Intelligence Committee To Petition FISA Court

Sure. You don't know that it wasn't. It obviously met the standard four times in front of four different judges.

You're assuming that everyone involved with the application process lied and every judge and their staff is incompetent. That's just dumb.

No, not at all. I'm just assuming these judges have standards.

The FBI approaches FISA and says they have opposition research from a presidential candidate that she paid for, and they want to use it to get a FISA warrant on her opponent and various members of his campaign. They tell the judge that the information was not vetted and they are just taking his word for it. The person who created the dossier is a known Trump hater. What they are looking for is Trump's collusion with Russia even though they don't have an iota of evidence to support their investigation.

And the judge says "Sure, no problem, here's your warrant?"

If you think that's what took place, then I have a bridge I want to sell you.

No, not at all. I'm just assuming these judges have standards.

Yes, standards like failing to include any required information is grounds for rejection.

You're assuming that not a one of four judges was competent enough to catch that.

The judges only know what is presented to them, nothing more. This "footnote" is extremely suspicious. Why didn't they make the fact that this was opposition research and unverified transcending in their application?
The judges only know what is presented to them, nothing more.

No. They know very well what is required for them to properly adjudicate the warrant application.

But they don't do investigative work. That's not part of their job.

They do however, review the application and it's contents. Do they not?
Now we're talking.

Nunes just stated on Fox he was going to petition the court for the entire proceedings.

The Republicans voted to unanimously release the Democrat's back peddle memo.

Grassley now after Steele.

It's getting ugly out there for all the crooks. And I'm going to love the next round of Intelligence Committee reports to hit the headlines over the next several months. And the FBI, IG, report will be a big wort on Comey's nose.

That is the obvious next move.

So, not a single Communists favored releasing the Memo. Not a single Republican voted to suppress the Communist rebuttal.

Now release the entire document so America can see who the crooks and traitors are.

Hint: It's the ones who tried to suppress information.

That should have been the first move.

I'm confused by the tactics of the Communists.

Did they think this would help them?

{(a) that doesn’t solve the problem that the original FISA application against Page evidently relied “heavily” on information passed from a not-very-credible foreign agent and (b) that doesn’t explain why the Bureau allegedly failed to tell the FISA Court in later applications to renew their surveillance of Page that Steele’s info maybe hadn’t been so credible...Grassley and Graham make another good point about Steele’s chattering to the press while his investigation was still ongoing: Once bad actors were aware that he was digging for dirt on Trump, they could have sought him out and fed him any amount of BS in hopes of it trickling through to the FBI and deepening the official suspicion surrounding Team Trump. That’s how Clinton cronies — maybe even Sid Blumenthal — got involved in this clusterfark. Because Steele was supposedly willing to accept even unsolicited tips about Trump, the Clinton team may have fed him rumors to help fill a dossier for which their boss was paying.}

Here's the FISA Memo Nobody's Talking About. It's Much More Damning Than the Much-Discussed Nunes Version.

They should have cloaked themselves in the Nunes memo, now even more proof of crimes by the FBI are out in the light.

The fault with your logic is with your assumption that whatever elements of the dossier were used have no credibility at all. By extension then, you're claiming subterfuge and malfeasance on the part of the FBI. Those are very big claims.
You simply do not know if any of that is true.

In fact they have no credibility at all. British spy Christopher Steele worked with Sydney Blumenthal, a scumbag so sleazy that even Obama, the pig who hired Loretta Lynch, the most corrupt AG in history and who hired actual and in-fact mobster Rahm Emanuel would not allow "Syd Vicious" in the White House, though Hillary begged him to. But Steele on the behest of the FBI in their jihad to elect Hillary Clinton used shit from Blumenthal and Kremlin operatives to fabricate this "dossier."

Gowdy hints Sidney Blumenthal leaked info to dossier author Steele

Despite the efforts of the boot licking leftist press, this is thousands of times bigger than Watergate, there simply is no way to bury it or cover it up.
In fact they have no credibility at all

I've already told you that was the fault with your logic and you went right back to it. So dumb.

There are parts of the dossier that have in fact been verified. Read it and see. Your argument is tired and dumb.
Sure. You don't know that it wasn't. It obviously met the standard four times in front of four different judges.

You're assuming that everyone involved with the application process lied and every judge and their staff is incompetent. That's just dumb.

No, not at all. I'm just assuming these judges have standards.

The FBI approaches FISA and says they have opposition research from a presidential candidate that she paid for, and they want to use it to get a FISA warrant on her opponent and various members of his campaign. They tell the judge that the information was not vetted and they are just taking his word for it. The person who created the dossier is a known Trump hater. What they are looking for is Trump's collusion with Russia even though they don't have an iota of evidence to support their investigation.

