Informative button!!!!

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que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013
The only buttons used here are the laughing one, the thank you one and the thumbs down one...and the heart eyes one. And if you won't get us an informative button, immagonna start using ** from now on. In red. Cuz I WANT THE INFORMATIVE BUTTON!!! I ain't alone in that either.:mad:

Which means a buttload of quotes I hafta to it for, which ticks me off.
I miss the old icons.
The new ones get
I only use the Like and funny ones.

I don't always actually like the information or news that's posted, but I give a like just for sharing the info if it's useful information. Kind of doubles as an informative.

The 'funny' one I don't really use to taunt people. I only use that if something gives me a genuine chuckle.

I will absolutely never, ever use that lovey-dovey hearty eyes thing. Puh lease. It's not even masculine. Ugh. Gag me. :gay:

I don't really give people thumbs down.
I only use the Like and funny ones.

I don't always actually like the information or news that's posted, but I give a like just for sharing the info if it's useful information. Kind of doubles as an informative.

The 'funny' one I don't really use to taunt people. I only use that if something gives me a genuine chuckle.

I will absolutely never, ever use that lovey-dovey hearty eyes thing. Puh lease. It's not even masculine. Ugh. Gag me. :gay:

I don't really give people thumbs down.

I hate the heart eye bullshit myself but I'll occasionally use when a post is exceptionally good.
FU USMB for only giving me a gay emoji!!!!
The 'funny' one I don't really use to taunt people. I only use that if something gives me a genuine chuckle.
That's because you aren't a passive/aggressive little snowflake.

I dunno if that's exactly true, Dogmaphobe. It's quite possible, probable even, that I may be the most passive/aggressive minion on the entire board. I think maybe I'm just clever about it.

Matter of fact, I'll ask my good friend OL. She ainascared to be honest.

OldLady on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being the least passive/aggressive and 10 being the most passive/aggressive, where would you contend that my level of passive/agressive lies in there?

It's okay, you can be perfectly honest, you don't have to worry about my feelings. (she's a sassy little hen, but she got a soft side, too, so I dont want her to cut me any breaks here)
The 'funny' one I don't really use to taunt people. I only use that if something gives me a genuine chuckle.
That's because you aren't a passive/aggressive little snowflake.

I dunno if that's exactly true, Dogmaphobe. It's quite possible, probable even, that I may be the most passive/aggressive minion on the entire board. I think maybe I'm just clever about it.

Matter of fact, I'll ask my good friend OL. She ainascared to be honest.

OldLady on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being the least passive/aggressive and 10 being the most passive/aggressive, where would you contend that my level of passive/agressive lies in there?

It's okay, you can be perfectly honest, you don't have to worry about my feelings. (she's a sassy little hen, but she got a soft side, too, so I dont want her to cut me any breaks here)
I'm pretty fuzzy on what passive aggressive means, but from my limited understanding of it, I'd say your MO is right up there, NC. HOWEVER, from my research on the topic, passive aggressives NEVER admit they are. So, you can't be one. You just like to throw out negative statements and walk away, whistling innocently.
I'm pretty fuzzy on what passive aggressive means, but from my limited understanding of it, I'd say your MO is right up there, NC. HOWEVER, from my research on the topic, passive aggressives NEVER admit they are. So, you can't be one. You just like to throw out negative statements and walk away, whistling innocently.

Yeah, but I could be admitting it, knowing that you'd say that usually passive/aggressive peope don't admit it.

My Myers–Briggs Type Indicator always comes back like this...

Natty C.jpg

Ah well. Thanks, OL. You're alright. Something just came up, I gotta get off of here.
Hellooooo? Anyone home, McFly's? Sure do need that informative button. WHY, you ask? Because sometimes (rarely), someone gives info I didn't know about (another rarity since I know everything :auiqs.jpg: ), and instead of "thanking" them because it means I THANK them which means I AGREE with them, is just not the case. It means I found their post INFORMATIVE and something to muse on. Ponder over. Think harder about. Most think and believe, in their opinions, that the Thank You button is AGREEING. No. It doesn't mean that at all for INFORMATION given but not yet thankable.

Make sense?

So which one is the hoity toity head smiley honcho to harass so we can get that damn button back? It's really not that much to ask for, ya know.


You da one with the powah? Replace Informative with the WOW button. Nobody hardly uses that one.
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I really really really want for xmas the Informative Button to return.
Thumbs up means I agree but some of it I may not.
Thumbs down means I don't agree but some of it I may.
Laughing icon is derision or actually funny.
Surprise, sad, heart eyes...self explanatory.

But the INFORMATIVE button means exactly that. Information not previously thought of...or info you didn't know about but will think on.


Coyote flacaltenn AyeCantSeeYou
The surprise one is worthless. Rarely used.
Heart Eyes is used once in a blue moon. Maybe twice.
Sad face...meh. Stay, go. doesn't matter.
Remove those two first ones and replace with INFORMATIVE (pleeeeeeeeeease).

Funny button goes with the laughing one.
Agree button goes with the thumbs up. Which means agree.
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