International Bailout Brings Us Closer to Economic Collapse


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
Last week Congress passed the war supplemental appropriations bill. In an affront to all those who thought they voted for a peace candidate, the current president will be sending another $106 billion we don’t have to continue the bloodshed in Afghanistan and Iraq, without a hint of a plan to bring our troops home.

Many of my colleagues who voted with me as I opposed every war supplemental request under the previous administration seem to have changed their tune. I maintain that a vote to fund the war is a vote in favor of the war. Congress exercises its constitutional prerogatives through the power of the purse, and as long as Congress continues to enable these dangerous interventions abroad, there is no end in sight, that is until we face total economic collapse.

Congressman Ron Paul - International Bailout Brings Us Closer to Economic Collapse - Texas Straight Talk
In an affront to all those who thought they voted for a peace candidate, the current president will be sending another $106 billion we don’t have to continue the bloodshed in Afghanistan and Iraq, without a hint of a plan to bring our troops home.

no matter who you vote for you get the same shit anyway.

we could elect a fucking panda and it would still be just as bloody.

in Iran people protest. in America they suck cock.
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