And the judge says "Sure, no problem, here's your warrant?"

If you think that's what took place, then I have a bridge I want to sell you.

No, not at all. I'm just assuming these judges have standards.

Yes, standards like failing to include any required information is grounds for rejection.

You're assuming that not a one of four judges was competent enough to catch that.

The judges only know what is presented to them, nothing more. This "footnote" is extremely suspicious. Why didn't they make the fact that this was opposition research and unverified transcending in their application?
You have yet to demonstrate the evidence they gave the court was unverified.

Yet you continue to claim that to be the case.


That's what was in the Nunes memo.

Were any "foreign agents" "outed"?

Umm...Carter Page was unmasked for the world to see, fool.

You pathetic dupe. Carter Page wasn’t a foreign asset. And a year ago it was known that A FISA warrant had been issued to monitor him. It was in all the papers. He was not “unmasked “
by the Nunes memo.
So I will hammer you again. What national security issues did the release of the Nunes memo damage? Schiff said it would cause damage to “assets”? He had read the memo. Now you and I have. We see he was a liar. There is no other explanation. And we see you are just a dupe. There is no other explanation there either.

See the proof below ?
See the date ?
Try again?

View attachment 175890

It was reported but never officially confirmed by any govt official until Trump declassified the memo and unmasked Page.

By definition, if one has a FISA warrant on them, they are a foreign agent, dope. WTF do you think FISA stands for?
That is the obvious next move.

So, not a single Communists favored releasing the Memo. Not a single Republican voted to suppress the Communist rebuttal.

Now release the entire document so America can see who the crooks and traitors are.

Hint: It's the ones who tried to suppress information.

That should have been the first move.

I'm confused by the tactics of the Communists.

Did they think this would help them?

{(a) that doesn’t solve the problem that the original FISA application against Page evidently relied “heavily” on information passed from a not-very-credible foreign agent and (b) that doesn’t explain why the Bureau allegedly failed to tell the FISA Court in later applications to renew their surveillance of Page that Steele’s info maybe hadn’t been so credible...Grassley and Graham make another good point about Steele’s chattering to the press while his investigation was still ongoing: Once bad actors were aware that he was digging for dirt on Trump, they could have sought him out and fed him any amount of BS in hopes of it trickling through to the FBI and deepening the official suspicion surrounding Team Trump. That’s how Clinton cronies — maybe even Sid Blumenthal — got involved in this clusterfark. Because Steele was supposedly willing to accept even unsolicited tips about Trump, the Clinton team may have fed him rumors to help fill a dossier for which their boss was paying.}

Here's the FISA Memo Nobody's Talking About. It's Much More Damning Than the Much-Discussed Nunes Version.

They should have cloaked themselves in the Nunes memo, now even more proof of crimes by the FBI are out in the light.

The fault with your logic is with your assumption that whatever elements of the dossier were used have no credibility at all. By extension then, you're claiming subterfuge and malfeasance on the part of the FBI. Those are very big claims.
You simply do not know if any of that is true.

In fact they have no credibility at all. British spy Christopher Steele worked with Sydney Blumenthal, a scumbag so sleazy that even Obama, the pig who hired Loretta Lynch, the most corrupt AG in history and who hired actual and in-fact mobster Rahm Emanuel would not allow "Syd Vicious" in the White House, though Hillary begged him to. But Steele on the behest of the FBI in their jihad to elect Hillary Clinton used shit from Blumenthal and Kremlin operatives to fabricate this "dossier."

Gowdy hints Sidney Blumenthal leaked info to dossier author Steele

Despite the efforts of the boot licking leftist press, this is thousands of times bigger than Watergate, there simply is no way to bury it or cover it up.
In fact they have no credibility at all

I've already told you that was the fault with your logic and you went right back to it. So dumb.

There are parts of the dossier that have in fact been verified. Read it and see. Your argument is tired and dumb.
The parts of the dossier that have been "verified" could be found in Russian newspapers months before Steele concocted the dossier.
When McCabe was asked by the Intelligence Committee which specific parts of the dossier had been confirmed his answer was "The dossier confirmed that Carter Page went to Russia in 2016". That's it!
That should have been the first move.

I'm confused by the tactics of the Communists.

Did they think this would help them?

