Intermittent Fasting, getting to autophagy and extending your life. Been reading and listening to advice from Dr. David Sinclair.


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I'm not a doctor, just sharing my experience.

So I've been doing intermittent fasting for awhile now. Generally following the 16/8 plan, 16 hours without food, 8 year window to eat food. Some days if I can't handle it, I still do a min. of 12 hours of fasting, but generally it's at least 15-16 hours I've been getting decent results getting to autophagy state and burning fat. A few times I have done a full 24 hour fast, and went as long as about 36 hours.

Biggest changes I have noticed is the ease in which I can resist eating, especially late at night. One easy approach is just to skip breakfast, go to lunch and then have your last meal at around 8 pm. Also, weight loss, and lack of desire for the sweets which I normally love to eat.

Dr. David Sinclair has been a motivator for me as well as he is very well versed on the subject of life extension and has many suggestions, from supplements to caloric restriction etc. If anyone is interested in this subject matter, he is a great place to start.

Intermittent Fasting… Does It Work?​

Do you strictly drink water during your fasting window? Black coffee? I know that black coffee is permitted, I've done it a few times and have read a few books on the subject, besides losing weight, the health benefits of intermittent fasting are fairly remarkable.

I read a book called "Alternate Day Diet" by two M.D.'s, and they advocated 24 hr fasts, followed by 24 hours of whatever you want to eat. What was fascinating to me were all the lab studies on mice, and also on humans, and the medical benefits from fasting.

Gonna check out your link.
Do you strictly drink water during your fasting window? Black coffee? I know that black coffee is permitted, I've done it a few times and have read a few books on the subject, besides losing weight, the health benefits of intermittent fasting are fairly remarkable.

I read a book called "Alternate Day Diet" by two M.D.'s, and they advocated 24 hr fasts, followed by 24 hours of whatever you want to eat. What was fascinating to me were all the lab studies on mice, and also on humans, and the medical benefits from fasting.

Gonna check out your link.

I sometimes green drink tea. Or, if I get to 15 or 16 hours and feel I could extend it a little longer but need something, I will make a black tea, with half a tea spoon of sugar and min. milk.

It's not a perfect fast at that point, but, if I can extend that tea all the way to dinner time, it's a big decrease in my daily calories.

I used to be more strict with just water and then go right to a meal at 16 hours, but, I realized from listening to various "experts" on the subject. If you can cut down significantly on daily calories too, it's just as much or even more of a benefit in the long run, so don't become a stickler.

I've even done the odd, late night banana or cutting up a few pieces of cucumber. So taking in minimum calories, probably spiking my insulin levels somewhat, but then allowing a longer fast come morning.
There are a lot of fad diets out there that some people swear by, intermittent fasting among them. I've never tried it, so I have no experience in its effectiveness, but the bottom line is no matter what you do it all comes down to calories in / calories out. If you eat less calories than you are burning you will lose weight, regardless of what you eat or when.
My mother and father died of lung cancer, and they knew it. The undercurrent of cigarettes an this liberal SJW climate now, its the same thing, or as close as you can get.
There are a lot of fad diets out there that some people swear by, intermittent fasting among them. I've never tried it, so I have no experience in its effectiveness, but the bottom line is no matter what you do it all comes down to calories in / calories out. If you eat less calories than you are burning you will lose weight, regardless of what you eat or when.

Yes I generally followed this mantra. Except there was a doctor who I found on youtube (Dr. Berg I believe) who spoke about the importantce of insulin in the weight loss process. It's been repeated by Dr. Sinclairs findings as well, a fairly honest guy who is on the cutting edge of life expansion who works with mice and cells. That basically it's not "how much you eat, but when you eat".

I'm not an expert on the effects of insulin, but, in essence, when you eat certain foods, your insulin shoots up and makes it resistant and even near impossible to burn fat. Whereas even if you eat the same amount of total calories in a day, but you go for so many hours in between meals that you are fasting, your insulin levels become very low, you will burn fat and lose more weight.

