Interesting Coincidence: Ukraine Anti-graft Chief Says Offered $6-mln Bribe Over Burisma Owner


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
While VP Joe Biden was entertaining Hunter Biden's fellow Burisma Board Members in DC - a meeting Biden said never occurred, despite e-mails and released photos that prove differently, The Ukraine Anti-Graft Chief was being offered a $6 MILLION dollar BRIBE to drop the investigation into Burisma's Putin-connected criminal energy company owner, the energy company itself, and Hunter Biden.

This report states THE OFFERED BRIBE to National Anti-Corruption Bureau, Artem Sytnyk HAS NOT BEEN / IS NOT connected to VP Joe Biden or his son Hunter Biden...

HOWEVER, during a recent trial of Burisma members, several members testified under oath that THEY PAID BRIBES TO HUNTER AND JOE BIDEN after a meeting between Burisma members and Joie Biden, prior to VP Biden's trip to Ukraine, during which Biden extorted the previous PM into firing the top prosecutor investigating Burisma and Hunter Biden. The men testified that made it clear to Joe Biden that thy wanted the investigations stopped and were sure VP Biden could 'help'.

As mentioned, during that trip to the Ukraine, VP Biden extorted the Ukraine PM, warning him that if the lead prosecutor was not fired before he boarded his plane later the PM / Ukraine would not get the money promised. The Ukraine PM reportedly objected and told Biden he would call President Obama about the threat. Biden reportedly told the Ukraine PM to do that because Obama knew all about this extortion attempt. Afterwards, as Joe Biden bragged in his later video-taped extortion confession, the Ukraine PM fired Ukraine's top prosecutor, the investigations were stopped, and Ukraine got the money.

Ukraine National Anti-Corruption Bureau Artem Sytnyk did NOT take the bribe offered to him to stop the investigations.

Hunter Biden and Joe Biden DID take Burisma's bribe.

Joe Biden confessed to extorting the former Ukraine PM.

The former Ukraine PM did fire their top prosecutor.

The investigations at that time did stop.

Ukraine did get the money they were promised.

Joe Biden confessed to extorting the former Ukraine PM.

The former Ukraine PM did fire their top prosecutor.
He confessed to extorting both Prime Minister Yatzenyuk and President Poroshenko into firing Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin, who had recently raided the mansion and offices of Burisma owner Mycola Zlochevskiy

And to get Biden's "solid" Burisma puppet, Yuriy Lutsenko installed into the PGO, they had to convene a special session of parliament to change the law that required the PG to have a law degree and experience as an attorney.

Lutsenko was chosen by Biden because Lutsenko owed Burisma a huge favor. That's why Joe Biden stressed that Lutsenko was "solid".

Lutsenko owd Burisma a favor because Hunter Biden's fellow Burisma director Alexander Kwasniewski had recently got Lutsenko released from prison by appealing directly to president Yanukovich for a pardon.

Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych has pardoned jailed former Interior Minister Yuriy Lutsenko, a close ally of imprisoned former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko.

In an announcement on his presidential website, Yanukovych said he had signed a decree granting the pardon following appeals by Ukrainian and European Union officials, including former Polish President Alexander Kwasniewski

Obviously, Burisma director Alexander Kwasniewski bribed Yanukovych to get Lutsenko out of prison and Burisma paid off the Biden family to get him installed as Prosecutor General.

That is some gangster shit right there.
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so we have:

trump met with a russian lawyer - we must investigate based on that and this dossier we've created.

these same people are now:
this is all fake, lies, bullshit (yet biden has never come out and called this a lie that i know of) and people are just over-reacting.

the problem is we're simply not using the same criteria for what is right and wrong.
HOWEVER, during a recent trial of Burisma members, several members testified under oath that THEY PAID BRIBES TO HUNTER AND JOE BIDEN after a meeting between Burisma members and Joie Biden
Have you got a link for this?
HOWEVER, during a recent trial of Burisma members, several members testified under oath that THEY PAID BRIBES TO HUNTER AND JOE BIDEN after a meeting between Burisma members and Joie Biden
Have you got a link for this?

While attempting to Bribe Ukrainian officials Burisma was paying Hunter Biden $50,000 PER MONTH. (Yeah, 'that's wasn't a 'BRIBE', that was his 'salary'. & Remember, Hunter had to give Daddy HALF of everything, according to Hunter's e-mails.)

Links already provided show Burisma testified that during their meeting with Joe Biden - the State Dept confirms happened - they told Joe Biden they wanted the Ukraine investigation of Burisma and Hunter stopped.