{(a) that doesn’t solve the problem that the original FISA application against Page evidently relied “heavily” on information passed from a not-very-credible foreign agent and (b) that doesn’t explain why the Bureau allegedly failed to tell the FISA Court in later applications to renew their surveillance of Page that Steele’s info maybe hadn’t been so credible...Grassley and Graham make another good point about Steele’s chattering to the press while his investigation was still ongoing: Once bad actors were aware that he was digging for dirt on Trump, they could have sought him out and fed him any amount of BS in hopes of it trickling through to the FBI and deepening the official suspicion surrounding Team Trump. That’s how Clinton cronies — maybe even Sid Blumenthal — got involved in this clusterfark. Because Steele was supposedly willing to accept even unsolicited tips about Trump, the Clinton team may have fed him rumors to help fill a dossier for which their boss was paying.}

Here's the FISA Memo Nobody's Talking About. It's Much More Damning Than the Much-Discussed Nunes Version.

They should have cloaked themselves in the Nunes memo, now even more proof of crimes by the FBI are out in the light.

The fault with your logic is with your assumption that whatever elements of the dossier were used have no credibility at all. By extension then, you're claiming subterfuge and malfeasance on the part of the FBI. Those are very big claims.
You simply do not know if any of that is true.

In fact they have no credibility at all. British spy Christopher Steele worked with Sydney Blumenthal, a scumbag so sleazy that even Obama, the pig who hired Loretta Lynch, the most corrupt AG in history and who hired actual and in-fact mobster Rahm Emanuel would not allow "Syd Vicious" in the White House, though Hillary begged him to. But Steele on the behest of the FBI in their jihad to elect Hillary Clinton used shit from Blumenthal and Kremlin operatives to fabricate this "dossier."

Gowdy hints Sidney Blumenthal leaked info to dossier author Steele

Despite the efforts of the boot licking leftist press, this is thousands of times bigger than Watergate, there simply is no way to bury it or cover it up.
In fact they have no credibility at all

I've already told you that was the fault with your logic and you went right back to it. So dumb.

There are parts of the dossier that have in fact been verified. Read it and see. Your argument is tired and dumb.
The parts of the dossier that have been "verified" could be found in Russian newspapers months before Steele concocted the dossier.
When McCabe was asked by the Intelligence Committee which specific parts of the dossier had been confirmed his answer was "The dossier confirmed that Carter Page went to Russia in 2016". That's it!

Not true at all. Read it.
No, not at all. I'm just assuming these judges have standards.

The FBI approaches FISA and says they have opposition research from a presidential candidate that she paid for, and they want to use it to get a FISA warrant on her opponent and various members of his campaign. They tell the judge that the information was not vetted and they are just taking his word for it. The person who created the dossier is a known Trump hater. What they are looking for is Trump's collusion with Russia even though they don't have an iota of evidence to support their investigation.

And the judge says "Sure, no problem, here's your warrant?"

If you think that's what took place, then I have a bridge I want to sell you.

No, not at all. I'm just assuming these judges have standards.

Yes, standards like failing to include any required information is grounds for rejection.

You're assuming that not a one of four judges was competent enough to catch that.

The judges only know what is presented to them, nothing more. This "footnote" is extremely suspicious. Why didn't they make the fact that this was opposition research and unverified transcending in their application?
The judges only know what is presented to them, nothing more.

No. They know very well what is required for them to properly adjudicate the warrant application.

But they don't do investigative work. That's not part of their job.

They do however, review the application and it's contents. Do they not?

Yes they do. That's why there's a question who was at fault here. It was either Comey, the FBI, the DOJ or it was the judges that propelled the warrants. That's what we're trying to find out.
Anyone notice how the Republicans are requesting official documents to explain what actually happened, and the paid posters on here are NOT insisting that those documents will vindicate their position, but instead are trying to still explain away what the last documentation explained, lol.

I am sorry Leftists, but it is more than obvious to anyone with any sense, that NOBODY would demand the release of factual documents from their original source, that would screw their narrative up.

Now Nunez piece was an opinion piece according to you, so your side released their own opinion piece. Yes, or no!

So now, they want the ACTUAL FACTS released, yes!

So if you are soooooooo confident in your take on the whole thing, join us in demanding it all be released! Let the chips fall where they may. Just think, no more conjecture, we will all know, and won't you finally be happy! We will no longer be able to defend our position, you will have won, isn't that correct?

So lets do this, and get it over with. What do you say? We aren't afraid, and you insist you aren't either, so you see, we actually agree on something.

TRANSPARENCY! Obama said he wanted it, Trump says he wants it, we say we want it, now how about you guys!

Let’s start with you identifying who are the paid posters here — so we can see if you’re even telling the truth...

