btw. And he's gotten waaaaay conservative since he's retired.

Bono is kind of universal because he mostly stays out of mainstream political issues so he can focus on the things that are important to him.

Oh...and Joe Lieberman may as well be a republican. :)

What liberals? You picked mostly moderates. And I wasn't going to do this but since you decided to have me qualify my choices Ill do the same.

Koch was never conservative until lately and only on the war issue. As mayor he was quite liberal.

Bono has always been liberal but lately has grown up a bit and decided to put politics aside for what he deems important.

Rudy is no conservative, he is extremely liberal on social issues going so far as to advocate late term abortion. On the war on terror is the only place he is conservative.

And your description of Alan Colmes is kind of funny but does prove my like for him all the more. He doesn't parrot Hannity but does depart from the Liberal lock step mantra when he disagree with it, and must endure the castration of his liberal peers.

Joe Lieberman is liberal on many issues save for the war and I would say that makes me admire him for the same reasons I like and, you despise Colmes.

Christie Whitman and Tom Keane conservatives at best moderates leaning left :laugh:

Arlen Sepctor and Phill Gramm teeter on the brink of moderates but again not conservative.
jillian said:
Cause your "point" was a red-herring.

BTW, there are conservatives I admire just fine. Bet you can't name a "liberal" who you respect, though.

And btw, the terms "liberal" and "democrat" are not necessarily interchangeable.

Liberal and democrat are QUITE interchangeable nowadays. Y'all vote against anything Republican in lockstep because the Pied Piper Dean tells you to.
jillian said:
I do believe it's the other way around. And I can't stand Dean.... Can you say the same for Rove?

I can. I'll give the about "libs" and "Dems." Hell, it would have been nice to see the Democrats nominate Dean in '04. At least he believes in something. The lines are skewed because the DNC has now started pushing an agenda, rather than a platform.
Bonnie said:
What liberals? You picked mostly moderates. And I wasn't going to do this but since you decided to have me qualify my choices Ill do the same.

Koch was never conservative until lately and only on the war issue. As mayor he was quite liberal.

Bono has always been liberal but lately has grown up a bit and decided to put politics aside for what he deems important.

Rudy is no conservative, he is extremely liberal on social issues going so far as to advocate late term abortion. On the war on terror is the only place he is conservative.

And your description of Alan Colmes is kind of funny but does prove my like for him all the more. He doesn't parrot Hannity but does depart from the Liberal lock step mantra when he disagree with it, and must endure the castration of his liberal peers.

Joe Lieberman is liberal on many issues save for the war and I would say that makes me admire him for the same reasons I like and, you despise Colmes.

Christie Whitman and Tom Keane conservatives at best moderates leaning left :laugh:

Arlen Sepctor and Phill Gramm teeter on the brink of moderates but again not conservative.

What you call "moderates" are traditional conservatives. Conservatives are NOT the right wing uber Christian extremists who have hijacked the Republican party.

Giuliani is pro choice.. But not because HE is (as he's Catholic, he has strong personal opinions on the subject) but knows it's not his place to impose his religious beliefs on others. He also cleaned up Times Square and was a "law and order" type guy.

Koch as mayor wasn't near as "liberal" as his successor.

Bono didn't "grow up", he became a born again Christian, hence his staying out of most political issues. Plus, he knows he's more effective this way.

Joe Lieberman isn't liberal on anything I can think of.... He supports vouchers, is conservative on social issues. It's the religious thing.... right wing Christians and orthodox Jews have about the same politics.
onthefence said:
I can. I'll give the about "libs" and "Dems." Hell, it would have been nice to see the Democrats nominate Dean in '04. At least he believes in something. The lines are skewed because the DNC has now started pushing an agenda, rather than a platform.

You might have liked seeing the party nominate Dean. He might have even won. Who knows? I wouldn't have voted for him, though.

What's the difference between an agenda and a platform?
jillian said:
I do believe it's the other way around. And I can't stand Dean.... Can you say the same for Rove?

Why should I say I can't stand Rove just because you claim you can't stand Dean? When are you libs going to learn that this isn't a 50-50, just because one of your boys goes I have to sacrifice one too game.

