Insights for the Thinking Voter


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
The following, while a microcosm of the governing behavior of President Obama, is actually a peek into the neurosis of an ideologue.

1. Solyndra, the ambitious start-up, had won an Energy Department commitment for a $535 million federal loan guarantee, the first awarded under the stimulus plan. Guarantees make it easier for companies to secure private financing at lower interest rates and assure lenders that a loan will be covered by taxpayers if a recipient defaults.

"Solyndra's plans to hire a thousand workers. The future is here," Obama said.

2. Obama took pains to emphasize that the mere collapse of its flagship clean energy project would not diminish its enthusiasm for funding similar concerns. They were not the least bit repentant, acting as though the half-billion–dollar loss was just the ordinary course of business, to be expected in the pursuit of a noble cause, and that they would soldier,, on with taxpayer money, experimenting with more such wasteful projects.

a. A month after Obama's visit, the company withdrew its public offering plans. A few weeks later, congressional auditors announced that Energy Department had given favorable treatment to some loan-guarantee applicants. A Government Accountability Office report found that the department had bypassed required steps for funding awards to five applicants, including Solyndra. .: U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works :: Minority Page :.

3. “ But the internal messages revealed for the first time the high level of White House interest in the startup and its faltering finances after the Energy Department backed it with $535 million in loans…. Obama: It went through the normal review process and people thought this was a good bet.”
White House officials were warned about Solyndra’s prospects - The Washington Post

a. Really? “Many of us believe the company’s cost structure will make it difficult for them to survive long term. . . .” Ibid.

b. Again? Obama: “It went through the normal review process and people thought this was a good bet.” It is clear that neither of these statements was true.

4. The Obama White House released an unapologetic statement, declaring that it remained committed to building an economy based on clean technology. “While we are disappointed by this particular outcome, we continue to believe the clean energy jobs race is one that America can, must and will win,” it said in a statement. “The Department of Energy’s overall portfolio of investments — which includes dozens of other companies — continues to perform well and is on pace to create thousands of jobs.” Solyndra solar company fails after getting federal loan guarantees - The Washington Post

5. In fact, these companies were not providing permanent jobs, and the jobs they did offer were created only through government infusions of cash. The inability of these companies to compete in the market was all the more remarkable given the free advertising Obama gave them with his incessant promotions and visits. David Limbaugh, “The Great Destroyer,” p. 250.

6. . “Perhaps the most troubling aspect of the Solyndra affair- more troubling than the cronyism, the self-deluding economic analyses, the high-pressure rush to approve the loan guaranty, and the last-ditch restructuring attempt that cost the taxpayers tens of millions- is the administration’s dogmatic refusal to re-think its approach in the light of the company’s collapse. If something that wasteful and that politically embarrassing cannot force some introspection, then in all likelihood nothing can- meaning we can expect to see a lot more Solyndras in the future.” David Limbaugh, Op.Cit., p.262.

7. One major problem with Obama’s economic stewardship is that he doesn’t learn from his failures. This is doubtlessly due to his ideological zeal for a comprehensive array of leftist causes and pressure from his progressive base.

Every failed stimulus program, green energy boondoggle, and debt-laden budget proposal is followed up with demands for more of the same. More than three years into his presidency, he continues to blame President Bush for all our economic troubles, disregarding the fact that his own federal spending on Cash for Clunkers, windmills, high-speed rail line, and other so-called economic stimuli and redistributionist schemes, along with his failure to tackle entitlement reform, have blown up the deficit while failing to improve the economy.
David Limbaugh, Op.Cit., p. 165.

Having proven that he cannot learn, there is no reason to believe that there is any element of 'on the job training' that has been, or will be, efficacious. for Obama fits Einstein's definition of insanity.
so in other words you dislike capitalism and believe all companies are to big to fail. Obama has not done much if anything different except getting national healthcare which has been debated since the 1940's
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More long distance diagnoses? I think Frist has a copyright in that area.
Hawaii and the DOE do not follow republicanism and their dislike of anything new and green.
the state and the military are going to make hawaii less if not free from depending on oil.
“ But the internal messages revealed for the first time the high level of White House interest in the startup and its faltering finances after the Energy Department backed it with $535 million in loans…. Obama: It went through the normal review process and people thought this was a good bet.”
It's easy to make bets with other peoples money when you're a Banker or the President isn't it?
The following, while a microcosm of the governing behavior of President Obama, is actually a peek into the neurosis of an ideologue.

1. Solyndra, the ambitious start-up, had won an Energy Department commitment for a $535 million federal loan guarantee, the first awarded under the stimulus plan. Guarantees make it easier for companies to secure private financing at lower interest rates and assure lenders that a loan will be covered by taxpayers if a recipient defaults.