Well, does North Korea pay you Fawn, or just promise not to feed your family to the dogs of your dictator if you tell enough lies here, on Twitter, and on Facebook?

Further, they occasionally feed you, which is more than most of your countrymen can say - so that is a form of pay.

Now, when the GOP has 56 in the Senate and retains the house, will those close to you start going to the kennels?

Come on Fawn, just because you're a troll in the employ of a foreign and hostile intelligence agency spreading disinformation in an attempt to corrupt US Elections on behalf of the globalist Communist cabal; just because you are actively working to bring down the legally elected government of the United States doesn't mean that you're a complete pile of shit with no redeeming qualites.

Oh wait, yes it does...

Sorry, but you can’t blame me for your psychotic episodes.

Ad hom and straw men, the two weapons of you North Korean trolls.

The Maoist democrats are in SERIOUS trouble. This spying on the opposition, bugging Trump tower, attempting to rig the election, an attempted coup, corruption to the highest levels of the FBI, with evidence that Obama was directing the treason, open corruption in the DOJ with the AG meeting with Hillary's husband in secret to plot how to rig the election...

This is many thousands of times worse than Watergate and the little Goebbels in Pravda can't cover it all up.

"The FBI stated to the FISC that 'based on [Steele's] previous reporting history with the FBI, whereby [Steele] provided reliable information to the FBI, the FBI believes [Steele's] reporting to be credible,'" Grassley and Graham wrote, quoting from the surveillance application.

But there were two problems with Steele's credibility, according to the referral. The first was the lack of corroborating evidence. The other was convincing evidence that Steele lied to the FBI.

The credibility issue focused on whether Steele shared his dossier allegations with the press. When, in the late summer of 2016, the FBI asked Steele to join the Trump investigation — an extraordinary move, given that it was the middle of a presidential campaign and Steele was working for the Hillary Clinton campaign — one obvious condition was that Steele not share his information with the press.

Then, on September 23, 2016, Yahoo News published an article that was obviously based on Steele's dossier information. That seemed a clear violation of Steele's agreement with the FBI. What to do?

Steele apparently told the FBI he had shared his information with only two parties — the FBI and his client, which was the opposition research fund Fusion GPS, working for the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee. But the Yahoo article "contained some of the same dossier information about Mr. Page compiled by Mr. Steele on which the FBI relied in its application," Grassley and Graham wrote. Wouldn't that lead a reasonable observer to suspect Steele had talked to Yahoo?

Steele denied to the FBI that he had done that. In turn, the FBI denied to the FISA court that Steele had talked to Yahoo. Grassley and Graham offered a quote from the actual application, in which the FBI wrote, "Given that the information contained in the September 23rd news article generally matches the information about Page the [Steele] discovered doing his/her research, [redacted portion] The FBI does not believe that [Steele] directly provided this information to the press."}

Byron York: What explains the FBI's deep faith in Trump dossier author Christopher Steele?
Last edited:

I've already told you that was the fault with your logic and you went right back to it. So dumb.

There are parts of the dossier that have in fact been verified. Read it and see. Your argument is tired and dumb.

That the dossier correctly spells the name of Christopher Steele is irrelevant.

Let me ask you Comrade, if a 7/11 clerk only steals money from the register on 9 out of 10 transactions, does that make him "partially honest?" :lol:

Look, I get it, this is far worse than Watergate, you Communists are royally fucked. You thought the Gestapo press would bury the whole thing, but instead it grows every single day. More corruption and more treason by the DNC and their FBI lackeys is exposed.

Here is a fun one, MORE foreign collusion by the Maoist democrats:

“The Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) prohibits any foreign national from contributing, donating or spending funds in connection with any federal, state, or local election in the United States, either directly or indirectly. It is also unlawful to help foreign nationals violate that ban or to solicit, receive or accept contributions or donations from them. Persons who knowingly and willfully engage in these activities may be subject to fines and/or imprisonment.”

And yet a major “get out the vote for Hillary” rally in Miami on Oct. 30th, 2016 --and partly paid for by the Democratic Party-- featured government apparatchiks of a hostile foreign regime, a musical duo called Gente De Zona. These Cuban “rappers” essentially function as the totalitarian Castro regime’s new musical ambassadors, much as the Buena Vista Social Club served in the past.

There was a day when most Americans understood what the term “totalitarian” meant. The longest reigning totalitarian dictator in modern history himself explained the issue: “Inside the Revolution (regime), everything-- outside, nothing.” (Fidel Castro, July 16, 1961.) Like with so many others, Castro copped this line from Benito Mussolini.}

Humberto Fontova - Want Foreign Collusion with a US Presidential Candidate, FBI? Here It Is!
Yes, standards like failing to include any required information is grounds for rejection.