I could care less about Rove. I'm sure he'll be sacrificed because one thing I CAN'T stand about the current crop of Republicans is they give in to the witchhunting perpetrated on them by you lefties. They obviously didn't learn about appeasement from WWII either because the more blood you get, the more blood you want.

And as far as what you believe, when the moderate liberals wholesale abandoned the Democrap party, you got left with what you got left with. A bunch of nimrods who stand for nothing more than being against whatever conservatives -- people with morals and a modicum of taste -- want. Otherwise, y'all just mock the once proud and purposeful Democratic party by your mere presence and use of the name.
jillian said:
You might have liked seeing the party nominate Dean. He might have even won. Who knows? I wouldn't have voted for him, though.

What's the difference between an agenda and a platform?

A platform is a consensus of ideals. An agenda is a solid goal. For instance, in 2004, the DNC had a platform that was for raising taxes on the top 1% of Americans, pro-choice, and pro-gay marriage. It's agenda was placing anyone in the White House, except for Bush.
GunnyL said:
Why should I say I can't stand Rove just because you claim you can't stand Dean? When are you libs going to learn that this isn't a 50-50, just because one of your boys goes I have to sacrifice one too game.

I could care less about Rove. I'm sure he'll be sacrificed because one thing I CAN'T stand about the current crop of Republicans is they give in to the witchhunting perpetrated on them by you lefties. They obviously didn't learn about appeasement from WWII either because the more blood you get, the more blood you want.

And as far as what you believe, when the moderate liberals wholesale abandoned the Democrap party, you got left with what you got left with. A bunch of nimrods who stand for nothing more than being against whatever conservatives -- people with morals and a modicum of taste -- want. Otherwise, y'all just mock the once proud and purposeful Democratic party by your mere presence and use of the name.

Why do you think moderate Democrats have left the party? Your guy won the election by 2% which was substantially based in the anti-gay hate vote (since they managed to get 11 anti-gay referendums on the ballot at the same time) and the pro war vote. And everyone knows that Bush won against conventional wisdom which generally indicated that to win, people had to play to the middle as opposed to their extremes.

Now.... three years from "mission accomplished" Bush has an approval rating of less than one third of Americans.

Which democratic party do you mean? The one that the southerners left after Dems pushed for the civil rights laws?

As for morals and taste.... I think I'll take a pass on that discussion because it's not productive.
jillian said:
What you call "moderates" are traditional conservatives. Conservatives are NOT the right wing uber Christian extremists who have hijacked the Republican party.
Says YOU!

See herein lies the problem, you equate people who are pro-life, supportive of the troops and the war, and are against gay marriage as radical uber Christian extremeists. Radical uber Christians are ones that blow up abortion clinics and kill people over abortion, that stockpile weapons on compounds, and that beat up homosexuals on the street.

Giuliani is pro choice.. But not because HE is (as he's Catholic, he has strong personal opinions on the subject) but knows it's not his place to impose his religious beliefs on others. He also cleaned up Times Square and was a "law and order" type guy.
Rudy has many admirable qualities, but the fact that as a Catholic who is pro-life but won't bring that into his political career does not make him a traditional conservative, but a coward who is too afraid of the adverse political criticism he would garner if he did what is right not only just for religious reasons, but for secular humanitarian reasons...As long as it's illegal to kill in this country then all politicians should be standing up for the most innocent and helpless of society, otherwise they are taking th easy way out. Yes he did clean up Times square and he is also vigilant on crime fighting, for that I salute, and respect him.

Koch as mayor wasn't near as "liberal" as his successor.
Comparing Koch to Dinkins... sure Koch comes out a bit more conservative but then again anyone would.

Bono didn't "grow up", he became a born again Christian, hence his staying out of most political issues. Plus, he knows he's more effective this way.

Which is just what I said!
jillian said:
Why do you think moderate Democrats have left the party? Your guy won the election by 2% which was substantially based in the anti-gay hate vote (since they managed to get 11 anti-gay referendums on the ballot at the same time) and the pro war vote. And everyone knows that Bush won against conventional wisdom which generally indicated that to win, people had to play to the middle as opposed to their extremes.

Obviously you missed the Carter years. I was raised in a Dem family and basically held liberal beliefs until I got a good dose of what liberalism actually is.