Joe Biden then goes to Ukraine, extorts the PM, gets the prosecutor fired, the investigations stop, and Joe goes on to give his infamous video-taped confession of the extortion.

By the way, John Kerry's son was also engaged in the same shit Hunter was:
-- “I had no knowledge about any of that. None. No,” John Kerry said.

Sound familiar?

HOWEVER, during a recent trial of Burisma members, several members testified under oath that THEY PAID BRIBES TO HUNTER AND JOE BIDEN after a meeting between Burisma members and Joie Biden
Have you got a link for this?
I saw a Ukrainian hearing on the topic, dubbed in English on the topic, that this is true.

The only thing I could NOT verify? Were the translations, as they were recorded represented to be truthful? If they were? The story is accurate, I saw the testimony myself. I have no reason to believe they went out of their way to mistranslate the testimony.

The news was released in some German papers, so I believed the story to be accurate, but it was mostly suppressed here in the states.
It is hilarious to see the snowflakes who just a couple of months ago were attempting to justify and defend Biden for admittedly extorting the former Ukraine PM into firing Ukraine's top prosecutor who was investigating Burisma and Hunter Biden, all declaring, "Well 'everyone' wanted him fired' NOW trying to say none of this is true, that no one was bribing anyone or trying to get the prosecutor fired.

Burisma made it clear to Hunter Biden while they were paying him $50,000 a month (actually only $25,000 a month - half went to daddy Joe) that they wanted the investigation stopped and the prosecutor fired.

Burisma made it clear to Joe Biden in their meeting (the one the State Department and photos confirmed happened) prior to his trip to the Ukraine that they wanted the prosecutor fired and the investigation stopped.

The Russians wanted the investigation of Burisma's owner, the criminal who was known to do business with Putin, wanted the investigation stopped.

Many of the snowflakes on this board declared again and again in defense of Biden's extortion confession / extortion that 'everyone' wanted the investigations stopped / the prosecutor fired...

...while arguing that the man who bragged about getting the job done while his son was getting paid $50k a month, the criminal under investigation whose company Hunter was working for gained access to the VP, meetings between Burisma and the VP the VP claimed never happened did happen...did NOT have an illegal hand in stopping the investigations of his son and Burisma...that it was 'ok' because 'everyone' wanted the prosecutor fired.

so we have:

trump met with a russian lawyer - we must investigate based on that and this dossier we've created.

these same people are now:
this is all fake, lies, bullshit (yet biden has never come out and called this a lie that i know of) and people are just over-reacting.

the problem is we're simply not using the same criteria for what is right and wrong.

Never do.
This corruption is simply on a level that we have never seen in the US before.
so we have:

trump met with a russian lawyer - we must investigate based on that and this dossier we've created.

these same people are now:
this is all fake, lies, bullshit (yet biden has never come out and called this a lie that i know of) and people are just over-reacting.

the problem is we're simply not using the same criteria for what is right and wrong.

Never do.
This corruption is simply on a level that we have never seen in the US before.
Naw, we saw it when Assange released the DNC and Clinton emails last election cycle, it was buried then, no reason to believe it won't be buried again.
so we have:

trump met with a russian lawyer - we must investigate based on that and this dossier we've created.

these same people are now:
this is all fake, lies, bullshit (yet biden has never come out and called this a lie that i know of) and people are just over-reacting.

the problem is we're simply not using the same criteria for what is right and wrong.

Never do.
This corruption is simply on a level that we have never seen in the US before.
Naw, we saw it when Assange released the DNC and Clinton emails last election cycle, it was buried then, no reason to believe it won't be buried again.

It is actually all part of the same corruption - all tied in together.
While VP Joe Biden was entertaining Hunter Biden's fellow Burisma Board Members in DC - a meeting Biden said never occurred, despite e-mails and released photos that prove differently, The Ukraine Anti-Graft Chief was being offered a $6 MILLION dollar BRIBE to drop the investigation into Burisma's Putin-connected criminal energy company owner, the energy company itself, and Hunter Biden.

This report states THE OFFERED BRIBE to National Anti-Corruption Bureau, Artem Sytnyk HAS NOT BEEN / IS NOT connected to VP Joe Biden or his son Hunter Biden...

HOWEVER, during a recent trial of Burisma members, several members testified under oath that THEY PAID BRIBES TO HUNTER AND JOE BIDEN after a meeting between Burisma members and Joie Biden, prior to VP Biden's trip to Ukraine, during which Biden extorted the previous PM into firing the top prosecutor investigating Burisma and Hunter Biden. The men testified that made it clear to Joe Biden that thy wanted the investigations stopped and were sure VP Biden could 'help'.