You're assuming that not a one of four judges was competent enough to catch that.

The judges only know what is presented to them, nothing more. This "footnote" is extremely suspicious. Why didn't they make the fact that this was opposition research and unverified transcending in their application?
The judges only know what is presented to them, nothing more.

No. They know very well what is required for them to properly adjudicate the warrant application.

But they don't do investigative work. That's not part of their job.

They do however, review the application and it's contents. Do they not?

Yes they do. That's why there's a question who was at fault here. It was either Comey, the FBI, the DOJ or it was the judges that propelled the warrants. That's what we're trying to find out.

Nunes is at fault for creating a false narrative.
You're at fault for believing and perpetuating the lie.

I've already told you that was the fault with your logic and you went right back to it. So dumb.

There are parts of the dossier that have in fact been verified. Read it and see. Your argument is tired and dumb.

That the dossier correctly spells the name of Christopher Steele is irrelevant.

Let me ask you Comrade, if a 7/11 clerk only steals money from the register on 9 out of 10 transactions, does that make him "partially honest?" :lol:

Look, I get it, this is far worse than Watergate, you Communists are royally fucked. You thought the Gestapo press would bury the whole thing, but instead it grows every single day. More corruption and more treason by the DNC and their FBI lackeys is exposed.

Here is a fun one, MORE foreign collusion by the Maoist democrats:

“The Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) prohibits any foreign national from contributing, donating or spending funds in connection with any federal, state, or local election in the United States, either directly or indirectly. It is also unlawful to help foreign nationals violate that ban or to solicit, receive or accept contributions or donations from them. Persons who knowingly and willfully engage in these activities may be subject to fines and/or imprisonment.”

And yet a major “get out the vote for Hillary” rally in Miami on Oct. 30th, 2016 --and partly paid for by the Democratic Party-- featured government apparatchiks of a hostile foreign regime, a musical duo called Gente De Zona. These Cuban “rappers” essentially function as the totalitarian Castro regime’s new musical ambassadors, much as the Buena Vista Social Club served in the past.

There was a day when most Americans understood what the term “totalitarian” meant. The longest reigning totalitarian dictator in modern history himself explained the issue: “Inside the Revolution (regime), everything-- outside, nothing.” (Fidel Castro, July 16, 1961.) Like with so many others, Castro copped this line from Benito Mussolini.}

Humberto Fontova - Want Foreign Collusion with a US Presidential Candidate, FBI? Here It Is!

Steele never asserted that his work was anything other than a collection of unverified, raw intelligence from multiple sources.

Elements of the report have since been corroborated. Had you ever read it, you would know that to be true. Instead you just continue to repeat dumb shit.
The judges only know what is presented to them, nothing more. This "footnote" is extremely suspicious. Why didn't they make the fact that this was opposition research and unverified transcending in their application?
The judges only know what is presented to them, nothing more.

No. They know very well what is required for them to properly adjudicate the warrant application.

But they don't do investigative work. That's not part of their job.

They do however, review the application and it's contents. Do they not?

Yes they do. That's why there's a question who was at fault here. It was either Comey, the FBI, the DOJ or it was the judges that propelled the warrants. That's what we're trying to find out.

Nunes is at fault for creating a false narrative.
You're at fault for believing and perpetuating the lie.
so if it turns out YOUR side is lying, then are you at fault? you gonna take on the responsibility you're laying so freely at others?
The chairman never said the information was not verified. He never identified which parts of the dossier were used. In fact, he never even said anything in his memo about anything being illegal.

He didn't? That's not what I heard. Go to YouTube and dig up Sean Hannity's interview with Nunes on Feb 5th, and tell me he didn't say the information was unverified.
Read his memo.

I did.......several times.
Then you didn’t understand it because it never stated the dossier was unverified.
Meanwhile, the worst allegations of his memo were the FBI neglected to inform the FISC of the political origins of the dossier and presented unverified Intel from the dossier in order to spy on the political opponent who had backed the dossier. And that McCabe testified there would have been no warrant requested without the dossier.