"Anti-gay hate vote?" You just don't stop, do you? What hate? WHY does there have to be hate to not accept abnormal as normal? I mean, WHAT is wrong with you lefties that if it's an abomination or otherwise aberrant, you're all for it?

Now.... three years from "mission accomplished" Bush has an approval rating of less than one third of Americans.

What's your point? You libs tout that number like it means something. People are tired of the 3-ring circus perpetrated by you lefties. What I'm most dissatisfied with from the Republicans is we the people gave them the power to SQUASH you backwards-thinking lefties and they won't use it, even if the face of repeated grandstanding and obstructionism by the Dems. Just don't get it.

Which democratic party do you mean? The one that the southerners left after Dems pushed for the civil rights laws?

GMAFB. Southerners didn't leave the Dem party over civil rights. Just more revisionist bull. PEOPLE who didn't want to have anything to do with a party controlled by leftist, kissass extremists left.
As for morals and taste.... I think I'll take a pass on that discussion because it's not productive.

May not be productive, in your opinion, but relevant in that the basis of the liberal-conservative argument IS morality.
jillian said:
Depends on what one thinks is "moral". Hence my thinking it's not productive. Anyway, time to go watch "Walk The Line".


Which is the gist of the argument. There's right and there's wrong. Seems to be a floating line to suit the agenda for the libbies.
Bonnie said:
jillian said:
Says YOU!

Says most people.

See herein lies the problem, you equate people who are pro-life, supportive of the troops and the war, and are against gay marriage as radical uber Christian extremeists. Radical uber Christians are ones that blow up abortion clinics and kill people over abortion, that stockpile weapons on compounds, and that beat up homosexuals on the street.

I used the word extremist...not radical. So short of bombing abortion clinics and beating up gays, Christians can't be extremists?

Rudy has many admirable qualities, but the fact that as a Catholic who is pro-life but won't bring that into his political career does not make him a traditional conservative, but a coward who is too afraid of the adverse political criticism he would garner if he did what is right not only just for religious reasons, but for secular humanitarian reasons...

So you think all politicians should impose their religioius beliefs on others? There isn't any "secular/humanist" reason to oppose choice in the early part of a pregnancy.

As long as it's illegal to kill in this country then all politicians should be standing up for the most innocent and helpless of society, otherwise they are taking th easy way out.

That's your RELIGIOUS judgment, not a rational one. And while I respect your right to that belief, I don't believe it should be imposed on others.

Yes he did clean up Times square and he is also vigilant on crime fighting, for that I salute, and respect him.

I have no problem with him doing those things. But it's his leadership skills I respect.

Comparing Koch to Dinkins... sure Koch comes out a bit more conservative but then again anyone would.

Fair enough...Dinkins was a mess.

Which is just what I said!

Might have misread...but doesn't have anything to do with him "growing up".

Laterz for real.

Interesting convo.
Jillian..So you think all politicians should impose their religioius beliefs on others? There isn't any "secular/humanist" reason to oppose choice in the early part of a pregnancy.

When it comes to saving human life yes!! On other matters no. And yes there are plenty of humanitarian reasons to oppose abortion no matter what part of pregnancy. Government has a duty to protect all life, including the inconvenient ones. That is a religious belief but also a secular one.

Jillian..Says most people.
LOL Who is most people???

Jillian..Might have misread...but doesn't have anything to do with him "growing up".

I'd say him becoming Christian has helped him grow up, in fact he himself has said that. No one knows that better than he.

Anyway have great night :)
Gem said:
Diuretic Wrote:

I agree with you on most of this...however I see the whole Rush-Drug topic more interesting from the standpoint of how people are reacting to it.

If the left had come out to say - now would be an excellent time to point out why the "Drug War" is an abyssmal failure I would be right with them.

Instead, they used their time to make coke-snorting jokes about a person with - as you put it - a health issue. This doesn't make them look like anything put petty, spoiled children...which is something they are going to have to overcome.

You're quite right - inconsistency and rank hypocrisy -simply because the object of the investigation was a hate figure is absurd. The man has an addiction problem that needs to be deal with -I'm repeating myself I know - as a personal health issue. I for one would hate to be in his addictive situation - but it can happen to any one of us, I'm sure he didn't set out to be drug dependent/addicted.

He's lucky though in that he's wealthy enough to pay for his drugs and does not have to commit crime to get the money for them.

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