Invasion of the Body Snatchers


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019

It isn't a theory!

“Look, you fools, you’re in danger! Can’t you see?! They’re after you! They’re after all of us! Our wives, our children, everyone! THEY’RE HERE, ALREADY! YOU’RE NEXT!”

Dr. Miles Bennell, “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” (1956 film)

What is happening in this country today is the final stage of the destruction of individuality, uniqueness, and independent thought. In order for a global reset to be successful, total control over the people at large must be achieved. Individuals with critical thinking skills stand in the way of any takeover of society, so they have to be marginalized, censored, or eliminated in order for the global agendas to go forward. The plan being used to accomplish this began as a fake pandemic but has now mutated to become a fake casedemic. The entire fraud is based on a lie, and fear is being used to gather together the herd so that compliance testing can be accomplished. So far, most all the testing has been successful, as people voluntarily accepted isolation or quarantine, left their jobs and businesses, distanced to avoid family, friends, and neighbors, took their children out of school, and for the most part quit traveling. The next round of compliance testing saw many people line up for bogus cornavirus testing, temperature checks, blood tests, and many other demeaning exercises ‘requested’ or mandated by the state.
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And not just in the US

From Lockdown to Police State: the “Great Reset” Rolls Out

“But the piece de resistance,” writes Burchell, “has to be that now police officers can enter homes with neither a warrant nor permission. This is an astonishing violation of civil liberties…. Deaths of this kind are not normally cause for government action, let alone the effective house arrest of an entire city.” He quoted Victoria Premier Daniel Andrews, who told Victorians, “there is literally no reason for you to leave your home and if you were to leave your home and not be found there, you will have a very difficult time convincing Victoria police that you have a lawful reason.” Burchell commented:
As crazy as it may sound, I was wondering if something like this is going on. The left makes no sense. self destructive.

But then it occurred to me (looking at all the super emotional, out of control leftists in so many YouTube videos, and Nancy Pelosi, Schiff etc etc)......
We are dealing with a massive National Mental Health Crisis. We closed all the asylums in the 60's and all of the mentally
ill have been pushed out into society to breed and act "normal". But they are not normal.
Now we have millions upon millions of mentally ill people that have gained political power and even sit in our Congress (AOC)

Boils down to this.......
Americans live in a VERY privileged society where there is enough wealth, opportunity and resources so that no one has to be without.
And the Left has sworn to "Transform" that......into what? Into nothing? Madness. The ONLY way is DOWN.
So basically, Trump being president doesn't mean shit...because according to you fragile cucks -- he is powerless and the Democrats are all powerful....

You incels are pretty helpless I guess...
Look, the billionaires, Gates, Bezos, Bloomberg, Koch bro's, and so on, were supposed to convert China, when in point of irrefutable fact, the exact opposite occurred, China's fascism totally devoured them! This all started with Bush number one, was accelerated under the eight years of abject corruption of the Clintons, whom committed treasons to numerous to illustrate, and Bush number two, then was largely hammered through the heart of the United States by the evil half black Obama! Interviews exist wherein these very billionaires explain they would actually prefer fascism, and how they hold the American system in contempt! Its these billionaires who control in near absolute totality, the congress, and the crime college called the senate, and who have in long unbroken line of such captains of industry, for at least the last hundred years, chosen who the president will be!

These men have presided over what real historians, such as "Victor Davis Hanson" have identified as the greatest transfer of wealth in human history, they have completely sold you out, and the people whom you choose as your leadership, listen only to them, and never to you! Decisions have been made, you are seeing them maturate right before eyes, do you really think for one deluded moment that Ford, GM, & Dodge just up and decided to halt commuter auto production because they were losing money??? Toyota, Honda, and Nissan weren't losing money, no, they made decisions based upon conclave with the great captains of industry that we no longer want the lower classes in America moving freely about, and they then acted upon that decision!

Then Trump got elected and in just two years time he revived the North American economy to such extent it became white hot, and literally was incinerating the Chinese economy, they literally could not compete against it, worse then worse they had absolutely no controls over Trump, as they had most other presidents with the exception of Reagan, and everything you see before you is direct result of their actions against that occurrence! This is why watching the democratic base reacting so positively to the fascist coups(this definitely includes the man made intentional pandemic)is so deeply horrifying, these weaklings are embracing their own enslavement, they mindlessly go to war on behalf of their own ending, and they revel in it even as the billionaires openly throw them away in favor of even cheaper slaves....