The "dossier" compiled by Christopher Steele (Steele dossier) on behalf of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the Hillary Clinton campaign formed an essential part of the Carter Page FISA application...The application does not mention Steele was ultimately working on behalf of—and paid by—the DNC and Clinton campaign, or that the FBI had separately authorized payment to Steele for the same information...he Carter Page FISA application also cited extensively a September 23, 2016, Yahoo Newsarticle by Michael Isikoff, which focuses on Page's July 2016 trip to Moscow. This article does not corroborate the Steele dossier because it is derived from information leaked by Steele himself to Yahoo News. The Page FISA application incorrectly assesses that Steele did not directly provide information to Yahoo News. Steele has admitted in British court filings that he met with Yahoo News—and several other outlets—in September 2016 at the direction of Fusion GPS. Perkins Coie was aware of Steele's initial media contacts because they hosted at least one meeting in Washington D.C. in 2016 with Steele and Fusion GPS where this matter was September 2016, Steele admitted to Ohr his feelings against then-candidate Trump when Steele said he "was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not, being president." This clear evidence of Steele's bias was recorded by Ohr at the time and subsequently in official FBI files—but not reflected in any of the Page FISA applications...Ohr's wife was employed by Fusion GPS to assist in the cultivation of opposition research on Trump. Ohr later provided the FBI with all of his wife's opposition research, paid for by the DNC and Clinton campaign via Fusion GPS. The Ohrs' relationship with Steele and Fusion GPS was inexplicably concealed from the FISC....FBI assessed Steele's reporting as only minimally corroborated. Yet, in early January 2017, Director Comey briefed President-elect Trump on a summary of the Steele dossier, even though it was—according to his June 2017 testimony—"salacious and unverified."

Furthermore, Deputy Director McCabe testified before the Committee in December 2017 that no surveillance warrant would have been sought from the FISC without the Steele dossier information.

The Papadopoulos information triggered the opening of an FBI counterintelligence investigation in late July 2016 by FBI agent Pete Strzok.... where they both demonstrated a clear bias against Trump and in favor of Clinton, whom Strzok had also investigated. The Strzok/Lisa Page texts also reflect extensive discussions about the investigation, orchestrating leaks to the media, and include a meeting with Deputy Director McCabe to discuss an "insurance" policy against President Trump's election.


Looks pretty plain to me. Embarrassing to Democrats and their FBI allies of course but thats par for the course. Any transparency is always an embarrassment for them.

View attachment 175828
Wow, thank you. You made my point even better than I did. You quote from the Nunes memo and the part you highlighted the brightest was the memo’s claim that Comey’s summary of the dossier is that it was “salacious and unverified.” You then point out how that looks “pretty plain” to you.

You were duped by Nunes’ memo and you don’t even know it. That’s the point. That’s why it was so wrong of the way Republicans handled this matter. It should have been investigated by an independent counsel behind closed doors to sort out. Instead, for the sake of grandstanding, Republicans decided to air our dirty laundry for the whole world to see. Even worse, they did so dishonestly by painting a false picture by mixing some facts with some half truths and some lies. All for political gain to protect Trump who feels the Mueller noose around his neck tightening and to protect their party in an election year shaping up to be devastating for the GOP.

Which brings me back to where you (collectively) were duped. And using the example you used. You highlighted, “Yet, in early January 2017, Director Comey briefed President-elect Trump on a summary of the Steele dossier, even though it was—according to his June 2017 testimony—"salacious and unverified."

^^^ that ^^^ was NOT according to Comey’s testimony. While Nunes cherry-picked the phrase, ”salacious and unverified,” from Comey’s testimony to create the illusion Comey was speaking of the entirety of the dossier, Comey’s full testimony was clearly speaking of only the parts which could have potentially created an embarrassment for the president. Other reports identified that as the salacious and unverified claim that Trump paid Russian prostitutes to perform a golden shower.

I first met then-President-Elect Trump on Friday, January 6 in a conference room at Trump Tower in New York. I was there with other Intelligence Community (IC) leaders to brief him and his new national security team on the findings of an IC assessment concerning Russian efforts to interfere in the election. At the conclusion of that briefing, I remained alone with the President Elect to brief him on some personally sensitive aspects of the information assembled during the assessment.

The IC leadership thought it important, for a variety of reasons, to alert the incoming President to the existence of this material, even though it was salacious and unverified. Among those reasons were: (1) we knew the media was about to publicly report the material and we believed the IC should not keep knowledge of the material and its imminent release from the President-Elect; and (2) to the extent there was some effort to compromise an incoming President, we could blunt any such effort with a defensive briefing.

The Director of National Intelligence asked that I personally do this portion of the briefing because I was staying in my position and because the material implicated the FBI's counter-intelligence responsibilities. We also agreed I would do it alone to minimize potential embarrassment to the President-Elect. Although we agreed it made sense for me to do the briefing, the FBI's leadership and I were concerned that the briefing might create a situation where a new President came into office uncertain about whether the FBI was conducting a counter-intelligence investigation of his personal conduct.