The invasion and occupation of Iraq cost us $10 billion a month.

"Solyndra's plans to hire a thousand workers. The future is here," Obama said.

The invastion and occupation of Iraq cost the lives of 4,500 + or - American lives.

2. Obama took pains to emphasize that the mere collapse of its flagship clean energy project would not diminish its enthusiasm for funding similar concerns. They were not the least bit repentant, acting as though the half-billion–dollar loss was just the ordinary course of business, to be expected in the pursuit of a noble cause, and that they would soldier,, on with taxpayer money, experimenting with more such wasteful projects.

Those of us with a brain, present company excepted, understand the negative consequnces of our nations addiction to oil (even George W. Bush understood such - why don't you)

a. A month after Obama's visit, the company withdrew its public offering plans. A few weeks later, congressional auditors announced that Energy Department had given favorable treatment to some loan-guarantee applicants. A Government Accountability Office report found that the department had bypassed required steps for funding awards to five applicants, including Solyndra. .: U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works :: Minority Page :.

3. “ But the internal messages revealed for the first time the high level of White House interest in the startup and its faltering finances after the Energy Department backed it with $535 million in loans…. Obama: It went through the normal review process and people thought this was a good bet.”
White House officials were warned about Solyndra’s prospects - The Washington Post

yada, yada, yada

a. Really? “Many of us believe the company’s cost structure will make it difficult for them to survive long term. . . .” Ibid.

b. Again? Obama: “It went through the normal review process and people thought this was a good bet.” It is clear that neither of these statements was true.

4. The Obama White House released an unapologetic statement, declaring that it remained committed to building an economy based on clean technology. “While we are disappointed by this particular outcome, we continue to believe the clean energy jobs race is one that America can, must and will win,” it said in a statement. “The Department of Energy’s overall portfolio of investments — which includes dozens of other companies — continues to perform well and is on pace to create thousands of jobs.” Solyndra solar company fails after getting federal loan guarantees - The Washington Post

5. In fact, these companies were not providing permanent jobs, and the jobs they did offer were created only through government infusions of cash. The inability of these companies to compete in the market was all the more remarkable given the free advertising Obama gave them with his incessant promotions and visits. David Limbaugh, “The Great Destroyer,” p. 250.

6. . “Perhaps the most troubling aspect of the Solyndra affair- more troubling than the cronyism, the self-deluding economic analyses, the high-pressure rush to approve the loan guaranty, and the last-ditch restructuring attempt that cost the taxpayers tens of millions- is the administration’s dogmatic refusal to re-think its approach in the light of the company’s collapse. If something that wasteful and that politically embarrassing cannot force some introspection, then in all likelihood nothing can- meaning we can expect to see a lot more Solyndras in the future.” David Limbaugh, Op.Cit., p.262.

7. One major problem with Obama’s economic stewardship is that he doesn’t learn from his failures. This is doubtlessly due to his ideological zeal for a comprehensive array of leftist causes and pressure from his progressive base.

Every failed stimulus program, green energy boondoggle, and debt-laden budget proposal is followed up with demands for more of the same. More than three years into his presidency, he continues to blame President Bush for all our economic troubles, disregarding the fact that his own federal spending on Cash for Clunkers, windmills, high-speed rail line, and other so-called economic stimuli and redistributionist schemes, along with his failure to tackle entitlement reform, have blown up the deficit while failing to improve the economy.
David Limbaugh, Op.Cit., p. 165.

Having proven that he cannot learn, there is no reason to believe that there is any element of 'on the job training' that has been, or will be, efficacious. for Obama fits Einstein's definition of insanity.

Thanks so much for sharing, your personal knowledge of everything in the world is staggering, overwhelming and ... total patisan bullshit.
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Obama wasted taxpayer money on political ventures that the previous administration knew were economically not feasible. He rewarded his benefactors at our expense.

"...previous administration knew were economically not feasible."

Where is the critical thinking from our Leftist Obama supporters, asking why an investment declined by the Bush administration was championed by this one?

“The results of the Congressional probe shared Tuesday with ABC News show that less than two weeks before President Bush left office, on January 9, 2009, the Energy Department's credit committee had voted against offering a loan commitment to Solyndra.” Bush Admin. Voted AGAINST Solyndra Loan - Solyndra - Fox Nation

Was it because of a burning desire to connect America with an alternative energy source that would serve our needs?

If so....where is the learning curve as failures became evident.

Or...was it due to the fact that his supporters were invested in these particular ventures.....

....if so...isn't that the definition of corruption?

