Interesting argument between woman and group of protestors.


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017


*****HAPPY SMILE*****

This lady gives the crowd of protestors a piece of her mind.

She's a nice, logical, sensible lady and a good addition to our country.
This lady gives the crowd of protestors a piece of her mind.

She's a nice, logical, sensible lady and a good addition to our country.
She also is really ignorant of what BLM means. She is confusing the two issues.
Briefbart? Come on man. Everybody knows thats for idiots.

So watch the video and make up your own mind about the content itself and stop trying to poison the well with criticisms of Breitbart. The video does not look edited.
Briefbart? Come on man. Everybody knows thats for idiots.

So watch the video and make up your own mind about the content itself and stop trying to poison the well with criticisms of Breitbart. The video does not look edited.
I did watch the video. She will change her tune when racism knocks on her door. I noticed she was totally ignorant of what BLM stood for. Other than that she had some solid points
This lady gives the crowd of protestors a piece of her mind.

She... Seems to have gotten her education from somewhere other than the United States. A better education.

Edit: Jokes aside... I respect anyone that is out there willing to discuss what it is they believe in. Especially if they are doing it when outnumbered. Respect.
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This lady gives the crowd of protestors a piece of her mind.

She's a nice, logical, sensible lady and a good addition to our country.
She also is really ignorant of what BLM means. She is confusing the two issues.

You made it clear many times that you DON"T give a shit about black on black murders, by far the most common way black people die. You ignore that to black about the rare white murdering a black person.

BLM is a quasi terrorist group who spread hate and anger everywhere they go.

Your racial hate is obvious, it is why you people are slowly going down in flames over time.
This lady gives the crowd of protestors a piece of her mind.

She's a nice, logical, sensible lady and a good addition to our country.
She also is really ignorant of what BLM means. She is confusing the two issues.

You made it clear many times that you DON"T give a shit about black on black murders, by far the most common way black people die. You ignore that to black about the rare white murdering a black person.

BLM is a quasi terrorist group who spread hate and anger everywhere they go.

Your racial hate is obvious, it is why you people are slowly going down in flames over time.
I did? So if I did and I did it many times you should be able to post a link then right?

BLM is an amazing group which is against cops murdering Black men.

Kinda weird you believe that. One of your buddies just got through whining about how it was all so unfair that we have so much clout. You bitches need to get your story straight.
Briefbart? Come on man. Everybody knows thats for idiots.

You didn't watch the video......

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Actually I did dummy. You should read the thread before inserting your foot in your mouth. :)

You attacked breitbart as a source where that revealing video came from, notice you have no answer to her words......

I attacked the OP for using a shit source in breifbart. I dont have to answer her words. I just had to comment on them which I did. Reading is fundamental. You should have learned that from your last fuck up yet here you go again. :)
This lady gives the crowd of protestors a piece of her mind.

She's a nice, logical, sensible lady and a good addition to our country.
She also is really ignorant of what BLM means. She is confusing the two issues.

You made it clear many times that you DON"T give a shit about black on black murders, by far the most common way black people die. You ignore that to black about the rare white murdering a black person.

BLM is a quasi terrorist group who spread hate and anger everywhere they go.

Your racial hate is obvious, it is why you people are slowly going down in flames over time.

Minor correction.

"black on black murders, by far the most common way black people die."

Black on black murder is the most common way black Americans are murdered. The most common way black Americans die is the same as every other demographic, heart disease.

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