As mentioned, during that trip to the Ukraine, VP Biden extorted the Ukraine PM, warning him that if the lead prosecutor was not fired before he boarded his plane later the PM / Ukraine would not get the money promised. The Ukraine PM reportedly objected and told Biden he would call President Obama about the threat. Biden reportedly told the Ukraine PM to do that because Obama knew all about this extortion attempt. Afterwards, as Joe Biden bragged in his later video-taped extortion confession, the Ukraine PM fired Ukraine's top prosecutor, the investigations were stopped, and Ukraine got the money.

Ukraine National Anti-Corruption Bureau Artem Sytnyk did NOT take the bribe offered to him to stop the investigations.

Hunter Biden and Joe Biden DID take Burisma's bribe.

Joe Biden confessed to extorting the former Ukraine PM.

The former Ukraine PM did fire their top prosecutor.

The investigations at that time did stop.

Ukraine did get the money they were promised.

Is there any way to get copies of Court Testimony in English?
While VP Joe Biden was entertaining Hunter Biden's fellow Burisma Board Members in DC - a meeting Biden said never occurred, despite e-mails and released photos that prove differently, The Ukraine Anti-Graft Chief was being offered a $6 MILLION dollar BRIBE to drop the investigation into Burisma's Putin-connected criminal energy company owner, the energy company itself, and Hunter Biden.

This report states THE OFFERED BRIBE to National Anti-Corruption Bureau, Artem Sytnyk HAS NOT BEEN / IS NOT connected to VP Joe Biden or his son Hunter Biden...

HOWEVER, during a recent trial of Burisma members, several members testified under oath that THEY PAID BRIBES TO HUNTER AND JOE BIDEN after a meeting between Burisma members and Joie Biden, prior to VP Biden's trip to Ukraine, during which Biden extorted the previous PM into firing the top prosecutor investigating Burisma and Hunter Biden. The men testified that made it clear to Joe Biden that thy wanted the investigations stopped and were sure VP Biden could 'help'.

As mentioned, during that trip to the Ukraine, VP Biden extorted the Ukraine PM, warning him that if the lead prosecutor was not fired before he boarded his plane later the PM / Ukraine would not get the money promised. The Ukraine PM reportedly objected and told Biden he would call President Obama about the threat. Biden reportedly told the Ukraine PM to do that because Obama knew all about this extortion attempt. Afterwards, as Joe Biden bragged in his later video-taped extortion confession, the Ukraine PM fired Ukraine's top prosecutor, the investigations were stopped, and Ukraine got the money.

Ukraine National Anti-Corruption Bureau Artem Sytnyk did NOT take the bribe offered to him to stop the investigations.

Hunter Biden and Joe Biden DID take Burisma's bribe.

Joe Biden confessed to extorting the former Ukraine PM.

The former Ukraine PM did fire their top prosecutor.

The investigations at that time did stop.

Ukraine did get the money they were promised.

Is there any way to get copies of Court Testimony in English?
I'm sure someone has it already. The DOJ, State Dept, FBI....Giuliani... :p
While VP Joe Biden was entertaining Hunter Biden's fellow Burisma Board Members in DC - a meeting Biden said never occurred, despite e-mails and released photos that prove differently, The Ukraine Anti-Graft Chief was being offered a $6 MILLION dollar BRIBE to drop the investigation into Burisma's Putin-connected criminal energy company owner, the energy company itself, and Hunter Biden.

This report states THE OFFERED BRIBE to National Anti-Corruption Bureau, Artem Sytnyk HAS NOT BEEN / IS NOT connected to VP Joe Biden or his son Hunter Biden...

HOWEVER, during a recent trial of Burisma members, several members testified under oath that THEY PAID BRIBES TO HUNTER AND JOE BIDEN after a meeting between Burisma members and Joie Biden, prior to VP Biden's trip to Ukraine, during which Biden extorted the previous PM into firing the top prosecutor investigating Burisma and Hunter Biden. The men testified that made it clear to Joe Biden that thy wanted the investigations stopped and were sure VP Biden could 'help'.

As mentioned, during that trip to the Ukraine, VP Biden extorted the Ukraine PM, warning him that if the lead prosecutor was not fired before he boarded his plane later the PM / Ukraine would not get the money promised. The Ukraine PM reportedly objected and told Biden he would call President Obama about the threat. Biden reportedly told the Ukraine PM to do that because Obama knew all about this extortion attempt. Afterwards, as Joe Biden bragged in his later video-taped extortion confession, the Ukraine PM fired Ukraine's top prosecutor, the investigations were stopped, and Ukraine got the money.

