Interview with Ismail Haniyeh

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
Euronews: After the attack on the Freedom Flotilla you called for an end to the blockade on Gaza. The leaders of many other countries did the same. Do you consider what happened a victory for Hamas?

Ismail Haniyeh:

“What happened is a victory for humanity and for people of conscience all over the world, especially as the flotilla carried people from different nationalities, religions and political ideologies. All of them have one demand which is to break the siege of the Gaza Strip, and from this point of view we consider that the flotilla has become a turning point for global attention on Gaza and the siege of Gaza. We consider what happened as a victory for justice and conscience, at the same time it is a defeat for the occupation and injustice which is committed against the Palestinian people.”

Interview with Ismail Haniyeh - Gaza Crisis : news, interview | euronews

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