Influx of Children


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

We've turned our Border Patrol agents into babysitters? And, as cruel as it sounds, these are probably far better conditions for them than they have back home.

This picture comes from US, Mexico discuss influx of immigrant children | Al Jazeera America

[ame=]Photos: Undocumented immigrants in detention centers - YouTube[/ame] This comes from [ame=]Overcrowded, unsanitary conditions seen at immigrant detention centers - Los Angeles Times[/ame]

Child Refugees Flood US-Mexico Border @ Child Refugees Flood US-Mexico Border - Politics - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 -

Central American media actively promoting illegal immigration into US @ Central American media actively promoting illegal immigration into US | Fausta's Blog
My one question. How did these "children" get from Central America, across Mexico's southern border and then U.S. southern border? A conspiracy.
We need to kindly and gently transport these folks (all of them - regardless of age) to the Capitol building doorsteps of the nations from whence they came. I believe this is just one more assault on America's great heritage. The last several American Presidents have done and are doing what they can to bring America to her knees and turn her into just another third-world region of the New World Government. I don't believe that a bunch of kids from South America just decide one day to walk thousands of miles across harsh deserts to get to America. I believe this entire thing was planned and these folks were dropped off at the border.
We need to kindly and gently transport these folks (all of them - regardless of age) to the Capitol building doorsteps of the nations from whence they came. I believe this is just one more assault on America's great heritage. The last several American Presidents have done and are doing what they can to bring America to her knees and turn her into just another third-world region of the New World Government. I don't believe that a bunch of kids from South America just decide one day to walk thousands of miles across harsh deserts to get to America. I believe this entire thing was planned and these folks were dropped off at the border.

Sure, just send them back to the sex traffickers and then tell yourself you did all you could.

An assault on America's great heritage? What a crazy thing to say.

Yes, they walked thousands of miles. I've personally talked to people who walked for as long as a month to get away from the political prosecution, organized rape and sex traffickers.

I wish some of the pretend christians here would spend a few minutes talking to these kids and other political refugees and then tell these same lies to themselves.
My one question. How did these "children" get from Central America, across Mexico's southern border and then U.S. southern border? A conspiracy.

human traffickers.

We should immediately close the borders, command the ambassadors from mexico and every other south/central american country involved to appear at the white house and inform them that any assets they have in america will be seized to finance deporting these people back to their countries of origin.

..and then do it.
We need to kindly and gently transport these folks (all of them - regardless of age) to the Capitol building doorsteps of the nations from whence they came. I believe this is just one more assault on America's great heritage. The last several American Presidents have done and are doing what they can to bring America to her knees and turn her into just another third-world region of the New World Government. I don't believe that a bunch of kids from South America just decide one day to walk thousands of miles across harsh deserts to get to America. I believe this entire thing was planned and these folks were dropped off at the border.

Sure, just send them back to the sex traffickers and then tell yourself you did all you could.

An assault on America's great heritage? What a crazy thing to say.

Yes, they walked thousands of miles. I've personally talked to people who walked for as long as a month to get away from the political prosecution, organized rape and sex traffickers.

I wish some of the pretend christians here would spend a few minutes talking to these kids and other political refugees and then tell these same lies to themselves.

How many are you planning on taking in to your house?
How many are you planning on personally supporting?

Do you think america should admit every single person on the planet who claims to be "oppressed" or a "sex slave" or "fleeing the drug traffickers" or "human rights violations" or a "political prisoner"...blah...blah..etc...etc..

We need to kindly and gently transport these folks (all of them - regardless of age) to the Capitol building doorsteps of the nations from whence they came. I believe this is just one more assault on America's great heritage. The last several American Presidents have done and are doing what they can to bring America to her knees and turn her into just another third-world region of the New World Government. I don't believe that a bunch of kids from South America just decide one day to walk thousands of miles across harsh deserts to get to America. I believe this entire thing was planned and these folks were dropped off at the border.

Sure, just send them back to the sex traffickers and then tell yourself you did all you could.

An assault on America's great heritage? What a crazy thing to say.

Yes, they walked thousands of miles. I've personally talked to people who walked for as long as a month to get away from the political prosecution, organized rape and sex traffickers.

I wish some of the pretend christians here would spend a few minutes talking to these kids and other political refugees and then tell these same lies to themselves.

How many are you planning on taking in to your house?
How many are you planning on personally supporting?

Do you think america should admit every single person on the planet who claims to be "oppressed" or a "sex slave" or "fleeing the drug traffickers" or "human rights violations" or a "political prisoner"...blah...blah..etc...etc..


Says one who's family is already here.

I'll bet any one of you would feed a stray puppy but you'll walk past a child and -

a brown child?

You'd spit on a brown child.

And then you'd say there was nothing else that could be done.
The children stay in detention until sex traffickers in the US appear claiming to be family. Infants will be claimed by such "family" who will then sell them to so called adoptive homes who do not qualify under the law.

We cannot depopulate entire nations, nor steal their children even if the parents are misinformed. The United States is turning Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala into narco terrorist states who will then threaten peaceful neighbors like Costa Rica and Belize.
Says one who's family is already here.

Yes. I was born here.
That has nothing to do with anything I just said.

I'll bet any one of you would feed a stray puppy but you'll walk past a child and -

I'd call the cops, I guess if there was a stray kid wandering around.

a brown child?

Wouldn't matter. Stray kid would get reported. You have a point you're trying to make?

You'd spit on a brown child.

You have a very weird imagination.

And then you'd say there was nothing else that could be done.

