Intelligence Contractors Being Paid Millions To Surf The Web, Sext With Teens, Have Affairs With Co-


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Intelligence Contractors Being Paid Millions To Surf The Web, Sext With Teens, Have Affairs With Co-Workers
from the your-tax-dollars-fucking-around dept
Let's review some Intelligence Community terminology, shall we? [All expanded definitionscourtesy of Vice News and Jason Leopold's FOIA tenacity.]

"Collect [It] All [These Paychecks You Haven't Earned]"

The Intelligence Community Inspector General (IC IG) Investigations Division (INV) identified [redacted] is an employee of CENTRA* Technology, working on ODNI contract [redacted] The data analysis indicated that [redacted] was not likely present at her assigned worksite for the full period in which she billed the contract. [redacted] 1 June 2012 to 29 July [redacted] billed the government for 630 hours for which she was not present at her worksite.

*Jason Leopold points out CENTRA was contracted to review CIA torture documents. Or NOT review them, as appears to be the case here.

Total cost to taxpayers for [redacted] not being at work? Almost $30,000.

There's way too much fraud, misconduct, and criminal activity in these reports to fully cover here. The 264 pages [PDF] released to Leopold and Vice as the result of an FOIA lawsuit detail extramarital affairs involving supervisors and subordinates, unapproved telecommuting by contractors handling sensitive documents, and page after page of attendance fraud."

Intelligence Contractors Being Paid Millions To Surf The Web, Sext With Teens, Have Affairs With Co-Workers

Oh the ever loving perfect authority! Sheep love to trust and obey and believe everything that comes out of their crooked mouths. As once again these are the ppl you worship and adore wow wait until they get a hold of your kid and do it. Oh wait , we can be sure you'd make some dumbass excuse up as to why you'd even accept that.

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