It looks “pretty plain” to you because you’re only seeing what you want to see; which was Nunes’ intent which is why he cherry-picked much of the contents in that memo. And your claim it’s embarrassing for Democrats and the FBI falls short of reality. Evidence of that is even before the Democrat rebuttal memo makes its way into the public domain, Tepublicans are already working furiously on a follow-up memo to their first one because their first memo clearly didn’t embarrass Democrats or the FBI. But again, that’s nothing more that you only seeing what you want to see. Pesky reality is of no concern to you.

That isn’t what Pencilneck Schiff said and it wasn’t what I asked you. If the above is true (and it isn’t) why didn’t Schiff say that?
Instead he lied. He said releasing the Nunes memo would endanger national security. It didn’t. He lied.
He said it would cause a constitutional crisis. It didn’t. He lied.
And he said the Republicans changed the memo. We now see they didn’t. He lied.
And he lied in service of withholding information. Typical. Exposure is what those scumbags fear most.
And this from a man caught on tape, talking to what he thought were foreign agents, bargaining for blackmail information against his own president.
A sniveling treasonous little pencilneck salivating over using foreign agents to bring down our President.

Run, Forrest! Run!!! :scared1:

I quoted from your post and responded to what you posted. And you didn’t just post it — you highlighted it. Now you don’t want to discuss the parts of your own post which you yourself highlighted??


That’s ok, I accept your surrender.

As far as Schiff’s comments... regarding his observations that national security could be compromised, that is not quantifiable. There is no way we can know if it was or wasn’t, or if it will or won’t be. Regarding his comment about the memo being altered before being passed to the White House, I have not seen both copies to know exactly what was changed in order to know if the changes were material or not. Regarding his claim Nunes’ memo would create a Constitutional crisis, he was wrong. But creating a Constitutional crisis was the intent of the memo and Schiff couldn’t know how miserably Nunes’ memo would fail to convince enough Americans that there was an actual problem with the FBI.
No. They know very well what is required for them to properly adjudicate the warrant application.

But they don't do investigative work. That's not part of their job.

They do however, review the application and it's contents. Do they not?

Yes they do. That's why there's a question who was at fault here. It was either Comey, the FBI, the DOJ or it was the judges that propelled the warrants. That's what we're trying to find out.

Nunes is at fault for creating a false narrative.
You're at fault for believing and perpetuating the lie.
so if it turns out YOUR side is lying, then are you at fault? you gonna take on the responsibility you're laying so freely at others?

It's obvious, to those who wish to see, what the truth is.

Let’s start with you identifying who are the paid posters here — so we can see if you’re even telling the truth...

Well, does North Korea pay you Fawn, or just promise not to feed your family to the dogs of your dictator if you tell enough lies here, on Twitter, and on Facebook?

Further, they occasionally feed you, which is more than most of your countrymen can say - so that is a form of pay.

Now, when the GOP has 56 in the Senate and retains the house, will those close to you start going to the kennels?

Come on Fawn, just because you're a troll in the employ of a foreign and hostile intelligence agency spreading disinformation in an attempt to corrupt US Elections on behalf of the globalist Communist cabal; just because you are actively working to bring down the legally elected government of the United States doesn't mean that you're a complete pile of shit with no redeeming qualites.

Oh wait, yes it does...

Sorry, but you can’t blame me for your psychotic episodes.
Ad hom and straw men, the two weapons of you North Korean trolls.
오빤 강남 스타일 :cuckoo:

^^^ that’s Korean for ... you’re fucking insane :cuckoo:

I've already told you that was the fault with your logic and you went right back to it. So dumb.

There are parts of the dossier that have in fact been verified. Read it and see. Your argument is tired and dumb.

That the dossier correctly spells the name of Christopher Steele is irrelevant.

Let me ask you Comrade, if a 7/11 clerk only steals money from the register on 9 out of 10 transactions, does that make him "partially honest?" :lol:

Look, I get it, this is far worse than Watergate, you Communists are royally fucked. You thought the Gestapo press would bury the whole thing, but instead it grows every single day. More corruption and more treason by the DNC and their FBI lackeys is exposed.

Here is a fun one, MORE foreign collusion by the Maoist democrats:

“The Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) prohibits any foreign national from contributing, donating or spending funds in connection with any federal, state, or local election in the United States, either directly or indirectly. It is also unlawful to help foreign nationals violate that ban or to solicit, receive or accept contributions or donations from them. Persons who knowingly and willfully engage in these activities may be subject to fines and/or imprisonment.”