That's how I understand it at least.
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We go through fasting periods. The 14 on 10 off. There are several theories on it. We ascribe to it gives you body a chance to heal digestively. It has helped greatly with healthy weight, energy, and digestive regularity. We are both 88 years old plus. I recommend it as like a reset for your body. Americans in general overeat and it's leading to all kinds of problems. When someone of stature suggests amending this national travesty, some idiots pipe up well don't tell us what to eat. It's a losing battle.
I'm not a doctor, just sharing my experience.

So I've been doing intermittent fasting for awhile now. Generally following the 16/8 plan, 16 hours without food, 8 year window to eat food. Some days if I can't handle it, I still do a min. of 12 hours of fasting, but generally it's at least 15-16 hours I've been getting decent results getting to autophagy state and burning fat. A few times I have done a full 24 hour fast, and went as long as about 36 hours.

Biggest changes I have noticed is the ease in which I can resist eating, especially late at night. One easy approach is just to skip breakfast, go to lunch and then have your last meal at around 8 pm. Also, weight loss, and lack of desire for the sweets which I normally love to eat.

Dr. David Sinclair has been a motivator for me as well as he is very well versed on the subject of life extension and has many suggestions, from supplements to caloric restriction etc. If anyone is interested in this subject matter, he is a great place to start.

Intermittent Fasting… Does It Work?​

Getting back to some of the key points of this thread:

1) I have the book Spark, I've only read the first chapter, it was about a high school in Naperville, IL., and the effects on the students grades after they voluntarily joined an early morning exercise class. As more students joined, the schools GPA climbed to one of the highest in the state.

2) Cold exposure. Has more than health benefits, has mental health benefits as well. Read more from the master himself, Wim Hof.

3) Exercise. There is simply no substitute for this. Combined with IF you greatly reduce your risk of disease at the cellular level, where it is most important.

4) Chronic stress. This leads to inflammation. At a minimum, fasting and exercise can largely mitigate this chronic stress, as well as repair the damage is created.

Intermittent fasting induces a host of cellular changes. It increases cell survival, it enhances metabolic pathways (better glucose and cholesterol maintenance), increase mitochondrial function and energy production, and increases the production of brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) which improves brain function. The other stimuli that induces the production of BDNF is exercise. For a more thorough review of that research consider reading the book Spark by Dr. John Ratey.

The concept of intermittent and low level stress is important. If you do not allow a time of recovery then there will be limited or no benefit. Think about fasting all the time. Do you know what that’s called? It’s called starvation. Think about cold exposure. Intermittent cold exposure activates brown adipose tissue which burns calories to keep you warmer. Too much cold exposure leads to frost bite and tissue damage. Now to exercise. When you exercise you break down muscle and stress joints and ligaments. Almost all the gains come during recovery when your bodies DNA are in recovery mode and can transcribe proteins that lead to not only muscle recovery, but to muscle growth.

Finally, lets explore chronic emotional stress. We have all seen, or even experienced the destruction that goes along with chronic stress from a terrible job, family illness, money worries, etc. Those constant (not intermittent) stressor lead to the breakdown of the human mind, body, and spirit. While low level stress typically aids in focus and concentration.
For those who want a quick primer on the benefits of autophagy (pronounced Aw -Toph- A - Gee)

There are mountains of medical research journals that list their study results from this practice, the results are amazing. By allowing your body to do its cellular repair by not being tasked with digesting a steady stream of food brings forth numerous benefits. Killing free radicals, detoxifying, cellular recycling, and cellular repair, as well as eliminating a buildup of proteins on cells, the kind that leads to Alzheimers and Parkinsons disease

For those who want a quick primer on the benefits of autophagy (pronounced Aw -Toph- A - Gee)

There are mountains of medical research journals that list their study results from this practice, the results are amazing. By allowing your body to do its cellular repair by not being tasked with digesting a steady stream of food brings forth numerous benefits. Killing free radicals, detoxifying, cellular recycling, and cellular repair, as well as eliminating a buildup of proteins on cells, the kind that leads to Alzheimers and Parkinsons disease

Yup. I’m not sure if IF helps you lose weight. The jury is still out on that. But the healthy cells eat the bad cells.

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