Insurrectionist under investigation by the Department of Justice, now about to become the chairman of the Judiciary Committee?

May 4, 2022
"Everybody needs to testify, and nobody's got the right to hide anything from Congress" -- Jim Jordan the man who ignored Jan 6 Committee subpoenas

Jim Jordan was an insurrectionist. He was one the people in those backdoor deals with Rudy Giuliani and all those others to overturn the fair election in this country. He now has the power of the gavel, of the oversight committee for the Department of Justice." -- former GOP advisor

“When you’re solely focused on going after the president(Biden?), you can’t do what’s best for the country. And that’s...the problem” Jordan
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During her appearance on MSNBC's "The Sunday Show," Setmayer made a point of noting that the GOP lawmaker is likely being investigated by the DOJ and that his committee will be overseeing their work.

"I want to remind people who Jim Jordan is," Setmayer told host Jonathan Capehart. "Jim Jordan is potentially under investigation by the Department of Justice. He is now about to become the chairman of the Judiciary Committee which has direct oversight of the Department of Justice; there's something incredibly wrong with that."

"Jim Jordan was an insurrectionist," she charged. "He was one the people in those backdoor deals with Rudy Giuliani and all those others to overturn the fair election in this country. He now has the power of the gavel, of the oversight committee for the Department of Justice. This is what people have voted into power."

"I think it is a responsibility for all of us who have a platform to remind the American people that elections have consequences," she continued. "We cannot ignore the role that they played in almost losing our democracy on January sixth, they should all be held accountable and asked questions about."

"Jim Jordan really needs to shut the hell up with the righteous indignation about anything," she exclaimed, "Because he has not been held accountable for his own transgressions and I think that they should come sooner rather than later."

"Everybody needs to testify, and nobody's got the right to hide anything from Congress" -- Jim Jordan the man who ignored Jan 6 Committee subpoenas

Jim Jordan was an insurrectionist. He was one the people in those backdoor deals with Rudy Giuliani and all those others to overturn the fair election in this country. He now has the power of the gavel, of the oversight committee for the Department of Justice." -- former GOP advisor

“When you’re solely focused on going after the president(Biden?), you can’t do what’s best for the country. And that’s...the problem” Jordan

Everyone on the Jan 6th Committee was a election denier and most of them (by your definition) would be insurrectionists.

Every single one of them conspired to keep Trump from becoming POTUS.....and impeached him over absolute fraud.

How would anyone know who is under investigation by the Justice department, when the Justice Department's constant question Dodge technique is to say they can't talk about ongoing investigations?
"Everybody needs to testify, and nobody's got the right to hide anything from Congress" -- Jim Jordan the man who ignored Jan 6 Committee subpoenas

Jim Jordan was an insurrectionist. He was one the people in those backdoor deals with Rudy Giuliani and all those others to overturn the fair election in this country. He now has the power of the gavel, of the oversight committee for the Department of Justice." -- former GOP advisor

“When you’re solely focused on going after the president(Biden?), you can’t do what’s best for the country. And that’s...the problem” Jordan

There's a problem in this thread, to have an insurrectionist you need to have had an insurrection. But there hasn't been an insurrection, just a riot. Bit of of a null story.
How would anyone know who is under investigation by the Justice department, when the Justice Department's constant question Dodge technique is to say they can't talk about ongoing investigations?
you can't be serious

DOJ will neither confirm nor deny. But we know from people who have been called to testify and their lawyers and...
There's a problem in this thread, to have an insurrectionist you need to have had an insurrection. But there hasn't been an insurrection, just a riot. Bit of of a null story.

House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol​

it was a siege and an insurrection, fed by a Seditious Conspiracy

All it proves is it is a lie. Jim Jordan has NEVER been charged with or convicted of "insurrection." Not one person from J6 has been charged with or convicted of "insurrection." Please do us all a favor and quit spreading your bullshit lies.
play with word games and semantics all you want. Jordan is most likely under investigation. HE is proven to have been in contact with the insurrectionists who had planned on stealing an election

House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol​

it was a siege and an insurrection, fed by a Seditious Conspiracy

LMAO. Try twisting again Mr. Pretzel. Seditious CONSPIRACY is not insurrection. Please avail yourself to a dictionary before you trot out your ignorance again. I really am being generous in attributing your post to ignorance as it is a bald-faced lie.

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