I would call the cops. I already explained that.
You fantasize all these weird situations to include me in. Bizarre.
We really don't know how many of those children have been kidnapped from their remote village homes and transported here for sale.
Some of these "children" are actually older teens who already belong to a gang and have violent criminal backgrounds. Since they don't have a record here, they are allowed in without question.
We can't save the world. The illegal aliens should be forced to stay in their own countries and fix their own problems not bring them to our shores.

We've turned our Border Patrol agents into babysitters? And, as cruel as it sounds, these are probably far better conditions for them than they have back home.

This picture comes from US, Mexico discuss influx of immigrant children | Al Jazeera America

Photos: Undocumented immigrants in detention centers - YouTube This comes from Overcrowded, unsanitary conditions seen at immigrant detention centers*-*Los Angeles Times

Child Refugees Flood US-Mexico Border @ Child Refugees Flood US-Mexico Border - Politics - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 -

Central American media actively promoting illegal immigration into US @ Central American media actively promoting illegal immigration into US | Fausta's Blog

We need to kindly and gently transport these folks (all of them - regardless of age) to the Capitol building doorsteps of the nations from whence they came. I believe this is just one more assault on America's great heritage. The last several American Presidents have done and are doing what they can to bring America to her knees and turn her into just another third-world region of the New World Government. I don't believe that a bunch of kids from South America just decide one day to walk thousands of miles across harsh deserts to get to America. I believe this entire thing was planned and these folks were dropped off at the border.

Sure, just send them back to the sex traffickers and then tell yourself you did all you could.

An assault on America's great heritage? What a crazy thing to say.

Yes, they walked thousands of miles. I've personally talked to people who walked for as long as a month to get away from the political prosecution, organized rape and sex traffickers.

I wish some of the pretend christians here would spend a few minutes talking to these kids and other political refugees and then tell these same lies to themselves.

1) There is tons of sex trafficking right here in the USA. It's likely that a good many of these displaced kids will end up being used and abused. Better that they remain with their families in their home countries.
2) Yes ... America has been a great nation for nearly 2 centuries. We were great because we held to a high standard and to the rule of law. Lower the standards and remove the rule of law and we're a step away from anarchy.
3) I question your claim that you've "talked to people who've walked for as long as a month to get away from political persecution" but even if there are a few who've accomplished such a feat they are few and far between. It's highly unlikely that thousands of kids made such a trip without food, money, water, and proper clothing. Even the dudes on "Duel Survival" have trouble surviving in harsh conditions and they're highly trained survivors.

The kids were dropped off here by design and pre-planning. Just another straw on the camel's (American taxpayer's) back.
We need to kindly and gently transport these folks (all of them - regardless of age) to the Capitol building doorsteps of the nations from whence they came. I believe this is just one more assault on America's great heritage. The last several American Presidents have done and are doing what they can to bring America to her knees and turn her into just another third-world region of the New World Government. I don't believe that a bunch of kids from South America just decide one day to walk thousands of miles across harsh deserts to get to America. I believe this entire thing was planned and these folks were dropped off at the border.

Sure, just send them back to the sex traffickers and then tell yourself you did all you could.

An assault on America's great heritage? What a crazy thing to say.

Yes, they walked thousands of miles. I've personally talked to people who walked for as long as a month to get away from the political prosecution, organized rape and sex traffickers.

I wish some of the pretend christians here would spend a few minutes talking to these kids and other political refugees and then tell these same lies to themselves.

How many are you planning on taking in to your house?
How many are you planning on personally supporting?

Do you think america should admit every single person on the planet who claims to be "oppressed" or a "sex slave" or "fleeing the drug traffickers" or "human rights violations" or a "political prisoner"...blah...blah..etc...etc..


We have a spare room. If it helps the child, of course I'd give he/she a place to live. We already volunteer at two food banks to collect food and clothing for the children.

Wouldn't you?
Sure, just send them back to the sex traffickers and then tell yourself you did all you could.

An assault on America's great heritage? What a crazy thing to say.

Yes, they walked thousands of miles. I've personally talked to people who walked for as long as a month to get away from the political prosecution, organized rape and sex traffickers.

I wish some of the pretend christians here would spend a few minutes talking to these kids and other political refugees and then tell these same lies to themselves.

How many are you planning on taking in to your house?
How many are you planning on personally supporting?

Do you think america should admit every single person on the planet who claims to be "oppressed" or a "sex slave" or "fleeing the drug traffickers" or "human rights violations" or a "political prisoner"...blah...blah..etc...etc..


We have a spare room. If it helps the child, of course I'd give he/she a place to live. We already volunteer at two food banks to collect food and clothing for the children.

Wouldn't you?

No. I wouldn't.

They need to be returned to their country of origin and let their government deal with their problems.

"We should immediately close the borders, command the ambassadors from mexico and every other south/central american country involved to appear at the white house and inform them that any assets they have in america will be seized to finance deporting these people back to their countries of origin.

..and then do it."

I noticed you overlooked this question earlier when you replied.
I'll ask it again;

"Do you think america should admit every single person on the planet who claims to be "oppressed" or a "sex slave" or "fleeing the drug traffickers" or "human rights violations" or a "political prisoner"...blah...blah..etc...etc.."
This is one of the saddest threads I've ever seen. The adults; kick their asses back to where they came from!!! legit OK, but the fakes can go to hell.

...But the children?? They have been abused enough.

How many are you planning on taking in to your house?
How many are you planning on personally supporting?

Do you think america should admit every single person on the planet who claims to be "oppressed" or a "sex slave" or "fleeing the drug traffickers" or "human rights violations" or a "political prisoner"...blah...blah..etc...etc..

Have you ever spoken with any of these young people?

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