Speaking of corrupt....

“On March 3, 2007 USA Today ran a piece on then-Senator Obama regarding two stocks in his portfolio. Obama was running for President and his critics were stating that the Senator may have been involved in insider trading, cronyism, using his position for personal gain, etc. Basically the media ran this story for a day, and then kissed it goodbye. Could you imagine the outrage if these same set of circumstances involved a Republican running for President?”
Obama the Investor


“The liberal Daily Beast reports on a broadband project backed by a frequent Obama White House visitor and donor that has Pentagon officials concerned over potential military GPS interference. The Obama FCC took the lead in intervening on the donor, billionaire hedge fund manager Philip Falcone’s, behalf and granting his company called “LightSquared” one of those coveted Obama waivers from existing law. Then Obama officials reportedly pressured a general to alter his testimony about the company’s impact on military satellite transmissions.” Michelle Malkin » LightSquared: The next Obama pay-for-play morass?

Could it be as simple as this: the Chicago thug is a plain ol' garden variety crook?
so in other words you dislike capitalism and believe all companies are to big to fail. Obama has not done much if anything different except getting national healthcare which has been debated since the 1940's

"... in other words ..."

Why any other words.....mine are pretty good.
Is there some reason you can't deal with the argument I've made, you need to
change the debate?
Don't be afraid to try to rebut the OP....

...unless you can't.

Wise up, little fella.....

Let’s see how much the Obama administration learned from the Solyndra debacle...

“Learning nothing from the Solyndra crackup and the many other green-energy failures, the White House, also last week, handed out an $852 million loan guarantee to the Genesis Solar Project in California. This 1,950-acre slice of federal land in Riverside County filled with parabolic solar panels is supposed to produce enough power — 250 megawatts — to light, heat and cool more than 48,000 homes.” Obama gives out new $850 Million Loan Guaranty to another Cali Solar Company

The $1-billion Genesis Solar Energy Project has been expedited by state and federal regulatory agencies … Instead, the project is providing a cautionary example of how the rush to harness solar power in the desert can go wrong — possibly costing taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars and dealing an embarrassing blow to the Obama administration's solar initiative.”
Problems cast shadows of doubt on solar project - Los Angeles Times

Seems that 'due diligence' is not a phrase with which Obama is familiar....
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Yes, good old boy Bush would never have cronyism(black water) in it's administration, or would Bush ever lose money(4 billion lost in Iraq) on a venture , be it private or public.
so in other words you dislike capitalism and believe all companies are to big to fail. Obama has not done much if anything different except getting national healthcare which has been debated since the 1940's

"... in other words ..."

Why any other words.....mine are pretty good.
Is there some reason you can't deal with the argument I've made, you need to
change the debate?
Don't be afraid to try to rebut the OP....

...unless you can't.

Wise up, little fella.....

Let’s see how much the Obama administration learned from the Solyndra debacle...

“Learning nothing from the Solyndra crackup and the many other green-energy failures, the White House, also last week, handed out an $852 million loan guarantee to the Genesis Solar Project in California. This 1,950-acre slice of federal land in Riverside County filled with parabolic solar panels is supposed to produce enough power — 250 megawatts — to light, heat and cool more than 48,000 homes.” Obama gives out new $850 Million Loan Guaranty to another Cali Solar Company

The $1-billion Genesis Solar Energy Project has been expedited by state and federal regulatory agencies … Instead, the project is providing a cautionary example of how the rush to harness solar power in the desert can go wrong — possibly costing taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars and dealing an embarrassing blow to the Obama administration's solar initiative.”
Problems cast shadows of doubt on solar project - Los Angeles Times

Good thing you were not at the head of NASA when astronauts were killed during launch, why you would shut them down for failure.
More long distance diagnoses? I think Frist has a copyright in that area. you find him to be an ideologue?

An adherent of an ideology, esp. one who is uncompromising and dogmatic

Fits pretty well, huh?

A relatively mild mental illness that is not caused by organic disease, involving symptoms of stress (depression, anxiety) but not a...
(in nontechnical use) Excessive and irrational anxiety or obsession.

Seems I hit the nail on the head.
try Reagan and the Star War program and all the billions given out for a technology that didn't work.

How about we 'try' Obama?

Still afraid to deal with the OP?

In the words of the famed Brown Bomber: you can run, but you can't hide. your case, hiding won't be a bad idea.
Hawaii and the DOE do not follow republicanism and their dislike of anything new and green.
the state and the military are going to make hawaii less if not free from depending on oil.

"...dislike of anything new..."

Wrong again!

Why do you think I'm voting for Romney????

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