And yet a major “get out the vote for Hillary” rally in Miami on Oct. 30th, 2016 --and partly paid for by the Democratic Party-- featured government apparatchiks of a hostile foreign regime, a musical duo called Gente De Zona. These Cuban “rappers” essentially function as the totalitarian Castro regime’s new musical ambassadors, much as the Buena Vista Social Club served in the past.

There was a day when most Americans understood what the term “totalitarian” meant. The longest reigning totalitarian dictator in modern history himself explained the issue: “Inside the Revolution (regime), everything-- outside, nothing.” (Fidel Castro, July 16, 1961.) Like with so many others, Castro copped this line from Benito Mussolini.}

Humberto Fontova - Want Foreign Collusion with a US Presidential Candidate, FBI? Here It Is!

This is far worse than Watergate???


Watergate resulted in some 40 convictions or indictments and the president of the U.S. resigning to avoid impeachment.

... now compare that to Nunes’ memo bullshit.
Lets just make it clear... Nunes has already discredited himself before the memo... How he was let back on that committee is Ryan's problem...

He then goes and releases a memo which is not backed by evidence and was easily shown to have errors even with limited visibility...

So relying on this memo is joke and just shows how weak your case is...
The chairman never said the information was not verified. He never identified which parts of the dossier were used. In fact, he never even said anything in his memo about anything being illegal.

He didn't? That's not what I heard. Go to YouTube and dig up Sean Hannity's interview with Nunes on Feb 5th, and tell me he didn't say the information was unverified.
Read his memo.

I did.......several times.
Then you didn’t understand it because it never stated the dossier was unverified.

Then I guess we just have a difference of opinion in what he said. Let's get a third--Business Insider:

The Nunes memo claims investigators improperly used the unverified Trump-Russia dossier to get a surveillance warrant against Carter Page.

Here are all the Russia investigation memos that we know about and what's in them

I've already told you that was the fault with your logic and you went right back to it. So dumb.

There are parts of the dossier that have in fact been verified. Read it and see. Your argument is tired and dumb.

That the dossier correctly spells the name of Christopher Steele is irrelevant.

Let me ask you Comrade, if a 7/11 clerk only steals money from the register on 9 out of 10 transactions, does that make him "partially honest?" :lol:

Look, I get it, this is far worse than Watergate, you Communists are royally fucked. You thought the Gestapo press would bury the whole thing, but instead it grows every single day. More corruption and more treason by the DNC and their FBI lackeys is exposed.

Here is a fun one, MORE foreign collusion by the Maoist democrats:

“The Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) prohibits any foreign national from contributing, donating or spending funds in connection with any federal, state, or local election in the United States, either directly or indirectly. It is also unlawful to help foreign nationals violate that ban or to solicit, receive or accept contributions or donations from them. Persons who knowingly and willfully engage in these activities may be subject to fines and/or imprisonment.”

And yet a major “get out the vote for Hillary” rally in Miami on Oct. 30th, 2016 --and partly paid for by the Democratic Party-- featured government apparatchiks of a hostile foreign regime, a musical duo called Gente De Zona. These Cuban “rappers” essentially function as the totalitarian Castro regime’s new musical ambassadors, much as the Buena Vista Social Club served in the past.

There was a day when most Americans understood what the term “totalitarian” meant. The longest reigning totalitarian dictator in modern history himself explained the issue: “Inside the Revolution (regime), everything-- outside, nothing.” (Fidel Castro, July 16, 1961.) Like with so many others, Castro copped this line from Benito Mussolini.}

Humberto Fontova - Want Foreign Collusion with a US Presidential Candidate, FBI? Here It Is!

Steele never asserted that his work was anything other than a collection of unverified, raw intelligence from multiple sources.

Elements of the report have since been corroborated. Had you ever read it, you would know that to be true. Instead you just continue to repeat dumb shit.

However, the FBI used his work to get a FISA warrant used to spy on the opposition candidacy as they openly promoted the Hillary campaign. It was the Steele document alone that was the foundation of the FBI tampering with the election, then attempting a coup against the legally elected POTUS using the Mewler-Torquemada witch hunt.

Outside of the Civil War, nothing in the history of this nation rises to the level of what was done here. The actions of the DNC, Obama, The FBI, the utterly corrupt DOJ, the NSA and the CIA shatter the illusion of a free state. Corruption has seeped to the very core of the nation.

Comey and Lynch should be shot, after a fair trial for treason of course.

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