Ukraine National Anti-Corruption Bureau Artem Sytnyk did NOT take the bribe offered to him to stop the investigations.

Hunter Biden and Joe Biden DID take Burisma's bribe.

Joe Biden confessed to extorting the former Ukraine PM.

The former Ukraine PM did fire their top prosecutor.

The investigations at that time did stop.

Ukraine did get the money they were promised.

Is there any way to get copies of Court Testimony in English?

How about the summary judgement?

". . . Thus, in this section,there is no second name, first name and patronymic of a citizen of the United States of America, who, according to words of Shokin Viktor Mykolaiovych, committed unlawful interference in his activities as the Head of the Office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine (Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine).

At the same time in the statement of Shokin Viktor Mykolaiovych dated January 28, 2020 specifically states the commission of this criminal offense against him by a non-abstract US citizen, but the former US Vice President Joseph Biden, and provides a summary of the facts (summary of circumstances) of the above mentioned criminal offense. Thus, in the statement of Shokin Viktor Mykolaiovych, the US citizen who committed this criminal offense is clearly identified.

In addition, the decision of the investigating judge of the Pecherskyi district court of Kyiv city I.V. Lytvynova dated February 06, 2020 obliges officials of the State bureau of investigation to enter into the Unified register of pre-trial investigations all, but not selectively, information from the statement of Shokin Viktor Mykolaiovych dated January 28, 2020 on the commitment of a criminal offense.

On March 10, 2020, a bill of complaint was sent to the Office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine (Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine), whose prosecutors are conducting procedural management in this criminal proceedings, against the actions of the investigator No 307-k / 00299 / 2019-3263, the operative part of which contained a request to include in the summary of circumstances of Unified register of pre-trial investigations information that may indicate the commission of a criminal offense under Paragraph 2 of Article343 of the Criminal procedure code of Ukraine on the criminal proceedings No.62020000000000236 dated February 24, 2020, on interference in the activities of the former Prosecutor General of Ukraine Shokin Viktor Mykolaiovych performed by citizen of the United States of America Joseph Biden, former US Vice President. .. "

These burisma types the bidens hang out with are shady.
If Trump truly does get re-elected like I feel he will, The American people might finally get some justice, and The Deep State-Global Governance Cabal might be crippled for a while
Joe Biden confessed to extorting the former Ukraine PM.

The former Ukraine PM did fire their top prosecutor.
He confessed to extorting both Prime Minister Yatzenyuk and President Poroshenko into firing Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin, who had recently raided the mansion and offices of Burisma owner Mycola Zlochevskiy

And to get Biden's "solid" Burisma puppet, Yuriy Lutsenko installed into the PGO, they had to convene a special session of parliament to change the law that required the PG to have a law degree and experience as an attorney.

Lutsenko was chosen by Biden because Lutsenko owed Burisma a huge favor. That's why Joe Biden stressed that Lutsenko was "solid".

Lutsenko owd Burisma a favor because Hunter Biden's fellow Burisma director Alexander Kwasniewski had recently got Lutsenko released from prison by appealing directly to president Yanukovich for a pardon.

Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych has pardoned jailed former Interior Minister Yuriy Lutsenko, a close ally of imprisoned former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko.

In an announcement on his presidential website, Yanukovych said he had signed a decree granting the pardon following appeals by Ukrainian and European Union officials, including former Polish President Alexander Kwasniewski

Obviously, Burisma director Alexander Kwasniewski bribed Yanukovych to get Lutsenko out of prison and Burisma paid off the Biden family to get him installed as Prosecutor General.

That is some gangster shit right there.
They are caught red handed. And you can tell by how out of control the DemNazi professional propagandists are acting today. Combine that with an attempted media blackout and censorship, and you know The Hunter Biden Laptop is legit.
bottom line to me, if 1 meeting and a fake dossier was enough for an investigation, this most certainly is too.
bottom line to me, if 1 meeting and a fake dossier was enough for an investigation, this most certainly is too.
Funding for The Dems is actually dropping off over 2016

#WalkAway is going down.

Consider this:

Wealthy Globalist Elitist turned out with the dollars for Clinton giving her a 7.5-1 funding advantage against Trump. He still beat her.

Now the same is happening for Joe China Biden, but that funding advantage has dropped from a 7.5-1 down to a 1.4-1 and the President has a 300% increase in fund raising, compared to a 33% decrease for Biden from 2016 over Clinton.

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