This is happening right before your lying eyes, this is precisely why they released the glorified wuhan fever/cold, to shut down and enslave "absolutely" the north American economy and civilization, and when Biden is declared winner this November, and he will be, they will begin to come for you in earnest, its literally unfolding right before you.... :wink:
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And not just in the US

From Lockdown to Police State: the “Great Reset” Rolls Out

“But the piece de resistance,” writes Burchell, “has to be that now police officers can enter homes with neither a warrant nor permission. This is an astonishing violation of civil liberties…. Deaths of this kind are not normally cause for government action, let alone the effective house arrest of an entire city.” He quoted Victoria Premier Daniel Andrews, who told Victorians, “there is literally no reason for you to leave your home and if you were to leave your home and not be found there, you will have a very difficult time convincing Victoria police that you have a lawful reason.” Burchell commented:

at first i thought you were trying to tell us aliens were snatching people.Not that I doubt that but sense we have no hard facts on that I stay away from those topics,glad to see you did as well.

yeah this is so true,this indeed is happening to us now.
Look, the billionaires, Gates, Bezos, Bloomberg, Koch bro's, and so on, were supposed to convert China, when in point of irrefutable fact, the exact opposite occurred, China's fascism totally devoured them! This all started with Bush number one, was accelerated under the eight years of abject corruption of the Clintons, whom committed treasons to numerous to illustrate, and Bush number two, then was largely hammered through the heart of the United States by the evil half black Obama! Interviews exist wherein these very billionaires explain they would actually prefer fascism, and how they hold the American system in contempt! Its these billionaires who control in near absolute totality, the congress, and the crime college called the senate, and who have for at least the last hundred years, chosen who the president will be!

These men have presided over what real historians, such as "Victor Davis Hanson" have identified as the greatest transfer of wealth in human history, they have completely sold you out, and the people whom you choose as your leadership, listen only to them, and never to you! Decisions have been made, you are seeing them maturate right before eyes, do you really think for one deluded moment that Ford, GM, & Dodge just up and decided to halt commuter auto production because they were losing money??? Toyota, Honda, and Nissan weren't losing money, no, they made decisions based upon conclave with the great captains of industry that we no longer want the lower classes in America moving freely about, and they then acted upon that decision!

Then Trump got elected and in just two years time he revived the North American economy to such extent it became white hot, and literally was incinerating the Chinese economy, they literally could not compete against it, worse then worse they had absolutely no controls over Trump, as they had most other presidents with the exception of Reagan, and everything you see before you is direct result of their actions against that occurrence! This is why watching the democratic base reacting so positively to the fascist coups(this definitely includes the man made intentional pandemic)is so deeply horrifying, these weaklings are embracing their own enslavement, they mindlessly go to war on behalf of their own ending, and they revel in it even as the billionaires openly throw them away in favor of even cheaper slaves....

This is happening right before your lying eyes, this is precisely why they released the glorified wuhan fever/cold, to shut down and enslave "absolutely" the north American economy and civilization, and when Biden is declared winner this November, and he will be, they will begin to come for you in earnest, its literally unfolding right before you.... :wink:

Uh you mean Kennedy,He was our last REAL president we had that was not a puppet for the elite that did their bidding and he paid the deadly price for it. They let Reagan off with a warning shot,had they really wanted him dead they would have made sure they killed him as well. Reagan in the his first couple months tried to do things his own way but after the assasination warning shot,his policys DRASTICALLY changed for the worse and were nothing like they were from the very get go.
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POTUS is a figure head. Congress writes the laws. Laws, by implementation, restrict Liberty and competition.
POTUS using EO's is still not right- as in, two wrongs don't make a right.

BOTH sides, inside the beltway subscribe to the same policy's- if not I want to see the evidence that one Party or the other has repealed what restricted Liberty, or, adhered to their constitutional limits- borrow to spend is borrow to spend it doesn't matter who's in charge. Follow the Money, see the Agenda- ALL "programs" are financed by borrowing. When one is in debt one is beholden to the holder of the debt- in our case, for generations into near infinity- US citizens, no matter how wealthy pay Income tax- a little or a lot is immaterial. It barely (if it even does) pays the interest on the debt. The "debt" is just numbers on a computer screen until put into circulation in federal reserve notes- who does the circulation? Besides the criminals inside the beltway- Banks- who owns the banks?

Hint: Israel. Now, you can disparage and throw rocks at me all you want- but there is pretty substantial evidence of who controls DC- it ain't voters. And before you start hollering about Lobbyist- count the number of Israeli affiliated Lobby's. Look at the dual citizenships in DC- they ain't Chinese or Russian or Mexican-
POTUS is a figure head. Congress writes the laws. Laws, by implementation, restrict Liberty and competition.
POTUS using EO's is still not right- as in, two wrongs don't make a right.

BOTH sides, inside the beltway subscribe to the same policy's- if not I want to see the evidence that one Party or the other has repealed what restricted Liberty, or, adhered to their constitutional limits- borrow to spend is borrow to spend it doesn't matter who's in charge. Follow the Money, see the Agenda- ALL "programs" are financed by borrowing. When one is in debt one is beholden to the holder of the debt- in our case, for generations into near infinity- US citizens, no matter how wealthy pay Income tax- a little or a lot is immaterial. It barely (if it even does) pays the interest on the debt. The "debt" is just numbers on a computer screen until put into circulation in federal reserve notes- who does the circulation? Besides the criminals inside the beltway- Banks- who owns the banks?

Hint: Israel. Now, you can disparage and throw rocks at me all you want- but there is pretty substantial evidence of who controls DC- it ain't voters. And before you start hollering about Lobbyist- count the number of Israeli affiliated Lobby's. Look at the dual citizenships in DC- they ain't Chinese or Russian or Mexican-
Dear God! :th_BlackHelicopter:

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